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Manifesto Robert
Just like a tree is born out of the ground, cultural heritage is born out of natural heritage. One is connected to the other, like oxygen is connected to the air, the air to breath, and breath to life. In other words, culture does not exist without nature, just like the human being is inextricably connected to water, plants, the air and the ground. Their relationship is interdependent. In terms of the current climate crisis, our motto Heritage for the climate refers to the necessary and morally indispensable priority which defines the direction in which every cultural institution’s action should go. The word ‘heritage’ refers to cultural and natural values. Caring about nature is tantamount to caring about all other resources. Especially when their future is uncertain, to say the least. The list of endangered species comprises millions of plants and animals, including the human being.
Awareness of the climate crisis obliges us to engage in deep reflection on individual choices and actions taken by a cultural institution. Fostering the anthropocentric illusion which allows us to create more and more cultural products without making sure whether or not they take into account our (impossible to reject) reliance on nature is both short-sighted and immoral. In 2020 TRAKT Cultural Tourism Centre is taking action focused on the broadly defined climate protection. Lectures, workshops, performances, outdoor activities, exhibitions and other events will, first and foremost, touch the issue of ecology – heritage for the climate. Ecological crisis is an opportunity for us to wake up from the illusion and our egoistic desire to possess and consume. Awareness of the feebleness of the endangered heritage and respect for it no longer allow us to take action focusing on enhancing our own image and deriving pleasure instead of providing benefit for the Earth and all its inhabitants.
Robert Rient – a journalist and writer born in Szklarska Poręba; author of the reportage titled Witness published also in the US, as well of the novels Duchy Jeremiego (Jeremy’s demons) and Przebłysk. Dookoła świata – dookoła siebie (Flash. Around the world – around oneself). He cooperates with the magazines Sens and Przekrój – in the latter, he is the author of the cycles titled Istoty rzadziej spotykane (Rarely encountered creatures), Ludzie listy piszą (People write letters) and the latest one titled Wizje roślin (Vision of plants).