Brandon Maxey - Architecture Portfolio

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Year of Study Completed: Fifth | Partners: David Tucker, Emma Henry The Chicago Symphony Orchestra’s Performing Arts Center lives on the edge of the fastdeveloping West Loop, providing worldclass entertainment to the popular district. Just west of the Kennedy Expressway the Performing Arts Center acts as an anchor to Fulton Market, drawing people from downtown to experience the West Loop. The building consists of a main performance hall, a smaller experimental music hall, and a black box theater. The experimental hall and the black box theater canteliever over the first floor, giving way to a large, open atrium. This atrium serves as an extension to the sidewalk, and brings this large building back down to the humanscale. Extending the sidewalk and opening the first floor allows the building to root itself into the Fulton Market District. This will ultimately draw people to the area and expand on the vibrant new culture of the West Loop neighborhood.

level one 0






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Year of Study Completed: Fourth | Partner: David Tucker The Cincinnati Art House is a project that aims to bring use to an abandoned site by means of an art gallery and residency program. A site that is too small to fit the needs of surrounding industry, the program will revitalize the brownfield and connect it to exisiting landmarks of north Cincinnati, such as the Findlay Market and local cultural centers and breweries. Pointing towards the main intersection, the building holds the corner and opens up the back of the site to creating a park space. The east wing will predominantly be used to house the functions of the gallery, and the south wing will house the functions of the residency. The Cincinnati Art House will serve as a place for local and traveling artists to create and display their work, and will hold a collection that is constantly changing as residents move in and out of the program. This new art house will provide the Over the Rhine District with a center that draws from the culture of the area, appropriately giving use to a once-abandoned site.


Year of Study Completed: Third | Partner: David Tucker Located in the Hudson Yards development of New York City, Five Manhattan West is an adaptive reuse project, converting the Brutalist Landmark of 450 West 33rd Street into a community housing project. The effort was to invision the site prior to the current REX redevolpment of the site. The concept behind this housing project focuses on the idea of intersection. New York City is a relatively isolated city in terms of the individual. This project seeks to combat that through interventions of intersection within the building. The goal of Five Manhattan West is to foster residents’ interactions with each other and the rest of the city, by bringing people together in public spaces throughout the buildng. This is accomplished by connecting the building to existing, and soon to be created spaces, like the High Line and the Manhattan West and Hudson Yards developments.


Year of Study Completed: Third | Individual Project An architecture living with the land that stands for sustainable forestry through practice and existence. Landscape x Architecture is a saw mill facility practicing next generation forestry, an effort that works to maintain the full vigor of the forest. Located in a forest preserve outside Huxley, Iowa, the facility consists of three main buildings - a saw mill, a horse stable, and an observation tower. The saw mill and horse stables work in conjunction and are sites equipped for sustainable forestry. Above the tree line, the observation tower provides a view of the whole complex, revealing the forest in a new light. This is a place for sustainable forestry to flourish - taking knowledge from the forest, and cutting down trees accordingly. Where a typical mill constantly takes as much as it can, as fast as it can, this next generational mill will do the opposite.

Wood Fins

Second Floor Walls

First Floor Walls

Floors and Ceiling

CLT Structural Frame


Year of Study Completed: Fourth | Project Parnters: Ahmed Al Yaseen, Hunter Wille Located in Pigneto, Rome, lies the Parco del Torrione Prenestino. Today the monument is surrounded by infrastructure and urban development, making the green space feel detached from the neighborhood. The goal of this project was to reattach and bring life back to the park of Pigneto, uniting the site with it’s current and past history. The given program included residential units, office and co-working spaces, as well as various public amenities. The design solution was to anchor the building on the north end of the site and open the building to the park. Opening up the building’s central core created a more inviting space, blurring the line of public and private lives. The mass of the building was carved out to maintain the park’s views of the mountains and the Cimitero Monumentale. An effort to restitch the urban fabric, the intervention attaches to the neighborhood and becomes a hinge between the old and new; a nod to the ancient ideas of Campagna Romana, and a frame to views often lost in this modern age.

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+11,70 m

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+0,00 m +4,00 m

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+14,90 m

+8,50 m


Year of Study Completed: Second | Collaborative Class Project SHIFT is a design build project completed by a studio of 87 students, located in Ames, Iowa. The new structure will be used by Reliable Street, a collective space working in the disciplines of art, design, and economic development. Just like Reliable Street, SHIFT is a working environment that is both interdependent and collaborative. Consisting of three modules, the project offers spaces to play, relax, and connect with the community. Serving as a project team leader, I worked with the construciton document team, as well as the fabrication team. My roles were to assist my classmates in drawing plans for the build, and leading students in the construction of the various modules.

Surface Diagram

Seating Location Diagram

Final Form Diagram

Climbing Surfaces Diagram

Circulation Diagram

Cave Spaces Diagram


Year of Study Completed: Fifth | Individual Project As an honors student at Iowa State, I conducted an independent research project to present at the university’s Honors Research Symposium. Through an iterative process, I studied automata precedents, prototyped mechanical systems, and then created a drawing machine of my own based off the research I conducted. The goal of the drawing machine was to produce a self portrait, in the form of a closed loop, line drawing. To program the machine, the ideal curve was sub-divided into 800 individual reference points. These marks were then used as a guide to figure out the path two lever arms would need to make over the course of the drawing. After these paths were found, they were transfered to cams, and because the profiles that would control the machine. After programming the machine, drawings could then be produced, albeit with some complications. Small adjustments were made to the mechanism to improve accuracy of the drawings. Through these adjustments, the machine was eventually able to produce a final image resembling the original ideal curve.


In addition to my studies, I have had the opportunity to further my education through various internships with multiple firms which include HNTB Corporation (Kansas City), Pendulum Studio (Kansas City), the Iowa Department of Transportation (Ames), and Haila Architecture, Structure and Planning (Ames). This section is dedicated to the professional work I was a part of during my time spent with these firms. It showcases the broad scale and diverse project types where I gained experience. Included are project images of the Las Vegas Stadium (HNTB), Colubus Crew Stadium (HNTB), various construction documents (Pendulum), and Luther Williams Ballpark (Pendulum). My roles in these projects consisted of producing construction documents general modeling, and programmatic work.

Image used with permission from Pendulum Studio. All Rights Reserved.

Image used with permission from Pendulum Studio. All Rights Reserved.

Image used with permission from HNTB Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Image used with permission from HNTB Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Image used with permission from HNTB Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Image used with permission from HNTB Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Hi, I’m Brandon Maxey, it’s nice to meet you. I am a fifth-year architecture student at Iowa State University; I will graduate in May of 2020. In addition to graduating with a Bachelors of Architecture, I will graduate with honors and receive a minor degree in sustainability. Sustainability is a passion of mine. My hope is to one day create architecture that is sustainable for both the planet and communities that will better the life of the users in and around these buildings. Outside of the studio, I am an avid soccer fan. Sporting KC and Arsenal FC are my two favorite teams, and I enjoy following them week in and week out. I also am a 3D Printing Guru, a title I have generously given myself. A couple years ago I built my own 3D Printer and since have used it for architecture projects, design competitions, and my own fun. I appreciate you taking the time to look through my work and learn more about me. Please do not hesitate to reach out - I would be humbled to have further conversation about my works, credentials, and overall aptitude to flourish in a professional setting. Again, thank you for your consideration as I’m pursuing opportunities that will advance my profession. Contact Information: Phone: 913.544.6180 Email: Address: 10501 W 102nd Terrace Overland Park, KS 66214

HAILA ASP - Ames, Iowa; Fall of 2019 - Spring 2020 - Worked on various K-12 education projects across all aspects of the design process for new facilities, facility additions, and renovations - Produced early design concept visuals through sketching and digital renderings HNTB CORPORATION - Kansas City, Missouri; Summer 2018, Summer 2019 - Conducted preliminary design work research by benchmarking various sport teams’ facilities and generating a comprehensive report - Collaborated with team members from multiple offices to coordinate construction documents for large-scale stadia PENDULUM STUDIO - Kansas City, Missouri; Summer 2017 - Continuously met and worked with a contractor to create a complete constrution document set for a residential development - Took the lead in starting up the firm’s 3D Printer and setting up a workflow to use it IOWA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Ames, Iowa; Winter 2017 - Spring 2018 - Assisted in making of general construction documents for renovation projects of various Department of Transportation Buildings - Took older drawing sets from Microstation and converted them to Revit models in an effort to standardize the office’s central BIM models UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH ASSISTANT - Iowa State University; Spring 2016 - Conducted Research alongside the capital project manager and sustainability coordinator for Iowa State University - Studied LEED Certified buildings and analyzed their performance in terms of energy efficiency and occupant comfort AIAS - ISU CHAPTER; PRESIDENT, TREASURER - Iowa State University; Fall 2016 - Spring 2020 - Served as the president of AIAS, where I ran meetings, organized events, and served on the AIA Iowa Board of Directors for two and a half years - Served as the treasurer for the chapter for a year, where I managed all the finances involved with the club DESIGN CORE, FIRST YEAR MENTOR - Iowa State University; Spring 2017 - Mentored a first year drawing studio, working with drawing professor Celinda Stamy - Helped students with their work and prepared them for their professional program application FIRST YEAR HON0R’S PROGRAM, STUDENT LEADER - Iowa State University; Spring 2016 - Fall 2016 - Co-lead a biweekly seminar class for high-ability students - Created a class with a curriculum that focused on assisting students with their transition to college HONORS AND AWARDS - Dean’s List Honors Roll; Fall 2015 - Spring 2020 - University Honors Program; Fall 2015 - Spring 2020 - Substance Design Forum, Fifth Year Architecture Competition - Finalist; Spring 2020 - DLR Group Prize, Fourth Year Architecture Competition - Finalist; Fall 2018 - BWBR Prize, Third Year Architecture Competition - Honorable Mention; Spring 2018 - George Washington Carver Scholar; Fall 2015 - Spring 2020 - Crazy Horse Scholarhip Award; Spring 2017 - Raisbeck President’s Leadership Initiative Award; Spring 2018 - Paul M. Heffernan Travel Abroad Scholarship Award; Fall 2018 - Doris Piper Lamberson International Study Scholarship Endowment; Spring 2019 - AIA Iowa Scholarship; Fall 2019 - AIA Iowa Board Member; Spring 2018 - Spring 2020

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