Three Named 2021 Distinguished Alumni These individuals have enhanced the reputation of the college by distinguishing themselves in their careers, making significant contributions to their community, state and nation. They exemplify the loyalty, passion and innovation found in all dedicated graduates from our college.
DR. ALVIN BAUMWART After graduating from college with a bachelors degree, Baumwart immediately became classified 1A with the Selective Service System in 1972. He concurrently enrolled in a master’s program and ROTC at OSU. Baumwart then applied and was accepted to attend the Oklahoma State University College of Veterinary Medicine in 1973. Afterward, he accepted a 4-year Army Health Professions Scholarship with a 4-year payback commitment. Baumwart completed a Master Degree in Animal Science (Nutrition/Immunology) and received his DVM degree in 1977. He then served four years active duty as chief of the medical branch of JFK Special Forces Schools in Fort Bragg, North Carolina. After leaving active duty, Baumwart established the Highland Veterinary Clinic in Arapaho, Oklahoma, in June 1981. He was recruited to return to Army duty by entering the U.S. Army Reserve, and later recruited to become the OKARNG State Veterinarian, finally retiring in the Army Reserve in Dallas in 2010 as a colonel. Baumwart said the friendships and experiences spanning 37 years of military service are countless and priceless. He had deployments to Central and South America, Turkey and was activated as the first Veterinary Unit in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in 2001. In Baumwart’s 40 years of private practice, he saw stock market crashes, oil boom/bust, volatile oil prices and interest rates, cattle market boom/bust, farm and ranch foreclosures, drought, flood, terrorism, war, an anthrax scare, Mad Cow
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Disease, West Nile Virus, numerous livestock movement restrictions and the COVID-19 pandemic. Through it all, Baumwart’s wife, Donna, and associate, Dr. Jon Shepherd (OSU CVM ’83), kept him on course, he said. Baumwart’s children — Angie, Ryan, and Chad — all went on to not only become DVM’s, but also specialize and become leaders in their own right. Shepherd’s daughter, Christina, also became an OSU CVM graduate. Dr. Angie Dubois and husband Dr. Bill Dubois have been CVM missionaries in Indonesia for the past five years and have children Iris and Vince. Dr. Ryan Baumwart and wife Shaundra are in Pullman, Washington, with their two daughters, Brighton and Charline. Ryan is the assistant professor in cardiology at Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Chad Baumwart and wife April are co-owners of Highland Veterinary Clinic, and Chad is a board-certified surgeon and owner of Highland Equine Hospital.