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Student Code of Conduct Parent/Student Acknowledgment Form
The Brandywine School District Student Code of Conduct provides students, parents, staff and community members with the District’s expectations and protocols governing student behavior, attendance, use of technology, and other aspects of students’ daily school experience. Academic, social, and emotional outcomes for students are maximized when the student, parents/guardians, and school partner together, each supporting the others for the benefit of all. This partnership begins with a firm understanding of expectations among all three parties to minimize conflict, support each other’s efforts, and ensure that the investments made lead to positive outcomes for the student. To this end, it is essential that every student, parent/guardian, and BSD staff member understand and follow the expectations and protocols contained in the Student Code of Conduct.
We kindly ask that this sheet be signed and returned to your child’s homeroom teacher by September 12, 2023, signifying that both student and parent/guardian have received and reviewed the 2023-2024 BSD Code of Student Conduct.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support. It’s going to be a great school year.
Return the signed sheet to your child’s homeroom teacher by September 12, 2023.
As the parent/guardian of the student listed below, I have reviewed and discussed the Brandywine School District Code of Conduct with my child. We understand the Code and the Board Policies it referenced apply to all students at all times on all Brandywine School District property, including all school buildings, in all school vehicles, while using District technology devices, and at all school-related or Board-sponsored activities including, but not limited to, school field trips and school-sponsored sporting events, whether held on school property or at locations off school property.
By signing below, I am confirming that I have received and reviewed the Brandywine School District’s Student Code of Conduct with my child. I will make every effort to:
• Ensure that my child abides by the Code of Conduct and Brandywine School District’s Acceptable Use Agreement;
• Ensure that my child attends regularly and on time, and
• Provide acceptable written documentation for the reasons for any absences and lateness.
Student’s Name:_______________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s Name________________________________________________
(Student’s Signature) (Date)
(Parent/Guardian Signature) (Date)
Return the signed sheet to your child’s homeroom teacher by September 12, 2023.