5 things to know to choose the right stream and career after 10th

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5 things to know to choose the right stream and career after 10 th Choosing your career, can be one of the most exciting things we do. While career paths change a lot these days, it is of EXTREME essence to choose a career that is satisfying and fulfilling. With CBSE/ICSE/HSC results just out, it becomes important to know what it takes to choose what the best is for you. Aptitude Instead of wondering what you could be qualified for, you want to decide careers and now you need guidance. An aptitude test can show you what careers you should consider, or it can show you what you need to work on in order to achieve the career you want. Aptitude tests may also look for the presence of abilities that are specific to a particular occupation or area of study. Aptitude tests, do not measure immutable, innate capacities, but rather an individual’s potential to improve upon existing capacities (Karmel & Karmel, McMillan, 2001). Interest For some people, an interest is of such importance in their life that it is the main influence on their career choice. For example, if you are good at maths, doesn’t mean that you would like to choose a career that puts your mathematical ability to use. Do what you’re good at, but only if you like it. Just because you might be good at something, doesn’t really guarantee you liking it. Primary interests combine two or three of these general themes. That combination is often called a “RIASEC Code” or a “Holland Code” REALISTIC The “Doers” INVESTIGATIVE The “Thinkers” ARTISTIC The “Creators” SOCIAL The “Helpers” ENTERPRISING The “Persuaders” CONVENTIONAL The “Organizers” Personality A study conducted at the University of Zurich found that people “who can apply [their] personal character strengths in [their] careers, experience more enjoyment, flow and meaning at work.” The Zurich study calls these personal character strengths “signature strengths” that are “particularly distinctive for a person and which he or she likes to use frequently.” Knowing what works for you, will allow you to showcase your best attributes. Taking a personality quiz or assessment might give you a better idea of which areas appeal to you. Longevity/ Endurance By definition, work is work. You’ll have hard times. You have to do a lot of soul-searching and serious thought and prayer before deciding to move into a new career. Rough patches include condition that aggravates you, workloads that are more than you feel you can endure. Before jump-starting, it is essential to know if you can endure what your career expects out of you. URL: https://www.brainwonders.in/blog/5-things-to-know-to-choose-the-right-stream-and-career/

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