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Dear Alumni and Friends,
from Vet Cetera 2009
This edition of Vet Cetera focuses on the service of veterinarians and the veterinary profession to society. As you will read, alumni, faculty, staff and students have a rich history of service to our profession and the many disciplines represented in veterinary medicine.
At the veterinary center, we approach our service obligations with the professionalism and dedication to do the best job possible — including clinical case management, diagnostic testing, continuing education, military service and public health.
The motto for Rotary International, Service above Self, applies quite well to our service programs.
Despite the serious downturn in the U.S. economy, we have had a good year at the veterinary center. For fiscal year 2009, we escaped serious budget reductions. For 2010, the state reduced our base state allocation about 7.2 percent ($885,037), but one-time federal stimulus funds replaced this reduction. We received $355,534 in additional funds for mandatory cost increases that will allow us to keep tuition and fees at last year’s rates.
Future budgets for fiscal years 2011 and 2012 are uncertain unless the Oklahoma economy begins to rebound later this year. Stimulus funds have provided protection this year and Oklahoma’s Rainy Day Fund can provide some protection in 2011. However, there is no protection in 2012. To mitigate these budget reductions, we are implementing novel programs that will permit enrollment increases in two to four years. When fully implemented, the tuition revenue will largely restore the budget recession.
In March 2010, the Council on Education of the American Veterinary Medical Association will be on campus for our accreditation site visit. For the remainder of this year, we will be conducting a self-study and updating our strategic plans. We are fully accredited and I expect that to continue following the site visit next year.
We have had a good year in development despite negative publicity instigated by animal rights organizations. I want to thank our alumni, practitioners, friends and the Oklahoma Veterinary Medical Association for your many expressions of support and your letters praising the quality of an OSU education or the great service received from the teaching hospital.
This support leaves no question that Oklahomans love the veterinary center and are very proud of the service we provide the state’s animals. The public trusts us, and we work hard in our research, service and teaching to remain worthy of that confidence.
I hope you enjoy the articles and stories in our award winning publication. I am impressed with the accomplishments of our alumni, faculty, staff and students. I am looking forward to Fall Conference 2009 and I hope to see many of you there or at other alumni receptions.
Go Pokes!