Brainyjuice Inc Branding Guidelines

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We love to be hands on DECK. We set the launchpad where thoughts, art and stories are crafted in order to cut through boundaries and build a brand. From designing, image building, and workshops, we are the marketing capsule that aims to live and breathe: Empowerment • Equality • Encouragement • Excellence We believe that everything is connected. By putting our thinking caps on, we can blend our ideas and stir elements that turn into solutions. Hence, we came up with the name, “Brainyjuice” - inspired by brain trust and creative juices.

Meet the Fruits

Jozen Curva

Rexa EmpeĂąo-Servande

Joan Sabroso


Creative Director

Sales and Operations Director

Many are called but few are Jozen, but to her family (and some friends), she is the Jozen One. Her experience in hospitality and marketing keeps her enthusiastic with possibilities. She is an aspiring writer, frustrated comedian and she loves sharing her ideas. Even at random conversations.

Known as the T-REX of graphics design. The bold and larger than life imagination translates to her as a magnified creative artist extraordinaire. She secretly sings in the shower and mic hogs on her free time. Armed with many other artsy talents, she keeps her grace under pressure and continues to spark the light at work.

She holds an artillery of impressive business experience and amazing strategies under her belt. An epitome of a "smart cookie", she never compromises excellence and always leaves a trademark of outstanding. Oh and we almost forgot to tell you - she's a bona fide foodie and keeps a travel bug at all times.

The Big Idea We are a company of brand advocates and creative professionals who are determined to share our knowledge and skills. Our extensive background in the hospitality industry (among other things) for over ten years give us an insider’s knowledge on the daily grind of operations. We understand the chain of command and expectations from the bottom up. The corporate workforce is built on “Standard Operating Procedures” and we noticed that whenever there is a turnover in the marketing department, there’s a huge learning curve in embracing the company’s style. One specific experience was when, one of us had to take over the marketing materials for an establishment, without an endorsement! The fonts, colors and aesthetics had to be studied. We imagined how efficient it would have been to have brand guidelines handy in order to execute the collaterals with consistency to its identity. And that was how the idea of building brand guidelines was conceived.



Create effective brand identities and empower people to be their best.

To be top of mind in providing services to Small-Medium Enterprises in North Luzon.


Identity Primary brand color used in all media, print and business papers.

May be used for commercial applications.

Grayscale version Used for black and white print and commercial applications

Identity clear space The dark gray area represents the clear space. This area must be kept free of visual or graphic elements. The logo must always be proportional and not distorted.

Identity best practices Do not stretch, distort or rearrange logo. Use only colors as stated in the color boundaries.

Rationale of Colors Black




Serious Bold Strong

Warm Original Vibrance

Energy Optimism Happiness

Passion Hope Insight

Each color signifies its own unique trait. We chose these shades for its characteristics that best represent our identity.

Palette Pantone Solid Coated Neutral Black C #221f20 C: 67 M: 63 Y: 63 K: 57

Pantone 1365 C

Pantone 7401 C

Pantone 176 C

#fbab37 C: 00 M: 38 Y: 89 K: 00

#feebad C: 03 M: 10 Y: 140 K: 00

#f8adaf C: 00 M: 39 Y: 20 K: 00

Typography Sacramento ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789!@#$%^&*() Used for main titles in both print and web design.

Quicksand ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789!@#$%^&*() Used for subtitles and body text in both print and web design, as well as for general correspondences and alternative for marketing materials.

Incorrect use of type The font must never be used in all caps unless it is to be used for headings and titles. Do not underline body text. uSe propEr cApItalizaTioN aNd pUnCtuation.,: Do not change font sizes in a paragraph. D o n’ t

Graphic Devices Brainy Juice Inc.’s primary graphic device is the combination of brand colors and textures that unites the design elements of the brand and effectively communicates Brainyjuice’s mission and vision.


Brainyjuice is genuine, sincere and fun. We are friendly and seriously devoted to our craft. We love to listen and share ideas. You’ll find our tone and voice to be somewhat informal, yet respectful and always ready to be of help. We practice brevity and transparency in order to be as clear as possible. Wordplay is also our thing - we toss around words such as, “Brainiacs” or “Brainshine,” as a form of expressing our thoughts. We take pleasure in being a part of a company’s DNA and privilege to contribute in any way we can. Every project is a big deal for us.

Layout Applications


Contact Us 63.977.833.2299 / 63. 927.912.3248 brainyjuiceinc

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