30 minute read
SOLUTION client fill
from microwaved tub margarine and ketchup. In one scene, Alana is watching her mother cook and learns when “sketti” is done by seeing if a flung strand sticks to the cabinet doors (if it does, it’s done).
TLC even features a regular video segment on the show’s official website called “Cooking With Mama June.” Recipes included are pork-chop casserole with canned cream of mushroom soup, milk, green beans (canned or fresh) and boneless pork chops, served with rice.
There’s also “mashed potato multimeal,” June’s version of a shepherd’s pie. It involves browning the hamburger, mixing large dollops of butter and milk in with the mashed potatoes (fresh or from a bag), and layering those with canned corn and shredded cheese in a pan.
If “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo” isn’t your style, you can gather around with Louisiana’s duck-call-making Robertsons of A&E Network’s reality hit “Duck Dynasty,” who begin each meal with a heartfelt prayer.

There probably aren’t as many prayers – and probably a lot more scheming and strategizing – when the housemates of CBS’
“Here Comes Honey Boo Boo”
“Big Brother,” airing Wednesdays, come together for a home-cooked “house dinner.”
Fans of MTV’s now-ended reality hit “Jersey Shore” sometimes got to see the rambunctious roommates at the New Jersey seashore house eat big Italian dinners. That tradition continues on MTV’s spinoff “The Show With Vinny,” which launched in early May.
Former “Jersey Shore” roommate Vinny Guadagnino welcomes celebrities to his Staten Island, N.Y., house for home-cooked Italian eats and candid conversation with his family and friends.
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HookOff HookTop Hooker (S) WildmanWildmanWildmanWildmanOff HookOff HookTop Hooker (S) OranguEden (BRAVO) Housewives/OCHousewives/OCHousewives/OCBelow Deck (N) HappensHousewives/OCHousewives/OCNewlywedsHappensNewlywedsPaidPaidPaidPaidVanderpump Rules (CNBC) The Kudlow ReportTrash Inc: TheAmerican GreedAmerican GreedMad MoneyTrash Inc: TheVirtual OverrideVirtual OverridePaidPaidWorldwide Exchange (N) Squawk Box (N) (CNN) E. B. OutFrontAnderson CooperPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperEarlyStart New Day (N) (COM) ColbertDailyKeyFturamaFturamaSouth PkBrickle.South PkDailyColbertDrunkSouth PkDailyColbertWork.Work.Work.Work.SunnyEntouPaidPaidLeast- Least-
(DISC) Fast N’ Loud (S) Fast N’ LoudFast N’ Loud (N) Street Outlaws (N) Fast N’ Loud (S) Street Outlaws (S) Fast N’ LoudFast N’ Loud (S) Hang PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(DISN) AustinShake ItGood Jessie ›› “Sky High” (2005) (S) PhineasDogJessieGood Good Shake ItANT DeckDeckWizardsWizardsDeckDeckFish PhineasLittleChug
(E!) E! News (N) WantedKardashianKardashianChelseaE! News ChelseaKardashianChelseaSoupFashion PolicePaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(ESPN) Baseball Tonight2013 Home Run Derby (N) (Live) (CC) Softball SportsCenter (N) SportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenter (ESPN2) NFL Live (N) (CC) NFL Yearb’k NFL Yearb’k 2012 World Series of Poker (CC) 2012 World Series of Poker (CC)
SportsNation (CC) Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) (CC) NASCAR Now (N) NFL Live (CC) NFL Yearb’k Softball USA Slow Pitch Showdown: United States vs. United States Futures.
SportsNation (CC) Mike & Mike (N) (Live) (CC)
(EWTN) Daily MassThe Journey HomeEvangeRosaryWorld Over LiveRememWomen Daily MassThe Journey HomeGodServantMt CarHoly Wd.Saints GodOne MiraclesSaintsMorality
(FAM) Switched at BirthSwitched at BirthThe Fosters (N) (S) Switched at BirthThe 700 Club (S)
FOX Report With Shepard Smith The O’Reilly Factor (N) (CC)
(N) On Record, Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (CC)
We Love Due UFC Reloaded Nick Diaz vs. BJ Penn. World Poker TourWorld Poker TourBull RidingUFC UnleashedPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (FX) “Madagascar 2” ››› “Kung Fu Panda” (2008) Angelina Jolie ››› “Kung Fu Panda” (2008) Angelina Jolie The Bridge “Pilot” PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (GOLF) Live From (N) (Live) Live FromBig Break Mexico (N) Live FromInside PGA
Franch (NICK) Sam & HauntedAweNick Full H’seFull H’seNannyNannyFriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsGeorge(:45) George LopezGeorgeGeorgeMy WifeMy WifeYesDearYesDearFull H’seFull H’seFull H’se (SPIKE) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Jail (S) Jail (S) Jail (S) Jail (S) Jail (S) Jail (S) Jail (S) EntouPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (SYFY) “Batman & Robin”Fear Factor (CC) Fear Factor (CC) Fear Factor (CC) Fact or FakedFact or FakedPrimeval: NewSinbad Sanctuary (CC) PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TBN) LucadoPottersBehindLivingFranklinDupl’tisPraise the Lord (CC) OsteenP. StoneHoly CrefloBehindPraise the Lord (CC) HistoryMusicWom (TBS) Seinfeld (CC) Seinfeld (CC) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S) Family Guy Family Guy Deon Cole’s Conan (N) (CC) Deon Cole’s Conan (CC) The Office (CC)
›› “Win a Date With Tad Hamilton!” (2004) Kate Bosworth. (CC)
MarriedMarriedMarriedMarriedMarriedMarried (TCM) (5:00) ››› “The Happy Ending” Carson on TCM Carson on TCM
››› “The Wrong Box” (1966, Comedy) John Mills, Ralph Richardson.
›››› “Seance on a Wet Afternoon” (1964) Kim Stanley. (CC)
›› “The Whisperers” (1967, Drama) Edith Evans, Eric Portman.
›››› “The L-Shaped Room” (1963, Drama) Leslie Caron, Tom Bell, Brock Peters. (CC) MGM Parade ››› “Rain” (1932, Drama) (TLC) Breaking Amish: CakeCakeCakeCakeFour Houses (N) CakeCakeFour Houses (S) CakeCakeBreaking Amish: PopoffPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid19 Kids19 Kids (TNT) Castle “Ghosts” Major CrimesMajor Crimes (N) King & Maxwell (N)
Major CrimesKing & MaxwellCold Case (CC) Franklin & BashThe Closer (CC) Southland (CC) Angel “Soulless” Smallville (CC) (TOON) RegularAdvenRegularMADKing/HillKing/HillBurgersAmer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenAqua SquidBurgersAmer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenPerfectSquidKing/HillKing/HillLooneyScooby (TRAV) FoodFoodBizarre FoodsBizarre FoodsBizarre FoodsBizarre FoodsBizarre FoodsBizarre FoodsBizarre FoodsBizarre FoodsPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TRUTV) LizardLizardLizardLizardLizardLizardLizardBiddersWorkedWorkedLizardLizardLizardLizardLizardBiddersWorkedWorkedStingsStingsStingsPaidPaidPaid (TVLAND) (4:00) M*A*S*H (CC) Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King of Queens King of Queens (:12) The King of Queens (S) (CC) King of Queens The Soul Man Cleveland Golden Girls Golden Girls ’70s Show ’70s Show Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S) 3’s Company Nopalea with Paid Program (USA) NCIS: Los Angeles “Harm’s Way” (S)
WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (S Live) (CC) (:05) Graceland “O-Mouth”
Royal Pains
House “Maternity” (S) (CC) (:07) ››› “Hard Luck” (2006) Wesley Snipes, Aubrey Dollar. (CC) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (CC) Law & Order: Criminal Intent “Want” Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (WGN-A) Funny VideosFunny VideosFunny VideosNews at NineFunny VideosRulesRules30 RockScrubs30 RockSunnyFturamaDeathChrisChrisPaidPaidPaidJ. Meyer
(HBO) ›› “I, Robot” (2004, Science Fiction) Will Smith. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
“The Crash Reel” (2013, Documentary) Premiere. (S) ‘NR’ (CC)
True Blood “F... the Pain Away” (S)
› “The Sitter” (2011, Comedy) Jonah Hill. (S) ‘R’ (CC) Fight Game (12:55) › “The Watch” (2012) Ben Stiller. (S) ‘R’ (CC) (:40) Louis C.K.: Oh My God (CC) (:40) “The Crash Reel” (2013, Documentary) (S) ‘NR’ (CC) “Beethoven” (MAX) “New Year’s” (:45) ››› “Die Hard With a Vengeance” (1995, Action) Bruce Willis, Jeremy Irons. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
››› “American History X” (1998) Edward Norton. Premiere. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
Banshee (CC) (:45) “Serena the Sexplorer” (2012) Melissa Jacobs. ‘NR’
››› “Rising Sun” (1993, Mystery) Sean Connery. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:10) ››› “Jane Eyre” (2011, Drama) Mia Wasikowska. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
(:15) ›› “Home Fries” (1998) (CC) (SHOW) (5:25) › “Brake” (2012) (S) ‘R’ (CC)
Dexter Dexter continues to hunt. (S) Ray Donovan “Twerk”
Dexter Dexter continues to hunt. (S) Ray Donovan “Twerk”
›› “Lawless” (2012, Crime Drama) Shia LaBeouf, Tom Hardy. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
Jim Rome on Showtime D.L. Hughley: Reset (S) (CC)
Bill Bellamy: Crazy Sexy Dirty (CC) ›› “Family Band: The Cowsills Story” (2011) ‘NR’ “Saint Misb” (TMC) (4:50) “The Constant Gardener” ››› “The Help” (2011) Viola Davis. An aspiring writer captures the experiences of black women. ››› “50/50” (2011) Joseph Gordon-Levitt. ‘R’ (CC)
(:10) ›› “Afterschool” (2008, Drama) Ezra Miller, Jeremy White. ‘NR’ “Rites of Passage” (2012) Wes Bentley. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:45) “Budz House” (2012) Wesley Jonathan. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:05) ›› “The Magic of Belle Isle” (2012) Morgan Freeman. (S) ‘PG’ (CC)
(BRAVO) Housewives/OCHousewives/OCInterior TherapyPropertyPropertyHappensTardyTardyHousewives/NJTardyTardyHappensPrincesses-Lo.PaidPaid PaidPaidTop Chef Masters (CNBC) The Kudlow ReportVirtual OverrideMob Money:American GreedMad MoneyVirtual OverrideVirtual OverrideVirtual OverridePaidPaidWorldwide Exchange (N) Squawk Box (N) (CNN) E. B. OutFrontAnderson CooperPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperEarlyStart New Day (N) (COM) ColbertDailyTosh.0Tosh.0Tosh.0Tosh.0DrunkThe JeDailyColbertDrunkThe JeDailyColbertDrunkThe JeWork.FturamaSunnySwardPaidPaidPaidPaid (DISC) Deadliest CatchDeadliest CatchDeadliest CatchBlood & Oil (N) (S) Deadliest CatchBlood & Oil (CC) Deadliest CatchDeadliest CatchPopoffPaidPaidPaidPaidNopaleaPaidPaid (DISN) AustinShake ItGood Jessie“Adventures of Sharkboy”AustinJessieGood Good Good Shake ItANT DeckDeckWizardsWizardsDeckDeckFish PhineasLittleChug (E!) E! News (N) Movie WantedWantedChelseaE! News ChelseaKardashianChelseaThe E! News PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (ESPN) (5:00) SportsCenterNine for IX (N) Nine for IXNine for IXSportsCenter (N)
NFL Live (CC) World/ Poker 2012 World Series of Poker From Las Vegas. (CC) Nomination Nine for IX (N)
SportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenter2013 Home Run Derby (CC) SportsCenterSportsCenter
Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) (CC)
NASCAR Now (N) NFL Live (CC) NFL Yearb’k SportsCenter (N) (CC)
SportsCenter (CC) SportsNation (CC) Mike & Mike (N) (Live) (CC) de France (NICK) VictoFigure ItFull H’seFull H’seFull H’seFull H’seNannyNannyFriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsGeorge(:45) George LopezGeorgeGeorgeMy WifeMy WifeYesDearYesDearFull H’seFull H’seFull H’se (SPIKE) Ink Master (CC) Ink Master (CC) Ink Master (CC) Ink Master (CC) TattooTattooTattooTattooInk Master (CC) TattooTattooTattooTattooPaidHang PaidPaidPaidPaid (SYFY) Fear Factor (CC) Weird or What? (S) Weird or What? (S) Weird or What? (S) Fact or FakedFact or FakedSummer CampDestination Truth ›› “Growth” (2009) Mircea Monroe. PaidPaidPaidPaid (TBN) MasterPottersBehindJ. MeyerPrinceParsleyPraise the Lord (CC)
(EWTN) Daily MassMother AngelicaReliRosaryThreshold of HopeThoughtWomen Daily MassMother AngelicaGodDefendOur Acts ThoughtUkrainian Cath.Door SaintMusic (FAM) Pretty Little LiarsPretty Little LiarsTwisted (N) (CC) Pretty Little LiarsThe 700 Club (S) PrincePrincePaidPaidPaidPaidThe 700 Club (S) PaidPaidPrinceLifeJ. MeyerAmazing (FNC) FOX Report With Shepard Smith The O’Reilly Factor (N) (CC) Hannity (N) On Record, Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (CC) Hannity On Record, Greta Van Susteren The Five Red Eye (N) The O’Reilly Factor (CC) FOX and Friends First FOX and Friends (N) (FSN) Game Making World Poker TourBull RidingUFC UnleashedFameUFCWorld Poker TourWest-CustomsBull RidingPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (FX) Two Two ››› “True Grit” (2010, Western) Jeff Bridges. ››› “True Grit” (2010, Western) Jeff Bridges. The Bridge “Pilot” MotherPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (GOLF) Live From (N) (Live) Live From Live From Live From Live From Live FromLive From (HGTV) Hunt IntlHuntersPropertyPropertyFlip or Flip or HuntersHunt IntlRenoRenoFlip or Flip or HuntersHunt IntlRenoRenoPropertyPropertyPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidCarter (HIST) Cnt. Cnt. Cnt. Cnt. Cnt. Cnt. AmeriAmeriIce RoadTruckersCnt. Cnt. Cnt. Cnt.
ACLJFull SecretsCrefloBehindPraise the Lord (CC) Miracles AroundWom (TBS) Seinfeld (CC) Seinfeld (CC) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S) Big BangBig BangBig BangBig BangConan (N) (CC) The Office (CC) Conan (CC) The Office (CC) ›› “Vertical Limit” (2000, Suspense) Chris O’Donnell, Bill Paxton, Robin Tunney. (CC) Better Worse MarriedMarriedMarriedMarried (TCM) (3:45) “Mutiny on the Bounty” (1962)
››› “Never So Few” (1959, War) Frank Sinatra, Gina Lollobrigida. (CC) (:15) ›› “Siren of Bagdad” (1953, Comedy) Paul Henreid. ››› “Hollow Triumph” (1948) Paul Henreid.
››› “Joan of Paris” (1942) Michele Morgan. (CC) (:45) ›› “Thief of Damascus” (1952) Paul Henreid. (:15) ›› “So Young, So Bad” (1950) Paul Henreid, Catherine McLeod. ›› “Unholy Partners” (1941) (CC) (TLC) My Teen Is PregMy Teen Is PregMy Teen Is PregMy Teen Is PregMy Teen Is PregMy Teen Is PregMy Teen Is PregMy Teen Is PregPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid19 Kids-Count (TNT) Castle (S) Rizzoli & IslesRizzoli & Isles (N) Perception “Toxic” Rizzoli & IslesPerception “Toxic” The Mentalist (S) The Mentalist (S) The Closer (CC) Cold Case (CC) Angel “Calvary” Smallville (CC) (TOON) JohnnyTeenLooneyAdvenKing/HillKing/HillAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenAqua SquidAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenPerfectSquidKing/HillKing/HillLooneyScooby (TRAV) FoodFoodBizarre FoodsAirport Airport WatCoasterMud People (CC) Airport Airport WatInsane Coaster WarsBizarre FoodsPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TRUTV) PawnPawnPawnPawnPawnHardHardHardBiddersBiddersPawnPawnPawnHardHardHardBiddersBiddersSpeederSpeederSpeederPaidPaidPaid (TVLAND) M*A*S*H (CC) M*A*S*H (CC) Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King of Queens King of Queens (:12) The King of Queens (S) (CC) King of Queens Cleveland The ExesGolden Girls Golden Girls ’70s Show ’70s Show Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S) 3’s Company Paid Program Paid Program (USA) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Covert Affairs “Vamos” (:01) Suits “The Arrangement” Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Covert Affairs “Vamos” Suits “The Arrangement” Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Criminal Intent (CC) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (CC) Royal Pains “Pregnant Paws” (WGN-A) Funny Videos ›› “You’ve Got Mail” (1998) Tom Hanks. MotherFunny VideosRulesRules30 RockScrubs30 RockSunnyFturamaDeathChrisChrisPaidPaidPaidJ. Meyer
(HBO) (4:15) ››› “Ray” (2004) (CC) Real Time With Bill Maher (S) (CC) ›› “Ted” (2012, Comedy) Mark Wahlberg. (S) ‘R’ (CC) Red 2: First The Newsroom (S) (CC) True Blood “F... the Pain Away” (S) Real Sex (S) (CC) (12:55) ››› “North Country” (2005, Drama) Charlize Theron. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:05) ›› “Ted” (2012, Comedy) Mark Wahlberg, Mila Kunis. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
Runnin’ Rebels of UNLV (S) (CC) (MAX) “Ocean’s 12” (:45) ››› “Presumed Innocent” (1990, Mystery) Harrison Ford, Raul Julia. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
›› “The Man With the Iron Fists” ( 2012) RZA, Cung Le. (S) ‘NR’ (CC)
(10:50) Banshee Co-Ed Confidential 4Play Feature 1: Coming (:05) ›› “Extreme Prejudice” (1987, Action) Nick Nolte. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(2:50) › “Jaws 3-D” (1983) Dennis Quaid. (S) ‘PG’ (CC) (Off Air) (SHOW) (5:15) ››› “Heathers” (1989) ››› “Beware of Mr. Baker” (2011) Premiere. ‘NR’ (:35) ››› “Traffic” (2000, Crime Drama) Michael Douglas, Don Cheadle. (S) ‘R’
(:05) Ray Donovan “Twerk”
(12:05) Dexter (S) (CC) Shaquille O’Neal Presents: All Star Comedy Jam (:35) › “Belly” (1998, Crime Drama) Nas, DMX. (S) ‘R’
(:15) ›› “When Time Expires” (1997) Richard Grieco. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC) (TMC) (5:40) › “29 Palms” (2002) ‘R’
(:15) ›› “Blitz” (2011, Suspense) Jason Statham, Aiden Gillen. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
›› “Man on a Ledge” (2012) Sam Worthington. (CC)
(:45) ›› “Bulletproof Monk” (2003, Action) Chow Yun-Fat. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC) “OC Confidential” (2008) ‘NR’ (CC)
(:45) ›› “The Black Dahlia” (2006, Mystery) Josh Hartnett, Scarlett Johansson. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(3:50) ›› “Losing Chase” (1996) Helen Mirren. ‘R’ (CC) “Assignment”
Gator BoysGator Boys (CC) WildmanWildmanWildmanWildmanGator Boys (CC) WildmanWildmanWildmanWildmanGator BoysGator Boys (CC) WildmanWildmanWildmanWildmanOranguEden (BRAVO) Housewives/NJMillion DollarMillion DollarChef Roblé & Co.HappensMillion DollarHousewives/NJTabatha Tk-OvrHappensMillion DollarPaidPaidPaidPaidActor’s Studio (CNBC) The Kudlow ReportCrime Inc.Virtual OverrideAmerican GreedMad MoneyVirtual OverrideVirtual OverrideVirtual OverridePaidPaidWorldwide Exchange (N) Squawk Box (N) (CNN) E. B. OutFrontAnderson CooperPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperEarlyStart New Day (N) (COM) ColbertDailyFturamaFturamaSouth PkSouth PkFturamaFturamaDailyColbertFturamaSouth PkDailyColbertFturamaFturamaOwen BenjaminSunnyComedyPaidPaidPaidPaid
(DISC) Fast N’ Loud (S) Airplane Repo (S) Airplane Repo (S) Airplane Repo (N) Airplane Repo (S) Airplane Repo (S) Airplane Repo (S) Airplane Repo (S) PopoffPaidTelePaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(DISN) AustinShake ItGood Jessie“Radio Rebel” (2012) (S) Good ANT Dog ›› “Rip Girls” (2000) (S) ANT DeckDeckWizardsWizardsDeckDeckFish PhineasLittleChug (E!) E! News (N) KardashianKardashianSoupSoupChelseaE! News ChelseaSoupWantedKardashianKardashianPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(ESPN) 2013 ESPY’s Countdown (N) (CC) 2013 ESPYs (N) (Live) (CC)
SportsCenter (N) 2013 ESPYs (CC)
SportsCenter2013 Open Championship First Round. (N) (Live) (ESPN2) NFL Live (N) (CC) Nine for IX30 for 30 NFL History SportsCenter NASCAR Now (N) SportsNation SportsCenter (N) (CC) SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter (CC)
(EWTN) Daily MassEWTN LiveSaintRosaryReliVaticanoCatholicWomen Daily MassEWTN LiveGodSwearLeonardDevoSaintApo.Dolan SaintRutler
(FAM) MelissaMelissaMelissaDaddyDaddyMelissaTwisted (S) (CC) The 700 Club (S) PrincePrincePaidNopaleaPaidPaidThe 700 Club (S) PaidPaidPrinceLifeJ. MeyerGrace
(FNC) FOX Report With Shepard Smith The O’Reilly Factor (N) (CC) Hannity (N) On Record, Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (CC) Hannity On Record, Greta Van Susteren The Five Red Eye (N) The O’Reilly Factor (CC) FOX and Friends First FOX and Friends (N) (FSN) UFCMidwestWest-CustomsUFC Ultimate Knockouts 9 WC-CustUFCWorld Poker TourWest-CustomsUFC UnleashedPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (FX) ››› “Iron Man” (2008, Action) Robert Downey Jr. The Bridge (N) The BridgeThe Bridge “Pilot” The BridgeThe BridgeSons
Motorcycle Racing2013 Tour de France Stage 17: Individual Time-Trial. PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidTour de France (NICK) VictoFigure ItFull H’seFull H’seFull H’seFull H’seFull H’seFull H’seFull H’seFull H’seFriendsFriendsGeorgeGeorgeGeorgeGeorgeMy WifeMy WifeYesDearYesDearFull H’seFull H’seFull H’seFull H’se (SPIKE) Fight MasterFight MasterFight MasterFight MasterInk Master (CC) Fight MasterFight MasterBellator 360 (S) Ways Ways Knife Knife PaidPaid (SYFY) Paranormal Wi.Ghost Hunters (S) Ghost Hunters (N) Paranormal Wi.Ghost Hunters (S) Paranormal Wi. ››› “The Lost Future” (2010) (CC) › “Mutants” (2008) Michael Ironside. PaidPaidPaidPaid (TBN) Billy GrahamBehindTurningPrinceEndPraise the Lord (CC)
GoodDupl’tisEasterCrefloPraise the Lord (CC) FocusHead-OnWom (TBS) Seinfeld (CC) Seinfeld (CC) Big BangBig BangBig BangBig BangBig BangDeal With It Conan (N) (CC) Deal With It Conan (CC) The Office (CC) ›› “The Last Mimzy” (2007, Fantasy) Joely Richardson, Timothy Hutton. (CC) Better Worse MarriedMarriedMarriedMarriedMarried (TCM) (5:15) ›› “Made in Paris” (1966)
››› “7 Faces of Dr. Lao” (1964) Tony Randall, Barbara Eden. (CC)
›› “Our Man in Marrakesh” (1966) Tony Randall. (:45) ›› “The Mating Game” (1959) Debbie Reynolds, Tony Randall. (CC) ››› “Boys’ Night Out” (1962, Comedy) Kim Novak, James Garner. (CC)
››› “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” (1960) Tony Randall. MGM Parade ›› “Double Harness” (1933) (CC) (TLC) HoneyHoneyHere ComesHoneyHoneyWedding Island (S) HoneyHoneyWedding Island (S) Here ComesHoneyHoneyPopoffPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid19 Kids19 Kids (TNT) Castle (S) (CC) Castle (S) (CC) Franklin & BashCastle (S) Franklin & BashFalling SkiesThe Mentalist (S) The Mentalist (S) The Closer (CC) Cold Case (CC) Angel “Salvage” Smallville “Vortex” (TOON) AnnoyGumballLegendsTeenKing/HillKing/HillAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenAqua SquidAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenPerfectSquidKing/HillKing/HillLooneyScooby (TRAV) FoodFoodBBQ Cr.BBQ Cr.Adam Adam Mnliest RstrntsBBQ ParadiseAdam Adam Mnliest RstrntsBBQ ParadiseBBQ Cr.BBQ Cr.PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TRUTV) PawnPawnTowTowTowTowTowTowBait CarBait CarTowTowTowTowTowTowBait CarBait CarBait CarBait CarBait CarPaidPaidPaid (TVLAND) M*A*S*H (CC) M*A*S*H (CC) Raymond Raymond Friends (CC) Friends (CC) Cleveland The Exes (N) The Soul Man (N) King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Cleveland The ExesThe Soul Man Golden Girls Golden Girls ’70s Show ’70s Show (:43) Roseanne (S) (CC) King of Queens Nopalea with Paid Program (USA) NCIS A new special agent arrives. NCIS “Out of the Frying Pan ...” (S) Royal Pains Diagnosing Officer Don. (:01) Necessary Roughness (N) (:02) Suits “The Arrangement” (:03) Royal Pains “Vertigo” (12:03) Necessary Roughness (:03) House (S) (CC) (:02) House “The Socratic Method” Law & Order: Criminal Intent (CC) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (CC) Graceland “OMouth” (WGN-A) Funny VideosRulesRulesRulesRulesNews at NineFunny VideosRulesRules30 RockScrubs30 RockSunnyFturamaDeathChrisChrisPaidPaidPaidJ. Meyer
(HBO) (:15) ›› “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days” (2012) Zachary Gordon. (S) ‘PG’ The Newsroom (S) (CC) True Blood “F... the Pain Away” (S) Real Time With Bill Maher (S) (CC)
“Gasland Part II” (2013) Josh Fox examines the long-term effects of fracking.
(:10) ››› “Closer” (2004, Drama) Julia Roberts, Jude Law. (S) ‘R’ (CC) ›› “Whiteboys” (1999) Danny Hoch. (S) ‘R’ (CC) Conchords ›› “Congo” (1995) ‘PG-13’ (CC) (MAX) (5:20) ›› “Original Gangstas” ‘R’ Banshee (CC) (:45) › “I Still Know What You Did Last Summer” (1998) (S) ‘R’ (CC)
››› “The Blues Brothers” (1980) John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:45) “Busty Housewives of Beverly Hills” (2012) (S) ‘NR’
(:10) ››› “Die Hard 2” (1990, Action) Bruce Willis. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:15) ›› “A Rage in Harlem” (1991) Forest Whitaker. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:15) ›› “Cloak and Dagger” ‘PG’ (SHOW) (5:15) ›› “Gone” (2012) (S) Ray Donovan “Twerk” The World According to Dick Cheney The life of the former vice president. (S) ››› “Goon” (2011) Seann William Scott. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:35) ›› “Another Day in Paradise” (1999, Drama) James Woods. ‘R’ (CC) (:25) › “Def Jam’s How to Be a Player” (1997) ‘R’ (CC) ›› “Agent Cody Banks” (2003) Frankie Muniz. (S) ‘PG’ “Breakaway” (S) (TMC) (5:30) ››› “Our Idiot Brother” ‘R’
› “Halloween: Resurrection” (2002) Jamie Lee Curtis. “VHS” (2012, Horror) Calvin Reeder, Lane Hughes. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:35) Dexter Dexter continues to hunt.
› “Mother’s Day” (2010) Rebecca De Mornay, Jaime King. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
›› “Children of the Corn IV: The Gathering” (1996) ‘R’
“Evil Eyes” (2004, Horror) Adam Baldwin. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:20) ››› “Detachment” (2011) Adrien Brody. (S) ‘NR’ Fidel (S)
GreedMad MoneyAmerican GreedVirtual OverrideVirtual OverridePaidPaidWorldwide Exchange (N) Squawk Box (N) (CNN) E. B. OutFrontAnderson CooperPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperEarlyStart New Day (N) (COM) ColbertDailyChapChapSunnySunnyTosh.0Tosh.0DailyColbertThe JeTosh.0DailyColbertSouth PkBrickle.UglyFturamaSunnyKeyPaidPaidPaidPaid
(DISC) PropertyPropertyPropertyPropertyPropertyPropertyPropertyPropertyPropertyPropertyPropertyPropertyPropertyPropertyPropertyPropertyPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidCreflo (DISN) AustinShake ItGood Jessie“Another Cinderella Story”AustinANT JessieGood Good Shake ItANT DeckDeckWizardsWizardsDeckDeckFish PhineasLittleChug (E!) E! News (N) Movie KardashianChelseaE! News ChelseaKardashianMovie PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(ESPN) 2013 Open Championship Best of the First Round. Baseball TonightSportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter2013 Open Championship Second Round. (N) (Live)
(ESPN2) NFL Live (CC) NFL History NFL History Nine for IXWNBA Basketball Phoenix Mercury at Los Angeles Sparks. (N) (Live) (CC) Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) (CC)
NASCAR Now (N) 2013 ESPYs (N) (CC) SportsCenter SportsCenter (N) (CC)
SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter (CC)
(EWTN) Daily MassWorld Over LiveCrossingRosaryLife on the RockDefendWomen Daily MassWorld Over LiveGodOctavaSeven SavoringWeb of Faith 2.0Living RightSaintChoices
(FAM) Charlie ››› “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” (2009) Rupert Grint The 700 Club (S) PrincePrincePaidPaidPaidPaidThe 700 Club (S) Hang PaidPrinceLifeJ. MeyerNopalea
(FNC) FOX Report With Shepard Smith The O’Reilly Factor (N) (CC) Hannity (N) On Record, Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (CC) Hannity On Record, Greta Van Susteren The Five Red Eye (N) The O’Reilly Factor (CC) FOX and Friends First FOX and Friends (N)
(FSN) Boys in Due Minnesota Twins 2013 Due Rooster World Poker TourUFC UnleashedSports UnlimitedPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(FX) Iron Man“Fantastic Four: Silver Surfer”
AngerWilfredWilfredWilfred ›› “Date Night” (2010) Steve Carell. WilfredThe BridgePaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (GOLF) Live
From Live From Live From PGA Tour Golf Sanderson Farms Championship, First Round. From Madison, Miss. Live From Live From Live From Playing Lessons Playing Lessons Playing Lessons Playing Lessons Playing Lessons (HGTV) Hunt IntlHuntersRehabRehabRenovationHuntersHunt IntlHuntersHunt IntlRenovationHuntersHunt IntlHuntersHunt IntlRehabRehabPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidHammer (HIST) PawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnSwamp PeopleGod, God, PawnPawnPawnPawnSwamp PeopleGod, God, PaidPaidPaidPaidNopaleaPaid
(LIFE) Wife Swap (CC) To Be AnnouncedProject Runway (CC) Project Runway (CC) To Be Announced(12:02) Project Runway(:32) Project Runway (CC) Larry PaidPaidPaidSMARTPaid (NBCSN) PremierThe Grid2013 Tour de France Stage 18. From Gap to Alpe-d’Huez. Triathlon Ironman. 2013 Tour de France Stage 18. From Gap to Alpe-d’Huez. PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidTour de France (NICK) VictoFigure ItBig TimeBig TimeFull H’seFull H’seNannyNannyFriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsGeorgeGeorgeGeorgeGeorgeMy WifeMy WifeYesDearYesDearFull H’seFull H’seFull H’seFull H’se (SPIKE) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) iMPACT Wrestling (N) (S) (CC) Fight MasterMovie (S) Ways Ways Ways PaidPaidPaidPaidOne Smile Time (SYFY) ›› “Sand Serpents” (2009) (CC) “Blast Vegas” (2013) Frankie Muniz. “Seattle Superstorm” (2012) “Blast Vegas” (2013) Frankie Muniz. “Storm War” (2011) Stacy Keach. (CC) Stargate UniversePaidPaid (TBN) GoodPottersBehindOsteenPrinceHillsongPraise the Lord (CC) Holy TurningIBA CrefloBehindPraise the Lord (CC) BibleR. LuceWom (TBS) Seinfeld (CC) Seinfeld (CC) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S) Big BangBig BangSullivan & Son Big BangConan (N) (CC) Sullivan & Son Conan (CC) The Office (CC) ›› “Daredevil” (2003) Ben Affleck. A blind attorney fights crime at night. (CC) MarriedMarriedMarriedMarriedMarriedMarried (TCM) “The Sin of Harold Diddlebock” (1947)
›››› “The Palm Beach Story” (1942, Comedy) (CC) (:45) ››› “The Manchurian Candidate” (1962, Suspense) Frank Sinatra, Laurence Harvey. (CC)
››› “Rules of the Game” (1939) Marcel Dalio, Nora Gregor, Mila Parely.
››› “Petulia” (1968) Julie Christie, George C. Scott. (CC)
››› “I Love You, Alice B. Toklas” (1968) Peter Sellers, Jo Van Fleet.
›› “Fireman Save My Child” (TLC) Say YesSay YesSay YesSay YesWedding Island (S) Wedding Island (N) Wedding Island (S) Wedding Island (S) Say YesSay YesSay YesSay YesPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid19 Kids19 Kids (TNT) “Terminator Sal”The Hero (N)
›› “Terminator Salvation” (2009) The Hero (CC) Franklin & BashCold Case (CC) Franklin & BashThe Closer (CC) NUMB3RS “Pilot” Angel “Release” Smallville “Heat” (TOON) RegularAnnoyIncredRegularKing/HillKing/HillAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyNTSFEagleSquidAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyNTSFPerfectSquidKing/HillKing/HillLooneyScooby (TRAV) FoodFoodMysteries-MuseumMonumental MysMysteries-MuseumMysteries-MuseumMonumental MysMysteries-MuseumMysteries-MuseumMysteries-MuseumPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(TRUTV) World’s Dumbest...Top 20 FunniestWorld’s Dumbest...JokersJokersWorld’s Dumbest...Top 20 FunniestWorld’s Dumbest...JokersJokersWorld’s Dumbest...SpeederSpeederSpeederPaidPaidPaid (TVLAND) M*A*S*H (CC) M*A*S*H (CC) Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens (:12) The King of Queens (S) (CC) King of Queens Golden Girls Golden Girls (:38) That ’70s Show (S) (CC) ’70s Show Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S) 3’s Company 3’s Company Paid Program Paid Program (USA) NCIS A petty officer is found dead. Summer Camp “S’more Drama”
Burn Notice “All or Nothing” (N) (:01) Graceland “Hair of the Dog” (:02) Summer Camp (CC) (:02) Burn Notice “All or Nothing” (12:02) Graceland “Hair of the Dog” (:02) › “The Hitcher” (2007) Sean Bean, Sophia Bush. (CC) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (CC) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (CC) Summer Camp (CC) (WGN-A) Funny VideosMotherMotherMotherMotherNews at NineFunny VideosRulesRules30 RockScrubs30 RockSunnyFturamaDeathChrisChrisPaidPaidPaidJ. Meyer
(HBO) (4:30) ››› “Forrest Gump” (1994) The Newsroom (S) (CC)
›› “Battleship” (2012, Science Fiction) Taylor Kitsch. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
Cathouse R.I.P.D.: First True Blood “F... the Pain Away” (S)
› “The Watch” (2012, Comedy) Ben Stiller. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:45) ›› “Fled” (1996, Action) Laurence Fishburne. (S) ‘R’ (CC) (:25) ››› “Ruby Sparks” (2012) Paul Dano. ‘R’ (CC)
Red 2: First “Mary & Martha” (MAX) (5:40) ››› “Contagion” (2011) Marion Cotillard. (CC) › “Chernobyl Diaries” (2012) Ingrid Bols Berdal. ‘R’
›› “The Day After Tomorrow” (2004, Action) Dennis Quaid. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC) Co-Ed Confidential 4Play Feature 2: The Pleasure (:35) ››› “The Funhouse” (1981) Elizabeth Berridge. ‘R’
(:15) ››› “White Palace” (1990, Romance) Susan Sarandon. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
››› “Idlewild” (2006, Drama) André Benjamin, Paula Patton. (S) ‘R’ (CC) (SHOW) (5:30) ››› “War Horse” (2011) Emily Watson, David Thewlis. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
›› “Lawless” (2012, Crime Drama) Shia LaBeouf, Tom Hardy. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
›› “Bel Ami” (2012, Historical Drama) Robert Pattinson. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
Polyamory Mr. “360” (2011, Drama) Anthony Hopkins, Ben Foster. (S) ‘R’ (CC) “Concrete Blondes” (2012) Diora Baird. ‘NR’ (CC)
(:05) ›› “Sacrifice” (2011) Cuba Gooding Jr. ‘R’ (CC) (:45) ›› “Captain Ron” (1992) Kurt Russell. Premiere. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC) “Beautiful Ohio” (TMC) (5:05) ›› “The Burning Plain” ‘R’
›› “Salmon Fishing in the Yemen” (2011) Ewan McGregor. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
››› “Take This Waltz” (2011, Drama) Michelle Williams. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
“28 Hotel Rooms” (2012) Chris Messina. (S) ‘NR’ (CC) “Medium Raw: Night of the Wolf” (2010) John Rhys-Davies. (S) ‘NR’ (CC) That Guy... Who Was in That Thing (S) (CC)
CooperPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperStroumboulopAnderson CooperAnderson CooperStroumboulopAnderson CooperAnderson CooperStroumboulopNew Day Saturday (COM) ColbertDailyTosh.0Tosh.0DrunkSouth PkSouth PkTosh.0 ›› “50 First Dates” (2004) Aziz AnsariAmy SchumerThe Comedy Central RoastDrunkPaidPaidPaidPaid
(DISC) Street Outlaws (S) Street Outlaws (S) Warlocks RisingPhilly Throttle (N) Warlocks RisingPhilly Throttle (S) Street Outlaws (S) Warlocks RisingHang PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(DISN) AustinAustin“Teen Beach Movie” (2013) Liv-Mad.Good DogJessieAustinANT AustinJessieDogGood ›› “The Cheetah Girls”DeckDeckFish PhineasOctoMickey (E!) E! News (N) SoupWantedFashion PoliceFashion Police (N) ChelseaE! News ChelseaFashion PoliceChelseaSoupE! News PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(ESPN) 2013 Open Championship Best of the Second Round. Baseball TonightSportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenter
(ESPN2) NFL Live (CC) ProFILE: 60 (:25) Fútbol Mexicano Primera División Querétaro FC vs Monarcas Morelia. (N) Boxing Friday Night Fights. (N) (Live) (CC) Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) (CC)
NFL Live (CC) SportsNation (CC) World/ Poker 2012 World Series of Poker (CC) Nine for IXSportsNation (CC)
(EWTN) Daily MassLife on the RockCampusRosaryCrossingEvangeRutlerWomen Daily MassLife on the RockGodCampusCatholicRememSaints PortraitsIn ConversationSaintMy Faith
(FAM) (5:00) ››› “Twister” ››› “Twister” (1996) Helen Hunt, Bill Paxton. The 700 Club (S) PrincePrincePaidPaidPaidPaidThe 700 Club (S) PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(FNC) FOX Report With Shepard Smith The O’Reilly Factor (N) (CC) Hannity (N) On Record, Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (CC) Hannity On Record, Greta Van Susteren The Five Red Eye (N) The O’Reilly Factor (CC) Hannity FOX and Friends Saturday (N)
(FSN) Golf LifeTwins MLB Baseball Cleveland Indians at Minnesota Twins. (N) Twins Due World Poker TourMLB Baseball: Indians at Twins PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(NICK) Sam & HauntedSam & Sam & Full H’seFull H’seNannyNannyFriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsGeorgeGeorgeGeorgeGeorgeMy WifeMy WifeYesDearYesDearFull H’seFull H’seFull H’seFull H’se (SPIKE) (4:30) “Batman Begins” (S) ›› “The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift” (S) Ink Master (CC) TattooTattooTattooTattooTattooTattooTattooTattooKnife Knife PaidPaid (SYFY) Highlander (CC) WWE Friday Night SmackDown! (N) (S) Continuum (N) Haven “301”
ContinuumPrimeval: NewLost Girl (S) (CC) Lost Girl (S) (CC) Lost Girl (S) (CC) Stargate AtlantisPaidPaid (TBN) Sid Roth PottersBehindLindseyHarvestP. StonePraise the Lord (CC) Ever InPraiseCall2AllCrefloBehindPraiseReflecXtremeImpactRampVeggieVeggieVeggiePenguin (TBS) Seinfeld (CC) Seinfeld (CC) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S) ››› “Wedding Crashers” (2005, Comedy) Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn. (CC) (DVS) There Yet? There Yet? There Yet? There Yet? There Yet?
›› “Head of State” (2003, Comedy) Chris Rock, Bernie Mac. (CC) MarriedMarriedJeff Foxworthy Jeff Foxworthy MarriedMarried (TCM) (5:00) ››› “The Winning Team”
››› “The Soft Skin” (1964) Jean Desailly, Françoise Dorléac.
›››› “Jules and Jim” (1961, Drama) Jeanne Moreau, Oskar Werner.
››› “Two English Girls” (1971) JeanPierre Léaud, Kika Markham. A Story of Water
››› “The Woman Next Door” (1981, Romance) Gérard Depardieu. Premiere. ››› “The Man Who Loved Women” (1977) Charles Denner, Brigitte Fossey. “Castilian” (TLC) Four Weddings (S) Say YesSay YesSay YesSay YesRandy RescueSay YesSay YesRandy RescueSay YesSay YesFour Weddings (S) PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TNT) Castle (S)
›› “Red” (2010, Action) Bruce Willis. 72 Hours (N) (CC) King & MaxwellPerception “Toxic” ››› “Charlie’s Angels” (2000) (CC) ›› “Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle”Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) (TOON) RegularTeenCartoon PlanetKing/HillKing/HillAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenAqua SquidAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenAqua SquidKing/HillKing/HillLooneyLooney (TRAV) FoodFoodGhost AdventuresGhost AdventuresDead Files Re.The Dead FilesGhost AdventuresDead Files Re.The Dead FilesGhost AdventuresPaidPaidPaidPaidRiflesPaid (TRUTV) World’s Dumbest...World’s Dumbest...World’s Dumbest...Top 20 FunniestMost ShockingWorld’s Dumbest...World’s Dumbest...Top 20 FunniestMost ShockingParty(:31) Party HeatPaidPaidPaid (TVLAND) M*A*S*H (CC) M*A*S*H (CC) Friends (CC) Friends (CC) Friends (CC) Friends (CC) Friends (CC) Friends (CC) Friends (CC) (:36) Friends (:12) Friends (S) (CC) (11:48) Friends (:24) Friends Friends (CC) Friends (CC) Friends (CC) The ExesFriends (CC) Friends (CC) King of Queens King of Queens Golden Girls Golden Girls (USA) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Necessary Roughness
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S)
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S)
› “The Back-up Plan” (2010) Jennifer Lopez, Alex O’Loughlin. (CC) House “Recession Proof” (S) (CC) Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program (WGN-A) Funny VideosLead-OffMLB Baseball Chicago Cubs at Colorado Rockies. (N) (Live) NewsRulesRules30 RockScrubs30 RockSunnyFturamaDeathChrisChrisPaidPaidSingAdelante
(HBO) (5:30) › “Wrath of the Titans” (2012) The Wolverine › “The Sitter” (2011, Comedy) Jonah Hill. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
Real Time With Bill Maher (N) (CC)
Real Time With Bill Maher (S) (CC)
The Newsroom (S) (CC)
››› “The Five-Year Engagement” (2012) Jason Segel. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:10) ››› “In the Valley of Elah” (2007) Tommy Lee Jones. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
Conchords Bourne Legacy ››› “Kung Fu Panda 2” (2011) (MAX) “Go to Prison” (:45) ›› “The Island” (2005) Ewan McGregor. A mercenary pursues two clones on the run in 2019.
Banshee “We Shall Live Forever” (S)
Strike Back (S) (CC)
“Teenie Weenie Bikini Squad”
›› “Wet Hot American Summer” (2001) (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:40) ›› “Tim and Eric’s Billion Dollar Movie” (2012)
(:15) ››› “Smiley Face” (2007) Anna Faris. ‘R’ (CC) (:40) ››› “Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life” (1983) (S) ‘R’ (CC) ››› “Reservoir Dogs” (1992) Harvey Keitel. ‘R’ (CC)
(:10) ››› “Car Wash” (1976, Comedy) Richard Pryor. (S) ‘PG’ (CC)
(12:10) ›› “Horrible Bosses” (2011, Comedy) Jason Bateman. (S) ‘NR’ (CC) “Pavement” (2002) Robert Patrick. (S) ‘R’ (CC) ›› “Jaws 2” (1978, Horror) Roy Scheider, Lorraine Gary. ‘PG’ (CC) “Daffy Dck” (SHOW) ››› “Gangs of New York” (2002) Leonardo DiCaprio. A man vows vengeance on the gangster who killed his father. Boxing Ishe Smith vs. Carlos Molina. Smith vs. Molina, IBF light middleweight. From Las Vegas. (N) (Live) 60 Minutes Sports (S) (CC) Jim Rome on Showtime ››› “Beware of Mr. Baker” (2011) ‘NR’ (:05) ››› “Source Code” (2011) Jake Gyllenhaal. (CC) › “Legendary” (TMC) ››› “The Big Lebowski” (1998, Comedy) Jeff Bridges. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
“The Quiet Man” (1952, Drama) John Wayne. A U.S. boxer returns to Ireland and fights for his bride.
To Be Announced (BRAVO) Housewives/OCChef Roblé & Co.Chef Roblé & Co.Chef Roblé & Co.Chef Roblé & Co.Million DollarMillion DollarMillion DollarMillion DollarMillion DollarNewlywedsHousewives/NJ
››› “The Cowboys” (1972) (CC) (AP) Must Love Cats (S) Must Love Cats (S) To Be Announced
››› “McLintock!” (1963, Western) John Wayne. A cattle baron meets his match in a strong-willed woman. (CC)
(CNBC) PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (CNN) New Day Saturday (N) MoneySaturday MorningCNN Newsroom (N) CNN NewsroomMoneyNext ListCNN Newsroom (N) GuptaCNN NewsroomSituation Room (COM) PaidPaidComedyRENO RENO (:23) ›› “Coneheads” (1993) (CC) (:24) ›› “Beverly Hills Cop II” (1987) ChapChapChapChap(:26) ››› “Trading Places” (1983, Comedy) (4:57) “Mr. Deeds” (DISC) PaidPaidPaidPaidFast N’ Loud (S) Last FrontierLast FrontierLast FrontierLast FrontierLast FrontierLast FrontierFast N’ Loud (S) Fast N’ Loud (S) Fast N’ Loud (S) (DISN) MickeyDoc PiratesSofiaGood Good JessieAustin“Teen Beach Movie” (2013) AustinAustinAustinAustinJessieANT DogJessieShake ItGood Good AustinJessie (E!) Movie SoupE! News Fashion PoliceKardashianKardashianMovie WantedE! News (N) Movie (ESPN) 2013 Open Championship Third Round. 2013 Open Championship Third Round. From Muirfield in Gullane, East Lothian, Scotland. (N) (Live) 2013 ESPYs (CC) Auto Racing SportsCenter (N) (ESPN2) SportsCenter (N) (CC) SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Nine for IXNine for IXSoftball National Pro Fastpitch: USSSA Pride at NY/NJ Comets. (N) (CC)
MLL Lacrosse New York Lizards at Charlotte Hounds. (N) (Live) 2012 CrossFit Games
(EWTN) ChapletRosaryDaily MassLucyMassAngelsKnightsHeritageRosaryDaily MassActs MiraclesEWTN on LocationMercyRosaryWeb of Faith 2.0River of LightLivingWisdom
(FAM) ›› “Overboard” (1987, Comedy) Goldie Hawn. ›› “Can’t Buy Me Love” (1987) › “Just My Luck” (2006) Chris Pine › “When in Rome” (2010) ›› “You Again” (2010) Kristen Bell. ››› “Pretty Woman”
(FNC) (5:00) FOX and Friends Saturday (N) Bulls & Bears BusinessForbes on FOX Cashin’ In (N) America’s News Headquarters (N) America’s News Headquarters (N) Journal Editorial FOX News America’s News Headquarters (N) BusinessCashin’ In (CC) The Five (N) America’s News Headquarters (N)
(FSN) PaidPaid3 WideWe Love Rooster LadderWoodsOutDW-TVDue PolarisCourtWNBA Basketball: Lynx at Silver Stars MidwestGolf LifeUFC PolarisTwins (FX) ›› “Shrek Forever After” (2010) MotherMotherMotherMotherTwo Two Two Two ›› “The Tourist” (2010, Suspense) ››› “Salt” (2010, Action) Angelina Jolie. ›› “XXX” (2002, Action) (GOLF) Big Break MexicoPlaying Lessons Playing Lessons LPGA Tour Golf Marathon Classic, Second Round. From Toledo, Ohio. Golf American Century Championship, First Round. From Edgewood Tahoe Golf Course in Lake Tahoe, Nev. (Taped) LPGA Tour Golf Marathon Classic, Third Round. From Toledo, Ohio. (N) PGA Tour Golf Sanderson Farms Championship, Third Round. From Madison, Miss. (N) (Live) (HGTV) DisasterDisasterDisasterDisasterDisasterDisasterYardYardYardYardYardYardLove It or List ItLove It or List ItLove It or List ItLove It or List ItLove It or List ItHuntersHunt Intl (HIST) Heavy Metal (CC) Life After People (CC) Seven Signs of the Apocalypse (CC) Cults: Dangerous Devotion (CC) Manson Charles Manson. (CC) Jonestown Paradise Lost (CC) PawnPawn (LIFE) HOPE FitPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidWife Swap (CC) Wife Swap (CC) To Be Announced“Tall Hot Blonde” (2012) (CC) “Romeo Killer: The Chris Porco Story”“She Made Do” (NBCSN) PFT Ex2013 Tour de France Stage 20. From Annecy to Annecy - Semnoz. (N) (Live) 2013 Tour de France Stage 20. 2013 Tour de France Stage 20. Pirelli World Challenge Auto Racing (N) Motorcycle Racing (NICK) ParentsParentsSponge.Sponge.Sponge.Sponge.Sponge.SanjayTurtlesMonSanjaySponge.RangersSponge.ParentsParentsParentsParentsSam & Sam & HauntedSponge.Sponge.Sponge. (SPIKE) PaidPaidPaidPaidXtremeHorse.Trucks!MuscleCops (S) Cops (S) Cops (S) TattooTattooTattooTattooTattoo ›› “Piranha” (2010) Elisabeth Shue. ››› “Batman Begins” (2005) (S) (SYFY) PaidPaidPaidPaidTotalStar Trek: Next ››› “Star Trek: First Contact” (1996) ›› “Star Trek: Nemesis” (2002) Brent Spiner ›› “Highlander: The Source” (2007) ›› “Blade II” (2002) (TBN) VeggieVeggieVeggieVeggiePenguinVeggieVeggieVeggieVeggiePenguinVeggieVeggieVeggieVeggieVeggiePenguinVeggieVeggieVeggieNews ›› “Misty” (1961) Angels (TBS) Fresh Prince Fresh Prince House of Payne Meet the Browns There Yet? According-Jim Engagement Engagement › “Killers” (2010, Action) Ashton Kutcher, Katherine Heigl. (CC) (DVS) ››› “Wedding Crashers” (2005, Comedy) Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn. (CC) (DVS) Raymond Friends (CC) Friends (CC) Friends (CC) Friends (CC) King of Queens King of Queens (TCM) (5:30) ›› “The Castilian” (1963) Cesar Romero. (CC) (:45) ››› “Beau Brummell” (1954) Stewart Granger, Elizabeth Taylor. (CC) (:45) ›› “The Falcon’s Adventure” (1946, Mystery) ›› “The Mummy” (1959, Horror) Peter Cushing. (CC) (:45) ›› “The Charge at Feather River” (1953, Western) Guy Madison. ››› “Two Rode Together” (1961) James Stewart, Richard Widmark. (CC) ››› “Major Dundee” (1965) Charlton Heston. (CC) (TLC) PaidPaidPaidPaidFour Houses (S) Four Houses (S) Four Houses (S) Four Houses (S) Stories of the ERStories of the ERStories of the ERStories of the ERStories of the ERStories of the ER (TNT) Law & Order (S) Perception “Toxic” King & MaxwellMajor CrimesRizzoli & IslesLaw & Order (S) ››› “The Town” (2010) Ben Affleck. ››› “Training Day” (2001) Denzel Washington. ›› “Red” (2010) (TOON) Scan2GoJohnnyBeyPokéLegendsBen 10BatmanTeenTeenTeenTeenTeenGroj.Groj.JohnnyJohnnyJohnnyJohnnyLegendsLegendsTeenTeenTeenTeen (TRAV) When VacationsMysteries-MuseumNo ReservationNo ReservationNo ReservationMan v. Food (CC) Adam Adam BBQ Cr.BBQ Cr.RV Crazy! (CC) Extreme RVsExtreme RVsExtreme RVs (TRUTV) PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidMost ShockingMost ShockingMost ShockingLizardLizardLizardLizardLizardLizardWipeout (S) (CC) Wipeout (S) (CC) Wipeout (S) (CC) (TVLAND) (:12) The Golden Girls (S) (CC) Golden Girls Golden Girls Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show The Soul Man Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S) (USA) Paid Program
Program Paid Program Royal Pains Diagnosing Officer Don. Burn Notice “All or Nothing” Graceland “Hair of the Dog” Suits “The Arrangement”
› “The Back-up Plan” (2010, Romance-Comedy) Jennifer Lopez, Alex O’Loughlin. (CC)
›› “No Strings Attached” (2011) Natalie Portman, Ashton Kutcher, Cary Elwes. (CC) (DVS) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (WGN-A) PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidLaw Order: CILaw Order: CILaw Order: CILaw Order: CILaw Order: CILaw Order: CILaw Order: CILaw Order: CI
(HBO) “Panda 2” ›› “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days” (2012) ‘PG’ (CC)
(:10) “Gasland Part II” (2013, Documentary) (S) ‘NR’ (CC)
Fight Game (:45) ››› “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2” (2011) Daniel Radcliffe. ‘PG-13’ (CC)
›› “Cowboys & Aliens” (2011) Daniel Craig, Olivia Wilde. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
(:15) ›› “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days” (2012) Zachary Gordon. (S) ‘PG’
(4:55) ›› “Mr. & Mrs. Smith” (2005) (MAX) “Daffy Duck’s Movie” (6:50) ›› “How I Got Into College” (1989) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
(:20) ››› “Ocean’s Twelve” (2004) George Clooney. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
›› “In Time” (2011, Science Fiction) Justin Timberlake. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
(:20) ››› “The Descendants” (2011) (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:15) ››› “The Terminator” (1984) Arnold Schwarzenegger. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:05) ›› “Snow White and the Huntsman” (2012) Kristen Stewart. ‘NR’ (CC) (SHOW) (5:40) › “Legendary” (2010) Patricia Clarkson. (S) ‘PG-13’ ›› “Elizabeth: The Golden Age” (2007) Cate Blanchett. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
››› “Shakespeare in Love” (1998) Joseph Fiennes. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:35) ››› “My Week With Marilyn” (2011) (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:15) ››› “Intolerable Cruelty” (2003) George Clooney. ‘PG-13’
›› “Against the Ropes” (2004, Drama) Meg Ryan. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
›› “W.” (2008, Docudrama) Josh Brolin, Ellen Burstyn. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
(:10) ››› “The Constant Gardener” (2005, Drama) Ralph Fiennes, Rachel Weisz. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
››› “Another Stakeout” (1993) Richard Dreyfuss. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
›› “Payback” (1999, Action) Mel Gibson. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:15) ›› “W.” (2008) Josh Brolin. The life and controversial presidency of George W. Bush. (CC)
› “The Darkest Hour” (2011) Emile Hirsch. ‘PG-13’
Dexter Dexter continues to hunt. (S) (TMC)
Cowboys” (1972) John Wayne, Roscoe Lee Browne. (CC) of Katie Elder” (1965) John Wayne. Sons attend mother’s Texas funeral, avenge slain father. (CC)
“The Italian Job” (2003) Mark Wahlberg. A thief and his crew plan to steal back their gold. The Killing Sarah goes missing.
My Cat From HellMy Cat From HellMy Cat From HellMy Cat From HellMy Cat From HellMy Cat From HellMy Cat From HellMy Cat From HellUntamed-UncutUntamed-UncutUntamed-UncutExtremeExtreme (BRAVO) Housewives/NJMovie Movie Movie
Tk-Ovr (CNBC) CNBC TitansAmerican GreedSuze Orman ShowOverrideOverrideAmerican GreedSuze Orman ShowOverrideOverrideVirtual OverrideAmerican GreedSuze Orman ShowSuze Orman ShowOptionsOverride (CNN) CNN NewsroomAnderson CooperAnthony Bourd.Anthony Bourd.StroumboulopAnthony Bourd.Anthony Bourd.StroumboulopAnthony Bourd.Anthony Bourd.StroumboulopNew Day Sunday (COM) (4:57) “Mr. Deeds”(6:58) ›› “50 First Dates” (2004) Gabriel IglesiasAmy SchumerKumail Nan.Chris Rock: Bigger & Blacker(:32) “Richard Pryor: Live in Concert”ChapPaidPaidPaidPaid
(DISC) Fast N’ Loud (S) Fast N’ Loud (S) Street Outlaws (S) Street Outlaws (S) Street Outlaws (S) Street Outlaws (S) Fast N’ Loud (S) Fast N’ Loud (S) PopoffPaidPaidPaidPaidHang PaidDavid (DISN) AustinGood DogAustinShake ItJessieAustinGood JessieANT Good Good Shake ItANT Deck“Hatching Pete” (2009) (S) DeckDeckFish PhineasOctoMickey (E!) (5:00) Movie Movie Fashion PoliceChelseaSoupMovie SoupChelseaPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(ESPN) 2013 Open Championship Best of the Third Round. Baseball TonightSportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenterOpen Champ.
CFL Football Montreal Alouettes at Calgary Stampeders. From McMahon Stadium in Calgary. (N) (Live)
NHRA Drag Racing Mopar Mile-High NHRA Nationals, Qualifying. (CC) Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) (CC) 2013 ESPYs (CC)
2012 World Series of Poker From Las Vegas. (CC) Nine for IXSportsCenter (N) (CC)
(EWTN) Mother AngelicaSaint Giuseppe MoscatiRosaryLiving RightCampusThe Daily MassReligionSavoringRiver of LightWisdomMarriageEWTN LiveAt LastLivingAngelusCatholic
(FAM) “Pretty Woman” ›› “Burlesque” (2010) Cher, Christina Aguilera. ››› “The Blind Side” (2009, Drama) Sandra Bullock. MelissaPaidPaidHang PaidPaidPaidPaidZ. LevittPrinceMass
(FNC) FOX Report (N) Huckabee (N) Justice With Judge Jeanine (N) Geraldo at Large (N) (S) (CC) Red Eye (N) Justice With Judge Jeanine Geraldo at Large (S) (CC)
Red Eye Huckabee Justice With Judge Jeanine Geraldo at Large (S) (CC) FOX and Friends Sunday (N)
(FSN) MLB Baseball Cleveland Indians at Minnesota Twins. (N) Twins SpotlightBoxing Golden Boy Live. (N) (Live) MLB Baseball: Indians at Twins
WNBA Basketball: Lynx at Silver Stars West-CustomsWorld Poker Tour (FX) (4:30) ›› “XXX” ››› “Transformers” (2007, Action) Shia LaBeouf. ›› “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” (2009) The BridgeAngerLeagueLeagueTwo PaidPaidPaidPaid
(GOLF) Live From (N) Live From (N) Live From (N) Live From (N) Live From Live From Live From Live From Live From Live From PGA Tour Golf Sanderson Farms Championship, Third Round. From Madison, Miss. Live From Live From Live From Live From Live From Live From In PlayIn Play
(HGTV) HuntersHunt IntlLove It or List ItLove It or List ItHuntersHunt IntlHuntersHunt IntlLove It or List ItHuntersHunt IntlHuntersHunt IntlLove It or List ItPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(HIST) PawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPaidKnife Show/Cutlery CornerPaidPaid
(LIFE) “She Made Do”“The Craigslist Killer” (2011) (CC) “The Toyman Killer” (2013) Premiere. (:02) “The Craigslist Killer” (2011) (CC) (:02) “The Toyman Killer” (2013) (CC) ChrisChrisJoint PaidPaidHOPE Fit (NBCSN) Motorcycle Racing2013 Tour de France Stage 20.
PremierIndyCar 2013 Tour de France Stage 20. PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidTour de France (NICK) SpongeBobSam & HauntedMarvinBig TimeNannyNannyFriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsGeorgeGeorgeGeorgeGeorgeMy WifeMy WifeYesDearYesDearFull H’seFull H’seFull H’seFull H’se (SPIKE) “Batman Begins” ›› “The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift” (S) ›› “Piranha” (2010) Elisabeth Shue. ›› “Snakes on a Plane” (2006, Horror) (S) Ways Ways PaidPaidTeeter HangUpsPaidPaid (SYFY) (4:30) “Blade II”Sinbad Sinbad (N) Primeval: New ›› “Dinoshark” (2010) Eric Balfour. ›› “Dinocroc vs. Supergator” (2010) “Supergator” (2007) Brad Johnson. ZoneZonePaidPaid (TBN) Precious MemoriesIn Touch Hour of PowerGraham ClassicNot a Travel“The One Lamb” (2009) John W. Price. Oak VirtualChristianStrangerLindseyGospelBilly GrahamHoly Lucado (TBS) Big BangBig BangBig BangBig BangBig BangBig BangBig BangBig BangSullivan & Son Deon Cole’s Deal With It › “Killers” (2010, Action) Ashton Kutcher, Katherine Heigl. (CC) (DVS) ›› “Kicking & Screaming” (2005) Will Ferrell, Robert Duvall. (CC) MarriedMarriedMarriedMarriedMarried (TCM) (4:30) ››› “Major Dundee” (1965)
››› “Gaslight” (1944) Charles Boyer, Ingrid Bergman. (CC) (DVS)
››› “History Is Made at Night” (1937) Charles Boyer, Jean Arthur. (CC)
››› “La Parisienne” (1958) Brigitte Bardot, Charles Boyer. Premiere.
›› “The Thing That Couldn’t Die” (:15) › “The Brain That Wouldn’t Die” (1962, Horror) (:45) › “Goofballs and Tea” (1958, Documentary)
›› “On an Island With You” (TLC) Stories of the ERStories of the ERStories of the ERStories of the ERStories of the ERStories of the ERStories of the ERStories of the ERPopoffPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TNT) (5:00) ›› “Red” ›› “2 Fast 2 Furious” (2003) Tyrese ›› “The Fast and the Furious”72 Hours (CC) The Hero (CC)
››› “Contact” (1997, Science Fiction) Jodie Foster. (CC) Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) (TOON) “Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs”King/HillAmer.Fam GuyFam GuyCleveBoonBleachNaruto1 PieceSoul IGPXEureka 7Thundr.TitanFullmetalCowboyInuyashaInuyashaLooneyLooney (TRAV) Mysteries-MuseumMonumental MysGhost AdventuresGhost AdventuresGhost AdventuresGhost AdventuresGhost AdventuresGhost AdventuresMonumental MysNopaleaPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TRUTV) Wipeout (S) (CC) LizardLizardLizardLizardLizardLizardMost ShockingLizardLizardLizardLizardLizardLizardMost ShockingPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TVLAND) Roseanne (S) (:43) The ExesRaymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond (:12) Everybody Loves Raymond King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens The Soul Man Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show 3’s Company 3’s Company (USA) Law & Order: Special
Paid Program Paid Program (WGN-A) Funny VideosMLB Baseball Chicago Cubs at Colorado Rockies. (N) (Live) NewsVideosBones (S) (CC) 30 Rock30 RockRulesRulesChris › “Driven” (2001, Action) Sylvester Stallone. WorldPaid PREMIUM CHANNELS
(HBO) (4:55) ›› “Mr. & Mrs. Smith” (2005) ››› “The Bourne Legacy” (2012, Action) Jeremy Renner. ‘PG-13’ (CC)
(:15) The Newsroom (S) (CC)
(:15) ››› “The Bourne Legacy” (2012, Action) Jeremy Renner, Rachel Weisz. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC) (:35) ›› “Wanderlust” (2012) Paul Rudd. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
››› “Prometheus” (2012) Noomi Rapace. Premiere. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:05) Banshee “We Shall Live Forever” “Serena the Sexplorer” (2012) ‘NR’
(:15) ››› “Prometheus” (2012, Science Fiction) Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:20) ››› “The Debt” (2010) Helen Mirren. ‘R’ (CC) MAX on Set (S) ›› “Taps”
(:15) ›› “Project X” (2012) Thomas Mann. (S) ‘R’ (CC) (:45) “Small Town Saturday Night” (2010, Drama) Chris Pine. (S) ‘R’ (CC) “Lucky One” (MAX) “Snow White” (:20) ›› “The Campaign” (2012) Will Ferrell. (S) ‘R’ (CC) Banshee “We Shall Live Forever” (S)
(SHOW) Ray Donovan “Twerk” ›› “Save the Date” (2012) Lizzy Caplan. Premiere. ‘R’ (:35) ›› “People Like Us” (2012, Drama) Chris Pine. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC) Ray Donovan “The Bag or the Bat” (S) Ray Donovan “A Mouth Is a Mouth” Ray Donovan “Twerk” Dexter Dexter continues to hunt. (S) “Rock ’N’ Roll Exposed: The Photography of Bob Gruen” (2012) (S) ‘NR’ (CC) (:25) ›› “Knuckleball!” (2012) (S) ‘NR’ (CC) (TMC)
›› “Bulletproof Monk” (2003, Action) Chow Yun-Fat. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
› “The Crow: City of Angels” (1996) Vincent Perez.
›› “The Crow: Salvation” (2000) Kirsten Dunst. ‘R’ (:15) ››› “The Crow: Wicked Prayer” (2005) Edward Furlong. ‘R’
› “The Crow: City of Angels” (1996) Vincent Perez. ›› “The Crow: Salvation” (2000) Kirsten Dunst. ‘R’ (:15) ››› “My Left Foot” (1989, Biography) Daniel Day-Lewis. (S) ‘R’ (CC)