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Welcome BoardCer tified Physicians
Gail Clifford, M.D. Hospitalist
Dr.Clifford relocatedtoDeerwood from Arizona whereshe wasa hospitalist. She also practiced in Tacoma, Wash.; Mankato; SiouxFalls,SouthDakota; Bremer ton, Washington ;Council Bluffs,Iowa; Baton Rouge, Louisiana; andBelleville, Illinois. Dr.Clifford earned her MedicalDegree at NewYorkMedical College; Mastersof Medical Management at Carnegie Mellon; andBachelorofSciencedegreeinbiology, cumlaude,atSaintLouis University. She completed herresidencyatthe Universityof TexasHealthScienceCenter, MD Anderson Cancer Center,and Polyclinic Medical Center.The physician also completeda Master’sscreenwritingcourse.
Kamran Darabi,M.D. Oncologist

Dr.Darabi came to CRMC from North Carolina where he wasamember of the hematology/oncolog yfaculty at Levine CancerInstitute of Atrium Health. He also worked as medical director of thehematology/oncolog yprogram at Ridgeview MedicalCenter in Waconia, Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at SanfordSchoolofMedicine andas hematologist/medical oncologistat SanfordCancerCenter.Dr. Darabi received his Medical Degree from theUniversity of Cologne in Germanyand completed residencyatAlber tEinstein Medical Center in Philadelphia andfellowshipsatHar vard Universityand NewYorkMedical College.
DanLonergan, M.D. Interventional Pain Specialist
Dr.Lonerganreceived his Medical DoctoratefromS t. Louis Universit y School of Medicine andcompletedhis ane st he siology re sidenc yand pain medicinefellowship at Vanderbilt University MedicalCenter wherehe also ser veda smedicaldirec tor of the comprehensivepain service.Hehas specific exper tise in thet reat ment of spinalpain throught he useof inter vent ional and mult idisciplinar y modalit ie sw it hout theuse of opioids or ot her addic tive sub st ance s.


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In his infancy, John “JJ” Shaft Jr. (Usher) survived an assassination attempt by drug lord Pierro “Gordito” Carrera (De Bankolé), along with his mother and father. JJ is now a cybersecurity expert and an FBI agent with a degree from MIT. When his childhood friend is found dead of a heroin overdose, he suspects foul play. Turning to his father (Jackson), a detective-turned-private investigator, for help, JJ works alongside his dad to solve the mystery of his friend’s untimely death. Director:TimStory.Stars:SamuelL. Jackson,JessieT.Usher,Richard Roundtree,ReginaHall,IsaachDe Bankolé. 2019.111mins.Action.