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National Loon Center

taking flight in Crosslake

Educational activities underway; building planned for 2024

By Nancy Vogt

This banded loon is part of the National Loon Center's study on population, directed by Walter Piper.

Contributed photos

Funds are still being collected to build and open a National Loon Center in 2024 at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Recreation Area in Crosslake.

The National Loon Center’s world-class facility - estimated to cost $16 million - will be an interactive and family-friendly educational destination to transform visitors into champions for loons and freshwater everywhere.

In the meantime, all kinds of educational activities are well underway. "It is gratifying to see our education and research programs taking off as energy and excitement grow," said National Loon Center Executive Director Jon Mobeck. "Balancing that growth with a continued focus on getting a world-class facility designed, funded and built is possible because of dedicated volunteers who expand the reach and capacity of our staff."

The loon center’s temporary information center, called The Nest, opened in June 2021 in Crosslake Town Square. Three employees work there: Mobeck; Natasha Bartolotta, communications and outreach coordinator; and Mike Pluimer, program operations associate.

Volunteers staff The Nest too, and are available to help those who stop in to learn more about the future center and its plans. Buy sweatshirts, long-sleeved shirts, T-shirts, hats, books and various other souvenir items to help support the loon center.

Visitors are encouraged to “purchase with a purpose” since money goes back to conservation and education programs.

“It also helps start conversations about the loon center,” Bartolotta said about The Nest, which hosted 4,000 visitors last summer.


This exterior concept represents what the National Loon Center in Crosslake may look like when it's built in 2024.

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