32 minute read
SOLUTION client fill
“One of the things that we’re always really conscious of on the ‘Next Iron Chef’ franchise,” he says, “is there’s never any backstabbing, bickering, personality battles going on. We tend to only want to get people to respect one another and treat each other respectfully. “We think that the tension and drama should come from the challenges, not from some kind of faux interpersonal issues. We don’t traffic in that. We don’t like that kind of thing. It’s beneath the audience and also beneath the competitors.
“We try to keep things a little more honorable and make it about the food and what these people are capable of doing.”
After all, fans aren’t tuning in to see people argue with one another in a mansion; they want to see cooking at a very high level.
“It’s really remarkable,” Brown says, “if you’re a culinary fan, if you’re a foodie, to see the things that are done, the way the creative minds work, the way creative minds work under pressure, because that’s when you see the real skill come out.”
And while there’s plenty of honor and accolades for the ultimate winner of “The Next Iron Chef: Redemption,” Brown emphasizes that these folks are already stars in their own world.
“These people are already in a club,” he says, “because they’re in that upper-echelon chef club, which is most assuredly a club. They all know each other. They respect each other.”
In Focus
“Sons of Anarchy App,” youtu.be/pBY0BIFjnAg
Available at iTunes App Store and at Google Play, the free, improved app for the motorcycle drama from FX and Twentieth Century Fox Entertainment, allows fans to sync in real time with the show, connect to other fans, see alternate scenes and behind-the-scenes information, and buy merchandise. In this video, series creator Kurt Sutter offers a tutorial on using the new app.
“Nuclear Family,” www.syfy. com/nuclearfamily

Available through the Syfy App to users who have the Xbox 360 Live entertainment platform, as well as on Syfy.com, Hulu, VOD, Syfy’s mobile apps and Syfy’s new Roku channel, the 20-episode original series stars Corin Nemec as the head of a family struggling to survive in a lawless society ruled by a savage clan led by The Man. At the same time, the family searches for a child missing after a mysterious mega-explosion.
“Prom Queen: Homecoming,” www.cwtv.com/cw-video/ prom-queen/homecoming— destiny/
In a new season of CW Digital’s “Prom Queen” franchise, tragedy again plagues East Adams High after the prom queen is found murdered. Sadie Simmons (Katy Stoll), who fled Los Angeles after the first prom tragedy, believes this is no coincidence and returns home to investigate. Laura Howard returns as “Prom Queen” bad girl Danica.
Lake House” (2006) Keanu Reeves, Sandra Bullock. Premiere. (CC)
“The Princess Bride” (1987) Cary Elwes, Robin Wright. (CC)
“Robin Hood: Men in Tights” (1993, Comedy) Cary Elwes, Richard Lewis. (CC)
“Forces of Nature” (1999, Romance-Comedy) Sandra Bullock, Ben Affleck. (CC)
Miami “Gueril-
(AP) Gator Boys (CC) RattlesnakeFinding Bigfoot (S) Finding BigfootRattlesnakeFinding Bigfoot (S) Finding BigfootGator Boys (CC) RattlesnakeFinding Bigfoot (S) Finding BigfootOranguEden (BRAVO) Housewives/Atl.Real HousewivesReal HousewivesStart-Ups Real HousewivesStart-Ups Real HousewivesHousewives/Atl.Real HousewivesPaidPaidPaidPaidStart-Ups (CNBC) The Kudlow ReportUltimate FactoriesBig Mac: InsideAmerican GreedMad MoneyBig Mac: InsideAmerican GreedPaidPaidPaidPaidWorldwide Exchange (N) Squawk Box (N) (CNN) E. B. OutFrontAnderson CooperPiers MorganAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers MorganAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers MorganAnderson CooperEarly Start With Berman & Sambolin (COM) ColbertDailyFturamaFturamaSouth PkSouth PkBrickle.South PkDailyColbertSouth PkSouth PkDailyColbertWork.Todd BarrySunnySunnyComedyPaidPaidPaidPaid
(DISC) American ChopperAmerican ChopperAmerican ChopperJesse JamesAmerican ChopperJesse JamesAmerican ChopperAmerican ChopperPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidCreflo (DISN) JessieDog“The Princess and the Frog”PhineasGood PhineasShake ItANT WizardsWizardsDeckDeckGood Good WizardsWizardsDeckDeckFish PhineasDoc Pirates
(E!) E! News Sex-CitySex-CityE! SpecialScouted E! News ChelseaSoupSoupChelseaChelseaE! SpecialPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(ESPN) Monday Night Countdown (N) NFL Football Chicago Bears at San Francisco 49ers. (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC)
(ESPN2) College BasketballCollege Basketball Legends Classic -- Georgetown vs. UCLA. (N) (Live) College Basketball Hall of Fame Classic -- Kansas vs. Washington State. (N)
NFL PrimeTime (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenter
College Basketball EA Sports Maui Invitational -- Illinois vs. USC. (N) (Live)
NBA Tonight (N)
NFL Presents College Football Teams TBA. SportsNation (N) (CC) Mike and Mike in the Morning (N)
(EWTN) Daily MassThe Journey HomeGenesisRosaryWorld Over LiveVaticanoWomen Daily MassThe Journey HomeMother AngelicaSaintsMarriageSaintsGodSay Yes!Vis.CouncilCatholic
(FAM) Secret-TeenSecret-Teen ›› “Jack Frost” (1998) Kelly Preston The 700 Club (S) PrincePrincePaidPaidPaidPaidThe 700 Club (S)
’Lights (N) (NICK) DrakeFigure ItFull H’seSee DadFull H’seFull H’seNannyNannyFriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsGeorge(:45) George LopezGeorgeGeorgeMy WifeMy WifeYesDearYesDearMattersFull H’seFull H’se (SPIKE) ›› “Red Dawn” (1984) Patrick Swayze. (S) ›› “Red Dawn” (1984) Patrick Swayze. (S) RepoRepoRepoRepoEntouEntouUnsolved MysteryPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (SYFY) ››› “The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian” (2008) ››› “The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian” (2008) “Pegasus vs. Chimera” (2012, Fantasy) TotalVideoPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TBN) JosephPottersBehindLivingFranklinDupl’tis ›› “Fireproof” (2008) Kirk Cameron. OsteenMannaHoly CrefloFall Praise-A-Thon HistoryCrossMusicWom (TBS) Seinfeld (CC) Seinfeld (CC) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S)
Conan (CC) The Office “Fun Run” (S) (CC)
Conan (CC) Name Is Earl Name Is Earl › “Private Valentine: Blonde & Dangerous” (2008) Jessica Simpson. (CC)
MarriedMarriedMarriedMarried (TCM) (4:45) ››› “Victor/ Victoria” (1982)
››› “Doctor Zhivago” (1965) Omar Sharif, Julie Christie. A Russian doctor is torn between his wife and another woman. (CC) (DVS)
›› “Anna Karenina” (1948, Drama) Vivien Leigh, Ralph Richardson.
››› “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” (1939) Charles Laughton.
›››› “Madame Bovary” (1949, Romance) Jennifer Jones, Van Heflin. (CC) ›››› “Gigi” (1958, Musical) Leslie Caron. (CC) (DVS) (TLC) Breaking Amish (S) Breaking Amish (S) Breaking Amish: Breaking Amish: Breaking Amish: Breaking Amish: Breaking Amish (S) Breaking Amish (S) Rev. Peter PopoffPaidPaidPaidNopaleaPeoplePeople (TNT) The Mentalist (S) The Mentalist (S) The Mentalist (S) The Mentalist (S) CSI: NY (S) (CC) CSI: NY (S) (CC) Cold Case (CC) Franklin & BashThe Closer (CC) Las Vegas (CC) Angel “Belonging” Smallville “Calling” (TOON) AdvenAdvenRegularAnnoyKing/HillKing/HillAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenMoralMcGeeAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenWholeMcGeeKing/HillKing/HillLooneyAlmost (TRAV) FoodFoodNo ReservationThe Layover (CC) No ReservationNo ReservationThe Layover (CC) No ReservationNo ReservationNo ReservationNopaleaPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TRUTV) World’s Dumbest...Vegas Vegas Vegas Vegas CaughtCaughtVegas Vegas Vegas Vegas Vegas Vegas CaughtCaughtVegas Vegas The InvestigatorsForensicPaidPaidPaid (TVLAND) M*A*S*H (CC) Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond
(:12) The King of Queens (S) (CC) King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens ’70s Show The Nanny The Nanny Home Improve. Home Improve. ’70s Show ’70s Show Paid Program Paid Program (USA) NCIS: Los Angeles “Bounty” (S) (CC)
(:05) › “The Ugly Truth” (2009) Katherine Heigl, Gerard Butler. (CC) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S) (:08) ›› “Second in Command” (2006) Jean-Claude Van Damme. (CC) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (CC) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (CC) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (WGN-A) Funny VideosFunny VideosFunny VideosNews at NineFunny VideosRulesRules30 RockScrubs30 RockSunnyFturamaDeathBill CunninghamPaidPaidPaidJ. Meyer
WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (S Live) (CC)
(HBO) “Alvin-Chipwrecked” Real Time With Bill Maher (S) (CC) Witness Veronique de Viguerie. (CC) ›› “The Hangover Part II” (2011) Bradley Cooper. (S) ‘R’ 24/7(:15) Boxing Adrien Broner vs. Antonio DeMarco, Lightweights. (S) (CC)
››› “Grosse Pointe Blank” (1997) John Cusack, Minnie Driver. (S) ‘R’ (CC) (:35) Witness Veronique de Viguerie. Conchords (:05) Wartorn 18612010 (CC) (MAX) (5:15) ›› “Fast Five” (2011) Vin Diesel. (S) ‘PG-13’ ›› “A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas” (2011) ‘R’
›› “The Grudge” (2004) Sarah Michelle Gellar. ‘PG-13’ Hunted “Ambassadors” (S) (CC) “Busty Coeds vs. Lusty Cheerleaders” (2011) ‘NR’ Life on Top (S) (:20) ›› “Fast Five” (2011, Action) Vin Diesel. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC) ›› “Critters 3” (1992) Aimee Brooks. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
“Dr. Seuss’ The Cat in the Hat” (S) (SHOW) (4:35) ››› “Primary Colors” ‘R’ Untold History of the United States Homeland “I’ll Fly Away” (S) (CC)
Dexter “Argentina” (S) (CC) Homeland “I’ll Fly Away” (S) (CC) Dexter “Argentina” (S) (CC)
›› “Brüno” (2009, Comedy)
Sacha Baron Cohen. ‘R’ ››› “Goon” (2011, Comedy) Seann William Scott. ‘R’ (:05) ›› “4:44 Last Day on Earth” (2011) Willem Dafoe. ››› “The Lottery” (2010) Joel Klein. (S) ‘NR’ (CC) (TMC) (4:50) ›› “Beyond Borders” ‘R’
››› “The Italian Job” (2003) Mark Wahlberg. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
“Flesh Wounds” (2011) Kevin Sorbo. (S) ‘R’ (CC) ›› “Hobo With a Shotgun” (2011) Rutger Hauer. (S) ‘NR’
›› “Born Killers” (2005) Jake Muxworthy. (S) ‘R’ (CC) “OC Confidential” (2008) ‘NR’ (CC) (:45) “Road Kill” (2010, Horror) Bob Morley, Sophie Lowe. (S) ‘R’ (CC) (:20) ›› “Main Street” (2010) Colin Firth. ‘PG’ (CC)
GiantsEating GiantsOranguEden (BRAVO) Real HousewivesReal HousewivesFlipping Out (N) DecoratorsFlipping Out (CC) Real HousewivesDecoratorsStart-Ups Flipping Out (CC)
River MonstersFrontier Earth (N) Eating GiantsEating GiantsFrontier Earth (S) Eating GiantsEating GiantsRiver MonstersFrontier Earth (S)
Brother-Thou” (CNBC) The Kudlow ReportCrime Inc.60 Minutes onAmerican GreedMad Money60 Minutes onAmerican GreedPaidPaidPaidPaidWorldwide Exchange (N) Squawk Box (N) (CNN) E. B. OutFrontAnderson CooperPiers MorganAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers MorganAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers MorganAnderson CooperEarly Start With Berman & Sambolin (COM) ColbertDailyWork.Tosh.0Tosh.0Tosh.0Tosh.0Brickle.DailyColbertTosh.0Mash UpDailyColbertTosh.0Brickle.KeySunnySunnyComedyPaidPaidPaidPaid
(DISC) Deadliest CatchDeadliest CatchLast FrontierDeadly Seas (S) Last FrontierDeadly Seas (S) Deadliest CatchDeadliest CatchPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidCreflo (DISN) JessieDog ››› “Up” (2009) (S) (CC) PhineasGood PhineasWizardsJessieWizardsWizardsDeckDeckGood Good WizardsWizardsDeckDeckFish PhineasNever Land (E!) E! News Sex-CitySex-CityE! SpecialKardasKardasChelseaE! News ChelseaKardasKardasChelseaChelseaE! SpecialPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(ESPN) (5:00) SportsCenterCollege Basketball College Basketball SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) College Football Teams TBA. SportsCenterSportsCenter
(ESPN2) College Football Akron at Toledo. (N) (Live) SportsCenter College Basketball Best of the NFL NBA Tonight (N) NFL Live (N) (CC) College Football Akron at Toledo. NHRA Drag Racing Mike and Mike in the Morning (N)
(EWTN) Daily MassMother AngelicaRelRosaryThreshold of HopePriestWomen Cathedrals Across AmericaMother AngelicaCatholic.SaintsMiraclesPriestPapal AudienceEpistlesCouncilMusic
(FAM) (5:30) ›› “Jack Frost” ››› “Miracle on 34th Street” (1994, Fantasy) The 700 Club (S) PrincePrincePaidPaidPaidPaidThe 700 Club (S) PaidPaidPrinceLifeJ. MeyerAmazing
(FNC) FOX Report With Shepard Smith The O’Reilly Factor (N) (CC) Hannity (N) On Record, Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (CC) Hannity On Record, Greta Van Susteren The Five Red Eye (N) The O’Reilly Factor (CC) FOX and Friends First FOX and Friends (N)
(FSN) JackrabWolvesCollege Basketball VikingsVikingsVikingsGameUFC UnleashedCollege Basketball LadderPaidPaidPaidPaidGreat
DanceAbby’s DanceTBATBATBATBAPaidBraPaidPaidNopaleaPaid (NBCSN) Sports IllustratedCollege Basketball Notre DameWorld Series of Fighting 1 Boxing Poker After DarkPaidPaid ProgramPaidPaidPaidThe ’Lights (N) (NICK) DrakeFigure ItFull H’seFull H’seFull H’seFull H’seNannyNannyFriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsGeorge(:45) George LopezGeorgeGeorgeMy WifeMy WifeYesDearYesDearMattersMikeMike (SPIKE) Ink Master (CC) Ink Master (CC) Ink Master (CC) Ink Master (N) (S) TattooTattooInk Master (CC) Ink Master (CC) TattooTattooEntouEntouPaidPaidPaidHang PaidPaid (SYFY) Fact or FakedTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalVideoTotalVideo ›› “Rock Monster” (2008) (CC) ›› “Fireball” (2009) Ian Somerhalder. Stargate UniversePaidPaidPaidPaid (TBN) TearsPottersBehindJ. MeyerPrinceParsleyThe Ten Commandments SecretsCrefloFall Praise-A-Thon Miracles AroundEvidnceWom (TBS) Seinfeld (CC) Seinfeld (CC) Big BangBig BangBig BangBig BangBig BangBig BangConan (CC) The Office “DunderMifflin Infi nity” Conan (CC) Name Is Earl Name Is Earl ›› “The Perfect Man” (2005) Hilary Duff, Heather Locklear, Chris Noth. (CC) MarriedMarriedMarriedMarried (TCM) (5:00) ›››› “Jules and Jim” ›› “After Office Hours” (1935) Constance Bennett. ››› “Merrily We Live” (1938) Brian Aherne. (CC) (:15) ››› “Topper” (1937, Comedy) Cary Grant, Constance Bennett. (CC)
›› “Topper Takes a Trip” (1939, Comedy) Constance Bennett, Roland Young. (CC) ›› “Bed of Roses” (1933, Drama) (:45) ›› “Fifty Million Frenchmen” (1931, Comedy) MGM Parade “Broadway” (TLC) Sister Wives (CC) Little People Big Little People Big Extreme Extreme Little People Big Extreme Extreme Little People Big Sister Wives (CC) PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPeoplePeople (TNT) The Mentalist (S) Rizzoli & IslesRizzoli & IslesRizzoli & IslesLeverage (CC) CSI: NY (S) (CC) Cold Case (CC) Franklin & BashThe Closer (CC) Las Vegas (CC) Angel (S) (CC) Smallville (CC) (TOON) GumballLevel UpLooneyAdvenKing/HillKing/HillAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenAqua McGeeAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenWholeMcGeeKing/HillKing/HillLooneyAlmost (TRAV) FoodFoodDangerous Gr.Dangerous Gr.No ReservationBizarre FoodsDangerous Gr.No ReservationBizarre FoodsDangerous Gr.PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TRUTV) World’s Dumbest...PawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnStingsStingsPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnStingsStingsThe InvestigatorsForensicPaidPaidPaid (TVLAND) M*A*S*H (CC) Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond (:12) The King of Queens (S) (CC) King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens ’70s Show The Nanny The Nanny Home Improve. Home Improve. ’70s Show ’70s Show Paid Program Paid Program (USA) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Covert Affairs “Lady Stardust” Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Covert Affairs “Lady Stardust” Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Criminal Intent (CC) Law & Order:
Criminal Intent (CC) NCIS A missing staff sergeant. (S) (WGN-A) Funny VideosMotherMotherMotherMotherNewsVideosFunny VideosRulesRules30 RockScrubs30 RockSunnyFturamaDeathBill CunninghamPaidPaidPaidJ. Meyer
(HBO) (5:45) “Crossfire Hurricane” (2012) (S) ‘NR’ (CC)
24/7Treme “Poor Man’s Paradise”
REAL Sports With Bryant Gumbel (N)
Boardwalk Empire “A Man, a Plan...”
Witness Michael Christopher Brown. “Crossfire Hurricane” (2012, Documentary) (S) ‘NR’ (CC)
REAL Sports With Bryant Gumbel (S) (:45) ››› “In Bruges” (2008, ComedyDrama) Colin Farrell. (S) ‘R’ (CC) Conchords Michigan vs. Ohio State: The Rivalry (MAX) (5:15) › “End of Days” (1999, Horror) (S) ‘R’ (CC) (:20) › “This Means War” (2012) Reese Witherspoon. Hunted “Polyhedrus” (N) (S) (CC)
Femme Fatales Lingerie (CC) Hunted “Ambassadors” (S) (CC) Strike Back (S) (CC)
(:15) Life on Top “All In” (S) (CC) Life on Top (S) (:20) ››› “Cape Fear” (1991, Suspense) Robert De Niro. (S) ‘R’ (CC) (Off Air) (SHOW) (5:30) “Lost in Translation” (2003) (:15) ››› “Reservoir Dogs” (1992, Crime Drama) Harvey Keitel. (S) ‘R’ (CC) Homeland “I’ll Fly Away” (S) (CC) Dexter “Argentina” (S) (CC)
(:15) “Red Sneakers” (2001) (CC)
›› “The House of the Spirits” (1993, Drama) Meryl Streep. (S) ‘R’ (CC) (:15) › “A Low Down Dirty Shame” (1994) Keenen Ivory Wayans. Premiere. (S) ‘R’ (CC) ›› “Vanity Fair” (2004, Drama) Reese Witherspoon. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC) “I Do & I Don’t” (TMC) (5:30) › “The Bone Snatcher” ›› “Beastly” (2011) Alex Pettyfer. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC) ››› “Melancholia” (2011) Kirsten Dunst.
NOVEMBER 21, 2012
With the Wind” (1939, Romance) Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh, Leslie Howard. Civil War rogue
Butler loves Southern belle Scarlett O’Hara. (CC)
(AP) River Monsters: Unhooked (S) (CC) River Monsters: Unhooked (S) (CC) River Monsters: Unhooked (S) (CC) River Monsters: Unhooked (S) (CC) River Monsters (S) River Monsters (S) River MonstersOranguEden (BRAVO) Real HousewivesHousewives/Atl.After Top ChefTop Chef: SeattleLOLworkTop Chef: SeattleLOLworkAfter Top ChefTop Chef: SeattleTop Chef All StarsPaidPaidPaidPaidBethenny Ever (CNBC) The Kudlow Report“Walt: The Man Behind the Myth”American GreedMad MoneyMark ZuckerbergAmerican GreedPaidPaidPaidPaidWorldwide Exchange (N) Steve Jobs: Bil. (CNN) E. B. OutFrontAnderson CooperPiers MorganAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers MorganAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers MorganAnderson CooperEarly Start With Berman & Sambolin (COM) ColbertDailyChapKeySouth Park (CC) KeyDailyColbertSouth PkBrickle.DailyColbertKey“Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure”Half PaidPaidDefrostPaid
(DISC) American Guns (S) American Guns (S) Sons of Guns (N) Moonshiners (N) Sons of Guns (S) Moonshiners (S) American Guns (S) American Guns (S) PaidPaidTelePaidPaidPaidNopaleaCreflo (DISN) JessieDog ››› “Bolt” (2008) (S) (CC) PhineasGood PhineasGood Shake ItWizardsWizardsDeckDeckGood Good WizardsWizardsDeckDeckFish PhineasMickeyDoc (E!) E! News Sex-CitySex-CityE! SpecialSoupSoupChelseaE! News ChelseaE! SpecialChelseaChelseaE! SpecialPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(ESPN) NBANBA Basketball: Clippers at Thunder College Basketball SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) NBA Basketball: Clippers at Thunder SportsCenterSportsCenter
(ESPN2) Basketball College Basketball College Basketball NIT Season Tip-Off, Second Semifinal: Teams TBA. (N)
NFL Live (N) (CC) Best of the NFL NBA Tonight (N) NFL Live (CC) SportsCenter SportsCenter (N) (CC) SportsCenter (CC) SportsNation Best of the NFL Mike and Mike in the Morning (N)
(EWTN) Daily MassEWTN LiveSaintRosarySaintsFaithCatholicWomen Daily MassEWTN LiveGenesis to JesusChristDevoSaintApo.Dawn of AmericaCouncilHymns
(FAM) “Willy Wonka & Chocolate” ››› “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”The 700 Club (S) PrincePrincePaidPaidPaidPaidThe 700 Club (S) PaidPaidPrinceLifeJ. MeyerPaid
(FNC) FOX Report With Shepard Smith The O’Reilly Factor (N) (CC) Hannity (N) On Record, Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (CC) Hannity On Record, Greta Van Susteren The Five Red Eye (N) The O’Reilly Factor (CC) FOX and Friends First FOX and Friends (N)
(FSN) Jerry KillWolvesNBA Basketball: Nuggets at Timberwolves WolvesWolvesFootballWorld Poker TourNBA Basketball Jerry KillPaidPaidPaidPaidPain?PaidPaidPaid
(FX) Two Two ›› “X-Men: The Last Stand” (2006) American- StoryAmerican- StoryAmerican- StoryAmerican- StoryBrandXBiased ›› “X-Men: The Last Stand” (2006) PaidPaidPaidPaid
(GOLF) School of Golf Big Break LPGA Tour Golf ISPS Handa’s Heroes. (Taped) Big Break Greenbrier ChasingGolfCentral LPGA Tour Golf ISPS Handa’s Heroes. (Taped) School of Golf Golf Central European PGA Tour Golf DP World Tour Championship, First Round. From Dubai, United Arab Emirates. (N) (Live) European PGA Tour Golf
(HGTV) House HuntersProperty BrothersBuying and SellingHuntersHunt IntlProperty BrothersBuying and SellingHuntersHunt IntlProperty BrothersProperty BrothersPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidDeserve
(HIST) AmeriAmeriAmeriAmeriAmeriAmeriCajun Cajun AmeriAmeriAmeriAmeriAmeriAmeriCajun Cajun AmeriAmeriPaidPaidPaidNuWavePaidPaid
(LIFE) My Life, MovieHousHousHousHousMy Life, MovieMy Life, MovieHousHousHousHousMy Life, MovieMy Life, MoviePaidBack PaidNopaleaPaidPaid (NBCSN) College Basketball Boxing NFL Turning PointNFL Turning PointSports IllustratedNFL Turning PointPoker After DarkPaidPaidPaidHang PaidPaidThe ’Lights (N) (NICK) Figure ItFigure ItFriendsFriendsMy WifeMy WifeYesDearYesDearFriendsFriendsHollywood HeightsGeorgeGeorgeChrisYesDearYesDearGeorgeGeorgeBradyBradyTBAMikeMike (SPIKE) Rescue ››› “Any Given Sunday” (1999) Al Pacino. Premiere. (S) (CC) Eddie Murphy: One Night Only (S) ›› “Eddie Murphy Raw” (1987) (S) EntouEntouPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (SYFY) Ghost Hunters (S) Ghost Hunters (S) Ghost Hunters (N) Dark Dark Ghost Hunters (S) ››› “For Your Eyes Only” (1981, Action) (CC) ››› “Dr. No” (1962) Sean Connery. (CC) PaidPaidPaidPaid (TBN) TenHoly BehindTurningPrinceEnd ››› “Amazing Grace” (2006) GoodDupl’tisThe CrefloFall Praise-A-Thon
BibleFocusHead-OnWom (TBS) Seinfeld (CC) Seinfeld (CC) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S) Big BangBig BangConan (CC) The Office “Launch Party” (S) (CC) Conan (CC) Name Is Earl Name Is Earl ››› “Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist” (2008) Michael Cera. (CC) MarriedMarriedMarriedMarried (TCM) (5:15) ›› “I Dood It” (1943)
›››› “To Kill a Mockingbird” (1962) Gregory Peck. (CC) (DVS)
›››› “Gone With the Wind” (1939, Romance) Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh. Civil War rogue Rhett Butler loves Southern belle Scarlett O’Hara.
(:15) ››› “Wise Blood” (1979, Drama) Brad Dourif, Amy Wright.
(:15) ››› “The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter” (1968, Drama) Alan Arkin, Sondra Locke. (CC) “GodsAcre” (TLC) HoneyHoneyHoneyHoneyHoneyHoneyHere ComesHoneyHoneyHere ComesHoneyHoneyHoneyHoneyRev. Peter PopoffPaidPaidPaidPaidCakeCake (TNT) The Mentalist (S) Castle (S) (CC) Castle (S) (CC) Castle (S) (CC) Perception (CC) Southland (CC) Cold Case (CC) Franklin & BashThe Closer (CC) Las Vegas (CC) Angel (S) (CC) Smallville “Exile” (TOON) NinjaGoNinjaGoDragonsStar King/HillKing/HillAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenAqua McGeeAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenWholeMcGeeKing/HillKing/HillLooneyAlmost (TRAV) Man v FoodBggg Bggg Toy HntrToy HntrFood Paradise (N) Best BartenderToy HntrToy HntrFood ParadiseBest BartenderBggg Bggg
PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TRUTV) World’s Dumbest...TowTowTowRepoConspiracyConspiracyTowTowTowRepoConspiracyConspiracyThe InvestigatorsForensicPaidPaidPaid (TVLAND) M*A*S*H (CC) Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Raymond Raymond Cleveland Happily Divorced Raymond Raymond (:12) The King of Queens (S) (CC) King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens ’70s Show The Nanny The Nanny Home Improve. Home Improve. ’70s Show ’70s Show Paid Program Paid Program (USA) NCIS “Boxed In” (S) (CC) NCIS “Light Sleeper” (S) (CC) NCIS A chop shop run by Marines. (S) NCIS “Family Secret” (S) (CC) Covert Affairs “Lady Stardust” Law & Order: Special Victims Unit House “Charity Case” (S) (CC) House “Ignorance Is Bliss” (S) (CC) House “Moving On” (S) (CC)
Law & Order: Criminal Intent (CC) Law & Order: Criminal Intent “Grow” NCIS Naval officers targeted. (S) (CC) (WGN-A) Funny VideosRulesRulesRulesRulesNews at NineFunny VideosRulesRules30 RockScrubs30 RockSunnyFturamaDeathBill CunninghamPaidPaidPaidJ. Meyer
(HBO) “Chasing” 24/7 ›› “Safe House” (2012, Action) Denzel Washington. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
Boardwalk Empire “A Man, a Plan...” Real Time With Bill Maher (S) (CC)
Treme “Poor Man’s Paradise” REAL Sports With Bryant Gumbel (S) 24/7(:35) › “The Order” (2003, Suspense) Heath Ledger. (S) ‘R’ (CC) (:20) ›› “The Matrix Revolutions” (2003) Keanu Reeves. (S) ‘R’ (CC) Strangers No
(MAX) Hunted “Kismet” (S) (CC) Hunted “Ambassadors” (S) (CC)
››› “Chronicle” (2012) Dane DeHaan. ‘PG-13’ (CC) ››› “The Rocketeer” (1991, Fantasy) Bill Campbell. (S) ‘PG’ (CC)
(:45) Life on Top “Vajazzled” (CC) (:20) Life on Top (12:50) ››› “Carrie” (1976) Sissy Spacek. ‘R’ (CC)
› “Supercross: The Movie” (2005) Steve Howey. ‘PG-13’
(3:50) ››› “American Splendor” (2003) (S) ‘R’ (CC) “Nw World” (SHOW) (5:30) › “Apollo 18” (2011) ‘PG-13’
Homeland “I’ll Fly Away” (S) (CC) Inside the NFL (N) (S) (CC) Jim Rome on Showtime (N) Inside NASCAR Inside the NFL (S) (CC) Jim Rome on Showtime Dexter “Argentina” (S) (CC) Inside NASCAR “Botched” (2007, Suspense) Stephen Dorff. (S) ‘NR’ (CC) (:35) ›› “Ricochet River” (1998) Douglas Spain. ‘R’ ›› “Rugrats Go Wild” (2003) ‘PG’ (TMC) (5:00) ›› “The Waiting City” ‘R’
›› “Saved!” (2004) Jena Malone. (S) ‘PG-13’ (:35) “Love Birds” (2011, Romance-Comedy) Rhys Darby. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
“Year of the Carnivore” (2009) Cristin Milioti. (S) ‘NR’
››› “Different for Girls” (1996) Steven Mackintosh. ‘R’ (:40) “Bikini a-Go-Go” (2003) Beverly Lynne. (S) ‘NR’ (CC)
“Momentum” (2003) Lou Gossett Jr. (S) (CC) Jean Claude Van Damme “Paycheck”
(1972, Crime Drama) Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, James Caan. A mafia patriarch tries to hold his empire together. (CC)
“The Godfather, Part II” (1974, Crime Drama) Al Pacino, Robert Duvall, Diane Keaton. Michael Corleone moves his father’s crime family to Las Vegas. (CC) with (AP) Dragons: A Fantasy Made Real (CC) Mermaids: The Body Found (S) (CC) resurfaces.
The Body Found (S) (CC) Dragons: A Fantasy Made Real (CC) Finding BigfootFinding BigfootFinding BigfootOranguEden (BRAVO) Top Chef: Seattle ››› “Meet the Parents” (2000) ››› “Meet the Parents” (2000) ›› “Orange County” (2002, Comedy) ›› “Clerks II” (2006, Comedy) PaidPaidPaidPaidReal Housewives (CNBC) Costco Craze ››› “The Pixar Story” (2007) American Greed ››› “The Pixar Story” (2007) American GreedPaidPaidPaidPaidWorldwide Exchange (N) Squawk Box (N) (CNN) E. B. OutFrontAnderson CooperPiers MorganAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers MorganAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers MorganAnderson CooperEarly Start With Berman & Sambolin (COM) Dunham Jeff DunhamJeff Dunham: Controlled(:32) The Comedy Central Roast (CC) The Comedy Central Roast(12:47) ›› “Jackass: The Movie”“Jackass 2.5”PaidPaidPaidPaid (DISC) Property Wars (S) Property Wars (S) AuctionAuctionTexas Car WarsAuctionAuctionTexas Car WarsProperty Wars (S) Property Wars (S) PaidPaidNopaleaPaidPaidPaidPaidCreflo (DISN) JessieDogDogGood JessieANT AustinPhineasJessieANT WizardsWizardsDeckDeckGood Good WizardsWizardsDeckDeckFish Phineas“Sofia the First” (E!) E! News E Spec.E Spec.Big Rich TexasShannen SaysChelseaE! News ChelseaIce-CocoIce-CocoChelseaChelseaE! SpecialPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(ESPN) SportCtrCollege Football Texas Christian at Texas. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC)
(ESPN2) College Basketball Old Spice Classic -- Oklahoma vs. Texas-El Paso. (N) (Live) College Basketball Old Spice Classic -- Clemson vs. Gonzaga. (N) (Live)
SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) College Football SportsCenterSportsCenter
College Basketball DirecTV Classic -- California vs. Drake. (N) (Live)
World/ Poker 2012 World Series of Poker SportsCenter (N) (CC) SportsCenter (CC) E:60 Mike and Mike in the Morning (N)
(EWTN) Daily MassWorld Over LiveCrossingRosaryLife on the RockDefendWomen Daily MassWorld Over LiveOctavaServantChristPersonalThreshold of HopeLiving TheCouncilChoices
(FAM) “The Blind Side” ››› “The Blind Side” (2009, Drama) Sandra Bullock. The 700 Club (S) PrincePrincePaidPaidPaidPaidThe 700 Club (S) PaidPaidPrinceLifeJ. MeyerNopalea
(FNC) FOX Report With Shepard Smith The O’Reilly Factor (N) (CC) Hannity (N) On Record, Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (CC) Hannity On Record, Greta Van Susteren The Five Red Eye (N) The O’Reilly Factor (CC) FOX and Friends First FOX and Friends (N) (FSN) UFCDue UEFA Champions League Soccer Teams TBA. UEFA Champions League Soccer Teams TBA. Premier LeagueWorld Poker TourPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidLadderPaidPaid (FX) “Shrek Forever” ›› “Shrek Forever After” (2010) ›› “Shrek Forever After” (2010) ›› “Shrek Forever After” (2010) MotherMotherPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(GOLF) (5:30) European PGA Tour Golf DP World Tour Championship, First Round. From Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Golf Central Golf Acad. Golf Acad. Golf Acad. Golf Acad. Golf Acad. Golf Central European PGA Tour Golf DP World Tour Championship, Second Round. From Dubai, United Arab Emirates. (N) (Live) European PGA Tour Golf (HGTV) Buying and SellingExtreme HomesExtreme HomesHuntersHunt IntlExtreme HomesExtreme HomesHuntersHunt IntlExtreme HomesExtreme HomesPaidPaidNopaleaPaidPaidHunters
Hatfields &Hatfields & McCoys (Part 2 of 3) (CC) Hatfields & McCoys (Part 3 of 3) (CC) (:01) Hatfields & McCoys (CC) (:01) Hatfields & McCoys (CC) PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (LIFE) “Christmas Prop”“Holiday High School Reunion” (2012) ›› “A Nanny for Christmas” (2010) (:01) “Holiday High School Reunion”(:01) ›› “A Nanny for Christmas”PaidPaidBack NopaleaPaidPaid (NBCSN) College Basketball: Battle for Atlantis College Basketball: Battle for Atlantis NFL Turning PointSports IllustratedPoker After DarkPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidThe ’Lights (N) (NICK) Figure ItVictoFriendsFriendsMy WifeMy WifeYesDearYesDearFriendsFriendsHollywood HeightsGeorgeGeorgeChrisYesDearYesDearGeorgeGeorgeBradyBradyTBAMikeMike (SPIKE) Ink Master (CC) iMPACT Wrestling (N) (S) (CC) Ink Master (CC) TattooAcad ›› “Jurassic Park III” (2001) (S) Ways EntouEntouWays Knife Knife PaidPaid (SYFY) (5:30) ››› “Tomorrow Never Dies” ›› “The World Is Not Enough” (1999) (CC) ›› “Die Another Day” (2002) Pierce Brosnan, Halle Berry. ››› “GoldenEye” (1995, Action) Pierce Brosnan. (CC) ZonePaidPaid (TBN) JesusPottersBehindOsteenPrinceHillsongJesus of Nazareth Art portraying Jesus. CrefloFall Praise-A-Thon David JeremiahR. LuceWom (TBS) Seinfeld (CC) Seinfeld (CC) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S) Big BangBig BangBig BangBig BangConan (CC) The Office “Money” (S) (CC) Conan (CC) Name Is Earl Name Is Earl Paid Program Paid Program › “Our Family Wedding” (2010) America Ferrera, Forest Whitaker. (CC) MarriedMarried (TCM) (4:45) ›› “Little Women” (1949) ››› “Cheaper by the Dozen” (1950) Clifton Webb. ››› “Sitting Pretty” (1948) Robert Young. (CC)
››› “Room for One More” (1952) Cary Grant. (:45) ››› “Please Don’t Eat the Daisies” (1960) Doris Day. (CC) (DVS) (:45) ››› “Life With Father” (1947, Comedy) William Powell, Irene Dunne. (CC) ››› “Father’s Little Dividend” (1951) Spencer Tracy. A. Hitchcock (TLC) Breaking Amish (S) Breaking Amish (S) Four Weddings (N) BrideBrideFour Weddings (S) BrideBrideBrideBrideBreaking Amish (S) PaidPaidPaidNopaleaPaidPaidBlack Friday (TNT) Castle (S) (CC) Castle “Cuffed” (S) Castle (S) (CC) Castle (S) (CC)
CSI: NY (S) (CC) Cold Case (CC) Franklin & BashThe Closer (CC) NUMB3RS (CC) Angel (S) (CC) Smallville (CC) (TOON) AdvenAnnoyMADRegularKing/HillKing/HillAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChilDelocateAweAweAmer.Fam GuyFam GuyChilWholeAweKing/HillKing/HillLooneyAlmost (TRAV) Big Beef ParadiseMysteries-MuseumMysteries-MuseumMysteries-MuseumThe Dead FilesMysteries-MuseumMysteries-MuseumThe Dead FilesMysteries-MuseumPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TRUTV) Wipeout (S) (CC) Wipeout (S) (CC)
Wipeout (S) (CC) Wipeout (S) (CC)
(TVLAND) Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond
CSI: NY (S) (CC)
Most ShockingMost ShockingMost ShockingJokersJokersMost ShockingThe InvestigatorsForensicPaidPaidPaid
Cleveland Happily Divorced Raymond Raymond
(:12) The King of Queens (S) (CC)
King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens ’70s Show The Nanny The Nanny Home Improve. Home Improve. ’70s Show ’70s Show Paid Program Paid Program (USA)
NCIS Political assassination. (CC)
NCIS The death of a Marine. (S) (CC)
NCIS Citywide blackout. (S) (CC)
NCIS “Child’s Play” (S) (CC)
NCIS A Navy pilot is found dead. (S)
NCIS Naval officers targeted. (S) (CC) NCIS “Enigma” (S) (CC) NCIS Man holds hostages in the lab. NCIS The body of a sailor is found. NCIS “UnSEALed” (S) (CC) NCIS “Dead Man Talking” (S) (CC) › “The Condemned” (2007) (WGN-A) Funny VideosMotherMotherMotherMotherNews at NineFunny VideosRulesRules30 RockScrubs30 RockSunnyFturamaDeathBill CunninghamPaidPaidPaidJ. Meyer
(HBO) ››› “The Girl” (2012) Toby Jones. (S) (CC) ›› “We Bought a Zoo” (2011, ComedyDrama) Matt Damon. (S) ‘PG’ (CC) (:45) Witness (:15) The Orgasm Special: A Real Sex Xtra (S) (CC)
24/7(11:50) ›› “Tower Heist” (2011) Ben Stiller. (S) ‘PG-13’
(:40) Treme “Poor Man’s Paradise” (:40) ››› “The Matrix Reloaded” (2003) Keanu Reeves. Freedom fighters revolt against machines. ›› “Johnny English” (2003) ‘PG’ (MAX) (5:30) ›› “Horrible Bosses” (2011) (S) ‘NR’ (CC) (:20) ›› “Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy” ›› “A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas” (2011) ‘R’ “Busty Coeds vs. Lusty” (:45) ›› “Horrible Bosses” (2011, Comedy) Jason Bateman. (S) ‘NR’ (CC) Chemistry (S) › “Say Nothing” (2001) William Baldwin. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:35) ››› “The Debt” (2010, Drama) Helen Mirren. (S) ‘R’ (CC) “Puss in Boots” (SHOW) (5:55) ›› “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” (2010) Kristen Stewart. ‘PG-13’
› “The Three Musketeers” (2011) Matthew MacFadyen. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
Dave’s Old Porn Reality Show (N) Dave’s Old Porn ›› “Brüno” (2009, Comedy) Sacha Baron Cohen. ‘R’ ›› “4:44 Last Day on Earth” (2011) Willem Dafoe.
››› “The Help” (2011) Viola Davis. An aspiring writer captures the experiences of black women. ›› “Real Steel” (2011, Action) Hugh Jackman. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC) (:40) ››› “Source Code” (2011) Jake Gyllenhaal. (CC)
›› “Windtalkers” (2002, War) Nicolas Cage, Adam Beach. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:45) ››› “A Better Life” (2011) Demián Bichir. ‘PG-13’ (TMC) “Lara Croft Tomb Raider”
(:15) › “The Rich Man’s Wife” (1996, Suspense) Halle Berry. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
“Allan Quatermain and the Temple of Skulls” (2008) ‘R’
(:45) ›› “The Ref” (1994) Denis Leary. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
Orman ShowMillionsPaid
(CNN) E. B. OutFrontAnderson CooperPiers MorganAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers MorganAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers MorganAnderson CooperPiers MorganWk Early Start (COM) Harold(:16) › “Half Baked” (1998) (CC) (:17) ›› “Jackass: The Movie” (2002) “Jackass: Number Two”(12:03) Katt Williams LiveKatt Williams American Hustle ComedyPaidPaidPaidPaid
(DISC) Flying Wild AlaskaGold Rush - The Gold Rush (N) (S) Jungle Gold (N) (S) Gold Rush (CC) Jungle Gold (CC) Gold Rush - The Flying Wild AlaskaPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (DISN) JessieJessieA.N.T. Farm (N) (S) DogGravityANT Good ANT GravityShake ItJessieWizardsPhineasANT (:25) ›› “Cadet Kelly” (S) DeckDeckFish PhineasNever Land
E! News Sex-CitySex-CityE! SpecialFashion PoliceChelseaE! News ChelseaFashion PoliceChelseaChelseaE! SpecialPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(ESPN) College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) College Football Arizona State at Arizona. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) College Football Teams TBA. SportsCenterSportsCenter
(ESPN2) Basketball College Basketball Old Spice Classic, Second Semifinal: Teams TBA. From Orlando, Fla. (N) College Basketball: Continental Tire Las Vegas Invitational College Basketball DirecTV Classic, Second Semifinal: Teams TBA. (N)
NBA Tonight (N) College Football Teams TBA. SportsNation College Football Arizona State at Arizona. (N Same-day Tape)
(EWTN) Daily MassLife on the RockCampusRosaryGod TouchesMaryWomen Daily MassLife on the RockCampusDefendGalleryLoveCenaclePortraitsMission for TruthCouncilLetter
(FAM) (5:30) ›› “Nanny McPhee” ›› “Nanny McPhee Returns” (2010) Premiere. The 700 Club (S) PrincePrincePaidPaidPaidPaidThe 700 Club (S) PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(FNC) FOX Report With Shepard Smith The O’Reilly Factor (N) (CC) Hannity (N) On Record, Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (CC) Hannity On Record, Greta Van Susteren The Five Red Eye (N) The O’Reilly Factor (CC) Hannity FOX and Friends Saturday (N)
(FSN) College Hockey Minnesota at Vermont. (N) (Live) WolvesNBA Basketball: Timberwolves at Trail Blazers WolvesWolvesWordsVikingsVikingsPaidPaidPaidPaidGreat PaidPaidLadder
(FX) Two Two ››› “How to Train Your Dragon” ››› “How to Train Your Dragon”MotherMotherMotherSons of Anarchy ›› “Zoolander” (2001) Ben Stiller. PaidPaidPaidPaid
(GOLF) (5:30) European PGA Tour Golf DP World Tour Championship, Second Round. From Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Golf Central School of Golf School of Golf School of Golf School of Golf School of Golf Golf Central European PGA Tour Golf DP World Tour Championship, Third Round. From Dubai, United Arab Emirates. (N) (Live) European PGA Tour Golf (HGTV) Hunt IntlHunt IntlExtreme HomesHome StrangeHuntersHunt IntlHunt IntlHunt IntlHome StrangeHuntersHunt IntlHunt IntlHunt IntlExtreme HomesPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(HIST) Cnt. Cnt. American PickersAmerican PickersPickers1880’sHow theCajun American PickersAmerican PickersPickers1880’sHow theCajun PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(LIFE) “Nanny-Christ” ››› “Pretty Woman” (1990) Richard Gere. (CC) Abby’s Dance(:01) ››› “Pretty Woman” (1990) Richard Gere. (CC) Abby’s DancePaidBack PaidPaidPaidNopalea (NBCSN) College Basketball College Basketball NFL Turning PointPoker After DarkPoker After DarkPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (NICK) Figure ItVictoiCarly “iGoodbye” My WifeMy WifeGeorgeGeorgeFriendsFriendsHollywood HeightsFriendsFriendsChrisYesDearYesDearGeorgeGeorgeBradyBradyTBAT.U.F.F.T.U.F.F. (SPIKE) ›› “Star Wars: Episode I -- The Phantom Menace” (1999) (S) ›› “Star Wars: Episode II -- Attack of the Clones” (2002) (S) TattooTattooTattooTattooPaidPaidPaidPaidRiflesPaid (SYFY) “Casino Royale”WWE Friday Night SmackDown! (N) (S) ›› “Quantum of Solace” (2008) Daniel Craig. ››› “Live and Let Die” (1973) Roger Moore. ››› “Thunderball” (1965) Sean Connery. ZonePaidPaid (TBN) Sid Roth PottersBehindLindseyHarvestP. Stone ›› “Facing the Giants” (2006) Ever InNo More TearsCrefloFall Praise-A-Thon StoriesCharityKids ClbPhphy (TBS) (5:00) ›› “Four Christmases” (CC)
›› “Fred Claus” (2007) Vince Vaughn. Santa’s ne’er-do-well brother puts Christmas in jeopardy.
Better Worse Better Worse Better Worse Better Worse ›› “This Christmas” (2007) Delroy Lindo, Idris Elba. A reunion at the holidays tests family ties. Paid Program Paid Program ›› “Call Me Claus” (2001) Whoopi Goldberg, Nigel Hawthorne. (CC) (DVS) Jeff Foxworthy Jeff Foxworthy (TCM) (5:00) ››› “Dial M for Murder”
›››› “My Fair Lady” (1964) Audrey Hepburn. Professor Henry Higgins bets he can refine cockney Eliza Doolittle.
››› “Camelot” (1967, Musical) Richard Harris. Adaptation of the Lerner-Loewe musical about King Arthur. (CC) (:15) ›› “The Tempest” (1979) Heathcote Williams, Karl Johnson.
››› “Derek” (2008) Narrated by Tilda Swinton. Perversion-Pro ›› “Tough Guy” (1936, Drama) (TLC) Say YesSay YesBrideBrideSay YesSay YesBridesBridesSay YesSay YesBridesBridesBrideBrideSay YesSay YesPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TNT) The Mentalist (S) ›› “Kiss the Girls” (1997) Morgan Freeman. ›› “Disturbia” (2007) Shia LaBeouf. (:45) › “Obsessed” (2009) Idris Elba. (CC)
NUMB3RS (CC) Smallville (CC) Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) (TOON) RegularNinjaGoCartoon PlanetKing/HillKing/HillAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenAquaMcGeeAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenWholeMcGeeKing/HillKing/HillLooneyLooney (TRAV) BurgerBurgerGhost AdventuresGhost AdventuresThe Dead FilesThe Dead FilesGhost AdventuresThe Dead FilesThe Dead FilesGhost AdventuresNopaleaPaidPaidPaidRiflesPaid (TRUTV) Wipeout (S) (CC) Wipeout (S) (CC) Killer KaraokeWipeout (S) (CC) World’s Dumbest...World’s Dumbest...Killer KaraokeWorld’s Dumbest...World’s Dumbest...The InvestigatorsForensicPaidPaidPaid (TVLAND) Andy Griffith (:43) The Andy Griffith Show Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond Cleveland Happily Divorced Raymond Raymond King of Queens (:38) The King of Queens (S) (CC) King of Queens King of Queens ’70s Show The Nanny The Nanny Home Improve. Home Improve. ’70s Show ’70s Show The Nanny (:36) The Nanny (USA) (5:00) ›› “Bad Boys II” (2003) Martin Lawrence, Will Smith, Jordi Mollà. (CC)
›› “Fast & Furious” (2009, Action) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. (CC)
›› “Bad Boys II” (2003, Action) Martin Lawrence, Will Smith. Two detectives battle a drug kingpin in Miami. (CC)
›› “Fast & Furious” (2009, Action) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. (CC) House “Forever” (S) (CC) Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program (WGN-A) Funny VideosMotherMotherMotherMotherNews at NineFunny VideosRulesRules30 RockScrubs30 RockSunnyFturamaDeathBill CunninghamPaidPaidSingAdelante
(HBO) “Mr Pop”24/7REAL Sports With Bryant Gumbel (S) “Crossfire Hurricane” (2012, Documentary) (S) ‘NR’ (CC) (:45) ›› “The Hangover Part II” (2011) Bradley Cooper. (S) ‘R’ (CC) › “Little Fockers” (2010) Robert De Niro. ‘PG-13’ (CC)
(:10) ›› “American Wedding” (2003, Comedy) Jason Biggs. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(2:50) ›› “Going the Distance” (2010) (S) ‘R’ (CC) (:35) ›› “Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult” (1994) (MAX) (4:35) ››› “Bridesmaids” (S)
(6:50) ›› “Fast Five” (2011, Action) Vin Diesel. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC) Hunted “Polyhedrus” (S) (CC) Skin to the Max Hunted “Polyhedrus” (S) (CC) “Emmanuelle Through Time: Rod Steele 0014”
›› “Contraband” (2012, Action) Mark Wahlberg, Kate Beckinsale. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(2:50) ›› “The Maker” (1997) Matthew Modine. ‘R’ ››› “Jane Eyre” (2011) Mia Wasikowska. (S) ‘PG-13’ (SHOW) “Perfect Score” (:45) ››› “50/50” (2011) Joseph GordonLevitt, Seth Rogen. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
› “I Don’t Know How She Does It” (2011) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
Joan Rivers: Don’t Start With Me (S) (:15) Jim Rome on Showtime (12:15) Inside the NFL (S) (CC)
Dave’s Old Porn (:45) “MILF” (2010, Comedy) Jack Cullison. (S) ‘NR’ (CC)
(:15) ›› “Alive” (1993) Ethan Hawke. Rugby team survives 1970s Andes plane crash. ‘R’ (CC) “Spy Kids” (TMC) (5:15) ›› “Barbershop” (2002)
››› “Our Idiot Brother” (2011) Paul Rudd. (S) ‘R’
KTCA WordGirl (S) (EI) Cyberchase Arthur (S) (EI) Wild Kratts SciGirls (CC) Simply Ming (S) Scandinavian WI Foodie Sara’sCooking School Lidia’s Italy Test Kitchen Cook’s Country Steves’ Europe Globe Trekker Fort Worth Gun Show.
KSTP 5 Eyewitness News AM (N) (S) Good Morning America (N) (CC)
KCCO CBS This Morning: Saturday (N) (S) (CC)
Eyewitness News AM (N) (S) Jack Hanna Ocean Mys. Born to Explore Sea Rescue College Football Michigan at Ohio State. (N) (Live) College Football Teams
4 News Saturday Morning Doodlebops (EI) Doodlebops (EI) Busytown Busytown Paid Program Paid Program Hldzzle Parade Lucas Oil Off Road Racing (Taped) Football Spec. College Football College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) (CC)
WDSE (Off Air)Mister Rogers Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot Curious George: Monkey Christmas Arthur’s Perfect Christmas (S) Knitting Daily (S) It’s Sew Easy (S) Quilting Arts (S) Sewing/ Nancy WDSE Cooks “B is for Bars” (S) Super Brain With Dr. Rudy
››› “McLintock!” (1963, Western) John Wayne. A cattle baron meets his match in a strong-willed woman. (CC) ››› “El Dorado” (1967, Western) John Wayne. A gunfighter and a drunken sheriff face an evil land baron. (CC)
›› “Big Jake” (1971) John Wayne, Richard Boone. (CC) (AP) It’s Me or the DogMust Love Cats (S) Cats 101 (S) (CC) To Be Announced To Be Announced (BRAVO) DecoratorsFlipping Out (CC) Flipping Out (CC) LOLworkLOLworkTop Chef: SeattleTop Chef: SeattleStart-Ups Start-Ups Start-Ups Real HousewivesReal HousewivesReal Housewives (CNBC) PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (CNN) Early Sat. CNN Saturday Morning (N) BottomCNN Saturday Morning (N) CNN NewsroomYour Money (N) CNN Newsroom (N) GuptaCNN NewsroomSituation Room (COM) PaidPaidComedy“Cheech-Chong” “Cheech and Chong’s Up in Smoke”(10:58) ›› “Police Academy” (1984) (12:58) › “Let’s Go to Prison” (2006) (2:58) ›› “Waiting...” (2005) (CC) “Office
E! SpecialE! SpecialE! SpecialE! SpecialE! SpecialE! SpecialE! SpecialE! Special
College Football (EWTN) ChapletRosaryDaily MassDonutAngelsLucyCat ChatKnightsRosaryDaily MassMiraclesVis.EWTN on LocationChapletRosaryWeb of Faith 2.0Sunday PrimeLivingMarriage
(FAM) Reba (S) Reba (S) ›› “The Princess Diaries” (2001, Comedy) ›››› “Mary Poppins” (1964, Musical) Julie Andrews. ›› “Nanny McPhee” (2005, Comedy) ›› “Nanny McPhee Returns” (2010, Comedy) “Home Alone 4”
(FNC) (5:00) FOX and Friends Saturday (N) Bulls & Bears BusinessForbes on FOX Cashin’ In (N) America’s News Headquarters (N) America’s News Headquarters (N) The Journal Editorial Report (N) FOX News Watch (N) America’s News Headquarters (N) America’s News Headquarters (N)
(FSN) WorldOutd’rHunterWoods...Due PaidWoodsOutdoorDW-TVJerry KillCollege Football Alabama-Birmingham at Central Florida. (N) (Live) College Football Tulane at Houston. (N) (Live) (FX) MotherMotherMotherMother ››› “Spider-Man 2” (2004, Action) Tobey Maguire. College Football Tulsa at Southern Methodist. (N) (Live) Two Two Two Two “Night-Smithsonian”
(GOLF) European PGA Tour Golf Golf Central European PGA Tour Golf DP World Tour Championship, Third Round. From Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Golf Central Big Break Greenbrier Big Break Greenbrier Big Break Greenbrier Big Break Greenbrier Golf Central Euro PGA
(HGTV) BryanElbowBuying and SellingPropertyPropertyBathBathYardKitchenCrashersCrashersLove It or List ItI Want That! BathsI Want That!LandscapingHome StrangeHigh Hunt Intl
(HIST) Modern MarvelsModern MarvelsModern MarvelsModern MarvelsModern MarvelsThe Men Who Built America (CC) The Men Who Built America (CC) The Men Who Built America (CC) Built America
(LIFE) BraPaidBack PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidMy Life, Movie ›› “Home by Christmas” (2006) (CC) “Christmas in Paradise” (2007) (CC) ››› “A Christmas Proposal” (2008) “Christmas Hop” (NBCSN) OutComingWhitetailWhitetail HuntingWhitetailBucksHuntingWinchOutdoorAmmoAmmoElk FeBuckNFL Turning PointPregameCollege Football Air Force at Fresno State. (N) (Live) (NICK) PenguinPenguinParentsParentsSponge.Sponge.Sponge.Sponge.TurtlesKung FuPenguinRobotPowerKung FuKung FuKung FuBig TimeBig TimeiCarly (S) iCarly (S) iCarly (S) iCarly (S) VictoVicto (SPIKE) PaidPaidPaidPaidInk Master (CC) ›› “Star Wars: Episode I -- The Phantom Menace” (S) ›› “Star Wars: Episode II -- Attack of the Clones” (2002) (S) “Star Wars: Episode III -- Revenge of the Sith” (SYFY)
PaidPaidPaidPaidVideoVideoDark › “Dragon Wars” (2007) Jason Behr. “Fire & Ice” (2008) Amy Acker. ››› “Dragon Dynasty” (2006) › “Age of the Dragons” (2011) (CC) Dun (TBN) Dr. WonDooleyMouseStoryThe Auto GdComeGod RocMonsterHopkinsLassieGoliathIshineInspir.VeggiePenguinTailsHeroes & LegendsNews“The Ten Commandments”Gods At (TBS)
Name Is Earl According-Jim There Yet? Meet the Browns Meet the Browns According-Jim Raymond ›› “The Wedding Date” (2005) Debra Messing. (CC) ›› “Failure to Launch” (2006) Matthew McConaughey. (CC)
›› “Four Christmases” (2008) Vince Vaughn, Reese Witherspoon. Friends (CC) Friends (CC) Friends (CC) Friends (CC) King of Queens King of Queens (TCM) “Tough Guy” ››› “On Borrowed Time” (1939) Lionel Barrymore. (CC) (:15) ››› “The Mad Miss Manton” (1938) (CC) (:45) › “Five Little Peppers in Trouble” (1940)
›› “The Saint’s Double Trouble” (:15) ›››› “The Adventures of Robin Hood” (1938) Errol Flynn. (:15) ››› “There’s No Business Like Show Business” (1954) Ethel Merman, Dan Dailey. (CC)
››› “Gypsy” (1962, Musical) Rosalind Russell. (CC) (TLC) PaidPaidPaidPaidProperty LadderProperty LadderProperty LadderProperty LadderUndercover BossUndercover BossUndercover BossUndercover BossUndercover BossUndercover Boss
(TNT) Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) Franklin & BashRizzoli & IslesLaw & Order (S) ›› “What Lies Beneath” (2000) Harrison Ford. (:45) › “Obsessed” (2009) Idris Elba. (:45) ›› “Kiss the Girls” (TOON) Scan2GoNinjaGoBeyPokeBen 10StarDragons“Ben 10: Destroy All Aliens” ›› “Garfield’s Fun Fest”“Open Season 3” (2010) ›› “Planet 51” (2009) Jessica Biel “Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs” (TRAV) When VacationsMysteries-MuseumNo ReservationThe Layover (CC) Mysteries-MuseumMan v. Food (CC) FoodFoodToy HntrToy HntrDangerous Gr.Extreme VegasExtreme BeachesWaterparks Best (TRUTV) PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidConspiracyBlack GoldMost DaringMost DaringMost DaringMost DaringMost ShockingMost ShockingMost Shocking
(CC) Law Order: CILaw Order: CILaw Order: CILaw Order: CILaw Order: CILaw Order: CILaw Order: CILaw Order: CI
(HBO) ›› “Love Don’t Cost a Thing” (2003) Nick Cannon. (:45) ›› “Tower Heist” (2011, Comedy) Ben Stiller. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC) 24/7 › “Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked” (2011) ›› “Arthur” (2011) Russell Brand, Helen Mirren. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
Witness Veronique de Viguerie. (CC) ›› “Tower Heist” (2011) Ben Stiller. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
(:15) ››› “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” (2004) (S) ‘PG’ (CC)
(MAX) “Jane Eyre” (S) ›› “Monte Carlo” (2011, Romance-Comedy) Selena Gomez. (S) ‘PG’ (CC)
(:20) ››› “The Rundown” (2003) The Rock. (S) ‘PG-13’
(:05) ›› “Transit” (2012) Jim Caviezel. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:40) ››› “While You Were Sleeping” (1995) Sandra Bullock. ‘PG’ (CC)
Hunted “Kismet” (S) (CC) Hunted “Ambassadors” (S) (CC) Hunted “Polyhedrus” (S) (CC) ››› “Contagion” (2011) Marion Cotillard. ‘PG-13’ (CC) (SHOW) “Spy Kids: All the Time in the World” Inside the NFL (S) (CC) Jim Rome on Showtime Inside NASCAR › “Apollo 18” (2011) Lloyd Owen. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
› “Spy Kids: All the Time in the World” (2011) ‘PG’
› “I Don’t Know How She Does It” (2011) ‘PG-13’ (CC) Untold History of the United States Dexter “Argentina” (S) (CC) Boxing Ricky Hatton vs. Vyacheslav Senchenko. (N) Homeland (S) (TMC) “The Extra Man”
The Best of Ask This Old House (S) Happy Holidays: Best of Andy Williams Red Green Red Green Red Green Austin City Limits “Jimmy Cliff” (S)
Two lawmen contend with a malevolent rancher. (CC)
Jake” (1971, Western) John Wayne, Richard Boone, Maureen O’Hara. (CC)
Miami “Going Ballistic” (S) (CC)
Miami “Resurrection” (S) (CC) Three Stooges Mad Men “The Phantom” (CC) (AP) Bully-SugarToo Cute! (N) (S) Too Cute! (S) Pit Bulls-ParoleToo Cute! (S) Pit Bulls-ParoleToo Cute! (S) Bully-SugarFreakFreakTapeTapeWeirdWeirdExtremeExtreme (BRAVO) ›› “Bee Movie” (2007, Comedy) ›› “Bee Movie” (2007, Comedy) ›› “Overboard” (1987, Comedy) Goldie Hawn. ›› “Overboard” (1987, Comedy) Goldie Hawn. PaidPaidPaidPaidHousewives/Atl. (CNBC) MillionsMillionsUltimate FactoriesSuze Orman ShowPrincessPrincessUltimate FactoriesSuze Orman ShowPrincessPrincessPaidPaidPrincessPrincessSuze Orman ShowSuze Orman ShowMillionsPaid (CNN) CNN NewsroomCNN PresentsPiers MorganCNN NewsroomCNN PresentsPiers MorganCNN NewsroomCNN PresentsPiers MorganCNN NewsroomPiers MorganWk Early Start (COM) “Office Space”Tosh.0Tosh.0Tosh.0Tosh.0It’s Always SunnyKyle KinaneIt’s Always SunnyKyle Kinane ››› “Bad Santa” (2003) (CC) South PkComedyPaidPaidPaidPaid (DISC) Outlaw Empires (S) Outlaw Empires (S) Outlaw Empires (S) Alaska MarshalsOutlaw Empires (S) Alaska MarshalsOutlaw Empires (S) Outlaw Empires (S) PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidDavid (DISN) ANT Movie (S) (CC) Good DogJessieAustinGravityGood JessieAustinANT Shake ItPhineas ›› “Quints” (2000) (S) (CC) DeckDeckFish PhineasDoc Doc (E!) E! SpecialMovie E! SpecialSoupChelseaFashionE! Special E! SpecialPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (ESPN) Score(:45) College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) (:45) SportsCenter (N) (CC) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) Football FinalNFLCollege Football Teams TBA. NFL (ESPN2) College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) College Football Scoreboard (N) College Basketball Continental Tire Las Vegas Invitational, Final: Teams TBA. College Football Final (N) (CC) NBA Tonight (N) College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) SportsNation SportsCenter (N) (CC) SportsCenter (CC)
(EWTN) Mother AngelicaSaint Giuseppe MoscatiRosaryLiving RightCatholicism (CC) Daily MassFaithSavoringXavier: MissionaryPrayerThe EWTN LiveAt LastLivingAngelusFeasts
(FAM) “Home Alone 4” ››› “Home Alone” (1990, Comedy) ›› “Richie Rich” (1994, Comedy) ›› “Unaccompanied Minors” (2006) PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidMass
(FNC) FOX Report (N) Huckabee (N) Justice With Judge Jeanine (N) Geraldo at Large (S) (CC) The Journal Editorial Report (CC) Justice With Judge Jeanine Geraldo at Large (S) (CC) Red Eye Huckabee Justice With Judge Jeanine Geraldo at Large (S) (CC) FOX and Friends Sunday (N)
(FSN) College Hockey Minnesota at Vermont. (N) (Live) GophersWolvesNBA Basketball: Timberwolves at Warriors WolvesUEFAAction SportsCollege Hockey NBA Basketball WolvesSnow (FX) “Smithsonian” › “Grown Ups” (2010) Adam Sandler. ›› “Christmas With the Kranks”ArcherArcherUnsuper.Unsuper.ArcherArcherUnsuper.Unsuper.Two Two PaidPaidPaidPaid (GOLF) (5:30) European PGA Tour Golf DP World Tour Championship, Third Round. From Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Golf Central Big Break Big Break Big Break Big Break Big Break Golf Central European PGA Tour Golf DP World Tour Championship, Final Round. From Dubai, United Arab Emirates. (N) (Live) European PGA Tour Golf
(HGTV) House HuntersLove It or List ItCelebrity Holiday HuntersHunt IntlHuntersHunt IntlCelebrity Holiday HuntersHunt IntlHuntersHunt IntlLove It or List ItPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(HIST) Built AmericaMankind The Story of All of Us (CC) PawnPawnPawnPawn(:01) Mankind The Story of All of UsPawnPawnPawnPawnPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(LIFE) “Christmas Hop”“The March Sisters at Christmas” (CC) “Holiday Spin” (2012) Ralph Macchio. (:01) “The March Sisters at Christmas”(:01) “Holiday Spin” (2012, Drama) (CC) PaidNopaleaMy PilPaidPaidPaid
(NBCSN) College Basketball College Basketball College Football Grambling State vs. Southern. PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(NICK) VictoVictoVictoMarvinVictoVictoYesDearYesDearFriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsGeorgeGeorgeYesDearYesDearMy WifeMy WifeNannyBradyBradyTBAGrownT.U.F.F. (SPIKE) “Star Wars-Sith” ›››› “Star Wars IV: A New Hope” (1977) Mark Hamill. ›› “Reign of Fire” (2002) (S) Ink Master (CC) Ink Master (S) TattooWays Hang PaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (SYFY) “Dungeons & Dragons: Dragon God”“Dungeons & Dragons” “Dungeons & Dragons: Dragon God” “Dungeons & Dragons” › “Dragon Wars” (2007) Jason Behr. Dark PaidPaid (TBN) Precious MemoriesIn Touch Hour of Power (S) Graham Classic“Hardflip” (2012, Action) ›› “A Walk to Remember” (2002) VirtualChristianStrangerLindseyGospelGraham ClassicHoly Bible (TBS) King of Queens King of Queens Big BangBig BangBig BangBig BangWedding Band (N) Wedding Band ›› “Shrek the Third” (2007) Voices of Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy. (CC)
MarriedMarriedPaid Program Paid Program ›› “Herbie: Fully Loaded” (2005) Lindsay Lohan, Michael Keaton. (CC)
MarriedMarried (TCM) (4:30) ››› “Gypsy” (1962)
››› “Jezebel” (1938, Drama) Bette Davis, Henry Fonda. (CC) (DVS)
›››› “Ben-Hur” (1959, Historical Drama) Charlton Heston, Jack Hawkins, Stephen Boyd. Friends become bitter enemies during the time of Christ.
›››› “Mrs. Miniver” (1942, Drama) Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon. (CC) (DVS)
›››› “Funny Girl” (1968, Musical) Barbra Streisand, Omar Sharif, Walter Pidgeon. (CC) (TLC) 20/20 on TLC (S) 20/20 on TLC (S) 20/20 on TLC (N) 20/20 on TLC (N) 20/20 on TLC (S) 20/20 on TLC (S) 20/20 on TLC (S) 20/20 on TLC (S) PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TNT) “Kiss the Girls” ›› “Angels & Demons” (2009) Tom Hanks. (CC) (DVS) ›› “The Da Vinci Code” (2006) Tom Hanks. (CC) ››› “Fracture” (2007) (CC) Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) (TOON) ›› “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” (2010) VentureFam GuyFam GuyCleveBoonBoonBleachTenchiSamurai Thundr.TitanEureka 7FullmetalFullmetalCowboyCowboyInuyashaInuyashaLooneyLooney (TRAV) Extr. Terror RidesGhost AdventuresGhost Adventures: The BeginningGhost AdventuresGhost Adventures: The BeginningGhost AdventuresGhost AdventuresPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidRifles (TRUTV) Wipeout (S) (CC) Wipeout (S) (CC) Wipeout (S) (CC) Most ShockingTowTowMost ShockingMost ShockingMost ShockingTowTowPaidGrt PilPaidPaidPaidPaid (TVLAND) Happily Divorced Happily Divorced Happily Divorced Happily Divorced Happily Divorced Happily Divorced Happily Divorced Happily Divorced Raymond Raymond King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens ’70s Show (:43) Roseanne (S) (CC) Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S) Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S) (USA) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims U nit WWE A.M. Raw (N) (CC) House Cuddy looks for a sperm donor. House “No Reason” (S) (CC) Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program (WGN-A) Funny VideosFunny VideosNBA Basketball: Bulls at Bucks NewsBones (S) (CC) 30 Rock30 Rock30 Rock30 RockChris ››› “True Crime” (1999) Clint Eastwood. WorldPaid
(HBO) “Harry Potter” (:45) ›› “Red Tails” (2012, Historical Drama) Cuba Gooding Jr. Premiere. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
Boxing World Championship Boxing. (N) (S Live) (CC)
24/7(12:15) Boardwalk Empire (S) (CC) (:15) ›› “Red Tails” (2012, Historical Drama) Cuba Gooding Jr., Nate Parker. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC) (:40) ›› “Waterworld” (1995) Kevin Costner. A loner navigates a future world. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
(MAX) “Contagion” (S) (:20) ›› “Resident Evil: Apocalypse” (2004) ‘R’ (CC) Hunted “Polyhedrus” (S) (CC)
“Philly Kid” (2012, Action) Wes Chatham. ‘R’ (CC)
(:35) Hunted “Polyhedrus” (CC)
Skin to the Max (12:05) “Sex Tapes” (2002) Rita Faltoyano. (S) ‘NR’ (CC) “Philly Kid” (2012, Action) Wes Chatham. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:05) ›› “Action Jackson” (1988) Carl Weathers. (S) ‘R’ (:40) ›› “Head Above Water” (1996) Harvey Keitel. (S) (SHOW) Homeland (S) War Horse ›› “Faster” (2010, Action) Dwayne Johnson. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
›› “Red State” (2011, Horror) Michael Parks. ‘R’
›› “Psychosis” (2010) Charisma Carpenter. ‘R’ (CC) (:35) › “The Ledge” (2011, Drama) Charlie Hunnam, Liv Tyler. (S) ‘R’ (CC) (:20) “Evasive Action” (1998) Dorian Harewood. ‘R’ (CC)
Homeland “I’ll Fly Away” (S) (CC) Dexter “Argentina” (S) (CC) Jim Rome on Showtime Dave’s Old Porn Shaquille O’Neal: Comedy (:10) ›› “Valkyrie” (2008, Historical Drama) Tom Cruise. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC) (:15) ››› “A Better Life” (2011) (TMC) “Our Idiot Bro.” ›› “Beastly” (2011) Alex Pettyfer. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC) ›› “Isolation” (2005, Horror) John Lynch. (S) ‘R’ (CC) (:40) ›› “Psychosis” (2010) Charisma Carpenter. (:15) ›› “Isolation” (2005, Horror) John Lynch, Essie Davis. (S) ‘R’ (CC)