3 minute read

A Farewell Message from YourPresident

People often ask me if I have enjoyed my role as president of the chamber The quick and short answer is yes The longer answer is yes but it has been a challenge to continue to balance my own business responsibilities in terms of time, and then there was all the learning, and the politics.

The team at the chamber office; Connor, Erin, and Jessica, have all been very good to me and have entertained my ideas, been graceful when I was delayed getting them reports, or articles, and offered support, opinion, and much kindness. They have been part of my ‘ yes ’ in answering the question have I enjoyed my role as president A very big heartfelt thank you to Connor, Erin, and Jessica, I will miss working with you all


The saying is that you don’t grow unless you are uncomfortable, and I have spent a lot of the last 11 months feeling uncomfortable, not in having to speak publicly so much, but more speaking to or about things that I had little previous knowledge of The best example is still the first example, I had been president for about one week when Connor called me and said we have to give a presentation on immigration I said, okay Then he said, Monday afternoon Which, I think was three days later I again said, okay

Having accepted the role of president, and knowing that we needed to have an opinion, and knowing that I had little to base an opinion on, I commenced the research. Quick learning on immigration in Canada, immigration in Manitoba, immigration in Brandon, what immigration means to our members, what we need that we are not getting or not getting enough of in terms of immigration, and where is the gap. That example is pretty much how the last 11 months have gone, Connor queues up a meeting, an interview, a speaking engagement, or similar, and I do research, make many phone calls, and determine a position that I pass by Connor and others as time permits These opportunities have made me a more informed, Brandonite, Manitoban, and Canadian Thank you for this chance to be better

There have been many highlights for me, one has been the work on the creation of a Brandon-specific economic development steering committee, and a goal to get it off the ground before summer Our first meeting is on May 18th, right before our State of the Province luncheon Thank you to Mayor Fawcett, the President of ACC, Mark Frison, and Connor Ketchen for your help putting this together and your willingness to work against an aggressive timeline.

I enjoy writing, and I have thoroughly enjoyed the chance to provide updates to you, and our membership through this vehicle. As this is my last article for our At a Glance, I would like to say thank you for your grace. I have endeavoured to put my skills, talents, and brain to good use while coming to a better understanding of my own biases and flaws. As Michelangelo said, “I am still learning ”

Other highlights for me include working on the Premier’s Economic Development Committee on Competitiveness, getting to have one-to-one conversations with our premier, gaining a better understanding of how politics work and how the money flows, or doesn’t, seeing Jeff Fawcett inducted as our Mayor, the blasted Southwest Lift Station, attending ACC Grey Owl, the Western Manitoba Science Fair (unbelievably excellent), seeing the team hit it out of the park on their first gala, working with and learning from our board, and executive, and of course the chamber staff And unequivocally all the learning by doing and trying I am a tactile learner, so traditional school has never been easy for me, this adventure was right up my alley.

I am grateful for the trust and the opportunity. I am most grateful for having met and been able to work with, and for our members and, unquestionably, with Mr. Connor Ketchen. I hope as I bring my year to a close, I have provided value to some, or many, and have been helpful and good for our chamber, and our community.

Piglet noticed that even though he had a very small heart, it could hold a rather large amount of gratitude – A A Milne

Farewell, thank you, and good luck on the road ahead

Tanya LaBuick, 2022-2023 Brandon Chamber President

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