CITY PORT Key issues for urban redevelopment of harbors
Rob Vrolijks
Granville Island Vancouver
Sailing races in Amsterdam’s Eastern Dock Area
Preface In September 2002 Projectbureau Vrolijks arranged a conference on city ports with Veldkamp en Partners. Although the term ‘city port’ was still new, the phenomenon was not. Examples from home and abroad showed that redevelopment of old ports could be an instrument in urban development. Almost ten years have since passed and the theme is still very much alive. Our planning office has assisted in numerous developments around old ports at home and abroad. The experience gained from this lies at the basis of today’s knowledge. And numerous cities are still facing complex problems in their former dockland areas. This booklet brings together the knowledge we have gained so that we can share it with others. In this way we hope we can make a contribution to the ever-growing awareness that ports in city centres can be trendsetters for urban development. We hope you enjoy reading it! Rob Vrolijks
A substantial part of the world population lives in delta areas. And this includes the Netherlands. Almost all cities in the Netherlands and also elsewhere owe their history to water.
Accessible via the River Eem from the bordering lakes
The oldest cities are often at fords in rivers, where settlement and trade were easier. Later cities also grew up along the waterfront. Canals were dug for cities situated further away from rivers so as to facilitate the supply and transport
of goods, while industry settled close to water and houses for workers were built. These common origins create similar problems for the various cities, yet also some different ones. The position of a port in relation to a city
Ring of canals serving as a historic opening up of the city
and the usefulness of the water determine the possibilities and opportunities. The illustrations provide a simplified representation of the position of cities and ports.
Dead-end harbour branch from the Wilhelminakanaal
Harbour canal to the Oosterschelde
Canals and port at the end of the navigable Mark and Dintel rivers
Naval port within the citadel surrounded by industrial ports
Transected by a large river with a large number of harbours
Harbour directly on the North Sea
Transected by the River Schie, with a connection to the sea
Antwerpen (B)
Lowestoft (UK)
Canals and yards used to form the port running through the city
Extended harbour area with docks near the city
Lowestoft forms the link between the sea and the Norfolk Broads
Rediscovery Increasing numbers of cities are discovering
Large-scale warehouses can be redeveloped
the opportunities offered by their port areas.
into cultural sites or lofts, and the district can
Commercial use has decreased, and often
successfully combine old and new.
almost disappeared. It was the scale of the areas and the buildings, together with their
The port itself provides air for the development.
limited accessibility by road and environmental
Water provides space, a view and reflection. This
restrictions, that caused businesses to leave.
makes sites lighter and more spacious. And that
“The only business left there is second-hand car
allows higher densities in the built-up space.
dealing�. But the most important discovery is the nautical When looking at the city’s map, urban planners
atmosphere. A port area with its own unique
see the port area as a promising location. Located
character creates even more opportunities for
close to the city centre, and sometimes even
distinctive positioning. And this has given birth
directly part of the city centre. With scope for
to districts such as Docklands, Hafencity and
rejuvenation, an existing and suitable network
Quartier Nautique, named to reflect their close
of streets, linked to the ring road and with good
association with water.
connections to the city centre. Certain parts of this area are often full of character and worth preserving. And that means opportunities for new and distinctive residential environments in keeping with the city centre.
Vision Rediscovery is followed by a vision for
Nautical programme as a carrier of the concept
Water is increasingly recognised as a feature
atmosphere. The design often ties in with a
that has to be dealt with as an individual part
port’s atmosphere. Homes are made to look like
of the programme. There is now an increasingly
merchants’ houses, warehouses are converted
specific focus on the ‘wet programme’. Which
to other uses and, whenever possible, visually
functions contribute best to the intended
dominant elements are preserved and used to
atmosphere and image? Which forms of use
attract people to the area.
support the residential and work environments,
and which do not? How do you organise the The port often serves to convey the spatial
quality on and around the water? What is to be
concept. Sightlines fit in with the port and the
located where and why?
space created in this way. Public space is laid out in a manner that attracts people to the
In short, how does the beautiful nautical name
waterfront, with nautical values serving as a
that developers gave to this new place in town
basis for architecture and visual quality.
also become the ´Nautical Quarter’?
And they coloured the water blue... It is remarkable that so little thought in the past was given to the water itself. For a long time, no real ideas were developed for this large blue spot on the design map. Nowadays, however, the increase in knowledge has changed all this.
Goals Gert Urhahn is managing director of Urhahn
Reorientation of the city is another goal that
Urban Design in Amsterdam and over the years
may serve as a guiding principle. Many cities on
has been involved in large numbers of urban
large rivers live with their backs to the water. For
developments in which ports and water were
many years protection against water was the
the guiding theme. He distinguishes four goals
guiding theme. By developing the waterfront
for a City Port.
as a distinctive area and giving the port its own face the city will turn towards the water again.
Revival of the public domain ensures that water will make a real contribution to a city. The right
Expanding a city’s capacity may also be a
parts of the programme need to be linked to
goal. Developing a city port close to the city
good connections with the city. The port should
centre is a way of expanding the city centre
become part of a city stroll and a pleasant place
and so expanding the capacity for tourism and
to stay. Only then will you get a lively port.
recreation. In this way the city port contributes to ´stretching the city centre´.
Boosting urban renewal is a frequently seen strategy. A port’s redevelopment marks the start for renewing a large hinterland. The port is the appetiser, often a first impulse. Investments in a qualitatively attractive port demonstrate faith in an area. This makes the city port the basis for designing the surrounding development area.
Key concepts for developing city ports • • • • • •
Lively place Attractive in summer and winter Should have its own appeal Distinctive in relation to the city centre Scope for programme and emptiness/space Use of the water for wet functions
‘t Bassin in Maastricht
Plan Zooming in from large to small The SAILING AREA determines the type of boats
The LAYOUT of the port and the environment
and the type of use that will typify the city port.
constitute a challenge to use and emphasise
We therefore make a distinction between the
the typical character of an area. The scenery
network of waterways, the character of the
surrounding the port, the nature of the quays
waterway and the position of a city on this
and the layout of the port itself determine the
waterway. Variation is an important quality.
area’s value and suitability.
The EMBEDDING in the environment determines
The REALISATION STRATEGY ensures that the
the success of the link between city and port.
complex exercise is structured step-by-step and
The existing use may sometimes be a constant
allows the city to ‘retake’ the port.
factor. Aquatic sports clubs and companies that have been using a location for many years may have established their own, sometimes unwritten rights. The questions of ‘What can be done?’ and ‘Where?’ are often determined by certain fixed facts in an area. The PROGRAMME involves a careful assessment of the various functions, which together form a solid ensemble in all seasons. A carefully weighed assortment, with an eye for temporary functions, fun and events determine future success.
Sailing area
• network
A city port is a destination, but it is never
In addition, four categories of waterways have
isolated. No one goes on holiday to a city by
been identified for sailing boats and motor-
boat; the city is part of a larger route and is at
boats. These categories are based on the
most only a reason for choosing that route. This
function of the relevant waterways, whether
makes the network of waterways on which a city
they are connecting water between major water
is located essential.
sports areas, access waterways for water sports areas or access waterways for a single town or
The Netherlands has upgraded the pleasure
voyage network to an issue to be determined at a national policy level. The connections
Each category has been assigned headrooms,
covering the entire country have been set out
navigable depths and minimum operating
in the Beleidsvisie Recreatietoervaart Nederland
times for bridges and locks. Desirability was
(BRTN) [Policy Vision on Recreational Pleasure
compared to reality, and this resulted in a list
Voyage in the Netherlands], which was most
of bottlenecks. The central government and
recently published in 2008. The BRTN presents
provinces subsequently reached agreement on
the Existing Mast Route as a connection right
how to tackle and prioritise these bottlenecks.
across the Netherlands, from the southwest to the northeast. Operating the various bridges along this connection has been coordinated so that ships, including commercial vessels, can cruise the country in convoy (including at night).
Sailing area
• character
The selection of the programme is influenced
Four characteristics
not only by the urban objective, but also by the
Former sea arms such as the Grevelingen form
character of the waterway in the environment.
attractive water sports areas with differences in
This has an impact on the type of ships and
depth and with natural islands for recreation.
on the type of use possible. And that in turn also determines the success of a particular
Channel areas, such as in the photo in South-
programme item.
east Brabant, form a connected system to reach towns and villages via the water.
The suitability of a sailing area is determined by the depth, the headroom of bridges, the
Lakeland areas are often connected by channels
accessibility of riverbanks and the character of
forming a sailing area with more permanent
the waterway. Each type of sailing area attracts
variety. The lakes in the Hollandse Plassen and
its own public and its own type of boats. As well
the province of Friesland are trump cards in this
as determining how the water looks, this also
determines the layout and atmosphere of the port.
Rivers are the natural basis of the pleasure voyage network. Natural developments, such
In the Netherlands the character of waterways
as the Biesbosch, and man-made lakes in areas
can be divided into four main categories. Besides
such as the Maasplassen and gravel pits have
the above four aspects, the sea as a sailing area
enriched these sailing areas by creating varied
also has its own unique uses and atmosphere.
recreational areas.
Former sea arms
Lakeland areas
Channel areas
Major rivers
• position
In addition to the character of waterways, cities’
attractiveness of the destination determines
position on these waterways effects the type
whether people think this trip across water
of use. Whether a port with fixed moorings or
is worthwhile. In the case of Antwerp there is
a transient port is the more realistic option
enough quality on offer, but cities that are less
will depend on aspects such as having a direct
appealing to tourists would be less successful
connection to the sea and the nature of such a
if they were located at such a position in the
The opportunities of a programme or use are
Directly connected to the sailing area
strongly linked to the position in relation to the
Hellevoetsluis has a very direct connection
waterway and the type of use of this water. That
with an attractive sailing area, Haringvliet. You
sometimes makes thinking in terms of examples
can even start sailing without having to pass
of other ports confusing or unrealistic. A few
bridges or locks. That makes a marina berth in
examples can be used as the basis for linking the
Hellevoetsluis attractive.
position to promising uses and limitations. Seafarers and tides, limited target group Dead-end yet attractive waterway
The primary sailing area in Hoogvliet aan de
Amersfoort lies at the end of the navigable
Oude Maas is the large-scale area around the
River Eem. That makes Amersfoort a single
Rhine, Waal and Meuse rivers and the port area
destination. Fortunately the 15-km long stretch
surrounding Rotterdam. Only limited numbers
from the bordering lakes is very open and
of people feel at home on this type of water.
attractive. Problems getting there? In order to reach Antwerp you have to ’overcome’ the Westerschelde, or Antwerp’s seaport area. For many boats that is not a simple task. The
Sailing area
• variety
Variety as a key success factor Research among water sports enthusiasts
Sailing guides.
shows that the main reason for choosing
Nautical information, including headroom,
a particular sailing area is the variety of the
depth and service times, is increasingly
sailing water itself. Especially the availability
combined with tourist information on routes
of various types of sailing water that will allow
and destinations. In several areas, sailing
them to deal with both good and bad weather
guides have been published as an attractive
is attractive. In addition, nature, peace and
means of conveying information.
quiet and space play an important role. The presence of towns and villages to be visited is increasingly of major importance. The number of hours spent sailing a day has decreased in the last few years, and so the number of hours spent ashore is rising. But then there must be something to do. Cities with ports near their centres are excellently placed to respond to this opportunity as there will be large numbers of opportunities for pleasure and entertainment at only a short distance away.
Sailing area as trail map When sailing areas become attractive through their variety, they should increasingly present themselves as a whole. The Peaks in the Delta-project ‘Bemanning paraat voor Water Rijk’ (started in autumn 2009) devised the concept of the ski trail Map, which is a simple model that combines information on routes, transport, pleasure and entertainment. Colours indicate a route’s degree of difficulty. Administrative borders are also relevant in the case of the trail map. An area connected by lifts and routes is combined into a simple, user-friendly image.
• environment
The development of a programme in and around
It also works the other way around: the
a port should never be viewed as an isolated
development of the port is not an isolated
process. Interventions in the environment are
process, but should have an impact on the city
almost always necessary. These may include a
and the use of the city. Using the port should
better connection to the city centre, providing
change the perception of the city.
parking facilities, organising a stroll or tour around the town or visualising a port location as
In Maastricht, for example, the port is situated
part of the city.
outside the immediate city centre and outside the main pedestrian route. The redevelopment
In Amersfoort, for example, the Eemhaven is
of ’t Bassin port as a transient port and ‘water
located on the ‘wrong’ side of the railroad track.
square’ made the northern side of the city centre
Improving the perception of safety in the railway
once again part of the city. The completion of
tunnel between the city and the port is essential
the port therefore ensured an urban district
for the success of the port as an urban district.
became embedded into the city centre.
When laying out a city port the question arises of ‘what should be located where?’. The answer to this question depends much more on the embedding of the area than on around the programme itself. Functions should contribute as much as possible to the objectives related to the city port. Liveliness, space, expansion of the city centre, and a city’s orientation should be reflected in the programme and the linking of that programme to the environment.
• existing use
A port is seldom empty and completely available
Sometimes action is inevitable. Offering an
for development. In many cases there are
alternative location is not always possible or
existing rights and existing users. More often
desirable. In such cases, these users will have to
than not these go way back into history. Water
accept the goals that have been set for the area
sports clubs in particular are often closely
as a whole.
attached to the local community. Conditions frequently set include: What facilities look like is of minor importance
• Existing functions should fit in with the new
to these users. They want the facilities provided
function or location in the city. This often
to the affiliated members to be adequate, and
means that only the ‘attractive’ water sports
the image from the quayside is not part of their
functions are preserved;
considerations. In several cities with existing
• The visual quality of jetties and facilities
water sports facilities, the water programme
should match the location’s image. And that
does not exactly boost the quality of the public
usually means investments by local authori-
space. The city has everything under control:
ties will be needed;
facades, paving, street furniture, advertising
• The layout of a port will sometimes need to
and so on. But the most visually dominant part
be adjusted because of the importance of
of the location, the water itself, is being left to
sight lines, free space and public quays;
users without any conditions of use being set.
• The external appearance of moored ships requires regulation and enforcement. This may
Existing users are often very attached to the
also prevent ships from being covered with
rights they have acquired, whether legally or
colourful tarpaulins against the rain.
otherwise. They appeal to the other people’s emotions and seek to influence public opinion.
Ugly fences can be used as separation
Houseboats may obstruct the view of the port
Supporting facilities may obstruct or detract from the quayside
Functions on shore may contribute little to the general image of the area
what can be located where?
The layout of a port is often about embedding the
Conquest as a strategy
port in its surroundings. This involves providing
A frequently selected strategy is aimed at
sailing routes in ports and space for large ships
recapture. This strategy involves ‘recapturing’
(which may well be existing users) to turn. A few
an area from its former use and adding it bit
aspects are briefly discussed below.
by bit to a city. The layout of the area may be adjusted to suit. Functions that ‘stretch out’ a
Walking routes and traffic routes
city can be used at strategic locations.
When planning a city port, planners need to allow for routes for cars and cyclists, but also
Such a strategy was chosen in Antwerp, where
and especially for pedestrians. Having a logical
over the coming years the Eilandje development
route into town ensures embedding and some
area will see a decline in commercial port
bustle and activity. But setting out short walking
functions and a growth in urban functions. Over
routes, preferably circular routes, is also a way
the course of time a number of strategic projects
to make a city port a popular destination for a
will be implemented to recapture the portside
area. The first step in this process involved recapturing the Willemdok Marina. Construction
Quayside programme
activities are currently being carried out on the
The quayside programme is often a given
Culturele As [Cultural Axis], that will serve as an
fact. Facilities for living, shopping, eating and
access road for the area. After that, there will
drinking, working and traffic have often already
be a series of projects situated further away
been laid down in a master plan. And then the
from the city, such as the Droogdokkensite [dry
water programme comes second. The functions
dock site], which will combine various cultural,
that support the onshore programme should
educational and commercial elements.
be projected to those locations where they can best fulfil their task.
Waterplan Antwerpen [Antwerp Water Plan] This fragment of a map comes from the Waterplan Antwerpen, which Projectbureau Vrolijks and Urhahn Urban Design were commissioned to make by the City of Antwerp. The Waterplan maps out the division of functions and the strategy for the available docks, as a sort of ‘wet variant’ to the earlier Masterplan Eilandje.
• possibilities
Transient port
Sloop port
Restaurants and cafĂŠs on the water
Museum ships
Pleasure cruising
Historical bridges
Nautical features elements
Pedal boats
Art projects
Boot hire
The wealth of possible programmes is still growing daily. Ever new combinations of ways to use the water and give it quality are being devised. This photo collage does not therefore strive to be complete, but rather to challenge the reader’s creativity. Sports activities: water polo area
• assortment
Other functions play a part in ensuring that the
The assortment of functions should comprise
hospitality industry has a distinctive role in what
a balanced package of components that
the city has to offer.
complement each other, that do not stand in each other’s way and that together present a
total package.
Summer programmes in a marina are often strong. In summer, boats depart and arrive,
people sit and walk along the quayside, the
outdoor cafés are busy and the sun shines down
The assortment should primarily be based on
on the water. But the assortment also needs to
the objectives set for the port. If the port is to
be prepared for the winter season. Then, too,
help ‘stretch’ the city centre and expand the
there should be reasons to go there for a walk
leisure environments, hospitality should guide
and things worth seeing and experiencing.
the assortment. But the hospitality sector cannot do this on its own.
The development of ’t Bassin in Maastricht included the ambition of making this the city’s fourth square. After the other three squares, i.e. Vrijthof, Onze Lieve Vrouweplein and Markt, this would be the Water Square. A transient port, a few historical ships, high-quality catering establishments all around, a round-trip boat, a floating stage and a floating work of art now go to make up the assortment that has given the ‘square’ its own identity.
New and varied water program, Harlingen
• temporary
Redeveloping an industrial and port area into
In this way temporary functions are part of
a residential area with recreational facilities
the strategy to recapture the area. They create
requires time. It can also cause inconvenience.
motion, movement and a ‘buzz about town’. And
A striking feature in various cities in recent years
this all helps the area to be rediscovered. It is the
has been the success of temporary functions.
somewhat alternative and trendy character that
For a period of 5 years temporary businesses are
is often so typical of these temporary functions
invited or allowed to locate there, serving as a
and makes them forerunners attracting other
kind of first step in the development of an area.
forerunners. Belief in the location increases. Shifting temporary functions will stretch the
It is usually the most modern target groups that
benchmark of an area and so stretch the space
discover such a new place first. They create the
to the standards for the future.
basis for later appreciation by a wider range of people.
Water or Wine, LLoydpier Rotterdam
Zandfoort aan de Eem, Eemhaven Amersfoort
Playground on water, Amsterdam
• events
Water and quaysides often form a natural site
The many music events organised prove that
for nautical and other types of events. The
events in a port need not always be about boats
water is the stage and the quayside is a natural
and water. Amsterdam has its Prinsengracht
location for the audience. Event organisation
concerts, while operas have been performed
plays an important role in making the local and
in the new Eemhaven in Amersfoort and
regional population aware of the site. Events
‘s-Hertogenbosch has arranged classical concerts
require flexible sites, suited to their character.
at various locations along the Binnendieze river
A layout involving the fewest possible number
that could only be reached by boats.
of obstacles during the temporary use of a site offers the most opportunities.
Event in Ghent
Sail in Amsterdam
Grachtenfestival, Amsterdam
• fun
Experience shows that a port in a town is an
excellent place for young entrepreneurs with
arrange trips around the town, while young
distinctive ideas to experiment with new
entrepreneurs have started the Barbequedonut
business concepts. This often results in functions
and in summer 2009 set up the Varend terras, a
that had not previously been thought of, but
floating outdoor café which is available for hire
which add value to the area.
by people wanting to enjoy a ‘floating’ drink. The local authorities are planning to embed
In Breda the previously filled in port was
the growing number of initiatives in a vision for
reopened in 2007. The programming was left
recreation and leisure on the water.
relatively open and offered scope for individual initiatives. And large numbers of such initiatives were seen in the two years that followed.
‘The Yellow Duck Marine’ in Liverpool (UK)
Utrecht: round trip in a gondola
Floating outdoor café, Breda
Layout • setting A space or square is formed by the surrounding buildings. Ports and port areas often have characteristic buildings in the immediate environment. Warehouses and other tall, classical buildings form the walls of the new Water Square. Proper use of this setting creates a distinctive ambiance. For a city it is often the water and the port that constitute the scenery. The boats, the people, the water and the sense of motion all help to give port areas and cities a face of their own.
“The great success of marinas such as the Willemdok in Antwerp or the Albert Dock in Liverpool (see picture) is that warehouses give the site a feel that is recognised by everyone.�
• furnishings
The layout of an area demands an eye for detail and a sense of history and former use. Linking design, choice of materials, paving and street furniture to the history of a site gives it a distinctive character. Rough and tough basic materials are often combined with old bollards and other items reflecting the city’s maritime past. Sometimes, new forms of these old principles are used as a modern take on the past, such as the reflecting bollards on the quayside in Helsinki.
Elements from old ships can be seen in the railings in Liverpool’s dockland area.
Small elements make the waterfront special
• arrangements and facilities
The functions programmed must be embedded
A proper understanding is also needed of the
in the space available. The port’s dimensions are
type and size of support facilities needed. Toilets
often a given. The programme must be fitted
and washing facilities are needed if there are a
in between the existing quays. That requires a
lot of people on board, whereas waste water
proper understanding of winds, currents, uses
stations and fuelling points may be far less
and users. In cities, the safety of the ships is also
essential in many ports. The extent to which
often an issue as water sports enthusiasts do not
facilities can be integrated, either on shore or
want to thieves or tramps to have easy access on
in the water, must be determined on the basis
board. That means they often demand lockable
of the available space and the purposes to be
jetties, especially in the case of fixed mooring
served. Water and electricity are usually needed
facilities. The layout is also very much affected
on the jetties, as are lighting and safety facilities.
by the need for sufficient room to manoeuvre.
Separate arrangements will often be made for
And this requires proper insight into the boat
houseboats and charter vessels.
sizes and types of boats expected.
The size of the boats determines the layout
Electricity on jetties as a basic facility
Municipal Port, Almere
In conclusion Developing a city port demands a customised approach. Knowledge of how to go about these projects is growing. This booklet sums up what we have learned so far and what we can share. Not in order to make a blueprint that can be applied everywhere, but by learning from the experience of other cities and by translating this into opportunities for new locations. In day-to-day practice we often see striking similarities between projects: industrial areas without a future, plans involving a ‘nautical character’, future function mixes and strategies to achieve them. The differences can be found in the size of an area, the wet and dry programmes chosen and the ways in which sites are filled with fun, temporary functions and events. It is important to collect, improve and share exemples of port re-development. This book is a start to help others out. Stay on course Rob Vrolijks
Closing remarks This booklet is the result of working on projects in and around ports in urban areas for well over 10 years. In nearly all cases our office worked together with others. The ideas, examples, approach, procedure, programme points and solutions arose as we went along and were certainly not all generated by our office. We would therefore like to extend our sincere thanks to all our partners and clients over the past few years for sharing their ideas and solutions with us. Photography I would like to thank all the anonymous photographers who provided their photos free of charge through shared photo files. A special word of thanks to Mr Albert Skibinski for providing pictures of the port of Breda.
Publication Projectbureau Vrolijks, Breda Concept and text Rob Vrolijks Layout and design Spicks & Specks, Breda Projectbureau Vrolijks Parkstraat 1b 4818 SJ Breda (The Netherlands) +31 76 533 98 50
A selection of our partners on the waterfront: thanks for sharing your knowledge! • Buro Lubbers, Lex Veldkamp and Alex de Ligt (Eemhaven Amersfoort ) • Enno Zuidema Stedebouw, DHV and Marc Lampe (Balkon aan de Maas, Hoogvliet) • Inbo architects and Principaal (Scheepmakerskwartier Haarlem) • Mei Architecten, Juli ontwerp en advies and RPS / BCC (Heliushaven and Veerhaven Hellevoetsluis) • MTD Landscape architects (Waterfront Ravenstein) • Promint Projectmanagement and Luc Vrolijks (Revitalisering Oude Industriehavens Interreg) • Seijsener Recreatietechniek (Leiderdorp, Amersfoort and others) • Urban Progress Studio (Willemdok Antwerp, Rijnboog Arnhem and others) • Urhahn Urban Design (including Waterplan Antwerp and Rijnboog Arnhem) • Versteegen Support & Promotions (including Schouwen-Duiveland, Moerdijk and Breda) • VHP (Scheldekwartier Vlissingen) • Witteveen & Bos (Rijnboog Arnhem)
Waterfront Toronto
New city centre port in Breda