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Strategic Plan Initiatives for the City of Brandon AMessagefromMayorFawcett
Since being elected in the fall of 2022, members of Brandon City Council and I hit the ground running with several key strategies that we want to see take place in Brandon. As the Province’s 2nd largest city, we provide economic, medical, educational, and social services for our region.
This is why I, along with my colleagues, have been lobbying on behalf of our partners to ensure that key needs are being met across our community Each area we are focusing on ties into the City Council Strategic Plan and I want to share some of our initiatives including addressing social needs, economic growth and development, affordability, and community well-being
Addressing Social Needs
Trauma informed social opportunities including drug addiction, poverty, and homelessness put increasing pressure on municipal services, police services, and the private sector, not to mention the impact it has on families in our community A collaborative approach is required to identify the right solution for Brandon. From lobbying other levels of government, to seeking support from the private sector, Council is invested in dealing with the issues, which may also help resolve some underlying causes.
Work is underway to see the creation of a Brandon Community Social Health Partnership, which will create an umbrella structure for facilitating collaboration and coordinating housing and community wellness for the greater Brandon area. The structure combines the nonprofit sector, private sector, all levels of government, academic institutions and all other key players in social services, housing, and health industry
Economic Growth and Development
Knowing that current and future residents want to live in a vibrant and growing city, Council looks to foster an environment that supports population and economic growth While growth brings economic prosperity, Council recognizes the need to balance the desire for growth with the associated costs
We are excited to partner with the Brandon Chamber of Commerce and other stakeholders to see the formation of GROW Brandon Partnership, a Brandon specific Economic Development steering committee. This amalgamation of perspectives will strengthen our goal to develop a comprehensive, achievable, and aggressive economic plan for Brandon.
A big part of what makes a community attractive to its residents and potential residents is its affordability There is an opportunity to be part of the community and to actively engage in it, regardless of the amount of money you earn Part of addressing affordability is exploring various ways to fund and provide services
To continue to provide expected service levels and invest in the future requires innovative approaches to how services are provided and funded to ensure residents can actively participate, regardless of income
Community Well-Being
Recreation and cultural opportunities are the cornerstones for building a community where everyone is welcome to celebrate shared interests and backgrounds. Council recognizes the role they play in providing the resources to support these opportunities and in ensuring their long-term viability.
Over the next term, we want to define and implement a path forward for large community recreation and culture facilities We have been able to partner with all levels of government to get the Outdoor Sports Complex underway Recently, we held a ground-breaking ceremony to mark the start of this exciting project
City Council recently signed a sustainability agreement for the Keystone Centre and is working on one for the Western Manitoba Centennial Auditorium In the future, we are going to have open discussions on how to improve Brandon’s Community Sportsplex Each of these facilities provide key spaces for Brandon and the entire region
The City of Brandon has an exciting future. With so much to celebrate as a community, the opportunities for education, recreation, annual and special events, industries, and organizations are endless.
Mayor Jeff Fawcett
To see the 2022-2026 Strategic Plan, visit brandon ca/council-information/council-strategic-plan