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Rachael Ray and Food Network offer food servers a ‘Big Tip’
As well-versed as she clearly is in kitchens, Rachael Ray also knows what it takes to get food to a customer’s table.
Heading toward the ninth season of her syndicated weekday show, the popular personality rewards waiters and waitresses in Food Network’s “The Big Tip With Rachael Ray” Sunday, June 8. The first in a projected series of specials, it fulfills what Ray says was her aim of doing “a show that incorporated food-service professionals. Food Network approached me about doing a show about extraordinary people who happened to wait tables for a living but also were great parents or children or community service providers who have a great tale to tell.”
The subjects believe they’re involved in a different sort of show that showcases restaurants throughout America. “Then, unbeknownst to them, I come into town,” Ray explains. “I chat with them a bit, then I give away a lot of money. Two people get $1,000, then one person gets $10,000 in cash.”

Since her family owned and managed restaurants, Ray is reminded strongly of her own roots by her “Big Tip” experiences. “I remember, when I was a kid waiting on tables, how much it meant to me when you’d give someone a $3 check and they’d leave you five bucks. Or when a bunch of construction guys would come in and leave you a 20. It was a big deal, not only for your confidence level, but it really made you feel special and valued."
In Focus
“Angry Video Game Nerd,” cinemassacre.com/ category/avgn/
If “Mystery Science Theater 3000” made fun of video games instead of movies, it would be this series. James Rolfe dons the “Nerd” persona to serve up sardonic, profanity-laced critiques of old, forgotten and just plain bad games. Characters from the games he’s targeting — from Bugs Bunny and Spider-Man to Jason Voorhees and Freddy Krueger — make occasional guest appearances.