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It’s a chive!: Spike breathes life into kooky food combos
By Andrew Warren TV Media
Whoever first thought of putting peanut butter and jelly together between two slices of bread was a culinary genius. Oh, and the person who figured out that chicken and waffles are a perfect combination, too.
There are some foods that just go together oh so well, and they’re not always combinations that you’d expect. Grabbing two wildly different foods and mashing them together is kind of like what Dr. Frankenstein did when he created his iconic monster, and Spike is taking that comparison to heart with “Frankenfood,” an exciting new series premiering with back-to-back episodes on Sunday, June 22.
“Frankenfood” will be traveling across the country looking for the most revolutionary new food combinations that local food innovators have come up with. Whether they’re old family recipes, interesting regional specialties or crazy hangover remedies, there’s nothing that the panel of judges won’t try out.
There’s a pretty cool prize on the line, too: the winner of each episode walks away with a cool $10,000 in cash and their bizarre food concoction on the menu of a local restau- rant.
Local? You bet. “Frankenfood” will be swinging by New York City, Philadelphia, Chicago, Milwaukee, Austin, Dallas and more. Guest judges will be from the city represented, and with food tastes varying from region to region, they may be the deciding vote when weird and wacky flavors end up in front of the judges.
Joining the local judges are two juggernauts of the culinary world.

Josh Capon is no stranger to judging, having been a guest judge on the Food Network’s “Chopped” in the past, while Tony Luke Jr. is known worldwide as the king of cheese steaks.
So just what kinds of crazy culinary creations can this panel of judges expect to find set in front of them? Thoughts of cheesecake burgers, fried peanut butter and jelly fish sticks, gyro egg rolls and triple-decker pastrami doughnut sandwiches may not sound very appetizing (to most people, at least), but their creators sure think that these Franken-creations have what it takes to become the next big food fad.
Sunday, June 22
9:30 a.m. (23) WUCW Mad Dogg and Merrill’s Midwestern Grill’n
Noon DISC Epic BBQ Pits
1:00 p.m. (9) KAWE Pati’s Mexican Table TRAV Bizarre Foods
KAWE Lidia’s Kitchen