Don’t Panic! Key Lessons from the World’s Boldest Brands
Deborah Dugan CEO (RED)
A Brandingmag Publication
Don’t Panic! is a monthly 1:1 interview series with a fearless leader to discuss the key growth challenges of their brand – and how they’ve tackled them head on.
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Paint it (RED)!
Right from its start in 2006, (RED), thanks to its founders Bono and Bobby Shriver, had attitude. The power of the biggest brands in the world uniting for one color and one cause – tapping into their marketing prowess to give consumers the choice of having both a great product that they love AND an impact on the world. It hadn’t been done before on that scale. These never-done-before moments – that are creative and innovative – are what have built the (RED) brand. And it has evolved greatly since its launch in 2006, expanding to give people different ways of getting involved in the AIDS fight doing the things they love. Apart from shopping, apps, food, music, and the chance to win celebrity experiences, we can now SHOP (RED), EAT (RED), DANCE (RED), GAME (RED), and save lives. This past World AIDS Day, (RED) even swapped Michigan Avenue for a bigger shopping location: Amazon. In a first of its kind for both (RED) and Amazon, you can now buy over 75 amazing products that fight AIDS at red. The power of people and the power of values lies at the core of the (RED) model. Now, more than ever, people are voting with their wallets. What they buy is reflective of their values and how they choose to live. (RED) partners with the world’s most iconic brands to let people choose the (RED) version of most desirable products – from the (APPLE)RED iPhone to the (BEATS)RED headphones. It’s the most desirable products in the world that at the same time help save millions of lives. And people have real impact. (RED) has now raised half a billion dollars for the Global Fund, and has impacted 110 million lives.
Thinking about (RED)’s evolution as a brand, what is the biggest challenge that you have faced?
Getting people to care about AIDS when it’s not a top-ofmind issue in the US anymore. Yet every two minutes a teenager is infected with HIV. AIDS is the leading cause of death among women worldwide. And today, 400 babies will be born with HIV. Same thing tomorrow and the next day. Yet for just 30 cents a day, we can stop mothers from passing on the virus to their babies.
Today, 400 babies will be born with HIV. Same thing tomorrow and the next day.
Here’s our reality: AIDS no longer has to be a death sentence. It takes one pill a day that costs 30 cents a day.
Which bold move have you made to tackle this challenge?
Right from the start (RED)’s founders had an intention: to ask the most creative people in the world to work for the world’s poorest. It’s through creativity and innovation that we’ve built the (RED) brand and our aim has always been to excite and inspire people to act by giving them easy ways to fight AIDS doing the things they do that they already love – shopping, dancing, gaming, eating, and so much more.
(RED)’s founders had an intention: to ask the most creative people in the world to work for the world’s poorest.
What do you think is the evolving role of brands in society?
This is such an interesting question given the times we are living in. The role now means something very different than it did in 2015. Edelman’s recent Trust report showed how people now trust businesses the most to make an impact. Cone talks about how brands and businesses today need to know not just what they stand for, but what they stand up for. Today 70% of people expect businesses to continue improving their corporate social responsibility efforts. Consumers will reward the companies that align with their values with their wallets and punish the ones that don’t. A brand needs to act from a place of truth and commitment. When they do, people will talk about it – on social, to their friends – because it is an alignment with their personal values. Approximately 9 in 10 millennials believe the success of a business should be measured in terms of more than just its financial performance. Doing good today makes good brand and business sense.
Brands and businesses today need to know not just what they stand for, but what they stand up for.
Think 10 years ahead. What do you think is the biggest opportunity for (RED)?
10 years…how about 5? There are so many new innovations and technologies that we are on the cusp of, and they hold tremendous opportunity in multiple ways. From the products we’ll offer, to how we’ll communicate, to how we will be able to show impact. From blockchain to bitcoin to voice recognition, the opportunities to continue to innovate and, subsequently, use those innovations for philanthropy are boundless.
The opportunities to continue to innovate and, subsequently, use those innovations for philanthropy are boundless.
What is your single most important advice for other brand leaders?
Be restless and relentless. Always excite and inspire people. Know not just what you stand for, but what you stand up for. Today more than ever, people align with values – they need to know what you stand for, and what you will fight for, if they are going to choose to stand with you. At (RED), we never take that choice for granted and I believe in being both restless and relentless in finding new, creative, and innovative ways of making it easy for people to join us in the fight against AIDS.
Be restless and relentless. Always excite and inspire people.
Deborah Dugan
Dominik Prinz
Deborah Dugan is the CEO of (RED) which was founded in 2006 by Bono and Bobby Shriver to engage businesses and people in the fight to end AIDS. Since its founding, (RED) has generated over $500 million for the Global Fund, impacting more than 110 million lives. Under her leadership, (RED) has continued to broaden their partnerships with iconic brands, and push the boundaries of how social media is used for good. Before joining the AIDS fight at (RED), Deborah was President of Disney Publishing Worldwide, and also served as Senior Advisor to the Tribeca Enterprises Board. She’s currently the co-chair of The Moth.
Dominik is a regular contributor to Brandingmag. He is also a partner at boutique management consultancy cg42 in NYC, where he leads the expansion of the firm’s customer experience and innovation practice. Dominik was previously Interbrand’s Head of Strategy and is a widely recognized thought leader on the integration of business, brand, and purpose. Have any questions? Interested in being a Don’t Panic! participant? Reach out to Dominik at:
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