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use available technology to partner with parents in real-time to work together for the common good of the student; encourage and maintain the involvement of students in the operation of the school, e.g., student government.
STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES & RIGHTS EXPRESSION Philosophical Basis Students have the right to express themselves through direct and symbolic means as long as such expression does not mock, demean, or ridicule other persons and groups; interfere with school activities or disrupt the educational process; or contain obscene, vulgar, inflammatory statements or is in any way detrimental to the welfare of other students or staff. Responsibilities Students have the responsibility: • To act in a quiet, dignified manner during patriotic activities. Students also have the right to be excused from any patriotic act that is against their religious beliefs or deeply held personal convictions. • To inform the school in writing of activities/policies which are in conflict with their religious beliefs and request alternative accommodations. • To identify and/or report personal or school related problems, concerns or issues to appropriate staff, counselors/advisors Rights Students have the right: • To respectfully express their own opinions on issues. • To assemble peaceably on school property at a time and place designated by the Principal/designee (This right will be denied if it endangers the health or safety of others, damages property, or disrupts the activities of others.)
PERSONAL APPEARANCE (STUDENT DRESS CODE) Philosophical Basis The goal at the Brandywine School District is to create a positive learning environment in which all students are afforded the opportunity to learn in a distraction and disruption-free setting. To assist in promoting such a learning environment, the following conditions for student dress are in effect in all schools across the District. Please note that items of clothing not specifically covered in the list below can be prohibited at the discretion of the building and/or District administration. Students in violation of the dress code will be required to change into clothes that meet the school expectations. Students must adhere to the following guidelines in school and at school-sponsored events. Elementary • All shirts must cover shoulders, chest, and midriff. • Pants and shorts are to be worn at the waist (pajamas are prohibited). 13