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Academic Assistance and Tutoring
As you begin taking college-level courses, you may realize that some are more difficult for you than others. It’s critical that you engage in your coursework to succeed. OSU offers free tutoring to all students. Academically successful students use tutoring and other academic resources as they look for help early.
The main tutoring services offered on campus are located in LASSO. Academic colleges and departments may also offer tutoring through Living Learning Programs or within college spaces. We suggest you begin with LASSO.
021 Classroom Building 405-744-3309 | lasso.okstate.edu
The LASSO’s Paul Milburn Tutoring Program offers free one-on-one tutoring for many of OSU’s courses to any student on campus. LASSO’s nationally certified tutors meet GPA and course content criteria and are approved by the LASSO Center staff. For more information about academic services on campus, check out the LASSO Resource Guide on the Campus Resources page at lasso.okstate.edu.
In addition to tutoring services, LASSO offers Academic Success Coaching and Supplemental Instruction (SI). Academic Success Coaching helps student develop time management plans, study skills, goals, and accountability partnerships among other academic life skills. SI Sessions engage students in historically challenging courses with cutting edge learning techniques. Check lasso.okstate.edu to see what courses have SI for the upcoming semester.
Edmon Low Library 5th Floor 405-744-5818 | mlscokstate.com
The Mathematics Learning Success Center offers tutoring for all OSU and NOC students enrolled in 1000 or 2000 level MATHprefix courses. Upper division math courses are supported by a limited number of tutors, please contact the center to see what they offer for your course. The MLSC offers laptops, calculators and textbooks to check out for use in our facility.
440 Student Union | osuwritingcenter.okstate.edu writingcenter@okstate.edu
In order to foster and honor diverse voices, we serve all writers at Oklahoma State University and in the surrounding community through collaborative writing consultations, a variety of writing-focused programs and partnerships and community engagement projects. Our staff and consultants are committed to the land-grant mission, which emphasizes instruction, research and outreach to foster agency and literacy for all people. Inclusion, equity and accessibility are integral values at the center of our practices that continue to shape our mission, our pedagogy and our own learning environment. For more information, including hours and locations, please visit osuwritingcenter.okstate.edu.
1202 W. Farm Rd. Room #155 | 405-744-7116 (Voice) 405-744-1143 (Fax) | accessibility.okstate.edu
Student Accessibility Services provides academic support services to students with documented disabilities. We are guided by the belief that each individual has strengths, abilities and talents. Our vision is an inclusive environment that supports attainment of academic goals to professional goals for persons of all abilities. We provide assistance that will allow equal opportunity and equal access to education. Academic support services can include classroom/testing accommodations, accessible textbooks, access to/assistance with assistive technology and other services. Students with permanent/ temporary disabilities may request services by contacting Student Accessibility Services and providing appropriate documentation.