European Learning Partnership for Strawbale Building Leonardo da Vinci partnership 2009 - 2011
Zuzana Kierulfovรก and Boris Hochel ArTUR - sustainable architecture, NGO Slovakia
History Aims Results
ESBG Germany 2007
Italy 2007 England 2008
Slovakia Spain European Learning Partnership for Strawbale Building
Leonardo Partnership 2009-11
Main aims:
BBP (ETA) Training Database
Main aims:
BBP (ETA) - BBP - Evaluation sheet Training Database
Main aims:
BBP (ETA) - BBP - Evaluation sheet Training Database
- Structure - ECVET
Main aims:
BBP (ETA) - BBP - Evaluation sheet Training
- Structure - ECVET
Database - Questionaire
Results : Network European work groups Leonardo
Training group: ECVET = European credit system for vocational education and training
knowledge skills competence (level 4)
Results : 10 equal units Unit 1 (25 h): Straw talk (Basic knowledge about the material straw/strawbales) Unit 2 (25 h): Techniques for Infill and pre-fabrication Unit 3 (25 h): Techniques for load bearing and hybrid (optional) Unit 4 (25 h): Straw bales as external insulation (wrapping and retrofitting) Unit 5 (25 h): Finishes Unit 6 (30 h): Building physics and sustainability Unit 7 (35 h): Concept for the house-design and maintenance Unit 8 (25 h): Marketing and communication Unit 9 (35 h): Building site practice Unit 10 (30 h): Teaching methods (optional)
Sample course in Slovakia, May 2011
Best Building Practice Group (BBP): 6 different building techniques
French - Infill and Greb German - Prefab Belgian - Post and Beams English - Loadbearing Slovak - Wrap
BBP group
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To be continued...
European Learning Partnership for Professional Training in Straw Bale Building Leonardo Partnership 2011-13
Thank you.