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AMessagefrom YourPresident
Happy New Year!
I am optimistic that you all got some rest over the holiday season and a bit worn out from all the celebrations as you, hopefully, have returned to a more normal Christmas season.
I am writing this in December, so in advance of the new year. First off, I would like to thank Aimee Hatcher for coming to our December luncheon and sharing the story of her son Luke. Our companies, CW2 Construction and Design and Guardian Fencing, provided a Hot Wheels to each luncheon attendee, asking that you Hide a Hot Wheels for Luke. Cars have shown up all over the place, from Wawanesa, Manitoba, to Orlando, Florida. What a heart mending thing you all did, an outstanding display of kindness, and community. Thank you for participating.
I am seven months into my 12-month term as your president It has been a quick seven, and I expect the next five will not be any slower I have enjoyed my tenure and have learned so much more than I can probably list in an article I am grateful for Connor Ketchen, and the team at the Chamber who have embraced some new ideas and certainly are committed to learning on the fly. Connor is a good leader, fair minded, and accessible to his new team, he is an asset for our Chamber, and certainly for me as president.
December was a busy month, as I expect it was for most everyone. I attended two more Economic Advisory Council on Competitiveness meetings. We spent the first two meetings deciphering the best method to provide recommendations to our government. Admittedly, the payroll tax and personal tax exemption level has surfaced multiple times in what would make us more competitive and compelling for industry to set up shop in Manitoba. There is subcommittee looking specifically at taxation and how it affects our ability to compete for industry and labour, so we try to steer towards other tangible efforts that can be capitalized on quickly, or strategically
Connor is leading an initiative to develop a recruitment model that will be proved with one industry/area and then used for other areas as demand dictates This is based off a successful version used in the Atlantic region of Canada, by another Chamber of similar size, so some of the legwork has been done. More to come on this in the fall on months of 2023.
In the last four months our board has been trained on how to read/interpret/understand our Chamber financials, hosted a chat with both Mayoral candidates, took in some public speaking training from Naomi Forman, and attended multiple meetings representing our chamber and our members on immigration, health care, school boards, City of Brandon initiatives, and economic development to name a few. In the rest of our fiscal year, Jaime Pugh will lead the team who reviews and provides comment on the school division, provincial, and municipal budgets Lois Ruston will be tackling our Business Achievement Awards and current issues for our business community, while Barry Cooper will lead the charge on board recruitment and elections
Connor and I will also be meeting with the Rural Manitoba Economic Development CEO, Margot Cathcart, to get a handle on how they can help Brandon. We will also be pursuing a stand-alone Economic Development committee, once we have our arms around this a bit more, we will be sure to share.
Thank you for your continued support of our chamber, and please reach out if you have any questions or feedback that can make us better.
Let’s go get 2023!
Tanya Labuick, Brandon Chamber President