This Graphic Standards Manual provides a summary of the primary features and application guidlines for the Toronto Symphony Orchestra’s new graphic identity. To understand the function and value of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra identity, it is important to recognize that every organization has a specific public identity–an identity formed partly by the look of its printed materials, stationary, website etc. Each element of communication contributes to the overall impression people have of the organization. When an organization’s identification program is coordinated, it projects a unified character which works effectively to reinforce all of its activities. In many cases, it will help the organiztion to be more cost-effective in its communication efforts and simplify the decision-making process.
Building The Identity
The Identity in Context
01 02 03 05 06 07 09 10 11
13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21
The Icon The Logo Safety Areas Identity Colours Proper Logo Usage Guidelines & Restrictions Primary Typography Secondary Typography Background & Image Style
Primary Applications Business Card Letterhead Envelope Posters Tickets Banners Website
Building The Identity
01. THE ICON A treble clef that is both traditional and modern. The icon has been designed to capture the energy of an orchestra and appeal to a broader audience. For proper use of the treble clef icon please see page 06.
Building The Identity
02. THE LOGO A new visual identity for the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, whose goal was to appeal to a broader audience and come across as more modern. Solution: Modern typography and a symbol that conveys both tradition and modernity. Result: Pride and ownership internally and increased attention externally.
Building The Identity
When the symbol is used by itself, a safety area around the symbol will ensure visibility and impact. As illustrated, the minimum safety area measures 1/2 the width of the treble clef symbol. Use the safety area between the symbol and other graphic elements such as type, images and other logos to ensure it maintains a strong presence. (background textures are an exception) When the symbol and logotype are used together, the safety area measures 1/4 of the width of the symbol. This allows for the entire logo to be larger within the given area.
Building The Identity
Building The Identity
Core colour
Secondary colour
100% Black
R: 174 G: 46 B: 91
Black is the core identity colour used for the Toronto Symphony Orchestra logo A secondary colour is provided to be used only for headings and titles when appropriate and emphasis is required.
C: 27 M: 95 Y: 47 K: 8 PMS: 215
Building The Identity
06. PROPER LOGO USAGE Logo will always appear black whenever possible. In cases where the background is to close in value to the logo, the reversed version should be used. Icon and Logotype: To be used in all cases possible.
The Treble Clef Icon: To be used only when the full logo version is cannot be used. Acceptable uses include book spines, shirt lapels, and lapel pins.
Building The Identity
Do not place the logo on a background that is similar or equal in value to the logo. In such a case, use the reversed white logo.
07. GUIDELINES & RESTRICTIONS For visibility, impact and overall integrity, it is important to retain a consistent use of the logo. The logo is fundamental to communication and should never be comprimised. Always reproduce the logo from original artwork. Protect the integrity of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra by being aware of the improper logo usage outlined here.
Toronto Symphony Orchest ra
Do not use an alternate typeface for the logo.
Do not use unapproved colours for the logo or symbol.
Building The Identity
Do not blur or distort the logo or symbol.
Do not stretch or compress the logo.
Do not place the logo on an angle.
Do not alter the arrangement of the typography of the logo.
Do not create a 3D variation of the logo.
Building The Identity
Anivers Regular
One of the key factors in the new identity is the use of a specified type family. Anivers has been carefully selected for the Toronto Symphony Orchestra to act as the primary typeface for headings in printed communications and core identity implementation.
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ?!$%& 1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Anivers Bold
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ?!$%& 1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Building The Identity
Janson Text Roman
10. SECONDARY TYPOGRAPHY The Janson Text type family has been selected to compliment the primary typeface. Janson Text Roman is to be used for all running copy and is suitable for small sizes. Italic and Bold variations should be used sparingly and only when emphasis is needed.
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ?!$%& 1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Janson Text Italic
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ?!$%& 1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Janson Text Bold
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ?!$%& 1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Building The Identity
11. BACKGROUND & IMAGE STYLE Image style plays a critical role in the development of a vivid and meaningful identity for the Toronto Symphony Orchesta. Primary images have been provided for use on stationary, posters, tickets, banners etc. The Toronto Symphony Orchestra Personality: Creative Open Courageous Modern
Building The Identity
The Toronto Symphony Orchestra communication materials are often the first (and repeated) contact that people will have with the identity. Therefore, it is important to maintain the standards that have been developed. This includes: Consistent use of typography Appropriate use of the logo Colour and image guidlines On the following pages you will find diagrams of the primary communication pieces to serve as a useful guide for how to use the elements for future applications.
The Identity In Context .5”
.25” 1”
14. BUSINESS CARD 3.5” x 2” Shown at 100% of actual size Type Specifications Staff Name: Anivers Regular 8.5 pt Credentials: Anivers Bold 8 pt Address: Ainvers Regular 8.5 pt
Leon Fleisher CONDUCTOR 212 King Street West, Toronto, Ontatio, Canada M5H 1K5 TEL 416.595.3375 x231 FAX 416.977.2301
The Identity In Context
.5” 1.25” 1” January 1, 2009
Mr. Richard Smith 124 Queen Street West, Suite 23 Toronto, Ontario M6H 2P2
8.5” x 11” Shown at 50% of actual size
Dear Richard, Amconum vel dunt praese dolortie dit vel ut iureetuer alit ad te vel dolortin ex euis nim nulputat nos nullum ing eraestis augueraessed magna faci et lan ex eu feugiat velit ulluptat accumsan et nulpute tate feugue mod te magnis esecte mincipsustie dolorpero conse digna autpat. Ut praesequate feui blam zzrit iuscip euguer iliquat, veliquatue ea augiat, se diam dionsenim zzriusciduis dolendre et digna facilluptat.
Type Specifications Date & Address: Janson Regular 10 pt Body Copy: Janson Regular 10 pt Address: Ainvers Regular 8.5 pt
Unt nis at iniam, si eugiam nonsectet vent lutpatin utpatum modiat am, verosto eu faccum volestrud tionum vendrem zzriliquam vel ullandrem dolorpe riliquisl utat voloborem zzrilit dolore ero dolut wismolum non ullaortis ad ming eummy nulla feum zzrit wis ad magnit aliquat, secte voloreetue magnibh ea feu feuipit ad dolendre vel ea feu facil iriure dolore conullute volutpat incillan ut praesequi tismodo luptat. Et alisi. Idunt illuptanulla feum dolorpe riliquisl zzrit wis ad magnit aliquat tueriurerci ent nulluptat. Andigna feui blam, quam, senit, sequisl in exer sed modit ad eugait adiam ex ea con utpatio coreet ea con henisim dionum zzriustrud min ulputpat inciduisis exeriurem quisim veros do con et lutpat. Duisit praessit, quipit num in heniam nonsed et, volorer ostrud tat praessis dunt verationsed tio conum dunt duisi. La autat adignit exerit accummolore feummodigna feugiam conulla feu facilis nisi. Rilit dolore ero dolut wismolum non ullaortis ad ming eummy nulla feum zzrit wis ad magnit aliquat, secte voloreetue magnibh ea feu feuipit ad dolendre vel ea feu facil iriure dolore conullute volutpat incillan ut praesequi tismodo luptat. Et alisi. Idunt illupta tueriurerci ent nulluptat. Sincerely,
Leon Fleisher Conductor
212 King Street West, Toronto, Ontatio, Canada M5H 1K5 TEL 416.595.3375 x231 FAX 416.977.2301
The Identity In Context 1”
16. MAILING ENVELOPE 9” x 4” Shown at 50% of actual size Type Specifications Mailing Address: Janson Regular 8.5 pt Set 4.5” from left margin and 2.75” from the top.
Mr. Richard Smith 124 Queen Street West, Suite 23 Toronto, Ontario M6H 2P2
The Identity In Context
17. POSTERS 11” x 17” Shown at 50% of actual size An example of a series of posters using the provided imagry. Headline typesize can be altered, provided that the guidlines are followed.
MASTER SERIES Summer 2009 For Tickets and Information call 1.416.295.6127
The Identity In Context
For Tickets and Information call 1.416.295.6127
For Tickets and Information call 1.416.295.6127
The Identity In Context
19. TICKETS 2” x 5” Shown at 100% of actual size.
The Identity In Context
20. BANNERS 24� x 64� Shown at 15% of actual size. All banners for the Toronto Symphony Orchestra should be printed on white fabric using vertical oriented headlines. Placement of the logo can vary as long as guidlines and restrictions are followed.
The Identity In Context
19. WEBSITE Shown here is a screen-shot of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra website