Graphic design brainwavesindia company profile

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We conceive and deliver ideas

WELCOME TO BRAINWAVES - A CREATIVE DESIGN OCEAN Brain Waves – is an innovative Graphic Designing Solutions firm which delivers high sta ndards of aesthetic excellence to the clients. Commitment to quality and innovative out put has been the way of life at Brain Waves. We at Brain Waves always strive to create the Brands which stand apart from the rest in today’s cut throat competition. A vast e xperience of working across different categories of products and the knowledge of lates t technology in Graphic Designs is the key to our client satisfaction.




STAYING INSPIRED We, at Brainwaves have a unique way of working around ideas. We have a balance of logic and creativity in our traits and this is reflected in the way we work too. Though creativity is important, we our work revolves around staying inspired. How do we stay inspired and how this affects our work? We shall show you how… 1. We believe in staying healthy and active – While the brain is constantly on a thinking mode (unless we deliberately switch off to unwind) our body is also taken care of. Step into our office and you will get a nice cuppa of tea. Antioxidants rich and good for health! So, while we discuss ideas with you over a cup of tea; let us not forget that the body needs its healthy dose too! 2. We plan our day – Yes! Planning is important to know who is doing what. This not only keeps our team on track but also keeps our clients on priority list. A well planned design goes a long way in ensuring that your brand stays in the customer’s mind. 3. Keep Learning – everyday is a new day to learn something different. We love to learn and we aren’t going to stop this anytime! Be it the design technology or the digital tools; we are always looking out to better ourselves. It is this quest for bettering ourselves that puts us apart from others. 4. Focus on Happiness


MAKING IMPACTFUL DESIGNS At Brainwaves, we believe in making designs that work.

Understanding your requirements: –

Brainwaves takes special care to understand your design re quirements. Since the design execution is overseen by the Jahnavi Chokshi herself, she makes it necessary to meet wi th the clients for the requirements handling.

Checking out the market in relation to your needs: –

After taking up all the pointers about the requirements, B rainwaves assesses the market situation and then tries to build up a plan for the design work

Design process begins: –

The design process then starts with the raw sketch; moving on to final product. Before the final design is made it is shared with clients for approval and thereafter it goes in to the production phase.


OUR SERVICES We create almost everything related to design,

Graphic Design

Web Media

Audio-video Presentation

Search Engine Optimization

Brainwaves provides serv ices like Logo design, B rochure Design, Advertis ement Designing, Corpora te identity, Branding an d packaging Design.

Web media involved in se rvices like responsive w ebsite design, wordpres s and php website develo pment, html website desi gn digital marketing on facebook, whats app, ins tagram, linkedin

Nothing is seen unless i t is heard. That’s why audio - video presentati ons are the best way to move forward and draw at tention.

Brainwaves provide cost effective SEO Services t o clients. Search engine s are unique in that the y provide targeted traff ic—people looking for wh at you offer.


PRINT MEDIA We create almost everything related to design,

Logo Design Logo design is not just about a design for the brand. It is the brand in itself. Compact and ver y concentrated this most popular approach in fitting the entire b rand philosophy into the logo is no child’s play. The fusion of what the brand stands for and wh at it endorses; that’s what we put together in the logo.

Brochure Design While the logo puts your brand in one design format; you still need to explain many aspects of your brand/organization and tha t’s where the brochure plays a pivotal role. Brainwaves create s all kinds of brochures with d ifferent fold styles like Bi-fo ld, Tri-fold, Z-fold and bookle t format.

Marketing Helpers Brainwaves create communicative an d concise designs on flyers, hange rs, posters, hoardings, display bo ards, etc. for maximum effectivene ss. One of the most popular marke ting collateral that’s used even today is the flyer. It is easy to read and also allows the brand/org anization to get maximum attentio n.


PRINT MEDIA PORTFOLIO Creative logo design, brochure design for more visit

Logo Design

Brochure Design

Tri-Fold Design

Marketing Helper


WEB MEDIA We create almost everything related to design,Â

Website Design This consists of all the elements that ar e required for the website to be launche d. The design, the development, the IT se rvices and also the creative component. A ll these aspects are taken care of in the website design.

Digital Marketing We specialize in careful online branding a nd customer engagement through posts on Fa cebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Â Wordpress Blo g, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouT ube.


WEB DESIGN PORTFOLIO Website design and digital media marketing and more visit

Word press Website Developer

PHP Responsive Webs HTML Responsive Web Face book Posting De sign site Design ite Developer


AUDIO-VIDEO PRESENTATION We create almost everything related to design,Â

Corporate Presentation Corporate Presentations are ideal for sha ring information about your organization digitally. Not only does it draw attend t o your brand but also makes is all the mo re realistic for your clients to realize the dynamics of your organization. Brainw aves makes it possible for your organizat ion to make an impact on your prospective clients effectively.

TV- Theater Advertisement Brainwaves creates perfect combination of design and technology to create graphics t hat are in tune with the TV Theatre and al so in LDC technology. Not only that, we al so design the advertisement with crisp and short conceptual idea so that the viewers are able to grasp everything about the bra nd within limited timeframe.




SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION We create almost everything related to design,Â


STUDIO DESIGN For more visit

When our creative bells ring, we just go ahead and do it! Yes, there are times when we want to do our own thing. When our thoughts go beyond clients and brands, we design little things that make us happy and we love to share that with you.


Contact Office: 235, Satyam Mall, Mansi Cross Roads, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad, Guj. I NDIA Email: Phone: +91-9979866246



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