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Justin Willman on the magic of ‘Cupcake Wars’

and high-profile sporting events, Food Network’s “Cupcake Wars” comes up with as many tasty treats as celebs have reasons to party. And now the show has landed its highest-profile celebrity guest yet: “Private Practice” star Kate Walsh.
On the Sunday, July 15, episode, Walsh is on hand to help choose the sweets served at a VIP soiree to launch her newest fragrance, Billionaire Boyfriend. And, says host Justin Willman, she was as down-to-earth as the homegrown bakers vying for her business.
“Whenever we have our celebrity guest judges, you get to know them pretty well because we are literally sitting at that table with them for 12 hours,” Willman says. “She was just lovely – and extremely funny, which
•What are three things you have to have in your fridge or pantry?
“I have a pit bull named Betty, and she loves her soft dog food, so even when I’ve let my refrigerator run dry, I always have Betty’s soft food. I’m a rice cakes junkie – I can devour a bag of rice cakes in about 10 minutes. And beer.”
•If your TV only carried three shows, which would you choose?
“ ‘Breaking Bad’ – Bryan Cranston actually came to see my act a few months ago. ‘Late Night With Jimmy Fallon.’ And always ‘The Daily Show’ because I love Jon Stewart.”