Our Results We have developed and published the ’BRANDING AND EXTROVERSION HANDBOKK’ which is available in English, Spanish, Greek and Hungarian also http://brandingeu.com/en/content/handbook We have developed a complex Methodology Pack specifically for the ’BRANDING EU’ trainers. We have developed, tested and fine-tuned the complex BRANDING EU Training Program’, which contains special, relevant modules. We are working on the future utilization and exploitation of the project results. If you are interested in the BRANDING EU project results or you plan to use this result and you want to
Project number: 2015-1-HU01-KA202-013605
Project consortium BRANDING EU Branding and Extroversion of EU Enterprises
Kisalföldi Vállalkozásfejlesztési Alapítvány HUNGARY—www.kva.hu
Tsaltampasi Apostolina and CO OECON GROUP GREECE—www.oecon.gr
Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Győr-MosonSopron County HUNGARY—www.gymskik.hu
get more information or the detailed documentation of the result contact us! Choose from the members of the consortium!
More information about the project process and results: www.brandingeu.com Asociación Intercultural Europea—Go Europe SPAIN—www.goeurope.es
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project overview Reason for the project Brand could be a name, a logo or the culture that distinguish one product or service from others. It could be accounted as an intangible asset if it is valuable, and the company owners preserve and improve in order to increase the value of the company and make it more recognizable which will result in more sales. Extroverted is defined as someone who is open, sociable and talkative, that is directed outwards. A combination of the above two in a strategy for an organization leads only to positive results. The logo and the name of the company become more recognizable, the value of the company increases which at the end will result in improvement of the position of the company and increase of sales. Moreover, the company becomes more open in new challenges, like exporting and reaching new markets, inside or outside its country, willing to explore new ways of trading, either through the internet or through resellers.
Main Aim and Objectives
Project’s path
The main aim of Erasmus+ project Branding and Extroversion of EU Enterprises is to provide the tools and training materials to members of the target group in order to develop an attitude of extroversion and brand their product or services, which will result to the increase of sale and the beginning or increasing of exports. Furthermore, the project aims at: • Promoting in the partner countries the culture of extroversion for an organization • Promote and develop branding strategies for the products or services of an organization
The BRANDING EU –Branding and Extroversion of EU Enterprises project transferred to the target group the methodology and didactical materials (that will be adequately updated and customized for the various national contexts) of the training path and then the customized training path was tested during a piloting activity involving members of the target group that are willing to export, increase exports or start promoting better their organization. The main phases of the project was:
Develop a state of the art guide regarding extroversion and branding, as well as drafting a European report regarding these two sectors and their impacts in other organizations Duration of the project: 01. 11. 2015—31. 10. 2017
- EU research regarding the available tools and materials on branding and general in extroversion of an organization, advantages and disadvantages of their use and what are considered as core sectors in these two areas. - Development of the training materials and guidelines for efficient branding and extroverting techniques, based on the results of the research. - Pilot testing of the materials in members of the target group in order for them to understand and develop a branding and extroverting strategy.
Target groups The project addresses directly (beneficiaries) to the universities, VET organizations, intermediaries providing support to SMEs such as RDAs, Chamber of Commerce and other SMEs associations, consulting firms. The indirect target group (end-users) are owners, leaders, managers of the micro, small and medium size enterprises who, with the help of the acquired knowledge, can facilitate the branding and extrovert entrepreneurial attitude.