Chamberata Chamberata
Chamberata Chamberata
Over the past months, and certainly in the weeks ahead, there will be significant discussion within our municipal government, and throughout the business community regarding the City of Brandon’s proposed increase of Development Charges (DC’s) The Brandon Chamber of Commerce has been involved with this development levy since its inception, with members of our Board of the day participating in the task force that put this new structure into place While no one likes new taxes and levies, it has long been the Chamber’s view that if they are going to be instituted,wewouldratherhavetheabilitytohaveasayin how and when that is done, with the best interests of the businesscommunity,andourmembership,inmind.InApril of 2024, the Brandon Chamber of Commerce forwarded a letter to the City of Brandon, highlighting a number of important considerations with regards to DC’s, which includedbutwerenotlimitedto:
Infrastructure Planning: We advocate for a comprehensive approach to infrastructure planning that considers future needsandpotentialdevelopments.Collaborationbetween the city and industry stakeholders is essential to ensure infrastructure projects align with growth projections and developmentplans
Financial Considerations: While we understand the necessity of financing infrastructure projects, we urge the city to explore avenues that minimize the financial burden on developers This includes careful consideration of financing costs and exploring alternative funding sources toalleviatepressureondevelopment.
Transparent Policies: Clarity and transparency in developmentpoliciesareparamounttofosteringtrustand confidence within the business community The Chamber calls for clear definitions and policy statements that facilitate a better understanding of development processesandassociatedcosts
Competitive Advantage: We urge the City of Brandon to remain keenly aware of the cost of development in other jurisdictions, and to adjust DC’s accordingly. Growth of existing business, and attraction of new development will not happen in our community if cost charges, combine with taxes, levies, and user fees, make it too expensive to buildhere
All of these considerations remain, and while some have been addressed through the recent proposed By-Law changes, one of the most concerning facts is that our municipal government has fallen behind on the proactive planning involved in staged increases that can be anticipated for and incorporated into a business’s annual budgeting cycle. From property taxes to water rates, and now development charges, it appears that our municipal government’s inaction is being passed directly onto ratepayers with little regard for the potential impacts While some may argue that development charges only impact a handful of business owners, the rate increasesthataremovingontosecondreading will most certainly impact growth, slowing construction activity which will have a trickledown effect to virtually every aspect of our business community The development community recognizes that charges have not increased since the inception of this levy and have been anticipating an increase The fact that our municipal government feels it is justified in passing lump sum increases on that will impact construction start ups in our communityfeelsshort-sighted,andinequitable.
A business who doubles their pricing structure overnight, while their competitors hold pricing flat, or introduce staged increases, will not stay inbusinessforverylong
I urge our municipal government to adopt a proactive, incremental approach to the development charge issue, so that our community can continue to grow and prosper intothefuture.
DEC11, 2024|4:00-6:00PM|KEYSTONE
MAY1,2025|KEYSTONE Moredetailstba*
On November 21, the Brandon Chamber of Commerce welcomed Stephen Tapp, Chief Economist at the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, for an insightful luncheon at the UCT Keystone Centre Over 320 attendees, including more than 120 students and faculty from Assiniboine College, gathered to hear Tapp’s expertanalysisonCanada’seconomicoutlook
StephenTappbroughtover20yearsofexperience in economic leadership to the stage, sharing a comprehensive overview of the economic landscape. He highlighted key challenges, such as rising business costs and reduced consumer spending due to affordability concerns with housing and groceries Tapp cautioned that 2025 is shaping up to be a "weak year " for economic growth, with significant uncertainty surrounding traderuleswiththeUS
Tapp also discussed the potential ripple effects of international developments, including possible tariffs on Canadian exports under a returning DonaldTrumppresidencyandtheimpactoflower US business taxes diverting investment southward Despitethesechallenges,Tapppointed to potential relief from lower interest rates later in 2025, which could stimulate consumer spending and provide a much-needed boost to local businesses.
AsthevoiceforbusinessinBrandon,theChamber is committed to keeping its members informed abouteconomictrendsandchallenges. December
Stephen Tapp’s presentation offered valuable insights to help businesses navigate the current climate and plan for the future. Events like these underscore the Chamber’s dedication to supporting local businesses and fostering resiliencewithinthecommunity
Assiniboine College, SV Benefits, Trident Photo Booths, and Brandon University Co-operative Education. Special thanks to the UCT Keystone Centre and our AV & Media Team at Trident X for makingthiseventasuccess.
We also extend our gratitude to everyone who attended the luncheon and for their continued supportofBrandon’sbusinesscommunity
Together, we can address the challenges ahead and build a stronger, more prosperous future for ourcity.
On Friday, November 29, the Leadership Westman cohort spent an impactful day at Westman Immigration Services (WIS) delving into the challenges and opportunities surrounding immigration in theregion
ThedaybeganwithawalkingtourofWIS’svariousdowntownBrandonfacilities,offeringparticipants a behind-the-scenes look at the vital services provided to newcomers From settlement support to language training and employment assistance, the tour highlighted the comprehensive approach WIStakestoempowerimmigrantsandstrengthentheWestmancommunity
TheafternoonfeaturedapowerfulForcedMigrationSimulationfacilitatedbyWISstaff Thisimmersive activity placed participants in the shoes of those fleeing conflict or persecution, navigating the complexities and hardships of displacement The simulation was an eye-opening experience, sparkingmeaningfuldiscussionsaboutempathy,resilience,andthecriticalroleofsupportnetworksin rebuildinglives
Throughout the day, the cohort gained valuable insights into the immigrant journey, the barriers newcomers face, and the immense contributions they bring to the Westman region The experience not only deepened participants’ understanding of immigration issues but also underscored the importanceoffosteringinclusivityandsupportforallcommunitymembers
ThankyoutoWestmanImmigrationServicesforhostingsuchanengagingandeducationalday,and for their unwavering dedication to enriching our community through their work The Leadership Westman cohort is grateful for the opportunity to learn, reflect, and grow through this unforgettable experience
Jessica Saler | 204-578-2772 | May 8, 2025 | Keystone Centre, Brandon
Support the BRHC Foundation’s Thrive Conference, a revitalizing half-day event dedicated to supporting, inspiring, and providing practical tools to our regional healthcare workers. Contact Jessica to learn more about the sponsorship packages and see how you can support our local healthcare workers!
WearethrilledtowelcomeFredericasournew Office and Marketing Coordinator! Currently entering his fourth year at Brandon University, Frederic brings valuable experience from his previous role at Westman Immigrant Services, where he worked as an Integration Facilitator andSocialMediaManager Heisexcitedtojoin the Chamber team and is eager to learn and grow in his new role We’re confident that Frederic’senthusiasmandfreshperspectivewill beanassettoourChambercommunity.
WearealsothrilledtowelcomeMacaylaasournewEventsandMarketingCoordinator!Macaylaisa busy mom of three young children and a small business owner. She joins us from the Provincial ExhibitionofManitoba,wheresheworkedastheTradeshowandVenueCoordinator,gainingvaluable experienceineventplanningandcommunityengagement.Jugglingfamilylifewhilerunningasmall business and working full-time is a challenge she embraces with enthusiasm. She’s excited to be a part of the Brandon Chamber of Commerce and looks forward to collaborating with other local entrepreneursandcontributingtothegrowthofthecommunity.Welcome,Macayla!
ToensurethatyourbusinessisaccuratelyrepresentedinourannualRosterBook,pleasetakea momenttoupdateyourdetailsthroughtheMemberInformationCentre(MIC).Thisensuresthatour RosterBookfullyrepresentsyourbusinesstothecommunity.
Tohelpyounavigatetheprocess,we’veincludedastep-by-stepguidetoupdatingyourcompany informationintheMIC.Checkitouthere!
DidYouKnow:YourMICprofilecandosomuchmore!Youcanalso: RegisterforChambereventsquicklyandeasily
Postjobopeningstoreachalocalaudienceonourwebsite Promoteyourcompany’seventstothecommunitythroughouronlinecalendar Offerexclusivemember-to-memberdealsandpublishnewsreleases
Aswereflectonthelasttwomonths,theBrandonChamberofCommerce is proud to have taken significant strides in advocating for our members andfosteringmeaningfulconnectionsthatstrengthenourcommunity
In November, we participated in the Manitoba Chamber Network’s Chamber Advocacy Day at the Legislature, advocating for critical issues such as infrastructure plans and capital investments; immigration and credential recognition; an economic development strategy for Manitoba focusedonproductivity;labourforcechallengesandtheimportanceofa robust child care system; and addressing the out-migration of youth by promoting the Manitoba Advantage and positioning our province as a placewhereyoungpeoplecanbuildsuccessfulcareers
We were also honoured to welcome Brandon’s new Police Chief, Chief Bates, for a collaborative discussion on enhancing public safety partnerships Additionally, we met with the Base Commander at CFB Shilo where we expressed our support for the upcoming Latvia deployment through the We Care Package initiative, in collaboration with Brandon Salutes,showcasingourcommunity’sgratitudeandsolidarity
Finally,wewerehonoredtoattendtheThroneSpeechattheinvitationofMinisterGlenSimard,gainingfirsthand insight into the provincial government’s legislative priorities We also had the opportunity to attend the State of the Province Luncheon hosted by the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce, further enhancing our connection with keystakeholdersandacrosstheprovince.
These efforts underscore our unwavering commitment to advocating for Brandon’s priorities, fostering collaboration,andensuringourcommunity’svoiceisheardateverylevelofgovernment.
As we move into the holiday season, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to our members for your continued supportandengagement Together,we’rebuildingastronger,moreconnectedBrandon
LivingstoneOutdoor&Livingstone LandscapingLtd
TILDAFORTIER GreenstoneBuildingProducts
OLIVIABOYCE GeneralManager
GODSPOWERUTAWURE MembershipCoordinator
FREDERICRAMSAY Office&MarketingCoordinator
KENDZOGEN OfficeAssistant December
KARINGRIFFIN AlternativeGroup
AMBERWHITE AnytimeFitness
CHARLESTWEED TweediaSocialMedia Agency
ENVERNAIDOO WestmanImmigrant Services
WeacknowledgethatBrandonislocatedonTreaty2territory, traditionallandsoftheCree,Oji-Cree,Dakota, Anishinaabe/Ojibwepeoples,andthehomelandoftheRed RiverMétisNation.Wehonorthehistories,cultures,and contributionsofIndigenouspeoplestoourcommunity.
TheBrandonChamberofCommerceisanindependent, membershipfunded,non-profitorganizationthatrepresents Brandonbusinessfromthegrassrootslevel.
OurmissionistoencouragegrowthintheBrandoncommunityby fosteringaprogressivebusinessenvironment,favourableto enhancingexistingandattractingnewbusiness.