McGregor 2011 Catalog - Designed by Brandhill

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McGregor Plant Sales INC. Production by florexpo

Scopia速 Double Pink Pearl Sutera

Shoulder to Shoulder As we mark 25 years together, I would like to take a moment to express our sincere gratitude to each of you that has given us the opportunity to serve your needs. This is an amazing & unique industry with incredible people whose passion and talent offer all of us great gifts. A journey that started in Tom McGregor’s home a quarter century ago now stretches around the world. What remains constant are the strong friendships and bonds we have with each of you. These and our values of passion, integrity, commitment and teamwork bring joy when times are good, but more importantly bind us together through tough times. Each of you, in all our markets, continues to teach us new ways to deliver value. When you speak, we are listening. Indeed, it is our vision to be the best plant broker in the world. This is the challenge that stimulates innovation, service, and humble ears for opportunity. It is an exciting time at McGregor. Clusters of new ideas are emerging with great potential. If history is any indicator of things to come, then we look forward to marching shoulder to shoulder with you, our passionate partners, towards success, new solutions and enriched lives. We can’t wait. Again, thank you so much! Best personal regards,

Cathy McClintock CEO McGregor Plant Sales, Inc.


Unequalled Vegetative Program After twenty-five years in the vegetative cutting business we know one thing. Not all cuttings are equal. Nor are they delivered with the same value. Key Differences You’ll Discover Here: The Greatest Time Savings: The widest selection reduces costly purchase order processing The largest volume means fewer split orders The fastest confirmations shave search time The easiest sticking saves propagation labor The most experienced staff provides fast, more proven answers to questions

The Best Bench Turns: Root fastest with virus indexed cuttings Grow strongest with the best genetics & the right genetics Grow on time with the highest fill rates

The Best Help: Let us customize your cutting specifications Let us custom design your new programs Let us give you independent recommendations about genetics We are always looking to see how we can do a better job. If you have an idea and would like to share it with us, please call Cathy McClintock, our CEO. Her office line is (760) 431-1006.


Adessa Blue Angelonia angustifolia

KIWI Aeonium hybrid

Thank you for making us your producer of choice. We will continue improving each year as it is our vision to be the best in the industry and it is our mission to grow our business together with you, our business partners. Florexpo has been in the market for over 25 years, founded by Mr. Fernando Altmann as a cut flower farm. It was in this business when he met Mr. Tom McGregor and started a friendship and business partnership unique in the industry. Both companies have grown together and then added McHutchison to the relationship. Together Florexpo and its partners formed a comprehensive program of availability including annuals from prestigious breeders, grasses, woodies, organic herbs and now succulents. Today, Florexpo is the biggest perennial producer in the world, offering a wide selection of varieties with high quality and reliable distribution. Our location in Costa Rica offers natural short day length and high light levels allowing uniform product to be shipped year round. All cuttings are taken from virus indexed plants, which gives customers faster, more uniform rooting and finishing success. Florexpo grows abundant stock levels to meet both planned and last minute demand in the market. Modern, high quality greenhouse structures and an excellent grower management team insure uniformity, quality and reliability. Our commitment is consistent high quality and working as partners with our customers. Thank you for choosing Florexpo,

Fernando Altmann President

Fernando Altmann Jr. Production Manager

Rebecca Altmann Marketing



tried & true Each year we deliver sure-fire varieties that are beautiful, functional and ready to root. These are the plants that retail with confidence, perform for the gardener and make profits for you. They are the plants that will be in high demand this year - make sure that you’re ready by ordering plenty of these tried and true varieties early.

Kiwi Aeonium hybrid

black Scallop Ajuga reptans PP 15,815

Celebration® Capri Mix Calibrachoa x hybrida PPAF

BORDER Series Cuphea hyssopifolia

Excalibur Euphorbia amygdaloides x

Kassandra Heuchera villosa PPAF COPF

Ruffles Series Lavandula stoechas

Sunny Side Up Leucanthemum x superbum PP 12,837

star® Superstar Lobelia erinus PPAF WESLOSU

ENCHANTING™ Series Nemesia

Niño™ Series New Guinea Impatiens

LITTLETUNIA® Series Petunia

Stevia Rebaudiana

Scopia® Gulliver Series Sutera

Temari® Series Verbena

First Love Veronica longifolia PPAF


New Intros Top-Choice INTRODUCTIONS FOR 2011 Each year Florexpo adds more items of the best new breeding in the industry. Throughout our catalog, you’ll find new introductions marked as such. Based on trial performance and consumer appeal, here’s the scoop on what will bring the best profits for the 2011 season.

Mint Chip Ajuga x tenorii PPAF

Beauty Yellow Argyranthemum PPAF

Coloropsis Series Coreopsis PPAF

Red Shift Coreopsis PP 20,412


Route 66 Coreopsis PP 20,609

Musica® Bicolor Dark Red Double Impatiens

Lemon Ball Gaillardia PPAF

Passionate Rainbow Petite

Gaura PPAF


HOT Waterblue Imp. Lobelia erinus PPAF WESLOWAT ®

Tiara Phlox paniculata PPAF

Wendy’s Wish Salvia PPAF

SCOPIA® Double White Sutera 9

Annuals Providing Solutions to make your business more money Our world-class network of breeders delivers the highest-quality, bestperforming vegetative varieties for your lineup. These cultivars are selected for exceptional greenhouse production and proven consumer performance to help you grow more economically and sell more plants!

Our broad selection delivers profits for any annual application. From open to ultra-premium, from baskets to borders, we offer the widest choice of genetics to let you win.


Acalypha - Alternanthera

Alternanthera from ItSaul Plants

Our fantastic selection of Alternanthera from ItSaul Plants offers gardeners and landscapers vigorous and vibrant performers that are made for the shade. These plants make wonderful companions in container gardens and are even more impressive when planted in mass as a colorful mosaic groundcover. Going all summer through the heat and humidity, these spectacular selections are sure to impress!


Cognac Alternanthera PP 16,411

Crème de menthe Alternanthera PP 16,263

GRENADINE Alternanthera PP 16,442

PARTYTIME Alternanthera PP 14,789

TRUE YELLOW Alternanthera

FIRETAIL Acalypha pendula

MAI TAI Alternanthera PPAF


A nnuals

Adessa from PAC

Adessa from PAC offers consumers the largest Angelonia flowers on the market. Five vibrant colors steal consumer attention at retail and delight gardeners all summer and deep into autumn. Adessa is elegant in combinations and landscape. Each of the well matched colors inspire as specimens or in color coordinated borders.

Adessa Blue Angelonia angustifolia

Adessa Bicolor Angelonia angustifolia

Adessa Pink Angelonia angustifolia

Adessa Purple Angelonia angustifolia

Adessa White Angelonia angustifolia

ALONIA速 Blue Angelonia angustifolia PPAF

ALONIA速 Dark Blue Angelonia angustifolia

ALONIA速 Pink Angelonia angustifolia PP 19,456

ALONIA速 White Angelonia angustifolia PP 19,451



top seller

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Angelonia - Argyranthemum

summersong & summit from NuFlora

We’re proud to offer Argyranthemum from the world’s top breeder in the class - NuFlora. These varieties are selected for early flowering, dynamite garden performance and exceptional heat tolerance. The Summit (single) and Summersong (double) pair up well in production together and are ideal for 4- or 6-inch containers.

summitTM Red Argyranthemum PPAF

summersongTM Dark Rose Argyranthemum PPAF

summersongTM Lemon Argyranthemum PPAF

summersongTM Rose Argyranthemum PPAF

summersongTM White Imp. Argyranthemum PPAF

summitTM Dark Pink Argyranthemum PPAF

summitTM White Argyranthemum PPAF CPBR 17,103

summitTM Yellow Argyranthemum PPAF

Beauty Yellow Argyranthemum PPAF

Butterfly Argyranthemum

Elsa Argyranthemum PPAF

MoonberryTM Argyranthemum PPAF COPF 13

A nnuals

Summer Success Bidens offer consumers excellent summer blooms on compact or mounded habits that work in pots and borders. Bidens are equally suitable in combination window boxes and baskets with free draining soil rich in organic matter.

suntory collection Marietta Gold Spark Bidens PP 16,863 CPBR 2,484


magic Mauve Brachyscome hybrid PPAF

amethyst Brachyscome multifida


Yellow GLOW速 Bidens


top seller

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Bidens - Calibrachoa Celebration / Dream Kisses

celebration from Westflowers

The Celebration series from Westflowers is a new generation of Calibrachoa. A range of fashionable colors and continual flowering from spring to late autumn make them perfect for brightening any home garden, patio area, baskets and pots. In addition to its attributes for the gardener, this is the most grower-friendly Calibrachoa available. Plants are very uniform in habit and flower size, and have been bred to stay open for longer periods of time under low temperatures and lower light levels. The semi-upright, semi-trailing habit make them perfect for pot and basket applications.

celebration® Bright Purple Calibrachoa x hybrida PPAF

celebration® Capri Gold Calibrachoa x hybrida PPAF WESCACAGO

celebration® Capri Red celebration® Capri White PPAF WESCACARE Calibrachoa x hybrida PPAF WESCACAWHI Calibrachoa x hybrida

celebration® Indigo Calibrachoa x hybrida PPAF WESCAIN

celebration® Neon Rose Calibrachoa x hybrida PPAF

celebration® Red Calibrachoa x hybrida PPAF WESCACHERRY

dream kisses® Deep Red Imp.

dream kisses® Orange Sunset

dream kisses® Tiger Eye

dream kisses from Westflowers

The Dream Kisses series is the perfect production companion for Celebration. They have the same uniformity in habit and outstanding performance for the grower. The dark centers of the flowers really set them apart for long distance color. The two series are perfect to mix and match in baskets and containers.

Calibrachoa x hybrida PPAF WESCACHERRYNO Calibrachoa x hybrida PPAF WESCAOSU

Calibrachoa x hybrida PPAF WESCATI 15

A nnuals

celebration mixes from Westflowers

The Celebration Mixes from Westflowers are so popular that we are adding one more this year. With the most uniform line of genetics in a series, these colors pair up well together in production and have design appeal for the consumer. For each mix ordered you will receive three varieties, in separate bags, and save 20% of the royalty cost over ordering the colors independently.

celebration速 Carnival Mix Calibrachoa x hybrida PPAF KARNIVAL

celebration速 Capri Mix Calibrachoa x hybrida PPAF

celebration速 Orient Mix Calibrachoa x hybrida PPAF

celebration速 Spring Mix Calibrachoa x hybrida PPAF



top seller

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Calibrachoa Celebration Mixes - Calibrachoa Noa / Calitunia


from Danziger

With a well branched, compact growth habit, the Noa Series from Danziger is an easy choice for 4-inch pot production. These plants can be grown tighter on the bench, while still maintaining a beautiful habit that is packed with color. These strong plants are very durable during shipping, so you can ensure a beautiful display when they hit the retail shelves!

noa® Almond Blossom Calibrachoa x hybrida

noa® Amber Star Calibrachoa x hybrida PP 19,779

noa® Banana Calibrachoa x hybrida

noa® Blue Legend Calibrachoa x hybrida

noa® Dark Pink Carnival Calibrachoa x hybrida

noa® Desert Shine Calibrachoa x hybrida

noa® Magenta Calibrachoa x hybrida

noa® Mango Eye Imp. Calibrachoa x hybrida PP 19,459

noa® Midnight Blue Calibrachoa x hybrida

noa® Orange Blossom Calibrachoa x hybrida

noa® Orange Eye Calibrachoa x hybrida

noa® Peach Calibrachoa x hybrida

noa® Red Calibrachoa x hybrida

noa® Tangerine Calibrachoa x hybrida

noa® Ultimate Pink Calibrachoa x hybrida

noa® Ultra Purple Calibrachoa x hybrida

noa® White Calibrachoa x hybrida

noa® Yellow Calibrachoa x hybrida PP 19,958

Calitunia® Pink x. Petchoa

Calitunia® Purple x. Petchoa PP 16,063

Calitunia from Danziger

Combining the best of both worlds, this Petunia and Calibrachoa cross has the Petunia’s lush foliage and vigorous, trailing habit with the Calibrachoa’s generous bloom. Throughout the heat of the season, Calitunia buries itself in small, rose-purple and pink blossoms with yellow centers.


A nnuals

trailing million bells from Suntory

The original part of the Million Bells series, these are the most robust Calibrachoas on the market for the fullest and most colorful baskets. These trailing calibrachoas create amazing, lush, cascading displays measuring up to 48.”

suntory collection million bells® Trailing Magenta Calibrachoa x hybrida PP 14,729 CPBR 2,348

suntory million bells Trailing Blue 09 Calibrachoa x hybrida PPAF CPBRAF ®






million bells million bells® Trailing Pink Trailing Yellow Calibrachoa x hyb. PP 10,287 CPBR 1,069 Calibrachoa x hybrida PPAF CPBRAF ®

million bells bouquet from Suntory

Million Bells Bouquet, Suntory raises the bar in compact mounded habits in Calibrachoa. The unique difference is Suntory’s exceptionally strong garden performance throughout the hot summer months. Where other compact varieties on the market do not perform as well in the summer, Million Bells Bouquet shines. Brilliant Pink and Orange offer earlier flowering, and more ph tolerance (5.2 to 6.0) as well. 18



collection million bells Bouquet Brilliant Pink Calibrachoa x hybrida PPAF ®


collection million bells Bouquet Orange Calibrachoa x hybrida PPAF

top seller


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Calibrachoa Million Bells

million bells from Suntory

Suntory’s most successful breeding plant introduction in 20 years. Million Bells are exceptionally vigorous cultivars. Heat tolerant, cold hardy and amazingly prolific. They produce the most blooms and continue well into Fall.

suntory million bells® Apricot Calibrachoa x hyb. PPAF CPBR 07-5831



collection million bells® Brilliant Pink Calibrachoa x hybrida PPAF CPBRAF





million bells®

million bells®

Calibrachoa x hyb. PP 16,285 CPBR 2,482

Calibrachoa x hybrida PPAF CPBRAF


suntory collection million bells Tangerine Calibrachoa x hyb. PP 17,572 CPBR 2,846 ®


suntory collection million bells® Terra Cotta Calibrachoa x hyb. PP 11,352 CPBRAF

collection million bells® Blue Calibrachoa x hybrida PPAF


collection million bells® Cherry Pink Calibrachoa x hyb. PPAF CPBR 07-5770




collection million bells®

million bells®

Cosmos Pink

Calibrachoa x hyb. PP 15,094

collection Crackling Fire

CPBR 2,350

suntory collection million bells® Neon Yellow Calibrachoa x hybrida PPAF CPBRAF

suntory collection million bells® White Calibrachoa x hyb. PPAF CPBRAF

Calibrachoa x hyb. PP 16,684 CPBR 04-4500

suntory collection million bells® Red Calibrachoa x hyb. PP 14,756 CPBR 2,203

suntory collection million bells® Yellow Calibrachoa x hyb. PP 11,558 CPBR 1,221 19

A nnuals

COLEUS Florexpo Coleus are treated with growth regulators to produce strong cuttings that ship well and stick easier. Two weeks after planting the cuttings “forget” about their treatment and return to vigor. Alabama Coleus

florida sun jade Coleus

Freckles Gold Coleus

Gay’s delight Coleus

giant duckfoot Coleus

glennis Coleus

golden bedder Coleus

kingswood torch Coleus

Kiwi fern Coleus

lifelime Coleus

New orleans red Coleus

Pat martin Coleus

pineapple Coleus

rustic orange Coleus

Splash Coleus

Tabasco Coleus

Wild Lime Coleus



top seller

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Coleus - Cosmos

silver sunburst from Outback Plants

Sun-loving and maintenance-free, Silver Sunburst packs a vibrant punch in the landscape. Plants begin in early spring with a brilliant shimmering silver foliage that can be mixed in containers as an accent or planted in the landscape as a spreading groundcover. Plants will explode with sprays of bright yellow, rounded flowers that will continue through autumn. Silver Sunburst Chrysocephalum PPAF

Silver bush Calocephalus


Moroccan Beauty Convovulus PP 15,104

Coloropsis Caliente Coreopsis PPAF

Coloropsis Cha Cha Cha Coreopsis PPAF

Coloropsis Jive Coreopsis PPAF

Coloropsis Limbo Coreopsis PPAF

Coloropsis Mamba Coreopsis PPAF

Coloropsis Salsa Coreopsis PPAF

Chocolate Cosmos Cosmos atrosanguineus

Coco Chanel Cosmos atrosanguineus PPAF

PlantHaven 21

A nnuals


from Outback Plants

The Border series of Cuphea are unlike any other varieties that we’ve seen. Extremely compact plants, they will form the most beautiful dense mounds that are covered in color in 4 or 6-inch containers. In the landscape, the plants continue the dense mound which doesn’t stretch or split over the summer months. One of the best high color annuals for hot and dry climates.

border Magenta Cuphea hyssopifolia PPAF

border Southern Cuphea hyssopifolia PPAF


Allyson Lavender Cuphea hyssopifolia

Magenta Cuphea hyssopifolia

white Cuphea hyssopifolia

flamenco Cha Cha Cuphea llavea PP 20,300


flamenco Samba Cuphea llavea PP 17,823 22

Lavender lace Cuphea rosea New

top seller

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Cuphea - Dahlia


from Keep Smiling

The results of exceptional breeding, the Gallery series are strong branching, early blooming and produce an abundance of flowers for months and months. These varieties have fully double flowers and are very effective in smaller gardens or in the front of the border. They are also well adapted for container production.

Gallery™ Cezanne Dahlia x hybrida PP 10,511

Gallery™ Art Deco Dahlia x hybrida PP 10,525

Gallery™ Rivera Dahlia x hybrida PPAF

Gallery™ Art Fair Dahlia x hybrida PP 11,356

Gallery™ Pablo Dahlia x hybrida PP 10,599


Gallery™ Rembrandt Dahlia x hybrida PP 10,496

Gallery™ Renoir Dahlia x hybrida PP 10,497

Mystic™ Illusion Dahlia x hybrida PPAF 23

A nnuals

genta® Ruby Diascia

genta® Antique Red Diascia

genta® Orange Flame Diascia

genta® Orange Improved Diascia

genta® Pink Diascia

genta® Pink Glory Diascia

genta® Raspberry Diascia

genta® White Improved Diascia

Yellow Duranta erecta var. aurea

sonnenschein Euryops pectinatus

hawaiian blue eyes Evolvulus

san gabriel Felicia amelloides



top seller

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Diascia Genta - Fuchsia Giant

Angel earrings from Suntory

These unusual, heat- and sun-tolerant Fuchsias expand the possibilities for planting. The blooms are much more compact than most fuchsias, increasing density of production and shelf life. Angel Earrings Preciosa and Dainty have distinctive upright habits and grow beautifully in window boxes, patio pots and even as a bedding plant. The other traditional trailing Fuchsias shine in hanging baskets.


angel earrings® Dainty Fuchsia PP 10,453 CPBR 1,222

suntory collection angel earrings Cascading Fuchsia PP 10,378 CPBR 1,223 ®

suntory collection

suntory collection angel earrings Double Red Fuchsia PP 19,521 CPBRAF ®


suntory collection

suntory collection

angel earrings Mauve Fuchsia PP 19,568 CPBRAF

angel earrings® Preciosa Fuchsia PP 18,636 CPBR 06-5567

giant Devonshire Dumpling Fuchsia

giant Seventh Heaven Fuchsia


suntory collection

angel earrings® Snowfire Fuchsia PPAF CPBRAF

angel earrings® White Fuchsia PP 18,636 CPBRAF

giant Bella Rosella Fuchsia

giant Deep Purple Fuchsia


A nnuals

Trailing Archie Owen Fuchsia

Trailing Bicentennial Fuchsia

Trailing Blue Eyes Fuchsia

Trailing Blush of Dawn Fuchsia

Trailing Bonanza Fuchsia

Trailing Cascade Fuchsia

Trailing Curtain Call Fuchsia

Trailing Dark Eyes Fuchsia

Trailing Dusky Rose Fuchsia

Trailing Emma Louise Fuchsia

Trailing First Love Fuchsia

Trailing Indian Maid Fuchsia

Trailing Jack Shahan Fuchsia

Trailing Lena Fuchsia

Trailing Lisa Fuchsia

Trailing Marinka Fuchsia

Trailing Patio Princess Fuchsia

Trailing Pink Marshmallow Fuchsia

Trailing Quasar Fuchsia

Trailing Red Spider Fuchsia



top seller

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Fuchsia Trailing - Fuchsia Upright

Trailing Royal Air Force Fuchsia

Trailing Snowy Summit Fuchsia

Trailing Southgate Fuchsia

Trailing Starry Trail Fuchsia

Trailing Swingtime Fuchsia

Trailing Tinkerbell Fuchsia

Trailing White Eyes Fuchsia

Trailing Willie Tamerus Fuchsia


Upright Dollar Princess Fuchsia

Upright Firecracker Fuchsia COPF

Upright Gartenmeister Fuchsia

Upright Hollydale Fuchsia

Upright Jingle Bells Fuchsia

Upright June Bride Fuchsia

Upright Madame Cornelissen Fuchsia

Upright Miss California Fuchsia

Upright Santa Claus Fuchsia

Upright Tom Thumb Fuchsia

Upright Voodoo Fuchsia

Upright Winston Churchill Fuchsia 27

A nnuals

Candy kisses from Outback Plants

This variegated foliage plant has the look and feel of a very upright Plectranthus, but with ultimate durability. The purple stems add a beautiful contrast to the cream and green leaves. Plants are extremely tolerant of heat, humidity, drought or anything else that comes their way. Consumers will have the added benefit of the lavender blooms that explode over the plant in late summer.


Candy kisses Hemizygia PPAF

suntory collection SUNTORY速 Silverleaf Yellow Helichrysum PPAF

LEMON LICORICE Helichrysum petiolare

licorice splash Helichrysum petiolare

white LICORICE Helichrysum petiolare

icicles Helichrysum thianschanicum

atlanta Fragrant Delight Heliotropium arborescens PP 11,326 COPF Heliotropium arborescens



petite licorice Helichrysum petiolare

top seller

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Helichrysum - Impatiens Double

Double impatiens from Danziger

Musica offers a compact habit and excellent flower count for improved performance in shipping and retail appeal. Lower sensitivity to botrytis improves performance for consumers. Musica® Bicolor Cherry Double Impatiens

Musica® Bicolor Dark Red Double Impatiens

Musica® Bicolor Pink Double Impatiens

Musica® Bicolor Rose Double Impatiens

Musica® Bicolor Salmon Double Impatiens

Musica® Orange Glow Double Impatiens PP 17,379

Musica® Pearl Double Impatiens

Musica® Pink Energy Double Impatiens

Musica® Pure White Double Impatiens

Musica® Ruby Red Double Impatiens

Musica® Salmon Double Impatiens PP 19,781

Musica® Spicy Orange Double Impatiens

Musica® Spicy Red Double Impatiens


A nnuals

blazin’ rose This Iresine is one of our favorite foliage accents for mixed containers, hanging baskets and landscape beds. The vigorous habit won’t get lost among other annuals and it will mingle nicely throughout the container. Thriving in both sun and shade, Blazin’ Rose can be mixed with practically any combination. blazin’ rose Iresine herbstii



s a l e s o n ly blackie Ipomoea batatas


s a l e s o n ly

s a l e s o n ly

margarite Ipomoea batatas

Tricolor Ipomoea batatas

Chapel Hill Gold Lantana camara PPAF

Chapel Hill Yellow Lantana camara PP 19,548

chapel hill from Plant Introductions

Chapel Hill Yellow combines the cold hardiness of Miss Huff with the spreading growth habit of New Gold. Leathery, dark green foliage and medium yellow flowers proliferate from summer to fall. Chapel Hill Gold was discovered as a sport on Chapel Hill Yellow, and has solid golden yellow flowers. A percentage of the royalty from the sale of Chapel Hill Gold and Yellow is donated to the Sweet Melissa Transplant Fund for Lung Transplant Patients and their families at UNC - Chapel Hill. 30


top seller

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Ipomoea - Lantana

Confetti Lantana camara

dallas red Lantana camara

irene Lantana camara

miss huff Lantana camara

Pink caprice Lantana camara

radiation Lantana camara


samantha Lantana camara

Tangerine Lantana camara

white gold Lantana camara PPAF

New Gold Lantana hybrid

Silver Mound Lantana hybrid

Spreading Sunset Lantana hybrid

White Trailing Lantana hybrid

Purple Trailing Lantana montevidensis

patriottm Classic Cherry Lantana PP 10,854 31

A nnuals

patriottm Classic Desert Sunset Lantana PP 10,156

patriottm Classic Firewagon Lantana

patriottm Classic Hallelujah Lantana PP 12,063

patriottm Classic Hot Country Lantana PP 12,266

patriottm Classic Lemon Meringue Lantana PPAF

patriottm Classic Parasol Lantana PP 13,075

patriottm Classic Passion Lantana PP 13,424

patriottm Petite Cowboy Lantana PP 12,450

patriottm Petite Rainbow Lantana PP 9,837

patriottm Pillar Deen Day Smith Lantana PP 13,671

patriottm Pillar Peter Konjoian Lantana PPAF

patriottm Pony Red Lantana PPAF

patriottm Weepers Dove Wings Lantana PP 10,880

patriottm Weepers Popcorn Lantana PPAF

patriottm Weepers Sunbeam Lantana PP 10,885



top seller

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Lantana - Lavatera


from PlantHaven

Simply put, the most floriferous Spanish Lavenders with the largest bracts in the industry. More color per plant means more sales from the shelf!


ruffles Sweetberry Lavandula stoechas PP 18,243 COPF


Kew red Lavandula stoechas


ruffles Blueberry Lavandula stoechas PP 18,305 COPF

lace Violet Lavandula stoechas PP 18,254 COPF



lace Winter Lavandula stoechas PP 18,280


otto quast Lavandula stoechas


ruffles Boysenberry Lavandula stoechas PP 18,256 COPF

ruffles Mulberry Lavandula stoechas PP 18,295 COPF

ruffles Strawberry Lavandula stoechas PPAF COPF

Sweet Dream Lavatera hybrid CPBR 2,462

White Angel Lavatera hybrid CPBR 1,655

White Satin Lavatera hybrid CPBR 1,656


ruffles Sugarberry Lavandula stoechas PPAF COPF


A nnuals


from Westflowers

The Lobelia Hot series were the original heat tolerant range on the market. Both varieties are early to flower which can help you expand your selling season. Waterblue Improved has a mounding habit and is very grower friendly. White has a trailing habit and can also work for 4-inch and basket production.

hot® Waterblue Imp. Lobelia erinus PPAF WESLOWAT

Big Blue Lobelia erinus PP 12,634 weslobigblue


hot® White Lobelia erinus PPAF WESLOWHITE

Star® Blue Star Lobelia erinus PPAF wesstar

Star® Superstar Lobelia erinus PPAF WESLOSU


Star® White Star Lobelia erinus PPAF WESLOWEI

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Lobelia - Manettia


from Danziger

Larger flowers, trailing habits and excellent summer performers for combinations, baskets and bedding. Anabel offers a beautiful selection of colors, bicolor and floriferous vigor.

Anabel® Blue Lobelia erinus


s a l e s o n ly

Anabel® Blue Dot Lobelia erinus

Anabel® Blue Romance Lobelia erinus PP 19,332

Anabel® Violet Whiskers Lobelia erinus

Anabel® White Lobelia erinus


s a l e s o n ly

Parrot’s Beak Lotus berthelotii

gold fLAsh Lotus maculata

Goldi Lysimachia nummularia

Candy Corn Vine Manettia luteorubra

Midnight Sun Lysimachia PPAF 35

A nnuals

ENCHANTING from Sakata

Enchanting, from Sakata, brings a full season of enjoyment to this class. Now not only are Nemesias good for that early cool season, but these have been trialed and tested through the summer...and they performed wonderfully! Clusters of delicate, heavily perfumed blooms atop well-branched, compact plants. These beauties are perfect for pots, mixed containers and massed in the garden.






top seller

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Nemesia Enchanting - New Guinea Impatiens Niño


from Kientzler

Increase sustainable profits now. The Niño series from Ludwig Kientzler offers growers a New Guinea Impatiens that requires no pinching, no plant growth regulators and finishes three weeks faster than traditional varieties. This plant is perfect for the 4-inch market, boasting loads of blooms at retail on plants that fill out the pot to perfection. No other series offers as many benefits and profits to the large grower as Niño.

Niño™ Antonio [ cherry ] New Guinea Impatiens PPAF COPF

Niño™ Alvaro [ coral ] New Guinea Impatiens PPAF COPF

Niño™ Enrique [ fuchsia ] New Guinea Impatiens PPAF COPF

Niño™ Isidro [ white ] New Guinea Impatiens PPAF COPF

Niño™ Luis [ pink-bicolor ] New Guinea Impatiens PPAF COPF

Niño™ Marisol [ orange ] New Guinea Impatiens PPAF COPF

Niño™ Odillo [ lilac ] New Guinea Impatiens PPAF COPF

Niño™ Paquito [ bright pink ] New Guinea Impatiens PP 14,046 COPF

Niño™ Pedro [ candy pink ] New Guinea Impatiens PP 11,475 COPF

Niño™ Raúl Imp. [ scarlet ] New Guinea Impatiens PPAF COPF 37

A nnuals

harmony from Danziger

The most heat tolerant New Guinea Impatiens available, the Harmony series is Israeli bred to keep a full, well-branched habit loaded with color throughout the summer’s toughest conditions. Plants have excellent performance in the garden and have one of the largest color palettes available in the market.

Harmony® Candy Cream New Guinea Impatiens

Harmony® Apricot Cream New Guinea Impatiens

Harmony® Dark Lavender New Guinea Impatiens

Harmony® Dark Lilac New Guinea Impatiens PP 16,768

Harmony® Dark Pink New Guinea Impatiens

Harmony® Dark Red New Guinea Impatiens PP 12,143

Harmony® Dark Violet New Guinea Impatiens

Harmony® Deep Lavender New Guinea Impatiens

Harmony® Deep Red New Guinea Impatiens

Harmony® Deep Salmon New Guinea Impatiens

Harmony® Fuchsia Cream New Guinea Impatiens

Harmony® Fuchsia Groove New Guinea Impatiens

Harmony® Magenta New Guinea Impatiens PP 12,093



top seller

b e s t i n c l a ss

New Guinea Impatiens Harmony

Harmony® Orange New Guinea Impatiens

Harmony® Orange Blaze New Guinea Impatiens

Harmony® Orange Red New Guinea Impatiens

Harmony® Orange Star New Guinea Impatiens PPAF

Harmony® Pastel Lavender New Guinea Impatiens

Harmony® Pastel Rose New Guinea Impatiens

Harmony® Peach New Guinea Impatiens PP 12,091

Harmony® Pink Cream New Guinea Impatiens

Harmony® Pink Smile New Guinea Impatiens

Harmony® Raspberry Cream Harmony® Red New Guinea Impatiens New Guinea Impatiens

Harmony® Red Cardinal New Guinea Impatiens

Harmony® Red Fire New Guinea Impatiens

Harmony® Salmon New Guinea Impatiens PP 12,090

Harmony® Violet New Guinea Impatiens

Harmony® Snow New Guinea Impatiens

Harmony® White New Guinea Impatiens 39

A nnuals

suntory collection summer splash Bouquet Blue Nierembergia PP 13,934 CPBR 1,688 ®

Summer Splash Bouquet from Suntory

Producing masses of flowers which grow in a dense, compact mounding habit, creating a look of a bouquet. Early blooming and excellent branching make these plants easier and quicker to finish in production. Gardeners love the glow of blooms when drenched in sunshine. It has outstanding heat tolerance and blooms throughout the summer. Excellent drought resistance and low maintenance make Summer Splash Bouquet a favorite item enjoyed all season.



collection summer splash® Bouquet White Nierembergia PPAF CPBRAF

collection summer splash® Light Blue Nierembergia PPAF CPBRAF



collection summer splash Patio Blue Imp. Nierembergia PPAF CPBR 07-5935 ®



collection summer splash White Nierembergia PPAF CPBRAF

top seller


b e s t i n c l a ss

Nierembergia Summer Splash - Perilla

hip hop from Sakata

The Hip Hop series of Osteospermum from Sakata offers growers some of the largest flowering Osteos with the clearest colors available. The vigorous plants go right through the summer with an abundance of blooms. The large habit of the plants makes these the perfect choice for larger containers and hanging baskets. And because of their adaptability to various climate conditions, they work as an early season starter and keep looking fresh in the garden center through early summer.

hip hop Orange Osteospermum x hybrid PPAF

hip hop Ivory Osteospermum x hybrid PPAF

hip hop Yellow Osteospermum x hybrid PPAF

ostica® Blue Eye Osteospermum

ostica® Lemon Osteospermum

ostica® Lilac Osteospermum

ostica® Purple Imp. Osteospermum

ostica® Snow Osteospermum

Tricolor Perilla frutescens

ostica® Pink Imp. Osteospermum


A nnuals

surfinia from Suntory

We are proud to offer the most robust and bountiful Petunias in the world. Far superior, Surfinia Petunias bloom continuously all season long, and they hold up well even in wind, rain and summer heat. The first cross of a wild petunia and a propagated seed hybrid, Surfinia petunias are number one in Europe, where brilliant cascades fall from window boxes everywhere. These monster plants are fast growing and can trail up to 8-feet in a single season! suntory collection surfinia Brilliant Pink Petunia PP 16,358 CPBR 1,076 ®

suntory surfinia Blue Veined Petunia PP 17,735 CPBR 2,840 ®

surfinia Giant Blue Petunia PP 17,645 CPBR 2,839 ®

surfinia Lime Petunia PP 13,968 CPBR 1,302

surfinia Magenta Petunia PP 16,682 CPBR 2,837 ®

surfinia Purple Picotee Petunia PP 18,616 CPBR 06-5551


surfinia Pastel Pink Petunia PP 19,560 CPBR 07-5774 ®

surfinia Red Petunia PP 16,803 CPBR 2,838

suntory collection surfinia Pink Veined Petunia PP 14,125 CPBR 2,468 ®


collection ®

surfinia Lavender Lace Petunia PP 16,786 CPBR 2,835




collection ®



suntory ®

surfinia Giant Purple Petunia PP 13,867 CPBR 1,689 ®






suntory ®





collection surfinia Rose Veined Petunia PP 16,468 CPBR 2,480 ®


collection surfinia Sky Blue Petunia PP 13,542 CPBR 1,303

top seller


b e s t i n c l a ss

Petunia Surfinia - Petunia Baby Surfinia



collection surfinia Violet Petunia PP 10,330 CPBR 1,073 ®

collection surfinia White Petunia PPAF CPBR 07-5773 ®

suntory collection surfinia® Wild Plum Petunia PP 16,805 CPBR 2,836

Baby surfinia from Suntory

Here is one of the most vigorous, heat tolerant Petunias you can sell. Add its vivacious blooming and amazing trailing habit and you have one incredible garden performer. Baby Surfinia Petunias grow up to 4-feet long and stay absolutely covered in petite blossoms! The Baby Compact Surfinia colors are unbeatable for creating ultra-lush mounding and cascading displays in containers and beds. This Petunia boasts a superior center branching and upright habit, with masses of blooms throughout the entire growing season!

suntory collection Baby surfinia® Compact Blue Petunia PP 16,355 CPBR 2,540

suntory collection Baby surfinia Compact Pink Petunia PP 17,087 CPBR 2,539 ®

suntory collection Baby surfinia Purple Petunia PPAF CPBRAF ®

suntory collection Baby surfinia Compact Purple Petunia PPAF CPBR 05-4649 ®

suntory collection Baby surfinia® Compact White Petunia PP 16,785 CPBR 2,538

suntory collection Baby surfinia® Red Petunia PP 14,136 CPBR 1,551


A nnuals

patio surfinia from Suntory

There is no other Petunia like this vigorous mounding variety. With strong center branching and an upright, non-trailing habit, it produces a very attractive, rounded plant that’s ideal for patio containers. Makes an excellent retail display in 4- or 6-inch containers.

suntory surfinia Patio Coral Pink Petunia PP 18,229 CPBR 06-5414

surfinia® Patio Blue Petunia PP 14,748 CPBRAF

surfinia Patio White Petunia PPAF CPBR 05-4651

collection surfinia® Patio Indigo Petunia PPAF


collection ®




collection ®


collection surfinia Patio Yellow Petunia PP 16,297 CPBR 2,537 ®

Surfinia Bouquet from Suntory

Surfinia Bouquet are just like a beautiful bouquet of flowers! Blooms are small in size and bloom in profusion covering the entire plant. The impressive density and compact habit make a charming display. The biggest difference between these and other compact petunias on the market are their outstanding summer performance to be enjoyed all the way until Fall.



collection surfinia Bouquet Hot Pink Petunia PP 18,141 CPBR 06-5411 ®



collection surfinia Bouquet Lemon Petunia PPAF CPBRAF ®


collection surfinia Bouquet Red Petunia PPAF ®

top seller

b e s t i n c l a ss

Petunia Surfinia Bouquet / Patio - Petunia Ray


from Danziger

Bred from the number one selling Cascadia Sunray Petunia, Danziger introduces an entire series with the same amazing habit and floriferousness. Plants are very uniform and create compact mounds of nonstop, vibrant color throughout the season. Ray is the number one choice for 6-inch containers in the garden center. Once plants are set in the landscape, they’ll form a dense carpet that is solid with blooms all the way around.

ray® Candy Pink Petunia PPAF

ray® Pink Petunia PP 19,779

ray® Purple Petunia

ray® Purple Vein Petunia

ray® Red Petunia PPAF

ray® Rim Purple Petunia

ray® Sun Petunia PP 17,278

ray® White Petunia PPAF 45

A nnuals

LittleTunia from Danziger

The Littletunia series from Danziger is a landscaper’s dream. Plants put off an abundance of color with miniature blooms that don’t get beat up by summer rains. The plants form a colorful carpet that refuses to give up in heat, humidity or other stressful summer conditions. In baskets, Littletunia are stunning as a monoculture or mixed together with other annuals.

Littletunia® Red Star Petunia

Littletunia® Blue Vein Petunia

Littletunia® Breezy Pink Petunia

Littletunia® Dark Eyed Lady Petunia

Littletunia® Merlot Petunia

Littletunia® Purple Blue Petunia

Littletunia® Pink Petunia

Littletunia® Red Petunia

Littletunia® Rose Petunia PPAF

Littletunia® Violet Petunia PP 19,785

Littletunia® White Grace Petunia

Littletunia® Sweet Sherbert Littletunia® Ultra Purple Petunia Petunia 46


top seller

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Petunia Littletunia - Petunia Cascadias

cascadias® Ann Wood Petunia

cascadias® Bicolor Cabernet cascadias® Bicolor Pastel Petunia Petunia

cascadias® Bicolor Purple Petunia

cascadias® Charlie Imp. Petunia

cascadias® Cherry Spark Petunia

cascadias® Choice Petunia

cascadias® Great Spark Petunia

cascadias® Lime Petunia

cascadias® Noble Blue Petunia

cascadias® Pink Petunia PP 16,548

cascadias® Pink Spark Imp. Petunia

cascadias® Plum Petunia

cascadias® Purple Petunia

cascadias® Rim Violet Petunia

cascadias® White Petunia


A nnuals

Phoenix and Power Phlox from Westflowers

Phoenix Phlox are trailing and ideal for 4-inch pots, balcony containers, window boxes and hanging baskets. Power Phlox brings intense color, with upright habits, great color selection and mingling beauty for larger mixed containers, combinations and hanging baskets.

Phoenix Light Rose Phlox PPAF wesphoera

Phoenix Purple Star Phlox PPAF wesphoepustar

Phoenix Red Phlox PPAF wesphoerE

Phoenix Sky Phlox PPAF wesphoesky

Phoenix White Phlox PPAF wesphoewhi

Power Hot Pink Phlox PPAF wespohopi

Power Light Pink Phlox PPAF wespohopi

Power Magenta Phlox PPAF

Power Purple Phlox PPAF wespopur

Power Purple Star Phlox PPAF

Power Red Phlox PPAF wespore

Power Rose Phlox PPAF

Power Sky Phlox PPAF

Power Violet Phlox PPAF WESPOVIO



top seller

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Phlox Phoenix / Power - Portulaca Pazazz


from Danziger

The Pazazz series of Portulaca from Danziger made a real splash in university trials over the past summer. They thrive in the heat and have a brilliant display of blooms throughout the summer months. The vibrant color completely engulfs the thick matted groundcover.

Pazazz Jumbo White Portulaca oleracea

Pazazz Jumbo Yellow Portulaca oleracea

Pazazz Pink Glow Portulaca oleracea

Pazazz Red Flare Portulaca oleracea

Pazazz Rose Glow Portulaca oleracea

Pazazz Salmon Glow Portulaca oleracea

Pazazz Tangerine Portulaca oleracea

Pazazz Vivid Yellow Portulaca oleracea 49

A nnuals

Variegata Plectranthus coleoides

Imperial Blue Plumbago auriculata

Katie Pink Ruellia brittoniana

Katie Purple Ruellia brittoniana

Sallyfun® Blue Salvia farinacea PP 19,788

Sallyfun® White Imp. Salvia farinacea

Flame Salvia greggii

Lipstick Salvia greggii


Purple Pastel Salvia greggii

Rose Pink Salvia greggii

Santa Barbara Salvia leucantha PP 12,949

Black and blue Salvia guaranitica

Ultra Violet and Wendy’s Wish from PlantHaven

Wendy’s Wish offers showy hot lipstick pink tubular blooms on dark maroon stems, and blooms Summer - Fall. Large green, glossy serrated foliage compliments compact, slightly open habit 40” x 40”. Ultra Violet Salvia sprays showy iridescent mauve - purple blooms from Summer - Fall. A compact rounded habit 24” x 24” offers mid green aromatic foliage. Quick growing and drought tolerant once established. Use them in borders, containers and landscape.


ultra violet Salvia PPAF




wendy’s wish Salvia PPAF

top seller

b e s t i n c l a ss

Plectranthus - Scaevola

Ariba Sanvitalia ppaf wessacomp

Tequila Imp. Sanvitalia PPAF WESSATEQ

blue haze速 Scaevola aemula

Blue sea速 Scaevola aemula

brilliant Scaevola aemula ppaf

diamond Scaevola aemula ppaf WESSCAEDIA

fancy Scaevola aemula ppaf

topaz Pink Imp. Scaevola aemula PPAF WESSCAETOPI

white blessing Scaevola aemula

romeoTM Scaevola albida ppaf COPF

julietTM Scaevola albida ppaf COPF


A nnuals

suntory collection surdiva速 Blue Scaevola aemula PP 19,515 CPBR 07-6003





surdiva速 Light Blue Scaevola aemula PP 19,516 CPBR 07-6004

surdiva速 White Scaevola aemula PP 19,520 CPBR 07-6005

Top poT Pink Scaevola aemula PPAF wesscaetopi

Top poT White Scaevola aemula PPAF wesscaetowhi

top pot

from Westflowers

Our best selling series for container growers. These chubby little plants have a plump, full figured habit that is covered from top to tip with vibrant fan shaped flowers.

Top poT Blue Scaevola aemula PPAF wesscaetob 52


top seller

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Scaevola - Strobilanthes

Persian SHIELD Persian Shield Strobilanthes is a striking foliage item offering a collage of color in dramatic fashion. Persian Shield is excellent in the tropical or subtropical garden. Offering gardeners an escape to paradise, Persian Shield carries gardens to exotic performances. Use massed in borders and as specimens in combinations.

persian SHIELD Strobilanthes dyerianus

Purple Heart Look no further than Purple Heart Setcreasea for mystical dark foliage, ideal for borders or a back drop behind bright pink bedding. Commonly known as Wandering Jew, Purple Heart Setcreasea is beautiful in hanging baskets and mixed containers as well. It is remarkably shade tolerant and can withstand varying soil conditions.

Purple Heart Setcreasea

Concord Blue Streptocarpella 53

A nnuals

Scopia® Double Blue Sutera

Scopia® Double Pink Pearl Sutera

Scopia® Double White Sutera

Scopia® Dark Pink Sutera PP 18,116

Scopia® Great Blue Imp. Sutera PPAF

Scopia® Great Pink Imp. Sutera PP 19,786

Scopia® Great Pink Ring Sutera PP 19,782

Scopia® Great Purple Sutera PP 19,349

Scopia® Great White Imp. Sutera

Scopia® Gulliver Blue Sutera

Scopia® Gulliver Blue Sensation Sutera PPAF

Scopia® Gulliver Lilac Sutera PP 19,343

Scopia® Gulliver Silver Sutera

Scopia® Gulliver Snow Sutera PP 19,747

Taifun Mega White Sutera PPAF

white Sutera


Scopia® Gulliver White Sutera PP 18,194 New

top seller

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Sutera - Torenia Moon


from Danziger

Moon is made for the shade. Offer your customers something new for their low-light areas. The Moon series of Torenia flower heavily in shady locations and thrive in the summer heat and humidity. They offer a color range not found in many other low-light bedding plants. Plants are versatile for sales from premium 306-packs up to 6-inch containers. Plants also mingle well in mixed combination containers.

moon® Yellow Torenia PP 19,176

moon® Blue Torenia PP 16,949

moon® Indigo Torenia

moon® Magenta Torenia

moon® Purple Torenia PP 13,723

moon® Rose Torenia

moon® Rosy Cheek Torenia

moon® Velvet Torenia PP 19,902

moon® White Torenia PP 16,304 55

A nnuals

Summer Wave from Suntory

Summer Wave Torenias thrive in summer heat, when other Torenia wilt. They tolerate dry soil too. The new Summer Wave Bouquets offer lush mounded habits that stay in shape through summer while others offer lush trailing habit and vigorous growth. They’re perfect for shady beds or hanging baskets. Self-cleaning and well-branching, they require very little maintenance.





Summer Wave® Large Blue Torenia PP 10,843 CPBRAF

suntory collection Summer Wave Amethyst Torenia PPAF CPBRAF ®

suntory collection Summer Wave® Bouquet Blue Torenia PPAF


Summer Wave® White Torenia PPAF CPBRAF



collection Summer Wave Large Amethyst Torenia PP 16,055 CPBR 2,351 ®


collection Summer Wave Large Silver Torenia PPAF CPBRAF ®


collection Summer Wave® Large Violet Torenia PP 15,684 CPBR 2.471




suntory collection

Summer Wave® Bouquet Deep Blue Summer Wave Bouquet Deep Rose Summer Wave® Bouquet Gold Torenia PPAF Torenia PPAF Torenia PPAF ®


top seller

b e s t i n c l a ss

Torenia Summer Wave - Verbena Estrella

double roccoco and estrella from Westflowers

The Double Roccoco series offers the same great plant habits and vibrant colors, but with fully double blooms that make a beautiful presentation in mixed containers and hanging baskets. Here is one of the best Verbenas that we’ve come across yet for both containers and baskets. The neat compact plants of the Estrella series form dense mounds that have a semi-upright and semitrailing habit. The large blooms are petal-packed and have some of the most vibrant colors of the Estrella. The Estrella series has outstanding mildew tolerance that stands well above other large leaf Verbena varieties. Double RoccocoTM Burgundy Verbena PPAF wesverrobu

Double RoccocoTM Peach Verbena PPAF wesverropea

Double RoccocoTM Pink Verbena PPAF wesverropin

Double RoccocoTM Purple Verbena PPAF wesverropur

Double RoccocoTM Red Verbena PPAF wesverrore

Estrellatm Merlot Verbena ppaf wesvereme

Estrellatm Peach Verbena ppaf wesverepea

Estrellatm Violet Verbena ppaf wesverevio

Estrellatm Voodoo Red Verbena ppaf wesverevoo

Estrellatm Voodoo Star Verbena PPAF WESVEREVOO

Estrellatm White Verbena ppaf wesverewhi


A nnuals


from Suntory

Extremely fast growing compared to traditional Verbena. In the landscape, the long, vigorous branches of Temari will spread energetically up to 4-feet across, with large, cheerful clusters of flowers constantly appearing spring through fall.

Temari® Cherry Red Verbena PPAF

suntory collection Temari® Blue Verbena PPAF CPBRAF

suntory collection Temari® Red Verbena PP 18,615 CPBR 06-5527


suntory collection



collection Temari® Bright Pink Verbena PPAF CPBRAF

Temari® Burgundy Verbena PP 17,011 CPBR 2,481


collection Temari® Magenta Verbena PPAF CPBRAF


collection Temari® Violet Verbena PPAF CPBRAF



collection Temari® White Verbena PPAF CPBR 1,838


top seller

b e s t i n c l a ss

Verbena Temari

patio temari from Suntory

The Patio Temari have a growth habit unlike any other Verbena which yields strong, centrally branched plants that quickly form tall mounds of color. Patio Temari Verbena produce large, vibrant flower clusters nonstop, spring through fall, on dense branches. Great combined with the traditional trailing temari in baskets and large containers.



collection Temari® Patio Blue Verbena PP 13,727 CPBR 1,225

suntory Temari Patio Red Imp. Verbena PP 14,296 CPBR 2,361



collection ®

collection Temari® Patio Hot Pink Verbena PP 13,933 CPBR 1,227


collection Temari Patio Rose Verbena PP 13,724 CPBR 1,228 ®

Temari® Patio White Verbena PP 17,785 CPBR 2,845 59

A nnuals


from Suntory

Tapien Verbenas make the perfect groundcover - carpeting an area up to 3-feet wide; crowding out weeds as they spread. Constantly in bloom, they’re impervious to heat, humidity and light frosts, thriving where other verbenas fail. Compact clusters of blooms open from April through November. Extraordinary in hanging baskets too.

suntory collection Tapien Lilac Verbena PPAF CPBR 2,485 ®

suntory collection Tapien Pink Verbena PP 9,014 CPBR 1,083 ®

Tapien® Blue - Violet Verbena PP 9,411 CPBR 1,081

suntory Tapien Plum Frost Verbena PP 18,596 CPBR 06-5549 60



collection ®



collection Tapien Pure White Verbena PP 14,831 CPBR 2,349 ®


collection Tapien Purple Verbena PP 18,963 CPBR ®


collection Tapien Salmon Verbena PP 14,117 CPBR 1,690 ®


top seller

b e s t i n c l a ss

Verbena Tapien - Verbena Donalena

Donalena® Coral Pastels Verbena

Donalena® Dark Blue Imp. Verbena

Donalena® Lavender Grace Verbena

Donalena® Pink Heart Verbena

Donalena® Purple Velvet Verbena

Donalena® Raspberry Verbena

Donalena® Red Amour Verbena

Donalena® Red Pepper Imp. Verbena

Donalena® White Hail Verbena


A nnuals

veralena® Blueberry Verbena

veralena® Cherry Verbena

veralena® Cosmic Blue Verbena

veralena® Elegant White Verbena

veralena® Fancy Lavender Verbena

veralena® Red Verbena PP 19,454

veralena® Rouge Verbena

veralena® Timeless Pink Verbena

veralena® Violet Verbena

homesTead purple Verbena 62


top seller

b e s t i n c l a ss

Verbena Veralena - Vinca

Expoflora Vinca major

Maculata Green Vinca major

Variegata Vinca major

Wojo’s Jem Vinca major PP 11,809


Succulents Low Maintenance - High Style Succulents are the latest and trendiest product line added to the Florexpo program. With water restrictions on the rise and busy consumer lifestyles, succulents offer gardeners a colorful display without all the fuss.

Available in many shapes, colors and sizes, these plants integrate well with other low-water, flowering plants, adding texture and tone to mixed plantings.



top seller

b e s t i n c l a ss

Aeonium - Echeveria

Pinwheel Aeonium haworthii

Kiwi Aeonium hybrid

Campfire Crassula coccinea

atropurporium Aeonium

Springtime Crassula hybrid

Watch chain Plant Crassula muscosa

Princess Pine Crassula m. pseudolycopodiodes

Baby Jade Crassula ovata arborescens

large Jade Crassula ovata arborescens

Hobbit Crassula ovata

Variegated Jade Plant Crassula ovata

Large red Crassula radicans

small red Crassula radicans

Perle Von NĂœrnberg Echeveria hybrid

nodulosa Echeveria


Graptoveria - Senecios


Silver Gray Kalanchoe pumila

Thysiflora Kalanchoe

Clavatum Sedum

nussbaumerianum Sedum

HUMMELI Sedeveria hybrid

VARIEGATUM Sedum lineare

Jet Beads Sedeveria hybrid

Jacobsenii Senecios


Fred Ives Graptoveria hybrid


top seller

b e s t i n c l a ss

Perennials Experience, Selection, Quality & Reliability The Florexpo perennial program pioneered the way of unrooted cuttings for perennial growers. Our experience and dedication to this class of plants is unwavering and we will continue to bring you the most complete perennial lineup in the industry. We network with breeders around the globe to bring the most innovative varieties to the marketplace that will benefit both growers and gardeners.

All cuttings are taken from virus indexed plants which gives the grower faster and more uniform rooting, branching and finishing success. Our reputation for cleanliness and availability give perennial growers confidence for success.


P erennials

appleblossom Achillea millefolium

paprika Achillea millefolium

Red fortune Agastache mexicana PP 11,816 CPBR 1,659

red velvet Achillea millefolium

terracotta Achillea millefolium

moonshine Achillea

After Eight Agastache PP 15,921


tutti frutti Agastache barberi

black adder Agastache

blue fortune Agastache

heatwave Agastache hybrida PP 19,662

bronze Ajuga reptans

burgundy glow Ajuga reptans


black scallop Ajuga reptans PP 15,815 68


top seller

b e s t i n c l a ss

Achillea – Baptisia

Caitlin’s Giant Ajuga reptans

mahogany Ajuga reptans

Dixie Chip Ajuga x tenorii PPAF


metallica Ajuga reptans

Party colors Ajuga reptans PP 20,293

Silver Queen Ajuga reptans

Chocolate Chip Ajuga x tenorii

mint chip Ajuga x tenorii PPAF

Powis Castle Artemisia

Silver Mound Artemisia schmidtiana

Silver Brocade Artemisia stelleriana



Oriental Limelight Artemisia vulgaris PP 12,788

s a l e s o n ly Starshine Aster ageratoides PPAF

Purple Smoke Baptisia 69

P erennials


Silver Anniversary Buddleia crispa x loricata PP 17,332

Black Knight Buddleia davidii

Birch Hybrid Campanula

Nanho Blue Buddleia davidii

Nanho Purple Buddleia davidii

Pink Delight Buddleia davidii

Royal Red Buddleia davidii

White Profusion Buddleia davidii

Emerald速 Campanula glomerata PP 18,343

Gloaming Campanula lactiflora

La Belle Campanula percifolia

Serbian Bellflower Campanula poscharskyana

Samantha Campanula

Dark Knight Caryopteris clandonensis



top seller

b e s t i n c l a ss

Buddleia - Coreopsis


First Choice Caryopteris clandonensis PP 11,958

Leadwort Ceratostigma plumbaginoides

Little Sundial Coreopsis hybrid PP 18,460


My Love

Ceratostigma x willmottianum PP 19,269

Golden Acres Chrysogonum virginianum

Route 66 Coreopsis PP 20,609

Nana Coreopsis auriculata

Full Moon Coreopsis PP 19,364

Good as Gold Coreopsis grandiflor

Sundancer Coreopsis grandiflora PP 7,823

Jethro Tull Coreopsis PP 18,789

Redshift Coreopsis PP 20,412

American Dream Coreopsis rosea

Heaven’s Gate Coreopsis rosea PP 16,016 CPBR 3,112 71

P erennials

MOONbeam Coreopsis verticillata

SUNbeam Coreopsis verticillata PP 19,311

Tequila Sunrise Coreopsis PP 9,875

Zagreb Coreopsis verticillata

Cooper’s Ice Plant Delosperma cooperi

Yellow Ice Plant Delosperma nubigenum

Baby Joe® Eupatorium PP 20,320

Little Joe Eupatorium dubium PP 16,122

Gateway Eupatorium maculatum

Phantom® Eupatorium PP 18,354 CPBR 006-5232


Chocolate Eupatorium rugosum 72

Excalibur Euphorbia amygdaloides x

Tasmanian Tiger Euphorbia characias ssp PP 15,715 New

top seller

b e s t i n c l a ss

Coreopsis - Gaillardia

Candy Corn Gaillardia


First Blush Euphorbia epithymodies PP 15,292


Ascot Rainbow Euphorbia x martinii PPAF


Rudolph Euphorbia martinii PP 17,257


Blue Haze Euphorbia niciana x PP 14,868

Cushion Spurge Euphorbia polychroma

Shorty Euphorbia wulfenii PP 19,808

Gold Tide Forsythia x intermedia PP 9,104

Fancy Wheeler Gaillardia PPAF

Flame Gaillardia


Tiny Tim Euphorbia x martinii PP 16,930


Golden Peep Forsythia PP 13,050

Fanfare Gaillardia PP 15,892 CPBR


P erennials

Jazzy Wheeler Gaillardia PPAF


Oranges and Lemons Gaillardia PP 17,092

Siskiyou Pink Gaura lindheimeri


Pink Fountain Gaura lindheimeri PP 15,555

Lemon Ball Gaillardia


Passionate Rainbow Gaura PP 17,002



Geranium cinereum 74

Snow Fountain Gaura lindheimeri PP 19,376 COPF


Passionate Blush Gaura PP 17,923

PP 18,351 CPBR 005-4786


Whirling Butterflies Gaura lindheimeri

PlantHaven Passionate Rainbow Petite

Gaura PPAF

Brookside Geranium

Geranium cinereum PP 17,394 CPBR 005-4787 New

top seller

b e s t i n c l a ss

Gaillardia - Hebe


Raspberry Ripple Hebe hybrida PPAF

Strawberries and Cream

Hebe hybrida PPAF


Purple Pillow

Geranium cinereum PP 12,829 CPBR 2,399



Geranium cinereum PP 17,401 CPBR 005-4789


Crystal Rose Geranium PP 20,809

Orkney Cherry

Biokovo Geranium x cantabrigiense

Flames of Passion速 Geum hybrid PP 13,370 CPBR 2,673

Geranium oxoniumxantipod PP 18,263


New Hampshire Purple Geranium sanguineum

Westray Geranium PP 13,716


Totally Tangerine Geum hybrid PPAF

Variegata Glechoma hederacea 75

P erennials

Double Trouble Helenium PP 18,206

Ruby Tuesday Helenium PP 18,234


Amethyst Mist Heuchera hybrida

Can Can Heuchera hybrida

Crimson Curls Heuchera hybrida PP 13,729

Green Spice Heuchera hybrida

Hercules速 Heuchera hybrida CPBR 3,200

Mars Heuchera hybrida

Molly Bush Heuchera hybrida

Neptune Heuchera hybrida

Plum Pudding Heuchera hybrida

Prince Heuchera hybrida

Purple Petticoats Heuchera hybrida



top seller

b e s t i n c l a ss

Helenium - Lamiastrum

Regina Heuchera hybrida

Silver Scrolls Heuchera hybrida PP 12,066

Kassandra Heuchera villosa PPAF COPF

Stormy Seas Heuchera hybrida

Venus Heuchera hybrida

Brownie Heuchera villosa

Chameleon Houttuynia cordata

Alexander’s White Iberis sempervirens

Little Gem Iberis sempervirens

Purity Iberis sempervirens

Snowflake Iberis sempervirens

St. John’s Wort Hypericum calycinum

Herman’s Pride Lamiastrum galeobdolon 77

P erennials

Lemon Frost Lamium PPAF

Aureum Lamium maculatum

Sunny Side Up Leucanthemum x superbum PP 12,837


Beacon Silver Lamium maculatum

Chequers Lamium maculatum

Ghost Lamium maculatum

Golden Anniversary Lamium maculatum PP 11,783

Orchid Frost Lamium maculatum PP 11,122

Pink Pewter Lamium maculatum

Purple Dragon Lamium maculatum PPAF

Red Nancy Lamium maculatum

White Nancy Lamium maculatum

Old Court Variety Leucanthemum

Aglaia Leucanthemum x superbum

Snow Cap Leucanthemum x superbum




top seller

b e s t i n c l a ss

Lamium - Monarda

Grace Ward Lithodora diffusa

Purple Mazus reptans


Heavenly Blue Lithodora diffusa

Golden Alexander Lysimachia PP 13,547

Golden Globes Lysimachia procumbens

Albus Mazus reptans

Blue Stocking Monarda didyma

Fireball® Monarda PP 14,235 CPBR 2,401

Jacob Kline Monarda

Marshall’s Delight Monarda

Petite Delight Monarda PP 10,784

Petite Wonder Monarda PP 13,149

Pink Lace® Monarda PP 18,367 CPBR 006-5233

Pink Supreme® Monarda PP 14,204 CPBR 2,402 79

P erennials

Blue Wonder Nepeta faassenii

Russian Sage Perovskia atriplicifolia

Walker’s Low Nepeta faassenii


SISKIYOU Oenothera berlandieri

Twilight Oenothera berlandieri PP 17,230

Japanese Pachysandra Pachysandra terminalis

Husker’s Red Penstemon digitalis

Dorothy Wilson Penstemon hybrid

Pretty Pettycoat Penstemon hybrid

Ruby Candle Penstemon hybrid

Filigran Perovskia atriplicifolia



s a l e s o n ly

Little Spire


Perovskia atriplicifolia 80

PP 11,643 CPBR 1,437

Longin Perovskia atriplicifolia

s a l e s o n ly

Orange Field Persicaria CPBR 006-5329 ®


Blackfield® Persicaria amplexicaulis CPBR 005-4784 top seller

b e s t i n c l a ss

Nepeta - Phlox paniculata

Blue Boy Phlox paniculata


Aureola Phlox paniculata PPAF

Becky Towe Phlox paniculata PP 12,908 CPBRAF

Blue Paradise Phlox paniculata

Bright Eye Phlox paniculata

Classic Cassis Phlox paniculata PPAF

Cosmopolitan Phlox paniculata PP 19,603

David Phlox paniculata

David’s Lavender Phlox paniculata PP 17,793

Eva Cullum Phlox paniculata

Fondant Fancy Phlox paniculata PP 19,600

Franz Schubert Phlox paniculata

Goldmine Phlox paniculata PP 12,070 81

P erennials

Pi単a Colada Phlox paniculata PP 19,968

Tiara Phlox paniculata PPAF

Grenadine Dream Phlox paniculata PP 19,183

Laura Phlox paniculata

Watermelon Punch Phlox paniculata PP 19,610

Wendy House Phlox paniculata PP 18,158


Purple Kiss Phlox paniculata PP 19,514


Sherbet Cocktail Phlox paniculata PP 19,048

top seller

b e s t i n c l a ss

Phlox paniculata - Phlox subulata

Red Wings Phlox subulata

Scarlet Flame Phlox subulata

Candy Stripe Phlox subulata

Coral Eye Phlox subulata

Crimson Beauty Phlox subulata

Drummond Pink Phlox subulata

Emerald Blue Phlox subulata

Emerald Pink Phlox subulata

Fort Hill Phlox subulata

Millstream Daphne Phlox subulata

Snowflake Phlox subulata

White Delight Phlox subulata


P erennials

Pheeges™ Lemon Frost Phygelius PPAF COPF

Pheeges™ Passionate Pink Phygelius PPAF COPF


Miss Manners Physostegia virginiana PP 12,637

Passionate® Phygelius recta PP 17,798 CPBR 005-5090 84

Cherry Ripe® Phygelius recta PP 17,948

Stairway to Heaven Polemonium PP 15,187 New

CPBR 005-5089

Touch of Class Polemonium PPAF top seller

b e s t i n c l a ss

Phygelius - Salvia

Blue Hills Salvia nemorosa

Caradonna Salvia nemorosa

Snow Hill Salvia nemorosa

East Friesland Salvia nemorosa

Marcus Salvia nemorosa PP 13,322

May Night Salvia nemorosa

Sensation Rose® Salvia nemorosa PPAF CPBRAF

Eveline® Salvia pratensis PP 14,905 CPBR 2,674

Madeline® Salvia pratensis PPAF COPF

Pink Delight® Salvia pratensis PP 14,965 CPBR 2,675

Rhapsody in Blue® Salvia pratensis PP 15,148 CPBR 3,202

Ryl Crimson Distinction® Serenade® Salvia pratensis Salvia pratensis

Purple Rain Salvia verticillata 85

P erennials

Butterfly Blue Scabiosa columbaria


Pink Mist Scabiosa columbaria PP 8,957

Matrona Sedum



Postman’s Pride Sedum PP 16,831

Purple Emperor Sedum

Vera Jameson Sedum

Moonlight Serenade Sedum hybridum PPAF COPF

Novem® Sedum hybridum PP 16,972 CPBR 005-4083

Picolette® Sedum hybridum PP 17,315 CPBR 005-4804

Sunkissed® Sedum hybridum PP 16,927 CPBR 005-4085

Xenox® Sedum hybridum PP 16,888 CPBR 005-4086

Xenox® Yellow Sedum hybridum PPAF COPF


top seller

b e s t i n c l a ss

Scabiosa - Solidago

Variegatum Sedum kamtschaticum

Autumn Fire Sedum spectabile

Angelina Sedum rupestre

Autumn Joy Sedum spectabile

Brilliant Sedum spectabile

Neon Sedum spectabile

Dragons Blood Sedum spurium

Red Carpet Sedum spurium

Tricolor Sedum spurium

Chocolate Ball Sedum rupestre


Rollies Favorite速 Silene PP 17,392 CPBR 005-4891

Little Lemon Solidago hybrid PPAF 87

P erennials


Golden Elf Spiraea japonica PP 12,025


Golden PrincessTM Spiraea japonica PP 7,537

Neon Flash Spiraea japonica

White Gold Spiraea japonica PP 13,609

Hummelo Stachys monieri

Blushing Bride Tradescantia hybrid


Anthony Waterer Spiraea x. bumalda


Magic Carpet Spiraea x. bumalda PP 9,363


top seller

b e s t i n c l a ss

Spiraea - Veronica

First Love Veronica longifolia PPAF

Biloxi Blue Verbena

Fairytale Veronica PP 17,650 COPF

Giles Van Hees Veronica

High Five Veronica PP 16,415

Tickled Pink Veronica hybrida PPAF

Turkish Speedwell Veronica liwanensis

Eveline速 Veronica longifolia PP 14,888 CPBR 2,404

Georgia Blue Veronica peduncularis

Sunshine Veronica repens

Goodness Grows Veronica spicata 89

P erennials

Veronica - Viola

Red Fox Veronica spicata



Royal Candles Veronica spicata PP 18,932

Illumination Vinca minor PP 12,132

Sunny Border Blue Veronica

Total Eclipse Veronica PP 18,912

Twilight Veronica PP 16,414

Alba Vinca minor

Atropurpurea Vinca minor

Bowles Cunnigham Vinca minor

Ralph Shugart Vinca minor

labradorica Viola

Columbine Viola ordorata

Rebecca Viola

Tricolor Jackanapes Viola



top seller

b e s t i n c l a ss

Herbs Conventional or Organic The Florexpo herb program offers growers a wide range of herbs, from the most popular in culinary & tea to the uniquely ornamental. Many of the varieties in our collection are available as USDA Certified Organic. See page 96 for more information on the Certified Organic program.



Additional lavandulas are listed in the annuals section on page 33 Lemon Verbena Aloysia triphylla

French Tarragon Artemisia dracunculus

Sweet Woodruff Asperula (Galium) odoratum

French Lavender (Green) Lavandula dentata

Tall Curry Helichrysum angustifolia

Dwarf Curry Helichrysum italicum

Coconut Ice Lavandula angustifolia

Hidcote Blue Lavandula angustifolia

Munstead Lavandula angustifolia

Jagged Lavender Lavandula pinnata buchii

Goodwin Creek Lavandula x

Fred Boutin Lavandula x intermedia


Grosso Lavandula x intermedia 92

Provence Lavandula x intermedia

Silver Edge Lavandula x intermedia PP 13,091 New

Lemon Balm Melissa officinalis

top seller

b e s t i n c l a ss

Aloysia - Origanum

Ginger Mint Mentha gracilis

Corsican Mint Mentha requienii

Spearmint Mentha spicata

Apple Mint Mentha suaveolens

Variegata Pineapple Mint Mentha suaveolens

Chocolate Mint Mentha x piperita

Orange Mint Mentha x piperita

Peppermint Mentha x piperita

African Blue Ocimum basilicum

Greek Columnar Ocimum basilicum

Pesto Perpetuo Ocimum x citriodorum PPAF

Dittany of Crete Origanum dictaminus

Crinkle Leaf Origanum onites aureum

Kent Beauty Origanum rotundifolium

Golden Oregano Origanum vulgare aureum

Compactum Origanum vulgare

Greek Origanum vulgare

Hot & Spicy Origanum vulgare

Italian Origanum vulgare

Variegated Origanum vulgare 93


Icterina Salvia officinalis

Arp Rosmarinus officinalis

Gorizia Rosmarinus officinalis

Hill Hardy Rosmarinus officinalis

Huntington Carpet Rosmarinus officinalis

Prostratus Rosmarinus officinalis

Spice Island Rosmarinus officinalis

Tuscan Blue Rosmarinus officinalis

Pineapple Sage Salvia elegans Rutilans

Berggarten Salvia officinalis

Garden Grey Salvia officinalis

Purpurescens Salvia officinalis

Tricolor Salvia officinalis



top seller

b e s t i n c l a ss

Rosmarinus - Thymus

Stevia Rebaudiana

Cotton Grey Santolina chamaecyparissus

Cotton Green Santolina rosmarinifolia

Doone Valley Thymus cv.

Red Creeping Thymus praecox coccineus

Pink Chintz Thymus praecox

Woolly Thymus pseudolanuginosus

Elfin Thymus serphyllum

English Thymus vulgaris

Hi-Ho Silver Thymus vulgaris

Gold Lemon Thymus x citriodorus

Lemon Thymus x citriodorus

Orange Thymus x citriodorus

Silver Edge Thymus x citriodorus

VARIEGATA SILVER LEMON Thymus x citriodorus

Silver Edge Thymus x vulgaris argenteus

Silver Queen Thymus x vulgaris 95


Going green? The herb program offers growers the choice of USDA Certified Organic herb cuttings. With organics and sustainability on the rise and increased consumer awareness, the organic herb program will certainly translate to a greener bottom line.

Artemesia dracunculus - French Tarragon Helichrysum angustifolia - Tall Curry Lavandula angustifolia - Hidcote Blue Lavandula angustifolia - Munstead Lavandula stoechas - Otto Quast Lavandula x - Goodwin Creek Lavandula x intermedia - Grosso Lavandula x intermedia - Provence Mentha spicata - Spearmint Mentha spicata - Spearmint The Best Mentha spicata crispa - Curly Spearmint Mentha suaveolens - Apple Mint Mentha x piperita - Chocolate Mint Mentha x piperita - Peppermint Ocimum basilicum - African Blue Ocimum basilicum - Cuban Ocimum basilicum - Greek Columnar Origanum rotundifolium - Kent Beauty Origanum vulgare aureum - Golden Oregano Origanum vulgare - Greek Origanum vulgare - Hot & Spicy Origanum vulgare - Italian Rosmarinus officinalis - Arp Rosmarinus officinalis - Gorizia Rosmarinus officinalis - Huntington Carpet Rosmarinus officinalis - Upright Salvia officinalis - Berggarten Salvia officinalis - ICTERINA Salvia officinalis - Purpurescens Salvia officinalis - Tricolor Stevia rebaudiana - STEVIA Thymus vulgaris - English Thymus vulgaris - French Thymus x citriodorus - Gold Lemon Thymus x citriodorus - Lemon


Grasses &

Other Accent Plants URC / Division Program Florexpo is able to offer grasses in both URC and washed root divisions. The ornamental grass and accent plant program offers growers an alternative for their plant starts. Reduce your freight and plant costs by ordering washed root divisions from the farm in Costa Rica, shipped directly to your door.



Isocladus Cyperus papyrus







s a l e s o n ly

s a l e s o n ly

Ogon Acorus gramineus

Variegatus Acorus gramineus

Karl Foerster Calamagrostis x acutiflora

Overdam Calamagrostis x acutiflora

Curly Top Sedge Carex buchananii

Bronze Carex comans

Frosted Curls Carex comans

Toffee Twist Carex flagellifera







Ice Dance Carex morrowii 98

Variegata Carex morrowii

Orange Sedge Carex testacea New

Alternifolius Cyperus papyrus top seller

b e s t i n c l a ss

Acorus - Scirpus


s a l e s o n ly Northern Lights Deschampsia caespitosa

Quartz Creek Juncus effusus


s a l e s o n ly Horsetail Equisetum hyemale

Elijah Blue Festuca glauca

RC only Curly Wurly Juncus effusus



s a l e s o n ly White Lilyturf Ophiopogon jaburan variegatus


s a l e s o n ly Rubrum Pennisetum setaceum

Hameln Pennisetum alopecuroides

RC only


s a l e s o n ly

Dwarf Garters Phalaris arundinacea

s a l e s o n ly Red Bunny Tails Pennisetum messiacum

RC only

Variegated Spiralis Juncus effusus


s a l e s o n ly Red Riding Hood Pennisetum setaceum


s a l e s o n ly

Strawberries and Cream Phalaris arundinacea

Fiber Optic Scirpus cernuus 99

Propagation and licensing Florexpo offers a collection of products that are protected from self propagation.These are varieties that are protected by a license. They include patented and patent applied for (PPAF) varieties. Protection Protected varieties are protected by United States Plant Patent (PP#) United States Plant Patent Applied For (PPAF), Canadian Plant Breeders’ Rights and Canadian Plant Breeders’ Rights Applied For. Many of the plants are also protected in other countries as well as registered with the Canadian Ornamental Plant Foundation ® (COPF ®).


Suntory Flowering Only License Agreement A Flowering Only License Agreement must be signed and submitted before ordering protected Suntory varieties. Agreement allows for growing and selling of Finished Blooming Plants grown in 4” or larger pot size for at least 6 weeks. All product must be sold with a Suntory supplied or approved label or tag. Sale of rooted or

unrooted cuttings to any other company or individual and self propagation and or tip cutting are strictly prohibited. 2-For-1 Policy Some of the genera offered naturally have small or fine cuttings sizes. Due to this nature, breeders require growers to stick 2 cuttings in the same cell to avoid additional royalty charges. The double stick method will allow for the most successful finished product. Genera include: Brachyscome, Cuphea, Diascia, Nemesia, Sutera.

I nformation

The minimum order is one case, with 100 cuttings per variety. An early order discount of 5% is available for orders booked 15 weeks in advance of ship date. Cancellations must be received in our office no later than one week prior to customer’s requested ship date. All claims, credits or adjustments, for any reason, must be made to broker in writing within 2 business days of receipt of cuttings. Limitation of Liability Buyer or user may not recover any amounts for incidental or consequential damages, including loss of profit, yields and amounts expended in using or growing such cuttings, or for harvesting the produce of such cuttings. This


TM denotes a trademark and ® denotes a registered trade mark of the respected breeder in the United States of America. It may also be registered in other countries.

limitation shall be applicable to any claim presented to suppliers whether the legal theory forming the basis of such claim involves contract, tort, negligence, strict liability or otherwise. Buyer and User agree that if SUPPLIERS refund an amount equal to the price Buyer or User paid for SUPPLIERS products, this limitation of liability will not have failed its essential purpose. SUPPLIERS have undertaken all reasonable precautions to identify and control plant borne pathogens on its cuttings. Cutting treatments cannot assure complete absence of diseases, especially if the disease is already present in the Buyer’s field or neighboring fields from other sources. Suppliers disclaim all warranties regarding

plant borne disease, either express or implied, other than the warranties set forth herein. Upon receipt of product, you may retest samples of this material at an independent laboratory of your choice. If any positive test result is returned, you must notify us in writing within 3 business days. If we receive no written claims or complaints regarding the supplied material within two weeks of shipment, you agree that suppliers have performed their obligations under the contract. SUPPLIERS shall not be liable in any way, directly or indirectly for material that was not re-tested within a two week period or if we were not informed of a positive test result within a 3 day period.

Index Annuals Acalypha Alternanthera Angelonia Argyranthemum Bidens Brachyscome Calibrachoa Calitunia Calocephalus Chrysocephalum Coleus Convovulus Coreopsis Cosmos Cuphea Dahlia Diascia Duranta Euryops Evolvulus Felicia Fuchsia Helichrysum Heliotropium Hemizygia Impatiens - Double Ipomoea Iresine Lantana Lavandula Lavatera Lobelia Lotus Lysimachia Manettia Nemesia New Guinea Impatiens Nierembergia Osteospermum Perilla Petunia Phlox Portulaca Plectranthus Plumbago Ruellia Salvia Sanvitalia Scaevola Setcreasea Streptocarpella Strobilanthes Sutera Torenia Verbena Vinca major

11 11 12 13 14 14 15-19 17 21 21 20 21 21 21 22 23 24 24 24 24 24 25-27 28 28 28 29 30 30 30-32 33 33 34-35 35 35 35 36 37-39 40 41 41 42-47 48 49 50 50 50 50 51 51-52 53 53 53 54 55-56 57-62 63

Succulents Aeonium Crassula Echeveria Graptoveria Kalanchoe Sedeveria Sedum Senecios Perennials Achillea Agastache Ajuga Artemisia Aster Baptisia Buddleia Campanula Caryopteris Ceratostigma Chrysogonum Coreopsis Delosperma Eupatorium Euphorbia Forsythia Gaillardia Gaura Geranium Geum Glechoma Hebe Helenium Heuchera Houttuynia Hypericum Iberis Lamiastrum Lamium Leucanthemum Lithodora Lysimachia Mazus Monarda Nepeta Oenothera Pachysandra Penstemon Perovskia Persicaria Phlox Phygelius Physostegia Polemonium Salvia Scabiosa Sedum

65 65 65 66 66 66 66 66 68 68 68-69 69 69 69 70 70 70-71 71 71 71-72 72 72 72-73 73 73-74 74 74-75 75 75 75 76 76-77 77 77 77 77 78 78 79 79 79 79 80 80 80 80 80 80 81-83 84 84 84 85 86 86-87

Silene Solidago Spiraea Stachys Tradescantia Verbena Veronica Vinca minor Viola

87 87 88 88 88 89 89-90 90 90

Herbs Aloysia Artemisia Asperula Helichrysum Lavandula Melissa Mentha Ocimum Origanum Rosmarinus Salvia Santolina Stevia Thymus

92 92 92 92 92 92 93 93 93 94 94 95 95 95

Organic Artemesia Helichrysum Lavandula Mentha Ocimum Origanum Rosmarinus Salvia Stevia Thymus

96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96


Acorus Calamagrostis Carex Cyperus Deschampsia Equisetum Festuca Juncus Ophiopogon Pennisetum Phalaris Scirpus

98 98 98 98 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99


Optimum Time Savers Save time with easy on-line ordering direct from real time availability stretching 40 weeks. Place orders early or late and make edits to orders quickly, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Find the plants you want fast and discover professional cultural information designed to help growers get accurate information fast. Save even more time when you add tags to your orders with one click of the mouse! No more high minimums, no more storing left overs, no incremental purchase orders. Get what you need, when you need it and save time, every time. Start here ->>>>


CELEBRATION速 Capri Mix Calibrachoa x hybrida 103

McGregor Plant Sales inc 1902 Wright Place Suite 140 Carlsbad, CA 92008 ph 760.431.1006 fx 760.431.5254

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