Brand Focus

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Catherine Coombs is living her own personal dream: using her skills and experience as a photographer to help others. She is not just about reflecting an image through a lens however. For Catherine, it is all about using photography to allow others to see the beauty in themselves or the very best in what they do – an experience that often results in tears of joy.

Photography was probably always where this 40-year-old was fated to end up. Handed a Kodak 110mm film camera as a small child to take a photo of her mum – and never handing it back! -Catherine pursued this passion through high school. Life took a few twists and turns before she was finally able to commit to photography as a career, and now as a businesswoman with her own studio, Catherine feels her experiences make her better at her craft.

Catherine has created the Brand Focus magazine as a unique “add-on” to the

services she offers clients. Each issue launches a new brand for a local entrepreneur, and features images taken during a Captured by Catherine photoshoot. The magazine therefore serves as a launch pad for the Public Relations campaign of the featured entrepreneur, and generates great exposure for them and their business – locally and online.

Brand Focus provides tailor-made editorial for ea client. Not only do the photographs reflect who they are and what they represent, but stories about them by a highly regarded journalist are also presented alongside. In some cases, this will be the first editorial piece in which the entrepreneur has ever been profiled, but Catherine ensures the experience is positive, impactful, and generates maximum personal and professional credibility.

Brand Focus 2


Createandliveyourtoplife”isthebusinessmottoof TopLivingInternational,butitisalsothepersonal mantraofitsfounderRobertaAloia

This innovative entrepreneur has used her own personal experiences, adversity, and diverse skillset to establish a hugely successful mentoring and life-coaching business for others, especially “mumpreneur” women.

The journey from 15-year-old school leaver has been a long and winding one however Roberta has needed to show plenty of courage – and a refusal to follow the “normal” path in the process.

“I always wanted to be an entrepreneur, but I started out as a dental nurse in Mareeba at 15.” she says.

“I worked four jobs at the same time in those early days, but I always felt that I could do it all, and that I

couldalwayschangemymindalongtheway.Ijust wantedtotrylotsofdifferentexperiences,work hard,traveltheworld,havefun,andsavemoney.”

“Ijustwantedtomakethemostoutoflifeandtry lotsofdifferentexperiences.”

“By22,Iwasabletobuyanewcaroutright,and putdownadepositonmyfirsthome”

Robertahasactivelylivedthe“life-longlearning” adage,choosingtotakecoursesanddoexternal studytoboostherskillsinareasincluding management,marketing,andcomputing.She isalsoabigbelieverinlearningfromothersand appreciatingthateveryonehassomethingtooffer.

Withanever-expandingtool-kitoftalentsunder herbelt,shewasabletobranchoutintothefield oftourism,whereshewaspartlyresponsiblefor building,branding,operating,andpromotinga brand-newbusinessventure.Rolesasatravelagent andwithajobnetworkprovideagency–aswellasa stay-at-homemum–followed,beforedabblinginreal estate.

Itwaswhathappenednextthatdeterminedthe futureforRobertaAloia.

Adversityhitintheformofaglobalfinancial crisisin2002,tenancyissuesinapersonalproperty situation,andahealthscareforRoberta.

“This was the biggest learning curve for me, and a

huge wake-up call,” she says.

“I suddenly realised that I had just one life, and I wanted to be doing something that was meaningful for myself and others around me. I decided to use my resourcefulness and commitment together with the mentors in my life to pursue my dream of owning and operating my own business.

“The world was changing, and there was no guarantee of full-time employment anymore. I needed to be my own boss so I could be more in control of my health, finances, time and future opportunities.

Ironically, it was Roberta’s own health issues that ended up having a silver lining in her new career plans.

Having been told she needed to wait five years for surgery to hopefully address her rapidly deteriorating eyesight, Roberta had started taking high-grade nutritional supplements to support her eye health during this time.

These supplements proved to be a game-changer, and were so effective for Roberta that she no longer required the surgery. She was keen to share this with others, and launched her own worldwide online business in partnership with the supplement company.

A new door had opened, and was not about

to be closed in a hurry. Roberta started to research more about nutrition, well-being, supplementation, spirituality, energetics, and marketing, became certified as an Access Consciousness practitioner, and discovered a desire to use this learning to help build happiness and health – not just for herself, but others too.

“I soon realised that when it came to health and wealth that there is so much more to the full picture, and I wanted to teach more and share more about this to the world,” Roberta says.

“This is when I founded Topliving International, aimed at supporting people to create and live their top life holistically.”

As part of the business – now eight years oldRoberta has facilitated wellness retreats in Cairns, workshops, coaching and mentoring sessions, on-line services, and programs aimed at achieving business and personal growth and success.

A highlight of her health journey was being invited by the supplement company to be a VIP guest in the New York audience for the Dr Oz Show.

Roberta was also given the opportunity to share her eye health story to over 3000 people at the Melbourne Convention Centre.

Roberta works principally with “mum-preneurs”, and holds true to the idea that working together and embracing diversity has the potential to achieve more than working as individuals – because every person contributes and complements every other person.

As more and more people start to question the status quo and seek out more fulfilling lives, Roberta believes that demand for the services that Topliving provides will significantly increase. And she knows that she will have to continue growing and learning in order to meet those challenges.

“Staying focused and positive to the bigger picture when the unexpected happens in my environment has always been my biggest challenge, but I’m learning to manage my emotions, actions and energy levels now,” Roberta says.

“Breathing in the first instance helps.”




RobertaAloiacallsherself anentrepreneur,and indeed,shehasenjoyed significantsuccessasa

businesswoman throughout her career.

AmorefittingwordforRoberta Aloiahowevercouldbe “trailblazer”.Or“pioneer”.Oreven “adventurer”.Becausetheseare thetraitsthatmoreaccurately representherjourney–awoman whohasneverbeenafraidtotake arisk,whoseesopportunityin adversity,andwhoseestheworld asonebigchancetolearnand grow.

“IcanrememberwhenIwas abouteight,afamilyfriendgave meamotivationalcardwhichsaid ‘Donotgowherethepathmay lead;goinsteadwherethereisno pathandleaveatrail,”Roberta says.

“Itrulybelievethiswasmyfirst signanddivinemessagingofmy futurelife’sjourney”

“I love helping other people achieve the life of their dreams.”

It was clearly a message that stuck.

From a very young age, Roberta made choices that were considered brave or “hard” by many – leaving school early, travelling solo, changing jobs, studying externally -but which all contributed to a diverse and rich skill-set that led to where she is today; a life-coach helping other women to recognise their gifts and become the best selves they can be.

The most telling example of

Roberta’scharacteriswhenshe wasfacedwiththeprospect oflosinghersight.Refusingto becomedespondent,shedecided tomakethemostoutofwhatthis experiencecouldbring.

“Iputitouttheretotheuniverse forgoodhealth,andtohelpme findabusinessopportunitythat wouldaddvaluetomylifeaswell asthelivesofothers,”Roberta says.

“Atthattime,Iwasmadesuperawareofjusthowpreciouslife is,andhowquicklyitcanbe takenfromus.Lifeisnotadress rehearsal;it’stherealdeal.

“IrealisedthanthatifIwasgoing tohaveagoatanythingelseinmy life,nowwasthetime.”

Theuniverseansweredmost resoundingly.

Robertacreatedabusiness onthehigh-gradenutritional supplementsthatshewasusing forherowneyesightissues,and ayearlater,launchedTopliving International,basedonthe conceptsofholistichealthand well-being.

Womencannowtapinto Roberta’sexperienceandskills tofindtheirownwaystomake themostofeverysituationand discoverinnovativesolutions. Sharingthatkindofjoy–well, therecouldbenomoreperfectjob forthisdynamo.

“Ilovehelpingotherpeople achievethelifeoftheirdreams,” Robertasays.

“Theycanidentifywhattheyare trulyonthisearthfor,andmake thathappen.

“ButmostimportantlyIguessis thattheyrealisehowspecialthey are,andwhatamazinggiftsthey have.”

Perhapsthebestwordto describeRobertaAloiaafterallis “life-giver”.Andthatiscertainlya trailwellworthblazing.

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