FAPC Historical Book - 1997-2017. A look into the first 20 years.

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1997-2017 A look into the first 20 years.

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1997-2017 A look into the first 20 years.

A brief historical essay explaining how Oklahoma State University’s Robert M. Kerr Food & Agricultural Products Center was established to help add value to Oklahoma’s economy.

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Written by Roy Escoubas Edited by the FAPC Historical Publication Team Dani Bellmer, Jim Brooks, Andrea Graves, Mandy Gross, Rodney Holcomb, Erin Johnson, Jake Nelson and Chuck Willoughby

Designed by Mandy Gross

148 FAPC-OSU, Stillwater, OK 74078 405-744-6071 | 405-744-6313 FAX www.fapc.biz | fapc@okstate.edu

Printed and bound in the USA. Copyright © 2016. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without permission from Oklahoma State University’s Robert M. Kerr Food & Agricultural Products Center. Oklahoma State University, in compliance with Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order 11246 as amended, and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Higher Education Act), the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and other federal and state laws and regulations, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, genetic information, sex, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, or status as a veteran, in any of its policies, practices or procedures. This provision includes, but is not limited to admissions, employment, financial aid, and educational services. The Director of Equal Opportunity, 408 Whitehurst, OSU, Stillwater, OK 74078-1035; Phone 405-744-5371; email: eeo@okstate.edu has been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies: Director of Equal Opportunity. Any person (student, faculty, or staff) who believes that discriminatory practices have been engaged in based on gender may discuss his or her concerns and file informal or formal complaints of possible violations of Title IX with OSU’s Title IX Coordinator 405-744-9154. This publication is printed and issued by Oklahoma State University as authorized by the Vice President of Agricultural Programs of the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and has been prepared and distributed at a cost of $8,576 for 500 copies. 1216 MG.

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Chapter 1

Introduction Chapter 2

Laying the Foundation Chapter 3

Start of a Big Idea Chapter 4

Work in Progress Chapter 5

Helping Hands Chapter 6

The Proposal Chapter 7

Call to Action Chapter 8

Groundbreaking Chapter 9

Dedication Chapter 10

The Launch

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Chapter 12

The Framework Chapter 13

Vision & Mission Chapter 14

Student Preparation Chapter 15

Extension & Industry Chapter 16

Research & Innovation Chapter 17

A New Name Chapter 18

Economic Impact Chapter 19

Industry Feedback Chapter 20

Moving Forward Appendix

Resources & References

Chapter 11

Industry Oversight

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CHAPTER 1 Introduction FAPC’s building has been the subject of multiple photo shoots during its first 20 years. From the way the sun reflects off the windows to the color of the trees in the fall to capturing its elegance at night, the building is one-of-a-kind on the Oklahoma State University-Stillwater campus and one of the premier tour destinations for visitors.

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Oklahoma State University’s Robert M. Kerr Food & Agricultural Products Center, a part of the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, helps to develop successful value-added enterprises in Oklahoma. By offering large and small businesses, producers and entrepreneurs access to faculty and staff with expertise in business and technical disciplines, FAPC strives to discover, develop and deliver information that will stimulate and support the growth of value-added food and agricultural products and processing in Oklahoma. FAPC’s research laboratories, pilot-processing facilities, educational programs and seminars keep food and agricultural processors and entrepreneurs on the forefront of cutting-edge value-added processing and technology.

The creation, development and structure of FAPC are quite unique, and those with firsthand founding knowledge of these events are scarce. FAPC is truly a one-of-a-kind, special model for economic development. The goal of this publication is to lay the historical foundation of FAPC.



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CHAPTER 2 Laying the Foundation On July 2, 1862, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Morrill Act into law, marking the path for the development of institutions of higher education like Oklahoma State University. The purpose or mission of all land-grant institutions is teaching, research and Extension.

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The Oklahoma Territory was an agricultural leader long before becoming a state in 1907. Its climate, soil and terrain are naturally suited for certain fiber and grain crops, and for ruminant agriculture. Wheat, beef and cotton production have been key agricultural cash crops for many decades in Oklahoma. Other cash crops that have contributed significantly include peanuts, pecans, sorghum, canola, sesame, sunflowers, hogs, sheep, goats, poultry, vegetable crops and certain fruit crops. For many reasons, the production of agricultural commodities was a central focus of Oklahoma. However, the finishing of these commodities to create value-added consumer products was not emphasized. Oklahoma’s role in commerce, particularly in the food and fiber supply to the national and international markets, increasingly became a concern during the latter part of the 20th century. Economic development in the further-processing sectors of food and fiber agribusiness was weak in Oklahoma. Oklahoma continued to lose well-trained and educated youth to

industry outside of the state. Sen. Robert M. Kerr, a Democrat from Altus, Oklahoma, demonstrated these concerns in a letter to the Oklahoma Legislature in the late spring of 1991. Sen. Kerr stated Oklahoma was growing a $3 billion agricultural product, selling that product at wholesale prices to out-of-state buyers, paying the freight to ship that product out of the state for processing and back into the state as a finished product, and then paying retail prices for the finished product. He emphasized Oklahoma was processing significantly less than 10 percent of what it was producing, losing value-added jobs and manufacturing-based profit margins and taxes from processing and finishing. Data from the U.S. Department of Commerce show the population of Oklahoma in the 1970s and 1980s was approximately 1 percent of the national population. The proportion of value-added processing in Oklahoma versus other states during this time registered less than 0.5 percent. The food processing, retail food and food service markets in the 1980s were competitive and expanding in their global distribution channels. Sen. Kerr and his colleagues recognized market conditions would become more competitive, global and regulated relative to food safety and security compliance. Sen. Kerr and others knew something needed to be done to make a significant and lasting change.

The Smith–Lever Act of 1914 established a system of cooperative extension services, such as the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, which is connected to OSU’s landgrant mission. The Hatch Act of 1887 serves as a bridge between the Morrill Act and the Smith-Lever Act. This legislation established agricultural experiment stations, such as the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, to help educate producers about growing conditions, which makes American agriculture more productive.

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CHAPTER 3 Start of a Big Idea “FAPC can interact with faculty and staff with different talents and disciplines as various projects come to the center. As a stand-alone entity, it would be much more difficult to offer the resources needed to help the food and agricutural industries.” - Virgil Jurgensmeyer J-M Farms Miami, Oklahoma

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Sen. Kerr and a number of legislators began a movement in the early 1980s to curb the outflow of Oklahoma’s premium agricultural commodities and launch an effort to convert these commodities through value-added manufacturing within Oklahoma. In May 1987, Sen. Kerr authored Senate Bill 185. The Senate President Pro Tempore, The Honorable Rodger Randle, a Democrat from Tulsa, and the Speaker of the House, The Honorable Jim Barker, a Democrat from Muskogee, signed this bill. Gov. Henry Bellmon then signed it on May 22, 1987, authorizing a study by certain state agencies to evaluate the benefits of a food-processing center to assist in the marketing of Oklahoma products. The act declared the State Board of Agriculture would establish an Oklahoma trade development program to further the processing and marketing of Oklahoma food products and renewable resources. The agencies identified to cooperate were OSU’s Division of Agriculture, renamed the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (DASNR) in the early 1990s; Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, now known as the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry (ODAFF); the Department of Commerce; and the Interstate Commerce Commission. Finally, the act identified a report concerning the implementation of this act to be presented to the Governor, Lt. Governor, Speaker of the House and President Pro Tempore of the Senate on the first working day of 1988. Jack D. Craig, commissioner of agriculture and president of the board of agriculture, and Charles B. Browning, dean and director of OSU’s Division of Agriculture, convened meetings with the heads of the Department of Commerce

and Corporation Commission. They created a working group from the ODAFF, Oklahoma Department of Commerce, Oklahoma Corporation Commission and OSU to recommend the action needed. This working group recommended a Food Processing Task Force be created to address the issues of the act.

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CHAPTER 4 Work in Progress The working group appointed a Food Processing Task Force Committee in July 1987. The committee included 14 faculty members from OSU representing DASNR; the College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology; and the College of Home Economics. The task force discussed the issues of the act and subsequently, recommended holding a conference to discuss the ideas of value-added food processing in Oklahoma. The task force then organized the “Expanding Food Processing in Oklahoma” conference on OSU’s Stillwater campus, taking place Dec. 9-10, 1987, with 164 participants. Browning provided leadership and organization for the conference. The conference objective was to identify factors necessary to expand food processing in Oklahoma that would aid in economic development. The conference had 14 speakers addressing various economic, processing, transportation and governmental issues. At the completion of the presentations, 10 working groups were challenged with specific objectives focused on formulating conference recommendations. The conference chairman, Bob Clary, summarized the recommendations of the working groups. The most consistent recommendation was to establish a foodprocessing center. This conference resulted in 12 pages of recommendations. These recommendations were generally summarized as: • Creating a proactive industry committee. • Developing a mechanism to generate venture capital and improved financing capabilities. • Developing a food science department at OSU. • Developing markets for new and existing food products. • Increasing production and processing diversification. • Enhancing research and development and increasing funding for food processing. • Developing programs to stimulate new and existing food industries.

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The Food Processing Task Force Committee developed a proposal for a center and asked two out-of-state consultants to review its contents and make suggestions. A report was developed and presented to the Governor, Lt. Governor, Speaker of the House and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate during the first working week of January 1988. The proposal for a food-processing center stated, “food processing in Oklahoma is an industry that has great potential for economic development and the food-processing center must generate and disseminate information to stimulate development in the food-processing industry in Oklahoma.” The proposal included a purpose and scope for the new center; a justification for funding, building and supporting the new center; a review of the status of the food-processing industry in Oklahoma; proposed budgets and functions; a proposed development schedule and annual operating budgets for the new center; and equipment and instrumentation needs of the new facility. The proposed activities and capabilities of the center were listed as: • Service to the food-processing industry. • Research for solving problems and creating new products for the food-processing industry. • Education focused on technology transfer for the food-processing industry. The proposal was presented to the legislature early in the 1988 legislative session requesting $400,000 for detailed planning. The Senate and the House approved the request, but Gov. Bellmon did not sign it. Because of continuing momentum, a faculty retreat took place at OSU in October 1988 to continue the development of ideas for a food-processing center. Browning led the retreat. Concepts considered and discussed included the location for the center, facility configuration and capability, staffing, budgets and administration. Forty-two representatives from three colleges participated in the retreat. Per the recommendation developed at the Food Processing Conference, an Industry Committee was appointed to offer leadership and momentum to the effort.

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CHAPTER 5 Helping Hands “To see the process of FAPC grow to what it is today gives me a great deal of pleasure. FAPC is a great contribution for Oklahoma.” - Don Ramsey Blue & Gold Sausage Co. Jones, Oklahoma

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An Industry Committee was appointed in November 1988 with the support of Sen. Kerr and other legislators, various state agencies, OSU and ODAFF, as well as Oklahoma agricultural and food-industry leaders. Eighteen industry leaders were asked to serve on the Industry Committee to support and guide the Task Force Committee in obtaining approval for a foodprocessing center. Doyle Kern, president of Farm Fresh Dairy and Bakery Products, chaired the Industry Committee. Others who were asked to serve on the committee included: • Robert Bingham, President, Win-Hy Food Co. • George Cacoma, Vice President and Director for Research, Wilson Foods Corp. (later replaced by Dave Moe, Wilson Foods Corp.) • Jack Cornett, Owner, Cornett Packing Co. • Joyce Giles, Owner, Dorrian’s Food Co. • Jim Graham, General Manager, Gilt Edge Dairy • Will Harris, General Manager, Bunte Candy Co. • Gary Haden, Manager Research and Development, Provesta Corp. • Dan Head, President and Owner, Head Country Food Products Inc. • Gary Lowrance, Analytical Chemist, Shawnee Milling Co. • Bill Lutsch, Manager, Farm Fresh Bakery • Mike Morgan, Manager, Scrivner Food Co. • Jack Parker, Plant Manager, Ralston Purina • Don Ramsey, President and Owner, Blue & Gold Sausage Co. • Ken Rosenbaum, General Manager, Stilwell Foods Inc. • Bert Snider, Manager, SWO Milk Plant • Bonita Watts, Managing Director, Base Inc. • Don Williams, Executive Vice President, Hitch Ranch Beef Inc. In January 1989, the Industry Committee assisted the Food Processing Task Force Committee in revising the legislative proposal. The proposal requested $400,000 for detailed planning of a food-processing center. Despite the 18-member support

and passage by both the Senate and the House, Gov. Bellmon vetoed the proposal. Subsequently, the Industry Committee and the Food Processing Task Force Committee combined their efforts again to revise and refine the proposal. Additionally, members of the Food Processing Task Force Committee visited similar facilities at the University of Illinois, Iowa State University and the University of Nebraska. New ideas and concepts were added to the draft proposal. Planning meetings were held between the Industry Committee and the Food Processing Task Force Committee. Individual meetings were held with state legislators. The proposal was completed on Nov. 29, 1989, and submitted to the Oklahoma legislature in January 1990. The proposal passed unanimously.

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CHAPTER 6 The Proposal “We have been very blessed in the food industry. The people of Oklahoma, as well as FAPC and Oklahoma State University, have been instrumental in our success.” - Paul Schatte Head Country Inc. Ponca City, Oklahoma

“Our plants are geared to running high volumes of product. It is very costly and difficult to do testing. FAPC gives us a place to test and develop new products without interfering and adding additional cost into our day-to-day operations.” - Danny Dupree Bar-S Foods Clinton, Oklahoma

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Gov. Bellmon signed the proposal, and $400,000 was appropriated to ODAFF to establish an agreement with OSU to plan the center. The contract for planning was given to DASNR with funds to employ a half-time director to lead the planning, develop the program statement and start an architectural design for the center. The Oklahoma Board of Agriculture approved the $400,000 contract and awarded it to DASNR on Aug. 23, 1990. This contract allowed OSU to: • Appoint Stanley E. Gilliland as interim director to provide leadership. • Receive input from industry leaders to evaluate the needs of Oklahoma’s value-added processing industry and ensure the center would provide relevant, cuttingedge technological assistance. • Retain consultants to prepare a program statement for the center. The statement included conceptual drawings and background materials for use in requesting appropriations to fund the construction and operation of the center. The date identified for the program statement was Jan. 31, 1991. • Obtain advice from architects to evaluate existing university buildings that could be used as a part of the center concept. • Select an architectural and engineering firm to provide facility design. Commissioner Craig signed the contract on Aug. 22, 1990, and Browning signed on Aug. 27, 1990. The Food Processing Task Force Committee revisited the University of Nebraska in 1990, where extended discussions were held with the staff, faculty and director of the Nebraska Food Processing Center. Additionally, this committee visited the Kansas Value Added Center and consulted with the center director about its work. The Food Processing Task Force Committee retained CRSS Inc. to develop the program statement. CRSS Inc. reviewed the draft center proposal and visited the Nebraska Food Processing Center. CRSS Inc. interviewed state legislators, Oklahoma state agency leaders, OSU administrators, Oklahoma industry

leaders and processors in the state. They completed their work in December 1990 and estimated the cost of the facilities to be $14,166,000 and the estimated annual operating budget to be $2,310,000. The CRSS Inc. program statement was submitted to the Oklahoma Legislature in January 1991 for funding. The program statement said a food-processing center would generate and disseminate information to stimulate the development of the food-processing industry in Oklahoma. Perceived benefits included product development improvement; new ingredient and product evaluation; analysis of food products; technical, marketing and financial advice; engineering assistance and feasibility studies; nutritional labeling assistance and workshops; seminars and training conferences. The food-processing center was to have a broad focus enabling the center to assist processors with a wide variety of commodities produced on Oklahoma’s farms and ranches. The center would have faculty and staff members who would have sound scientific, technical and business skills and knowledge to support this work. Finally, the center would have a facility that would be sufficiently specialized to work with a broad spectrum of foods and commodities including livestock, agronomic crops and horticultural crops.

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CHAPTER 7 Call to Action A letter-writing campaign was launched at the request of Sen. Kerr and other key legislators. A file of approximately 40 support letters from industry and agricultural leaders, commissions, trade associations, bankers, retail businesses and scientists indicating their support for a food-processing center was copied and sent to all state legislators. In January 1991, $200,000 was appropriated to continue development of architectural plans for a center. In April 1991, a contract was awarded to Rees Associates Inc. to design the facilities with A. Epstein and Sons Inc. to provide the engineering design. Rees Associates Inc. completed the schematic design in November 1991. In December 1991 and January 1992, meetings were held across the state to inform industry and agricultural leaders and processors about the plans and request their input. In January 1992, Sen. Kerr led the State Legislature in the inclusion of a request of $14,000,000 for completion of the design and construction of a center in a Capitol Bond Package. The Bond Package, State Question 649, and a mechanism to retire the bonds, State Question 650, were developed by the State Legislature and put before Oklahoma citizens for a vote. In November 1992, both state questions were approved by citizen vote. State Question 650 was satisfied not by new taxes but by redirecting revenues obtained from tobacco and gambling taxes. That portion for the foodprocessing center was to be a small part of the total bond package valuing $350 million. Most of the proceeds from the bond package went to higher

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education and state infrastructure needs. The Advanced Technology Research Center in OSU’s College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology also was a part of the package. In 1993, Rees Associates Inc. completed the design development phase and started preparing construction documents including blue prints and building specifications. The construction documents were submitted to construction contractors for bids in 1994. The construction contract was awarded to Flintco Inc., headquartered in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Early on, it was thought ODAFF would handle budget oversight, budget source and accountability. However, during the course of the project and after the planning was funded, oversight responsibility moved to the Regents for Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical Colleges and the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. There was a concern among some that the center could become imbalanced toward research, weighted toward specific agricultural disciplines, gravitate toward more academicfocused projects and less on industry-focused activities and would not truly meet Oklahoma’s diverse needs. Location for this value-added processing center was also a concern. In the first years of food-processing center discussions, there were considerations for the “proper” location of the center. Interest groups across the state offered recommendations for different areas of the state. After much discussion and reasonable decisions, it was decided the center should be placed in Stillwater on the OSU campus. There were many reasons for making the decision including immediate access to and the partnership with the science and technology of the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, a state agency and official research arm of DASNR.

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CHAPTER 8 Groundbreaking “Development of the Robert M. Kerr Food & Agricultural Products Center at OSU started with a focus on retaining agricultural outputs and expanding agricultural industry in our state. Two decades later, that emphasis on discovery, innovation and education continues with significant positive economic impact in Oklahoma communities.” - Glen D. Johnson Chancellor of the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education

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Groundbreaking for the center occurred on Nov. 12, 1994, at 11:15 a.m. Platform guests during the groundbreaking ceremonies included: • Charles B. Browning, Dean & Director, DASNR, OSU • Robert M. Kerr, State Senator, District 38 (D-Altus) • Glenn Johnson, Speaker of the House of Representatives (D-Okemah) • M.C. Leist, State Representative, District 16 (D-Morris) • Hans Brisch, Chancellor, Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education • Bruce Benbrook, Chair, Regents for Oklahoma Agricultural & Mechanical Colleges • James E. Halligan, President, OSU • Stanley E. Gilliland, Interim Director, Oklahoma Food & Agricultural Products Processing Center for Research & Technology, and Chairman of the Task Force • Gary Sherrer, Oklahoma Secretary of Agriculture • David Walters, Governor, State of Oklahoma (D) • Doyle Kern, Chief Executive Officer, Farm Fresh Dairy and Bakery Products, and Chairman of the Industry Committee

Construction started on Nov. 14, 1994, on the former site of the Meat Laboratory. An additional $1,600,000 for equipment and furnishings was supplied through a general obligation bond. The total funds allocated for the center’s completion were $16,200,000. The business plan for the new center was developed and submitted in 1995. The facilities were to be completed in November 1996.

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CHAPTER 9 Dedication “In my judgment, the investment the State of Oklahoma made in the Food & Agricultural Products Center has been well justified. The number of Oklahoma businesses who have received assistance from the center and, therefore, make agricultural products available to our citizens and the world has been impressive.” - James Halligan Oklahoma State Senator “Remembering back to 1997 when FAPC officially opened its doors to serve the food and agricultural industry in Oklahoma, it doesn’t seem possible that 20 years have passed by so quickly. It has been my privilege to have been in the very first group of faculty and staff to be hired and begin the work for industry in our state.” - Jim Brooks FAPC Manager of Business & Marketing Services

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Dedication services commenced at 1:30 p.m. on Nov. 13, 1996, for the Oklahoma Food and Agricultural Products Research and Technology Center. Platform guests for the dedication service included: • Charles B. Browning, Dean & Director, DASNR, OSU • Frank Keating, Governor, State of Oklahoma (R) • David Walters, Former Governor, State of Oklahoma (D) • Hans Brisch, Chancellor, Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education • Douglas E. Tippens, Chair, Regents for Oklahoma Agricultural & Mechanical Colleges • James E. Halligan, President, OSU • Bill Gustafson, District 22, Minority Leader Designate, Oklahoma State Senate (R-El Reno) • Robert M. Kerr, District 38, State Senator (D-Altus) • Paul Muegge, District 20, Chair, Senate Agriculture Committee (D-Tonkawa) • Glenn Johnson, District 24, Speaker of the House of Representatives (D-Okemah) • Loyd L. Benson, District 26, Majority Leader and Speaker Designate, Oklahoma House of Representatives (D- Frederick) • Larry R. Ferguson, District 35, Minority Leader, Oklahoma House of Representatives (R-Cleveland) • M.C. Leist, District 16, Chair, House Agriculture Committee (D-Morris) • Doyle Kern, Chief Executive Officer, Farm Fresh Dairy & Bakery Products, and Past Chair of the Industry Committee • Robert J. Bingham, President, Win-Hy Foods, and Chairman of the Industry Committee • Bonita Watts, Managing Director, Base Inc. • Don Ramsey, President and Owner, Blue & Gold Sausage Co. • Randy Blakey, President, Oklahoma Food Processors Association


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CHAPTER 10 The Launch


One of the first projects that brought notoriety to the center was P.B. Slices. A lunchtime talk about “crazy food ideas” sparked the idea for the product. The goal was shelf-stable, easy-peelfrom-the-wrapper peanut butter slices with flavor, texture and color as close to regular peanut butter as possible. After years of work, the peanut butter slice technology was licensed and P.B. Slices eventually made their way to grocers’ shelves.

At the time of the first allocation of funds, Stanley E. Gilliland was appointed interim director and task force chairman. Gilliland’s task was to manage the project, coordinate activities, complete the facility plan, develop the plan for equipment and staffing, and develop position questionnaires, position descriptions and position announcements for faculty and staff positions and for the center director’s position. Faculty positions included discipline areas for: • Agricultural Economics • Oilseed Chemistry • Cereal Chemistry • Meat Science • Horticultural Foods Science • Food Microbiology • Food Engineering Staff positions included: • Director • Business Marketing • Analytical Chemistry • Quality Management • Food Processing • Food Microbiology Lowell Satterlee joined the center in February 1997 and led the center as director until May 2001. Gilliland again was assigned the duties of interim director, holding the position until Roy Escoubas was hired in April 2002. Escoubas has continued to serve as director of the center through to the current time. FAPC opened its doors in January 1997 with the following mission statement:

To generate and disseminate technical information that will stimulate valueadded food and agricultural products processing in Oklahoma. 24 | 1997-2017

The following were the first FAPC employees hired in 1997. Position Food-Processing Engineer Business & Marketing Specialist Food-Processing Specialist Director Agricultural Economist Food Microbiologist Business & Marketing Specialist Food Microbiologist Horticultural Products Business & Marketing Specialist Food-Processing Engineer Administrative Assistant Meat-Processing Manager Cereal Chemistry Food Chemist


Faculty/Staff Faculty Staff Staff Director Faculty Staff Staff Faculty Faculty Staff Faculty Staff Staff Faculty Staff


Employee Tim Bowser Jim Brooks David Moe Lowell Satterlee Rodney Holcomb Siobhan Reilly Linda Byford Peter Muriana William McGlynn Stewart Kennedy Danielle Bellmer Rachel Johnson Jacob Nelson Patricia Rayas Brian Shofran

Hire Date Jan. 2, 1997 Jan. 2, 1997 Feb. 1, 1997 Feb. 15, 1997 March 3, 1997 April 1, 1997 April 14, 1997 April 21, 1997 May 1, 1997 May 1, 1997 June 1, 1997 June 1, 1997 June 1, 1997 July 1, 1997 Sept. 1, 1997

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CHAPTER 11 Industry Oversight


The first Industry Advisory Committee met at the center in May 1997. The committee started meeting biannually at the center, but in 2009 the committee made the decision to meet once at FAPC and once at an offsite location during the year.

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There was some consensus in the Oklahoma Legislature that an external advisory board was needed. Prior to the completion and dedication of the new food-processing center in 1996, Sen. Kerr led an initiative, Senate Bill 1030, to formally create the Industry Advisory Committee for the food-processing center. The justification was to have a consistent and broadly based oversight council that represented very specific sectors of the food and agribusiness industries in Oklahoma. A diverse base of Oklahoma principals would select the members of the oversight council. This effort successfully was completed as a state statute, SS 2-5-60, and the responsibilities of the committee included: • Advising on project evaluation and prioritization. • Setting fees for services and programs. • Creating and designing joint ventures and business programs. • Acting on other issues as needed such as the development and advancement of the production, processing, handling and marketing of agricultural commodities. The makeup of the Industry Advisory Committee was established to be 15 industry leaders appointed as follows: Appointees by the Governor’s Office • One economic development sector representative • One food processor representing the Made In Oklahoma Coalition • Two national food processors Appointees by the Speaker of the House • One food transportation and distribution sector leader • One food-marketing sector leader • One Oklahoma-based food processor • One industrial/pharmaceutical sector leader Appointees by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate • One Oklahoma-based food processor • One fiber and textile industry representative • One industrial/pharmaceutical sector leader • One food and agricultural products transportation sector leader

2016 Appointees by the DASNR Vice President for Agricultural Programs • One Oklahoma-based food processor • Two Oklahoma-based agricultural producers The position of DASNR vice president for agricultural programs was included as a non-voting member of the Industry Advisory Committee. The Industry Advisory Committee follows Oklahoma State Statute policies in that they receive no compensation for service outside of their travel expenses, which are reimbursable when engaged in official Industry Advisory Committee work. The Industry Advisory Committee, by statute, has defined term durations and is specified to meet twice per year. The constituency of the FAPC Industry Advisory Committee serves 3-year term limits. The first Advisory Committee appointments were made in 1997. Reappointments have been made since that time. Governance of the committee has been identified by statute. There must be a committee chair, vice chair and secretary elected by vote in a quorum meeting. The first chairman of the committee was Robert Bingham of Win-Hy Foods.

2016 Advisory Board: Luis Bogran, Bemis Co.; Ed Clements, Clements Foods; Gary Crane, Ralph’s Packing Co.; Scott Dvorak, Dvorak Farms; Joe Ford, Shawnee Milling Co.; John Griffin, Griffin Foods; David Howard, Unitherm Food Systems; Virgil Jurgensmeyer, J-M Farms; Rodger Kerr, Southwest Technology Center; Tommy Kramer, Durant Industrial Authority; John Patrick Lopez, Lopez Foods; David McLaughlin, AdvancePierre Foods (retired); Philip Payment, Homeland Acquisition Corp.; Paul Schatte, Head Country Food Inc.; Mark Vaughan, Vaughan Foods; and ex-officio Tom Coon, OSU DASNR.

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The first Industry Advisory Committee members were as follows: Appointed by the Governor Virgil Jurgensmeyer Don Ramsey Dean Smith Mike Wright

President & CEO, J-M Farms Owner, Blue & Gold Sausage Owner, S-S Farms Technical & Safety Principal, Hormel Foods

National Food Processor Oklahoma Food Processor & MIO Economic Development National Food Processor

Appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate James Cochran Gary Crane Rodger T. Kerr Dave McLaughlin

Sales Principal, Pfizer Animal Health Owner, Ralph’s Packing Company Director, Southwest Technology Center CEO, Advance Food Company

Industrial/Pharmaceutical Oklahoma Food Processor Fiber & Textile Food Transportation

Appointed by the Speaker of the House Ron Jamison Brett Burke Gregg Ladd Linda Whitworth

General Manager, Mrs. Smith’s Bakery Sales Manager, ELANCO Animal Health Logistics Manager, Hiland Dairy Foods Owner, Whitworth Products & Services

Oklahoma Food Processor Industrial/Pharmaceutical Food Transportation Food Marketing

Appointed by the DASNR Dean and Director Robert Bingham Charles Nichols Roger Ediger

President, Win-Hy Foods Oklahoma Food Processor General Manager, Davison & Sons Cattle Co. Oklahoma Agricultural Producer Owner, Ediger & Ediger Farms Oklahoma Agricultural Producer

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CHAPTER 12 The Framework

Food industry companies across the state and region have donated equipment as gifts-in-kind to help FAPC meet the needs of the food and agricultural industries. Some of the equipment provided include a boot wash system, bottle filller, forming machine, spiral oven, and hog scalder and dehairer.

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FAPC is located on and is a part of OSU’s Stillwater campus and is governed by campus policies and regulations. The University Physical Plant, now known as Facilities Management, is the maintenance provider for FAPC. The FAPC budget is sourced from the State Legislature to the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, and then to OSU through DASNR. All allocated recurring funding for FAPC is sourced from the State of Oklahoma but is managed as outreach (Extension) and research (Experiment Station) funds and is routed through the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service (OCES) office and the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station (OAES) office. The FAPC director manages the annual budget allocation for outreach and research. In general, fund streams to FAPC are available through appropriated monies; grants and contracts; services accounts; Cowboy Meats; gifts, donations and endowments; royalties; and conferences.

Appropriated The State Board of Equalization predicts and approves the available money for the Oklahoma Legislature. These are appropriated through the Regents. FAPC has a specific allocation based on a budget formula. The FAPC director is the budget manager for the center. The first funding year for FAPC was for FY-1997 when an Oklahoma State and Education Employees Group Insurance Board special funding allocated $1.4 million through OAES and $600,000 through OCES. The full $2 million allocation was routed through the Regents to FAPC on a 70 percent research and 30 percent Extension basis. The funding level was sufficient for start-up but below the recommended level of $2.3 million starting annual allocation as identified during the development of the recurring budget plan for FAPC. In FY-1998, the funding was administered through the general fund at the targeted funding level of $1,810,000 through OAES and $490,000 through OCES for a total of $2.3 million on a 78.6 percent research and 21.3 percent Extension basis as a line-item allocation for FAPC. In FY-2001, at the request of DASNR Dean and Director Sam Curl to the Regents, FAPC funding was added to the base of DASNR allocation. From FY-2001 to the current budget year, FAPC allocation has been a part of the base DASNR budget and then administered to FAPC at an approximate 5 percent proportion of the total DASNR allocation. The first FAPC general fund line-item allocation was 6.1 percent of the DASNR total in FY-1998, a full percentage above the current allocation. In FY-2014, the FAPC allocation was $2,887,649, administered as 28 percent through Extension and 72 percent through research. Cowboy Meats The Cowboy Meats account was created as a modified OSU Stores account to allow the recovery of value from research, Extension and animal science teaching programs. Conferences The conferences account receives income for workshops, conferences, symposia, and related activities and balances that income stream against expenses for those respective activities.

1998 FAPC opened a Cowboy Meats store in 1998. The store allowed FAPC to sell product from research, Extension and teaching activities. Customers came from across campus, as well as across the state, to purchase OSU meat. The store closed in 2003 in part due to budgetary restraints.

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Royalties Royalty income from commercialized intellectual properties of individual FAPC faculty and staff members are used for specific research areas.


Grants and Contracts Competitive research grants come into FAPC through the Sponsored Programs Office in DASNR. While many of these grants are managed through the respective academic departments of individual FAPC faculty members, FAPC

Virgil and Marge Jurgensmeyer generously made a $250,000 gift to FAPC to create the Virgil and Marge Jurgensmeyer Endowed Professorship in Food Product Development in 2011. The FAPC family lost a colleague, leader in the food science and food industry and dear friend in 2010 – Stanley E. Gilliland. Intellectual property developed by Gilliland during his 33-year career at OSU was earning more royalty than any other on campus. The money was used to fund graduate student assistantships and purchase laboratory equipment for research programs and colleagues. Also, a memorial fund named in his honor –– the Stanley E. Gilliland Memorial Fellowship in Food Science –– was established to provide scholarships for students in food science.

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2016 financial specialists manage a number of competitive research grants at the discretion of appropriate, individual FAPC faculty members. Services Accounts Service account funds, accumulated in respective faculty and staff member accounts, are managed at FAPC. These are usually for small industry project grants or work projects for specific applied industry research projects. Gifts, Donations and Endowments Cash and non-cash donations are received at FAPC to include equipment, packaging and ingredients. Cash donations provide enhancement to the operating budget as well as establish endowments such as the Charles Browning Endowed Professorship, the Marge and Virgil Jurgensmeyer Endowed Professorship and the latest Food Safety Option Endowment. The OSU Foundation supports all activities.

FAPC’s Industry Advisory Committee donated $1 million in 2014 to create a food safety program at OSU to educate and prepare students for food safety careers and provide companies with food safety needs. The initiative resulted in hiring a food safety specialist and assistant professor in the OSU Department of Animal Science and establishing an undergraduate food safety option. In 2016, Lopez Foods, provided a $100,000 gift to support OSU’s food safety program.

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CHAPTER 13 Vision & Mission The original vision and mission created for the center were as follows:

1997 Agriculture at OSU magazine featured a story about FAPC’s success in the first year. One of the first projects of the center was developing a ready-to-eat turtle food for John and Anne Niwa of Granny’s Hillside Farms, located near Lake Tenkiller in Gore, Oklahoma.

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Vision The center has programs, projects and activities that support innovation and growth of the food and agricultural business industries of Oklahoma, increase food safety for consumers, assist in the development of students working toward careers in Oklahoma’s food industry, and support and enhance the impact of FAPC activities on the state, region and nation. Mission To generate and disseminate technical information that will stimulate value-added food and agricultural products processing in Oklahoma.

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CHAPTER 14 Student Preparation

Even though FAPC is a non-academic unit, students are a big part of the center. FAPC is vital in the education and training of future leaders of the food industry. The center acknowledges the students who work and conduct research in the facility and participates in the campus-wide Celebrate Students campaign.

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Although FAPC is a non-academic unit and has no allocated teaching funds in its operating budget, the center has a considerable role in the training and education of undergraduate and graduate students in various academic departments. Scores of undergraduate students are employed in hourly work at FAPC during the academic year, engaged in a wide variety of manufacturing and processing activities including all areas of food and beverage processing. They also are employed in research laboratories in all areas of food science and technology including food engineering, oilseed chemistry, cereal chemistry, wood products, meat science, enology, food chemistry, food microbiology, horticultural products processing and food-industry economics and business management. FAPC academic teaching efforts are expressed through academic departments. During the early years of FAPC, two faculty members had significant teaching responsibilities: Danielle Bellmer, 20 percent teaching and 80 percent research, and Stanley E. Gilliland, 40 percent teaching and 60 percent research. As the years have passed, each faculty member and numerous staff have accrued a teaching appointment to contribute to the teaching efforts of the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (CASNR) and deliver experiential knowledge of the contemporary food industry.

Undergraduate students from various academic units in CASNR, particularly from the OSU Department of Animal Science, complete their degrees with extensive applications knowledge in all areas of food science and technology. Additionally, biosystems and agricultural engineering undergraduate students and agricultural economics undergraduate students often engage FAPC clients to identify real-life manufacturing needs as the basis for senior class projects. In short, FAPC is an invaluable resource for the training and education of undergraduate students from many academic disciplines across campus. The actual value of this role is difficult to quantify but certainly there is tangible value associated with it. FAPC plays a major role in the education and training of food science graduate students. A majority of the food science research laboratories are located in FAPC and are the education and training grounds for essentially all the food science graduate students, and all postdoctoral scientists for areas of food science. Graduate students who complete a Master of Science have research laboratories and commercial-style manufacturing and processing facilities where they are trained and prepared to enter the food industry. Doctoral students use these facilities to be best prepared as scientists and leaders of the research world. Graduate students are used to deliver applied research to FAPC clients. Without graduate students, much of the contract research with Oklahoma food-industry clients would not be possible. Although FAPC does not receive teaching funds as a part of its recurring annual budget, FAPC uses its allocated budget and extramural funding optimally to help train and educate students and graduate students.



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CHAPTER 15 Extension & Industry

2000 FAPC launched a monthly workshop titled Basic Training: A Guide to Starting Your Own Food Business in 1999. The need for such a program was realized early in FAPC’s history. The workshop reached a milestone in 2004 with more than 500 participants attending the training and 40 new companies launching their products into market. To date, more than 1,200 participants have attended the workshop, resulting in more than 100 start-up businesses.

FAPC outreach activities through Extension to the food and agribusiness industries in Oklahoma provide a direct impact on increasing business revenue streams, bringing new businesses online, increasing profitability of these businesses, increasing employment opportunities and stabilizing existing jobs. Client projects begin with the FAPC Business and Marketing Group. A business and marketing specialist meets with the prospective client, ascertains his or her objectives and learns key facts about the client. Each entrepreneurial and new business client must enroll and complete Basic Training: A Guide to Starting Your Own Food Business. The workshop covers: • Business start-up and management • Business plan • Production alternatives • Marketing • Quality control and quality programs • Food safety and Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points • Food product labeling and the labeling law • General business regulations and compliance • Resources and suppliers After the potential client completes Basic Training and maintains interest, he/she is received as a client and a project is initiated. A scope of work is developed, and the client must develop a business plan. The business and marketing specialist

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offers guidance, but the client must develop his/her own business plan. The project is managed by a business and marketing specialist and may include several FAPC faculty and staff members. FAPC has a project tracking system, which tracks and manages client projects and activities. The system works as a tool to evaluate economic impact of FAPC services. Extension activities of FAPC can generally be categorized as: • Technical assistance for clients at FAPC • Technical assistance for clients at their facilities • Product development to extend client product lines • Process engineering to support current, new or expanded manufacturing • Manufacturing audits for various needs • Employee training in various areas • Workshops • Publications

Throughout FAPC’s first 20 years, the center has become known for its entrepreneurial assistance in helping individuals achieve their dream of starting a food business. After an entrepreneur attends Basic Training and learns what it takes to start a new food business, FAPC specialists work with the client to commercialize a product.

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CHAPTER 16 Research & Innovation

FAPC discovered a new beef steak that is perhaps the last steak to be found on the beef carcass. The Vegas Strip Steak was unveiled at the Protein Innovation Summit in Chicago, Illinois, on April 17, 2012. Following the discovery, the research team filed a patent to protect the fabrication of the beef cut.


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Research is a fundamental component of FAPC, and center scientists participate in research according to their scientific disciplines. Research at FAPC is useful to food processors to keep them aware of and better able to take advantage of cutting-edge technology and trends. The research efforts of FAPC can be grouped as: • Oilseeds and oilseed extracts science and technology • Small grains science • Muscle foods science • Economics and value-added food and agricultural business development • Food product and process engineering • Horticultural food products • Food microbiology • Forest products


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CHAPTER 17 A New Name

Along with the renaming of FAPC, the center celebrated its 10th year of adding value to Oklahoma during the 2007 Media Day event. The celebration included balloons, streamers, birthday cake, research demonstrations and company booths. FAPC celebrated with members of the Kerr family and supporters on campus and across the state.

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An effort was initiated in early 2007 to rename FAPC in honor and memory of the late Sen. Robert M. Kerr, following his untimely death. A plan was developed at FAPC and presented to DASNR Vice President, Dean and Director Robert Whitson for support of this initiative. Whitson fully supported the concept of honoring Kerr, who had been so instrumental in the creation of the center, and worked to gain acceptance from OSU President David Schmidly. A working committee (see item No. 40, page 54) was formed consisting of FAPC faculty and staff and an Industry Advisory Committee member. The working committee developed a list of potential names for FAPC, and selected the one name that was recommended to Whitson. Schmidly approved the name, and the name was placed on the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education agenda for approval. The Regents approved the name and during the FAPC Media Day event on July 12, 2007, the new name for FAPC was announced as the Robert M. Kerr Food & Agricultural Products Center. Robbie Kerr, wife of the late senator, and Rodger Kerr, his son and an Industry Advisory Committee member, were present and participated in the renaming ceremonies.


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CHAPTER 18 Economic Impact

FAPC helps to add value to Oklahoma by developing successful value-added enterprises in the state –– to bring the products, the jobs and the dollars back home.

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FAPC was chartered to help foster jobs and strengthen the Oklahoma food industry. FAPC stakeholders expect positive impacts for the state’s food and agricultural business sectors through the development of value-added products and processes, as well as enhanced profit potential through timely and relevant training and educational programs. In meeting its charter, FAPC has a longstanding history of helping entrepreneurs develop niche food and agricultural businesses, turn byproduct liabilities into assets and find and develop niche agricultural crops, while also training and educating students to immediately contribute to a company’s productivity. Two economic impact studies were conducted to evaluate the impacts of FAPC programs and services on the growth and expansion of the value-added food industry in Oklahoma. These studies found the following. 1. A 10-year study in 2007 showed firms assisted by FAPC directly contributed to the Oklahoma economy by generating more than 8,700 full-time jobs, 325 part-time jobs and $1.9 billion in annual sales revenue. The direct,

indirect and induced economic impacts attributable directly to FAPC were approximately 800 jobs and $308 million annual sales. a. FAPC facilitated significant change in Oklahoma’s food industry by almost doubling the number of value-added enterprises in Oklahoma and more than doubling the value of shipments of value-added Oklahoma product shipments out-of-state. b. Firms that have worked with FAPC verified a more than 16 percent increase in annual sales as being a result of assistance from FAPC. These firms confirmed more than a 2 percent increase in full-time and a 1.5 percent increase in part-time employment as being a result of FAPC assistance. 2. A study in 2013 with 75 active food-industry clients in Oklahoma showed FAPC significantly affected $18 million in annual sales and 350 full-time employees. In addition, a study of start-up businesses with direct FAPC assistance was conducted in 2012. This study showed 65 sustained-growth start-up businesses were launched in 35 communities across Oklahoma, generating more than $11 million of annual sales revenue and employing more than 300 full-time Oklahomans. The U.S. Department of Commerce data for 1997 through 2011 for food manufacturing shows the Oklahoma food industry to have grown considerably. Comparing the 1997 and 2011 numbers, the data indicated Oklahoma exceeded all cumulative U.S. numbers and surrounding seven-state average numbers in specific indicators of value-added food-manufacturing growth, percentage growth in value-added shipments and growth in the number of employees in the food industry. Oklahoma also exceeded the total U.S. and surrounding seven-state average percentage in payroll growth for employees in the food industry. In fact, Oklahoma had the only positive percentage change in employment versus total U.S. and the surrounding seven-state average. Based on the economic impact studies, FAPC had a significant and positive effect on Oklahoma food-industry growth.

1997-2007 +308 Million Sales Revenue

800+ Jobs Created


+18 Million Sales Revenue

350+ Jobs Created

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CHAPTER 19 Industry Feedback “We would have had no idea as to what to expect and we probably would have ended up quitting. I think we are here today because of FAPC and because of their help.” - Danielle Coursey Backwoods Foods Tahlequah, Oklahoma “The best thing I ever did was contact FAPC and participate in the FAPC Basic Training workshop. I attribute my success today to taking that course and the support of FAPC.” - Suan Grant Suan’s Foods Oklahoma City

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Today, FAPC has active faculty and staff who significantly contribute to the Oklahoma economy and to the academic excellence of the university. FAPC has data confirming growth in the economy, increased processing sales revenue and an increase in the number of full-time employee jobs as a result of its work with businesses across the state. FAPC demonstrates excellence in its assistance to entrepreneurial and sustainable start-up businesses in rural communities across Oklahoma. FAPC continues to evolve and seek feedback from industry. Periodically, FAPC assembles external review panels to assess the value of center programs and services. This has been accomplished by use of SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) assessments. An assessment was completed in April 2014. An external assessment panel representing 12 business sectors in Oklahoma worked for two days to understand and review facilities, staffing and impacts of the center. An external business development specialist facilitated the April 2014 SWOT analysis. Evaluation results helped FAPC refocus the center’s marketing plan, improve the way it delivers business and technology to the food industry in Oklahoma, and instruct FAPC about new technologies and business practices that must be captured for the Oklahoma food industry to remain competitive and maximize potential growth.

The folowing include the sectors and businesses represented during the external assessment panel. Sector Oklahoma Food Retailer Specialty Food Retailer Manufacturing Contract Processor Small/Medium Meat Packer Large Meat Processor Food Processor, FDA Inspected Seasoning/Spice/Ingredients Dining/Food Service Winery/Brewing/Spirits Gourmet Foods/Entrepreneur Small Livestock/Custom Processing Produce/Vegetable Production

Business Location Reasor’s Food Co. Tahlequah Whole Food Co. Tulsa Backwoods Foods Co. Tahlequah Ralph’s Meat Packing Co. Perkins Lopez Food Co. Oklahoma City Clements Food Co. Oklahoma City Cedar Hill Seasonings Edmond Savoy Foods Co. Tulsa Canadian River Winery Lexington Suan’s Foods Oklahoma City Whitmore Farms Coyle Triple-S Farms Hydro

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CHAPTER 20 Moving Forward “The food and agricultural industries have seen tremendous success during the last 20 years, thanks in large part to FAPC programs. The future of FAPC is bright, and I truly believe the best is yet to come.” - Roy Escoubas FAPC Director

FAPC has successfully accomplished the objectives of its founding visionaries. The only recommendation that has not been achieved, per the list of recommendations from the December 1987 Conference for Expanding Food Processing, is the creation of a Department of Food Science. FAPC continues to be a one-of-a-kind research, development and Extension center. The center continues to demonstrate academic excellence in its yearly performance through scholarly publications, presentations, patent applications, graduate students completed, and educational and training sessions accomplished. FAPC training and education programs have been demonstrated to help prepare undergraduate and graduate students for success in their chosen career fields, both as workers and leaders in the food industry, in Oklahoma and across America. FAPC faculty and staff members continually strive to help clients understand their opportunities, accomplish their objectives and grow as quickly and completely as possible. FAPC has excelled since first opening its doors in early 1997. However, FAPC faculty, staff and stakeholders believe the center’s best accomplishments are still to come.


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APPENDIX Resources & References 1. Notes and personal communiqués with Stanley E. Gilliland, FAPC Interim Director, 19941997, and in 2000-2002. Now deceased. 2. Notes, personal communiqués and e-mail notes with Charles B. Browning, DASNR Dean and Director, 1979-1996. Now deceased. 3. Notes, personal communiqués and e-mail notes with D.C. Coston, Former Associate Director of the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station 1995-2005, and current President, Dickinson State University, Dickinson, ND. 4. Notes, personal communiqués and e-mail notes with Roger Ediger, Attorney at Law, Mitchell and DeClerke Law Firm, Enid, OK and Charter Member of the Industry Advisory Committee. 5. Notes, personal communiqués and e-mail notes with Charles Nichols, Davison & Sons Cattle Co., Arnett, OK, Charter Member of the Industry Advisory Committee. 6. Notes and personal communiqués with Dave McLaughlin, President and Co-owner of Advance Food Co., Enid, OK and Charter Member of the Industry Advisory Committee. 7. Phil Kenkel, Lowell Satterlee, Marcia Tilley and Alan Barkema, 1998. Value-added Agricultural Businesses and New-Generation Cooperatives in Oklahoma. Extension Publication. Nov. 21, 1998. 8. Proposal, Food Processing Center for Research and Technology at Oklahoma State University, Nov. 29, 1989. 9. Conference Proceedings on Expanding Food Processing in Oklahoma. December 1987. Sponsored by the Oklahoma Department of Commerce, the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, the Oklahoma Corporation Commission and the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station of the Division of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources. Edited by Barbara Dayvault and Daniel Tilley. 10. Various news articles and Fast Facts News from Agricultural Communications Services of the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. 11. Information Packet, Capital Bond Issue. 1992. Sent from Rep. M.C. Leist. Discussed State Questions 649 and 650, and the Higher Education to Rebuild Oklahoma (HERO ’92) Program. 12. Stanley E. Gilliland. Feb. 18, 1991. Executive Summary. Why have a Food and Agricultural Products Processing Center of Research and Technology. 13. CRSS, Inc. 1991. Advanced Planning Purpose Statement. Potential Impact of the Oklahoma Food and Agricultural Products Processing Center for Research and Technology on Economic Development. 14. Food Processing, A News Bulletin from the Oklahoma Department of Commerce and the Oklahoma Alliance for Manufacturing Excellence Inc., April 1996. OSU Food Technology Takes Shape.

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15. House Bill 1197. Introduced by Rep. M.C. Leist and others in the House of Representatives, and Sens. Price and Kerr in the Senate. An action creating the Oklahoma Agriculture Enhancement and Diversification Act. Effective Nov. 1, 1999. 16. House Bill introduced by Rep. M.C. Leist, an act relating to the State of Oklahoma making and appropriation thereto; stating the purpose, providing a lapse date, providing an operative date and declaring an emergency. Bill to approve a $14 million allocation for the construction and operation of a food-processing center. 17. House Bill 2863. Introduced by Reps. Bonny, Benson, Deutschendorf, Boyd, Wells, Perry, Miller, Ramsey, Ingmire, Claunch, O’Neal, Collins, Covey, Gilbert, Lindley, Turner, Sullivan, McCarter, Braddock, Coleman, Webb and Askens of the House, and Sens. Robinson, Fischer, Williams, Capps and Morgan in the Senate. An enactment of the Oklahoma Technology Transfer Act of 1989. 18. Senate Bill 666 introduced by Sen. Robert M. Kerr to fund an allocation of $400,000 to study the need of a food-processing center. 19. Senate Bill No. 185, Introduced by Sen. Robert M. Kerr. An Act relating to agriculture authorizing a study by certain state agencies for a food-processing center to assist in marketing of Oklahoma products and for codification and declaring an emergency, approved on May 22, 1987. 20. Final Report. HB 2823 Task Force on Agricultural Cooperatives. Jan. 25, 1999. Gene Neuens, Chairman of Task Force and Principal of Farmers Cooperative Elevator and Supply Company, Newkirk, OK. 21. Engrossed Senate Bill No. 1030, by Sens. Bruce Price and Muegge and Rep. Leist in the House for an Act to create an Industry Advisory Committee, by State Statute (5-60-2). Passed the Senate on March 4, 1996. 22. Letter to Tom Daxon, State Director of Finance from Dean Browning, dated Jan. 5, 1996, answering questions of Mr. Daxon about various aspects of the FAPC Business Plan and the objectives of FAPC. 23. Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Educational and General Budget Documents, for Fiscal Year 1996 through Fiscal Year 2014. 24. Ann M. Zimmerschied. 2003. Economic Impact of the Firms Assisted by the Oklahoma Food and Agricultural Research and Technology Center. Master of Science Thesis. Dr. Rodney Holcomb, Chair of Master’s Program. 25. Justin McConaghy. 2008. Economic Impact of the Robert M. Kerr Food & Agricultural Products Center. Master of Science Thesis. Dr. Rodney Holcomb, Chair of the Master’s Program. 26. Rodney Holcomb and Chuck Willoughby. 2013. 2008-2012 Economic Impact of the Robert M. Kerr Food & Agricultural Products Center at Oklahoma State University. Prepared for the Legislature of the State of Oklahoma and the Office of the Governor of the State of Oklahoma. October 2013. 27. Chuck Willoughby, Jim Brooks, Erin Johnson, Andrea Graves and Rodney Holcomb. 2011. The Impact of Basic Training Graduate Companies on Oklahoma’s Economy: 2010. Prepared for the Robert M. Kerr Food & Agricultural Products Center Industry Advisory Committee, June 2, 2011.

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28. Ulmer, A., R. Holcomb, M. Woods, C. Willoughby and D. Tilley. 2005. An assessment of economic impact of firms assisted by the Oklahoma Food and Agricultural Products Center. Journal of Food Distribution Research. Volume 36. Number 3. Pages 9-17. 29. Letter to the Oklahoma Legislature. Sen. Robert M. Kerr. State Senator, District 38. 1991. 30. Collections of Letters to Sen. Robert M. Kerr. 1991, supporting the funding for a new valueadded food-processing center. To include responding letters from the following business leaders: a. David Moe, Director of Research, Wilson Food Company, Oklahoma City. b. Ron Cupp, Vice President of Government Affairs, Oklahoma State Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Oklahoma City. c. Larry Dennis, President, Bartlesville Area Chamber of Commerce, Bartlesville, Oklahoma. d. Tony Kaai, Executive Director of Cushing Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Cushing, Oklahoma. e. Eugene Rainbolt, Chairman of the Board, BancFirst, Oklahoma City. f. Gary Hayen, Director, Research & Development, Provesta Corporation, Bartlesville, Oklahoma. g. Hugh Jones, President, The Bank of Woodward, Woodward, Oklahoma. h. Tom Bennett, Executive Vice President, Stillwater National Bank and Trust Company, Stillwater, Oklahoma. i. Vince Robison, President, The Associated Motor Carriers, Oklahoma City. j. Ross Williams, President, Oklahoma State American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, Oklahoma City. k. Joe Neil Hampton, Enid Board of Trade, Enid, Oklahoma. l. Dosia Jackson, Oklahoma Agricultural and Home Economics Coalition, Oklahoma City. m. J.D. Fleming, Executive Secretary, Oklahoma Agriculture & Home Economics Coalition, Oklahoma City. n. Bill Flanagan, Oklahoma Peanut Growers, Shawnee, Oklahoma. o. William Flanagan, Oklahoma Peanut Commission, Madill, Oklahoma. p. Gene Whatley, Executive Director, Oklahoma Rural Water Association, Oklahoma City. q. Paul Matthews, Oklahoma State Grange, South Coffeeville, Oklahoma. r. Barbara Winn, Oklahoma Farmers Union, Poteau, Oklahoma. s. Kenneth McFall, South Western Association, Oklahoma City. t. Dennis Howard, Oklahoma Farm Bureau, Oklahoma City. u. Scott DeWald, Oklahoma Ag Coop Council, Oklahoma City. v. Gene Neill, Associated Milk Producers, Inc., Oklahoma City. w. Katharine Holman, Holman Deed Farms, Collinsville, Oklahoma. x. Don Ramsey, President & Owner, Blue and Gold Sausage Company, Jones, Oklahoma. y. Phil Klutts, President, Oklahoma Rural Water Association, Oklahoma City. z. Ellis Freeny, Executive Vice President, Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Association, Oklahoma City.

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aa. George Stunkard, President, Oklahoma Association Conservation District, Oklahoma City. bb. Terry Chapman, Oklahoma Market Auction Association, Norman, Oklahoma. cc. Harold Hale, Vice President for Government Affairs, Oklahoma Grocers Association, Oklahoma City. dd. John Huffman, Senior Vice President, Fleming Companies, Inc. Oklahoma City. ee. Bill Lutsch, Plant Manager, Farm Fresh Dairy & Bakery Products, Lawton, Oklahoma. ff. Jack Kelsey, President, Oklahoma Farmers Union, Oklahoma City. gg. Larry Watkins, General Manager, Oklahoma Association of Electrical Cooperatives, Oklahoma City. hh. John Redwine, Owner, John’s IGA, Spiro, Oklahoma. ii. Craig Puckett, Owner & President, Puckett Grocery Company, Inc. Sayre, Oklahoma. jj. E.R. Kimsey, President, Texas County Feed Yards, Inc., Guymon, Oklahoma. kk. Dutch Miller, Executive Director, Oklahoma Pork Council, Depew, Oklahoma. ll. Doyle Kern, President, Farm Fresh Dairy & Bakery Products, Ponca City, Oklahoma. mm. W.C. Hitch, Jr., Chairman of the Board, Hitch Enterprises, Inc. Guymon, Oklahoma. nn. Paul H. Hitch, President, Hitch Enterprises, Inc. Guymon, Oklahoma. oo. Farley W. Inglis, President, Weigh Systems of Oklahoma, Bristow, Oklahoma. pp. Jen Karner, President, Oklahoma Fruit Growers Association, Perkins, Oklahoma. qq. E. Harold LeLeux, President, Oklahoma Herb Growers and Marketers Association, Tulsa, Oklahoma. rr. William Puls, Division Manager, Gold Spot Dairies, Enid, Oklahoma. ss. Bonita Watts, Managing Director, Base Inc., Tulsa, Oklahoma. tt. Clark Duty, Owner, Duty Packers, Hobart, Oklahoma. uu. Virgil Jurgensmeyer, Chairman of the Board, J-M Farms, Miami, Oklahoma. vv. J.E. Nieman, Vice President of Operations, Mid-America Farms, Oklahoma City. ww. Herb Stonehocker, Jr., President, Herb’s Foods, Inc., Lawton, Oklahoma. xx. Randy Ward, President, The Bank National Association in Oklahoma, McAlester, Oklahoma. yy. Clark Boyles, Jr., President, Harris Packing Co., Oklahoma City. zz. George Hall, President, Oklahoma National Stockyards Company, Oklahoma City. 31. The Honorable Ernest J. Istook, Jr., United States Representative from Oklahoma, 2404 Rayburn House Office Building to Gov. Bellmon and The Honorable Henry Bonilla, Chairman, Agriculture Subcommittee on Appropriations, 2362 Rayburn House Office Building. June 6, 2001. Request for $6.6 million to support the building and operating costs of the new food-processing center in Stillwater. 32. Dedication Service Agenda. Nov. 13, 1996. Oklahoma Food and Agricultural Products Research and Technology Center. Charles B. Browning, Presiding. Platform Guests included: Gov. Frank Keating, Former Gov. David Walters; OSRHE Chancellor Hans Brisch; OA&MR Chair Douglas Tippens; OSU President James Halligan; Oklahoma Senate Minority Leader Designate Bill Gustafson; Oklahoma Sen. Robert M. Kerr; Oklahoma Agriculture Committee

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Chair Paul Muegge; Oklahoma Speaker of the House Glenn D. Johnson; Oklahoma House of Representatives Majority Leader Loyd Benson; Oklahoma House of Representatives Minority Leader Larry Ferguson; Oklahoma House of Representatives Chair of the Agriculture Committee M.C. Leist; Doyle Kern, Farm Fresh Dairy and Bakery Products and Past Chair of the Industry Committee; Robert Bingham, President of Win-Hy Foods and Current Chair of the Industry Advisory Committee; Don Ramsey, Owner of Blue and Gold Sausage Co. and Member of the Industry Advisory Committee; and Randy Blakely, President of the Oklahoma Food Processors Association. 33. USDA Specifications for the Food and Agricultural Products Processing Center for Research and Technology. Aug. 25, 1993. Rees Associates Inc. Oklahoma City. 34. Estimated Economic Impacts Statement. Oklahoma’s Food and Agricultural Products Research and Technology Center. November 1995. 35. Business Plan for the Food and Agricultural Products Research and Technology Center. Jan. 5, 1996. Dan Tilley and Stan Gilliland. 36. Memo dated July 1, 1997, from Lowell Satterlee to FAPC faculty and staff alerting to a visit by the Gov. Keating and his Cabinet to FAPC scheduled for July 11, 1997. 37. Letter from Dean Browning to the Executive Director of the Oklahoma Department of Commerce dated Sept. 11, 1996, expressing supportive comments about the joint partnership in having Jim Brooks on the Search and Screening Committee for faculty and staff of FAPC and supportive comments about continuing strong relationships between FAPC and Department of Commerce. 38. United States Department of Commerce, Annual Survey of Manufacturers. 39. United State Census Bureau, Census of Manufacturers. 40. Working Committee for the Renaming of the Oklahoma Food & Agricultural Products Research & Technology Center: Jake Nelson, Dave McLaughlin, Gary Sherrer, Jim Brooks, Stanley Gilliland, William McGlynn and Roy Escoubas.

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1997-2017 A look into the first 20 years.

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