4 minute read

V. School-Police Rela onships and Requirements to Report Criminal and other Conduct to the Department of Educa on and the Police

for educators, administrators, and staff . Components of such professional development may include 1 or more of the following: 1. Restora ve prac ces. 2. Trauma informed care. 3. Implicit bias awareness. 4. Cultural competency. 5. Classroom management. 6. Other appropriate programming. d. The plan must be approved at either a public local school board mee ng or a charter school’s public board of directors mee ng. e. The school must submit the plan to the Department and post the plan on the school’s internet website no later than the beginning of the following school year. f. The school shall submit to the Department an annual progress report describing the implementa on of the plan and post the progress report on the school’s internet website no later than October 30. The school may cease submi ng a progress report when the school does not meet a threshold under paragraph (a)(4) of this sec on for 3 consecu ve years. C. The Department may promulgate regula ons necessary to implement and enforce this sec on. The Department must consult with school administrators, parents, educators, and other stakeholders in developing regula ons under this sec on.

81 Del. Laws, c. 324, § 2;




The Brandywine School District is required by State law or regula on to report certain student conduct to the appropriate Police Agency. To facilitate this process, and in compliance with State regula ons, the District shall enter into Memorandum of Agreement between the Board of Educa on of the Brandywine School District and Law Enforcement Agencies in New Castle County every school year. This Agreement includes, but is not limited to, the following:

A. School offi cials are charged with the responsibility to provide for the safety of students and the security of school property. School offi cials shall promptly report evidence of criminal off enses which occur in the school environment, including incidents that occur on or in connec on with school buses. Addi onally, evidence of those crimes which have occurred off school property but which come to the a en on of school authori es shall be reported.

B. Delaware Code requires mandatory repor ng of the off enses listed in 14 Del.

C §4112. School employees who have reliable informa on that would lead a reasonable person to believe that one of the following has occurred on school property or at a school func on must immediately report the incident to the principal or designee: • Student, school volunteer, or school employee has been the vic m of a violent felony, assault III, unlawful sexual contact III; or • School employee has been the vic m of off ensive touching, terroris c threatening; or • Student under 18 has been the vic m of sexual harassment, as defi ned under Title 11 of the Delaware Code; or • Person on school property has drugs, or weapon or bomb, or dangerous instrument.

The principal or designee will make every eff ort to no fy the parent(s)/guardian(s) and will conduct a thorough inves ga on. If the inves ga on fi nds good reason to believe that a crime has been commi ed, there will be an immediate report to the police for any violent felony, drugs, weapon, bomb, or dangerous instrument, and within three days report for any other crime listed under § 4112. Repor ng to police is not applicable if misdemeanor has been commi ed and the off ender is under the age of 9. In addi on, repor ng to police is not applicable if the off ense is sexual harassment, but the principal must fi le a wri en report with the Department of Educa on. The following list is not all-inclusive, but, at a minimum, the following shall be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency or the Department of Educa on. • Evidence that suggests the commission of the crimes of assault and extor on against pupil, or an assault, off ensive touching, terroris c threatening or extor on against a school employee. • Evidence that suggests the commission of a felony, for example: reckless endangering; assault off enses; homicide; arson; criminal mischief; bombs; robbery; rape; extor on; fraud; forgery; weapons; etc. • Evidence that suggests viola ons of the laws concerning controlled substances and alcohol. • Evidence that suggests incest, sexual abuse, or the neglect or other abuse of children. • Evidence that suggests the use, possession, or sale of dangerous instruments or deadly weapons, (e.g. knives, fi rearms, ammuni on, explosives, or blas ng caps). • Evidence that suggests the possession or produc on of pornography. • Evidence of off enses involving school property, e.g. false fi re alarms, telephone threats, computer crimes, vandalism and criminal mischief, the of school equipment or property, reckless driving, and safety hazards. • Reports of suspicious persons or unauthorized persons on or near school grounds or property, or rumors, informa on, or observa ons of gang rivalries or ac vi es. (These ac vi es need not be reported to the State Board of Educa on). • The of school or personal property of school personnel. • Evidence of bullying


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