Oklahoma Pediatric Psychotropic Medication Resource Guide

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Depression 3–5 years CLINICAL PEARLS • The presence of preschool depression can be an indicator of increased risk for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) in adolescence.1 • Prevalence of depression in preschoolers is approximately 2%. • Psychotherapy is first and second-line treatment options and children should be referred to an infant mental health provider for further evaluation and treatment. • Medications should be considered a last resort for anxious or depressed preschoolers who continue to have severe and impairing psychopathology after failing an adequate course of therapy.2,3,5 • Clinicians can utilize the OSU Infant Mental Health ECHO or the OSU Pediatric and Behavioral Health ECHO for further consultation. ○ OSU ECHO Lines RATING SCALES • Preschool Feelings Checklist ○ A brief and valid screening measure for depression in young children. ○ https://medicine.tulane.edu/sites/g/files/rdw761/f/pictures/Preschool%20feelings%20 checklist.pdf • Survey of Well-Being of Young Children ○ Screens three domains—developmental, emotional/behavioral, and family context. Includes depression and internalization questions. Includes the Baby Symptom Checklist for ages two months to 18 months and the Preschool Pediatric Symptoms Checklist for ages 18–60 months. ○ https://www.floatinghospital.org/The-Survey-of-Wellbeing-of-Young-Children/Overview • Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire ○ Behavioral screening (emotion, conduct, hyperactivity, peer problems, prosocial behavior) for children over age two, including depression and internalization questions. ○ http://www.sdqinfo.com • Children age four and over

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