Hiphop Information Author: Luke Thomsen
Hiphop music is all over the place today, from the ghettos of South Bronx to every nook and corner of the world. And with large crowds taking up hiphop music, fan sites have become a must. Thousands of sites on the internet are launched everyday for various hiphop celebrities and their fans to support this culture and also inform about new music works, releases, techniques, gossips, news and much more. Any music website would have a typical set of sections which informs all the members about general or breaking news, and the artists about their fan base and their opinions. Hiphop information like industry news, artist reports, new releases etc. are generally found on every site. Every site has basic sections like: •
Homepage – This is the page which is displayed when the site opens. It contains breaking news about the hiphop industry and links to various other sections.
Artist information – This section has news about every hip hop artist in the industry generally including his biography and works.
Industry news – All the new things going on in the music industry as a whole and where leading from time to time is graphed with timelines.
Videos – This section has all the videos of all the artists and the snippets of the tobereleased videos Audio Music – This tab includes various sections like singles, mixtapes, podcasts and hitlists of various artists which can be listened to, online.
Downloads – This is the most important section as members of the website can download their favourite music for free.
Lyrics – With rappers rapping in weird languages, lyrics are a must to sing the song correctly! This section displays lyrics of all the songs and may be downloaded.
Album reviews – All the released as well as upcoming albums are analysed and discussed and reviews are given by the critics.
Album releases – Every new album release is mentioned with the upcoming ones and their tracklists are dropped.
Technical information – All about the kind of beats and instruments used in making the sounds to techniques used for making particular music for the music maniacs.
Fashion – Hiphop is not only music but also a fashion statement and hence all the new hip hop trends and styles about celebrities are update.
Fanbase – This section shows the membership of the website, or the fan following for various artists and links to networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, MySpace and RSS Feed.
Genres – Not only hiphop, but also its subgenres like rap, RnB, Christian hip hop, rock, country songs etc. are included.
Communities/ forums – With all the information from various sections, the members discuss their likes and dislikes or other news by making certain communities or initiating discussion threads.
Not every website includes all the hip hop information and hence competition is always better for the fans and hip hop music lovers.