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Read our Feature Interview with Tracey Livingston of TraceyLiv Coaching & Training
Introduce yourself, what you do and what led you to becoming a business and transformational coach?
My name is TraceyLiv and I’m an American living inLondon [my hubby is German!]. What I do is simple: helppeople discover and achieve whatever they want. I workwith entrepreneurs, leaders and dreamers who seek toup-level in their businesses and lives so they can live lifein prosperity, and on their own terms.
The path to becoming an associate certified coach with theInternational Coaching Federation was an interesting onefor another day, but I believe I’ve always had a gift topull out the genius in others. I’ve been trained in dialogue& conflict resolution, have a degree in psychology, readendlessly and have a knack for cutting the BS and gettingto the truth. The work that I do is highly intuitive, and Iregularly channel/tap into spirituality with my clients.
How has social media helped you in your business / work?
There’s no denying that the advent of email, of Skype, of social media, of the internet has supported me to live, work and communicate from wherever I am in the world. My clients are mainly global across Europe, the Middle East, Australia and the United States!
Which channels do you use the most to improve your online visibility?
l’m good on camera so Facebook Lives and InstagramLives are perfect for me. I typically post every other day.However, I love getting people onto Discovery Sessionsso we can meet ‘in-person’ or connect over coffee inLondon.
When you think about your personal brand style, how would you describe yourself?
I worked with Nargis Cross, a personal brander &photographer here in London, as well as Brodie Piersonin Canada. Their expertise in thinking about my brandingstyle, such as colours, moods, emotions, copy, etc weregreat to talk through because I hadn’t put it altogetherbefore.
I would describe myself as a premium brand whoportrays that in my messaging, and who can also befound with no makeup on Facebook Lives! The goal is tobe myself - the second I’m “trying” to be my brand, itdoesn’t work.
Do you have any tips for people who are shy about putting themselves ‘out there’ and being the ‘face’ of their brand?
Just start from where you are. I remember being incollege at 19 years old. Sitting in the back of everyclassroom and terrified the professor would call on me.Oh, I knew the answers! But if I was called on, I wouldALWAYS turn bright red, hate when people looked at meand then stutter my way through answers. I wanted tohide.
Then I realised that this doesn't help me. I had to speakup to get help from others and to get the scholarships Iwanted to travel the world. I put myself in publicspeaking situations and HATED IT, but it made mestronger. I did moot court, model senate, facilitated for100 people in Dubai, and now it all looks like I’ve alwaysbeen this way. But let me tell you...I was 19 years old 13years ago! Just start and you’ll blow your own mind.
Thinking about all of the elements of personal brand, why do you think it's so important for building an authentic persona with your target audience?
It’s important because I am an expert and a leader inwhat I do. I’ve filmed for an Amazon Primedocumentary last July in France...not because of my brand,but because of WHO I AM. Being amazing at your craft,being 100% yourself and letting that shine on and offcamera are the keys to success.