3 minute read

5.5 Recommendations

#3. Pursue a minimum of 175,000 square feet for a Central Library forming part of the Brampton Centre for Innovation, potentially constructed in multiple phases in response to the significant and ongoing population growth in Downtown Brampton and the City as a whole beyond the 10-year Library Facilities Master Plan period.

#4. Advocate the importance of the Central Library through the upcoming design process for the Centre For Innovation. At a minimum, the design of the space should allow for a diverse range of services and programming, segregation of “noisy” versus quiet zones, and provide opportunities for learning, entrepreneurship, and social enterprise. The design should also permit future expansion if intended to build the Library in multiple phases.

#5. Pursue a total of three (3) District Branch typologies that collectively add a minimum of 103,500 square feet to the library system. District Branches should be constructed as part of the Uptown Core / Shoppers World development, the second phase of the Embleton Community Centre, and within the proposed Heritage Heights Town Centre.

#6. Construct a total of four (4) Neighbourhood Branches in order to support the City of Brampton’s 20-minute walkable neighbourhoods objectives for key development and redevelopment areas. Neighbourhood Branches should add 47,000 square feet of library space between them.

#7. Close the Four Corners Branch upon completion of a new Central Library while also discontinuing operations of the interim South West Branch upon opening of the new Embleton Branch.

#8. Establish a required level of sustainable building design for new and substantially redeveloped library branches. This should include requiring a minimum LEED Gold certification (or Net Zero building standards) while exploring connections to nature or other ways to reflect best practices in environmentally sustainable and resilient designs.

#9. The library staff and user experience within new and existing library branches should allow for barrier-free accessibility, comfort and welcoming environments, and programmatic flexibility to the greatest degree possible through design and building systems.


1 Ontario Heritage Act e-Register. Notice of Intention to designate from the City of Brampton to the

Ontario Heritage Foundation regarding the Carnegie Library dated December 2, 1981.

2 City of Brampton. 2019. Brampton 2040 Vision: Living the Mosaic.

3 Brampton Library. Strategic Plan, 2017-2021.

4 City of Brampton. 2006 Official Plan. Approved in Part by the Ontario Municipal Board by Order dated

October 7, 2008. Office Consolidation September 2020.

5 Peel Public Health. 2018. Rapid Risk Factor Surveillance System.

6 Hemson Consulting. Historical and Forecast Total Population for Peel. November 6, 2020. Includes net census undercoverage.

7 Ibid. City of Brampton. Brampton 2040 Vision: Living the Mosaic.

8 Watson & Associates Economists. City of Brampton Official Plan Review – Draft Growth Scenarios:

Council Presentation. December 7, 2020. Current Trends & Preferred Scenario, includes net census undercoverage rate of 3.5%.

9 City of Brampton. 2019. Energy and Emissions Management Plan 2019-2024: A Zero Carbon Transition.

10 Statistics Canada. 2018. Canada's Core Public Infrastructure Survey. Table 34-10-0179-01 Inventory of publicly owned culture, recreation and sport facilities by year of completed construction, urban and rural, and population size, Infrastructure Canada; Table 34-10-0180-01 Inventory distribution of publicly owned culture, recreation and sport facilities by physical condition rating, Infrastructure Canada.

11 American Library Association. 2010. The State of America’s Libraries.

12 City of Brampton. CFI Project Update To Brampton Library, March 5, 2020

13 Brampton Library. 2011. Facilities Master Plan Update. p.22.

14 City of Brampton. Uptown Brampton Urban Community Hub and Transit-Oriented Communities:

Unlocking the Value of a Walkable, Healthy, Age-Friendly Neighbourhood and the Ecosystem of

Complete Communities. Draft dated 11-05-2020. p.66.

15 City of Brampton. Recommendation Report: Conceptual Land Use Plan – Heritage Heights Secondary Plan (Areas 51 & 52), Ward 6. Dated 2020-06-05. p.7.5-11.

16 City of Brampton. 2020. Heritage Heights Visioning Report. p.53.

17 City of Brampton. 2016. Parks and Recreation Master Plan.

18 City of Brampton. 2017. Parks and Recreation Master Plan. p.62, p.97.

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