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There was a tree Who wanted to be free

He wanted to run And dreamt of chasing the sun But nobody believed in him Except his friend Jim They both prayed for their dreams to come true, And one day out of the blue, God gave them a gift So that they could drift And together they soared the sky, And they could even fly! They flew over the moon, Then in the month of june, They came back to their roots And bore many fruits!


Out of the blue: Suddenly Chase: Get hold of something

First time ever in the history of mankind, schools were shut for more than 2O months globally.

I’m sure all of you are back to school by now and enjoying the summers after a long time! Well, school hasn’t been easy of late! Has it? You have to maintain social distancing, sanitize your hands regularly and also be ready with the readings. But do you know there are a few simple tricks you can follow, which can help you manage school easily? Well here are some of the things you should keep in mind to make your life a little easy: The first thing I’ll request you to do is meditate. This will help you glide through the lectures easily. The second thing is, take a break from technology. Start reading books manually. This will establish a material relationship with your books and help you focus naturally. Spend time painting and sketching. This will calm you down and make you happy. Try physical activities, as it will help you cleanse your soul of melancholy. Lastly, discuss with your friends, the important things in life, and how they have been managing the pandemic. First time ever in the history of mankind, schools were shut for more than 2O months globally.

Sanitize- Clean Melancholy- Feeling of loneliness

The Proboscis Monkey is a type of monkey with a very large nose! They are found in Borneo along rivers, mangrove and riverine forests.

These monkeys like snacking on fruits and leaves but also eat flowers, insects and seeds with respect to the season. It loves to eat fruits from January to May while they like to feast on young leaves from June to December. They are great swimmers too, perhaps the type of monkey with the best swimming skills. They live in groups headed by one adult male, and several females and their offsprings. They may also exist in all male groups consisting of 9-20 individuals. The colour of the fur on their back can range from bright orange, yellowish brown, reddish brown or brick red and they are extremely social. Infants of this species are born with a blue face which slowly change colour as they grow up. Both males and females have a bulging stomach which makes it look like a pot belly! Funny things! Offspring: Infants Bulging: Hanging

Proboscis monkeys prefer unripe fruit over ripe fruit! Funny isn’t it?

Little Prem likes to play jokes, With his friends and other folks. Finding tricks that he can play seems to make his day

Milly sits down on a chair but suddenly finds it isn’t there.

Vinit’s looking for his ball and finds it high up on the wall.

Jaya drinks a cup of tea; it tastes strange – what can it be?

Anu’s looking for her hat but doesn’t know just where it’s at. Mum bought plasters – oh, so many! Now she finds there aren’t any.

Suraj’s walking down the lane when suddenly it starts to rain!

Now Prem’s sitting all alone. Everyone’s left him on his own. No one likes his tricks, no way! None of his friends now want to play.

Prem says, ‘Playing these silly tricks was kind of fun.’ But having real fun means everyone enjoys the joke or the game. After all, we’re all the same.

Prem says “Sorry” to everyone. His friends forgive him, and their hearts are won.

Now once again, he has many friends, and this is where our story ends.

Written by: Sonal Ravi Andrews

Learning Outcomes:

• Rhyming words • Vocabulary development • Empathy • Humour • Consequences (Causal Thinking) • Relatability • Friendships • Imagination • Attention span development Note for the Parent:

• Allow the child to look at the illustrations to build the story. • After a couple of rounds, read it aloud for/with them. • Instead of reinforcing the morale, ask what they like in the story. • Enquire‘if Prem did any of those things with you,’ how would he/she feel? • Challenge them to use new words to build other sentences. • Laugh with them, read with them and enjoy every word. Activities:

1.List out the rhyming words. 2.Talk about your experiences with tricks like these. 3.Draw one of your favourite scenes from the story.

Send us on the email info@brainfeedmagazine.com with your name, age and school name.

The monster version of Luca has 3436 scales in his body! Luca- This Pixar film is creatively funny, entertaining and holds a deeply emotional story about friendship and acceptance. Luca, the main character, is a sea monster who lives in the depths of the sea with his family. His deepest desire, however, is to look beyond the surface of the ocean and explore the world, so he flees with his best friend, Alberto, to the town of Portorosso, where sea monsters are hunted. Luca, the young sea monster who turns human when he is on land, teaches us not to be afraid, to go ashore to find the sunlight, and shows us that taking a leap towards happiness, everything becomes easier. He and his best friend Alberto convey the perfect message of sticking together and conquering one’s deepest fears. The movie teaches us acceptance, and portrays the true power of friendship and support from our loved ones.

Explore: Find out Flees: Runs away Conquer: Win

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