2021-2022 Family Handbook
1900 Westminster Drive Wilmington, DE 19810 (302) 475-3956 FAX (302) 529-3092
BOARD MEMBERS John Skrobot III President Kristin Pidgeon Vice President Ralph Ackerman Karen Gordon Jason Heller Rev. Shanika Perry Kimberly Stock Lincoln Hohler, Ed.D. Executive Secretary DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION Lincoln Hohler, Ed.D. Superintendent It is the directive of the Board of Education that the Brandywine School District shall not discriminate in its employment practices or its educational programs and activities for students on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, age, veteran status or other legally protected characteristic. All policies, regulations and practices of the District shall be guided by this directive. Persons having civil rights inquiries and/or the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) may contact Cora Scott, Director of PK-12 Educational Services at (302) 793-5041. The office is located at the Brandywine School District Office, 1311 Brandywine Blvd. Wilmington, DE 19809. Es la directiva de la Junta de Educación que el Distrito Escolar Brandywine no puede discriminar en las prácticas de empleo o sus programas educacionales y actividades de estudiantes debido a la raza, color, religión, origen nacional, sexo, orientación sexual, domicilio, estatus civil, discapacidad, edad, estado veterano, o cualquier otra característica protegida legalmente. Toda póliza, reglamentos, y prácticas del Distrito deben ser dirigidos por esta directiva. Alguna persona que tenga preguntas relacionadas a derechos civiles y/o al Acta de Americanos Incapacitados (Americans with Disabilities Act - ADA) debe comunicarse con la oficina de Cora Scott, Directora de Servicios Educacionales de grados PK-12 llamando al (302) 793-5041. Esta oficina está localizada en las oficinas del Distrito Escolar Brandywine, 1311 Brandywine Blvd. Wilmington DE 19809.
A Message from the Principal School and District Contact Information School Mission and Profile School Calendar Getting to Know Forwood (Traditions and the school pledge) Positive Behavior Support Program (PBS) Family Involvement PTA Programs and Enrichment Opportunities Student Dress Code Student Day o Arrival and Dismissal o School Attendance o Tardiness o Early Dismissal o Bus Routine o Car Riders Visitors School Closing/Late Opening Inclement Weather/Emergency Early Dismissal Field Trips Regroup YMCA Before/After School Program Tracking Your Child’s Progress o Conferences o Home Access Center o Interim Reports o Standards Based Report Card o Homework Policy Elementary School Code of Conduct and Forwood School-wide Expectations Elementary School Nutrition Services Information Information from our Nurse, Sheila Pickering
FORWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1900 Westminster Drive Wilmington, DE 19810 LINCOLN HOHLER
PHONE (302) 475-3956 FAX (302) 529-3092 DIANA M. GOLDEN
Principal ANGELA WILLIAMS Assistant Principal
July 1, 2021
Dear Forwood Elementary Families, I am thrilled to welcome you to Forwood Elementary for the 2021-2022 school year! It is truly an honor for me to move from assistant principal to principal this school year. I have the pleasure to work with an outstanding staff and an extraordinary school community. I would like to extend a warm welcome to Angela Williams who will be our new assistant principal. Forwood Elementary is a special place to learn and grow. We put children first as we create a motivating, challenging, and supportive learning environment for each student. Our students are kind, compassionate and hard working. Our staff members are lifelong learners who are dedicated to creating an environment where all students feel welcomed, safe and valued. We believe in a strong partnership between families and our school. Together, we can work as a team to address your child’s unique and individual needs while ensuring success for him/her. In this handbook, you will find information and procedures that will assist you throughout the school year. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. Thank you for choosing Forwood Elementary for your child’s elementary years!
Diana M. Golden Diana M. Golden Principal BRANDYWINE SCHOOL DISTRICT 1311 BRANDYWINE BOULEVARD WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19809-2306 (302) 793-5000 It is the directive of the Board of Education that the Brandywine School District shall not discriminate in its employment practices or its educational programs and activities of students on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, domicile, marital status, disability, genetic information, veteran status, or any legally protected characteristic. All policies, regulations and practices of the District shall be guided by this directive.
Contact Information Forwood Elementary Contact List
District Contact Numbers
Diana Golden
District Office
Main Operator
Assistant Principal
Angela Williams
Main Operator
Sr. Admin. Assistant
Aaron Krasowitz
Admin. Assistant
Christine Bradley
School Nurse
Sheila Pickering
Cafeteria Manager
Bonnie Hayes
School Counselor
Catherine Ward
KINDERGARTEN Debra Mosel Erin O’Hanlon Christina Regenauer GRADE 1 Jennifer Michalcewiz Heather Casper Brandilyn Johnson GRADE 2 Brenda Clay Kerry Haley Elizabeth Reilly GRADE 3 Sarah Foster Dana Pugh GRADE 4 Julie Goodnow Leona Williams Greta Savage GRADE 5 Andrea Jording Liza Nelson Beth Osbourn PSYCHOLOGIST Alyssa Griffith
SPECIAL EDUCATION Ella Corrado Matthew Manley Melissa Miller Samantha Wilson
SPEECH/LANGUAGE Katelyn Waldie Kris Migliore
ILP Jackie Daciw Sara Bass Jeannette Shenkle
PARAPROFESSIONAL Patricia Ellmore Tiarra Horsey Dwayne Thomas Joseph Coffin Dawn Plumley
ART Adrienne Brendlinger
NURSE Sheila Pickering
LIBRARY Hanna Szostek
PHYSICAL EDUCATION Melissa (Nikki) Rogers
ESL Teacher Samantha Walsh
MUSIC Amanda O’Connor (General Music/Chorus) Robin Allen (Band) Jeanmarie Braddock (Strings)
LUNCH/RECESS AIDES Sandra Watson Arman Pierre-Charles
CAFETERIA Bonnie Hayes (Lead) Terri Burris Salina Siddiquea CUSTODIAL STAFF Oliver Patterson, Chief Kenya Brown Lonnie Lake (Night) Sam Stelma (Night)
Forwood Elementary School
Mission : To promote academic excellence in a safe, caring, and inclusive learning environment while encouraging safe, responsible, respectful, and productive citizenship through a collaborative partnership between students, families, staff, administrators, and the community. Our School: Forwood is home to approximately 360 kindergarten through fifth grade students. The school is nestled in the back of the North Graylyn Crest neighborhood, just behind the Branmar Plaza shopping center. We Believe…
We believe every child can be a successful learner. We believe every child should have a positive experience every school day. We believe every child should be challenged to reach his/her potential. We believe student learning must be a collaborative effort involving students, parents, teachers, administrators and the community. We believe all stakeholders are valued.
School Profile Total school population: 359 students in grades K-5 (2020 – 2021) Fall 2020-2021 Enrollment Black/African American 25.63% American Indian/Alaska Native 0.84% Asian American 12.26% Hispanic/Latino 6.13% White/Caucasian 49.3% Multi-Racial 5.29% Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 0.56%
Low Income Special Education ELL
18.11% 13.09% 6.69%
FORWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2021-2022 SCHOOL CALENDAR (District calendars are subject to revision by the Brandywine Board of Education)
AUGUST 2021 New Parent Orientation (5:30 PM in the library) Monday, August 23rd - Thursday, August 26th Wednesday, August 25th
Staff Professional Development
Monday, August 30th
ORIENTATION DAY FOR KINDERGARTEN (Cafeteria, 9:30-10:30 am) FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL (Grades 1-5, 6, 9, and 12) All K-12 Students report
Sneak-A-Peek Night (Find out your homeroom information and meet your teacher)
Tuesday, August 31st
Monday, September 6th Tuesday, September 7th
PK-12 SCHOOLS & OFFICES CLOSED – Labor Day PK-12 SCHOOLS CLOSED (Offices Open)– Rosh Hashanah
Thursday, September 16th Tuesday, September 28th
PK-12 SCHOOLS CLOSED (Offices Open)– Yom Kippur K-2Nd Grade OPEN HOUSE 6:00-7:00 pm
Wednesday, September 29th
3rd-5th Grade OPEN HOUSE 6:00-7:00 pm
PK-12 SCHOOLS CLOSED – State Professional Development Day (Offices Open) Picture Day PK-8 SCHOOLS CLOSED - Parent/Teacher Conferences (Offices Open) PK-12 SCHOOLS CLOSED – Parent/Teacher Conferences (Offices Open) Halloween Parade
Friday, October 8th Wednesday, October 13th Thursday, October 14th Friday, October 15th Friday, October 29th
Thursday, November 11th Friday, November 12th Monday, November 22nd Tuesday, November 23rd Wednesday, November 24th Thursday, November 25thFriday, November 26th
PK-12 SCHOOLS & OFFICES CLOSED - Veterans’ Day PK-12 SCHOOLS CLOSED – Professional Responsibilities Day (Offices Open) PK-12 SCHOOLS CLOSED - Professional Development Day (Offices Open) PD PK-12 SCHOOLS CLOSED - Professional Development Day (Offices Open) PIP PK-12 SCHOOLS CLOSED - Professional Development Day (Offices Open) Trade-In PK-12 SCHOOLS & OFFICES CLOSED – Thanksgiving Holiday
Wednesday, December 8th
K-5 Half Day/Early Dismissal - Professional Development for Staff
Wednesday, December 22
PK-12 SCHOOLS CLOSED (Offices Open) PDTrade-In
Thursday, December 23rd Friday, December 31st
PK-12 SCHOOLS CLOSED – Winter Holiday (Offices are closed December 23rd, 24th and 31st only)
Wednesday, January 12th Monday, January 17th Friday, January 28th
K-5 Half Day/Early Dismissal - Professional Development for Staff PK-12 SCHOOLS & OFFICES CLOSED – Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday PK-12 SCHOOLS CLOSED - Professional Responsibilities Day (Offices Open)
FEBRUARY 2022 Wednesday, February 9th Friday, February 18th Monday, February 21st
K-5 Half Day/Early Dismissal - Professional Development for Staff PK-5 SCHOOL CLOSED – Parent/Teacher Conferences (Offices Open) PK-12 SCHOOLS & OFFICES CLOSED – Presidents’ Day
MARCH 2022 Wednesday, March 16th
K-5 Half Day/Early Dismissal - Professional Development for Staff
APRIL 2022 Friday, April 1st Friday, April 15th Monday, April 18thFriday April 22nd
PK-12 SCHOOLS CLOSED – Staff Professional Responsibilities Day (Office Open) PK-12 SCHOOLS & OFFICES CLOSED – Good Friday PK-12 SCHOOLS CLOSED – Spring Break (Offices Open)
MAY 2022 Friday, May 6th Wednesday, May 11th Monday, May 30th
PK-5 SCHOOLS CLOSED - Parent/Teacher Conferences (Offices Open) K-5 Half Day/Early Dismissal - Professional Development for Staff PK-12 SCHOOLS & OFFICES CLOSED – Memorial Day
JUNE 2022 Thursday, June 9th
Last Day of School PK-11
Friday, June 10th
Staff Professional Responsibilities Day (Grades PK-8)
Monday, June 13 – Tuesday, June 14th th
Staff Professional Development Days (Grades PK-12) Last Teacher Day (June 14th)
PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: All Jewish holidays begin at sundown on the evening before the holiday. Activities and events must not be scheduled on these days. Rosh Hashanah: September 7, 2021 Yom Kippur: September 16, 2021
Interim End Dates 10/5/21, 12/17/21, 3/4/22, 5/5/22
Interim Distribution Dates 10/13/21, 1/3/22, 3/11/22, 5/13/22
Marking Period End Dates 11/10/21, 1/27/22, 3/31/22, 6/9/22
Report Card Distribution Dates 11/30/21, 2/11/22, 4/13/22, 6/17/22
Getting to know Forwood Elementary School Traditions
School Spirit Days Fall Festival Family Engagement Activities Halloween Parade PTA sponsored Book Fairs PBS Assemblies & Marking Period Incentives Field Trips Winter and Spring Concerts Annual Science Fair Field Days Gardening (National Green Ribbon School20162017) School-wide Recycling Program Girls on the Run Cheerleading Flag Football Elementary Basketball League Soccer/Kickball Extra-Curricular Activities Outdoor Learning Spaces
Forwood Elementary School Pledge I promise to be responsible for the things I do and say~ And to everyone, tall or small, I’ll be respectful in every way. I promise to be safe during class time and at play~ And to do my best every single day.
Our Positive School Climate “You can just feel the positive energy when you walk in the building. It’s like you are family here!” - Forwood Parent
The Positive Behavior Support (PBS) Program is an effective, pro-active process for improving the social competence and academic achievement of all students. The components of our school-wide program include:
Promotion of appropriate behaviors Prevention of problem behaviors Use of data to understand issues related to problem behaviors Adoption of evidence-based intervention practices Focus on instruction of social skills
Forwood’s expectations for students include behavior include: Be Safe Be Responsible Be Respectful Classes earn Paw Prints for following the school-wide expectations. Paw Prints can be accumulated for classroom rewards and incentives throughout the school year. Students individually earn Class DoJo points for following the school-wide expectations and being a good citizen. Class DoJo points can be accumulated for classroom rewards and incentives throughout the school year.
Homerooms are recognized for positive behavior monthly. Monthly awards include: Specialist trophies: awarded for positive behavior in P.E., music, art or library. Fox Reading Challenge and Math Zearn prizes: Students are recognized throughout the year for meeting reading and math goals. Following the guidelines of our Positive Behavior Support Program is the shared responsibility of the entire Forwood community, including students, parents, teachers, and staff. 9|Page
Family Involvement
At Forwood, we believe that students learn best when they are provided with high-quality instruction and ongoing collaboration between home and school. Frequent home - school communication, consistency with expectations, and family involvement enable us to work together to help students achieve their greatest potential. Our families are encouraged to become actively involved in our school community. Homeroom Parents Each classroom teacher identifies one or two homeroom parents/guardians each year to serve as a Homeroom Parent. The Homeroom Parent assists the teacher in the planning of activities/events, contacting parents/guardians, and general classroom help as needed. Mentoring Adult mentors spend time developing a one-to-one relationship with a student for academic, social and personal support. Mentors help students stay on the right path and assist them in overcoming challenges that prevent them from achieving their potential. A mentor is a reliable and responsible adult who cares, listens, and guides a student. If you are interested in taking part in the mentoring program, please contact Connecting Generations at 302-656-2122, or Volunteers Family support through volunteer efforts is essential to the effective operation of our school! Parents/Guardians may serve in a variety of ways to help enhance our programs. Look for regular information from our PTA and/or your child’s teacher(s). Class DoJo Forwood teachers and staff members use Class DoJo to connect and build amazing connections with families. Families and staff members can communicate with families by instantly sharing messages, photos/videos, announcement, or privately message with each other. Messages can be translated into 30+ languages. 10 | P a g e
Parent Teacher Association PTA membership is comprised of all interested parents, guardians, grandparents, teachers and staff. Meetings are usually held the second Tuesday evening of each month (except for September) during the school year with programs designed to strengthen understanding and cooperation between home and school. In addition to monthly meetings, the PTA sponsors fundraising activities and family activities. All money raised by the PTA supports PTA sponsored programs and activities, which directly benefit all students of Forwood Elementary School.
On behalf of the Forwood Parent Teacher Association (PTA), I would like to welcome all our families to the 2021-2022 school year. Please let me share with you how the PTA works to support our students, teachers and school. Here at Forwood, the PTA is an integral part of our school’s community. We are committed to improving the quality of our students’ school experience by supporting the school, its staff, and its programs. Forwood’s PTA raises funds for Assembly programs, Mini-Grants, Technology equipment, Field Day supplies, Field Trip Assistance, Yearbooks, supplemental classroom supplies and the end-ofyear Picnic. The PTA also raises funds for Family Engagement Activities such as the Welcome Back Walk-Through, Scholastic Book Fairs, and the Ice Cream Social! All of the funds raised benefit the students of Forwood! We strive to provide opportunities for parents, teachers, and students to work, learn, and grow together. Please consider joining the PTA and becoming actively involved in your child’s learning community. Together we can continue to embrace, inspire, and challenge every student every day! Check out our website at or checkout our Facebook page at PTA Meeting Dates (All meetings begin at 7pm and last approximately 1 hour) Dates still to be determined. Check Forwood’s webpage or Forwood PTA on Facebook for meeting dates soon.
PTA Officer Contact Information e-mail : President Co-Vice Presidents Secretary Treasurer
Amanda Harper Laura Yaghoobian and Jenn Miller Jenny Reed Pam Bargren
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Programs and Enrichment Opportunities The Arts The arts are an important part of the educational programming here at Forwood Elementary. All students receive art and music instruction at least once a week. The arts educators in BSD provide education and assessment following the National/Delaware Core Art Standards. Our teachers work together to support cross-curricular educational goals in the art room and the classroom. Forwood also offers our students the opportunity to participate in special programs related to the arts during and outside the school day. Join us in supporting a well-rounded student education infused with the arts. Visual Arts Education Students have the opportunity to work with all types of media. Your child will experience art through various cultures, artists, art movements, and careers. Artwork can be displayed throughout the year or during our Blue Fox Art Exhibit where students have the chance to practice their presenting standards while being recognized for their hard work. At the end of winter, stay tuned for the Young Brandywine Artist Exhibit at the Blue Ball Barn where a select few Forwood students are exhibited at the district level. Music Education Forwood offers a robust Music Education program that includes vocal, instrumental band, and orchestral studies, with opportunities to meet the needs of all students. Forwood’s Music Department currently consists of three music educators as well as a contracted Music Therapist who works on a needs-based, therapeutic basis in our Intensive Learning Program. General Music Education Per Delaware State regulations, all students in grades K-5 will receive engaging, studentcentered, academically-driven General Music classes on a weekly basis. “General” means that students will learn about all areas of music to address their developmental needs; more specialized areas of instruction are introduced during music class in grade 3, with Chorus, Band, and Orchestra being offered to students in grades 4 and 5. General Music classes are designed to serve all students and include a varied and rigorous curriculum of musical foundations including movement, instrumental play (e.g., recorder, percussion, ukulele), sight-reading and sight-singing, vocalization and vocal development, and literature-based activities. Cultural connections and cross-curricular collaborations are prioritized and embedded into the students’ standard-based music lessons, and special programs, concerts, video recordings, and other performance-based opportunities are offered throughout the school year. Chorus Chorus is a vocal ensemble offered to students in grades 4 and 5 in addition to their General Music studies. All 4th and 5th grade students are invited to join, no audition or fee is required, and rehearsals are held during the school day. Chorus members may also participate in band or orchestra. During Chorus rehearsals, students will learn standards-based, advanced vocal techniques and theoretical concepts that will enable them to develop as musicians and as vocalists, and will help them prepare for successful and meaningful participation in middle 12 | P a g e
school choral ensembles. Forwood Chorus members will be expected to perform in our Winter and Spring concerts, and they will have the opportunity to perform at special events such as the Brandywine School District Choral Festival and Art Show, Blue Rocks baseball games, and other places and events in and around our community. The social, emotional, cultural, and educational needs of all Forwood Chorus members will be honored and supported, so that they are able to achieve their full musical potential in a safe, nurturing, and educationally rich environment. Orchestra Orchestra is an instrumental ensemble offered to all students in Grades 4 & 5, and includes specialized instruction of instruments in the orchestral string family (i.e., violin, viola, cello, upright bass). No experience or audition is required to join, and there is no cost for instruction. Students will need to rent an instrument in order to participate, but they may be able to borrow a district-owned instrument in some cases. Orchestra students will learn to play their primary instrument while building upon musical concepts learned in General Music. They will be provided small-group weekly lessons as well as large-group rehearsals and will be expected to perform in Forwood’s Winter and Spring concerts along with the Chorus and Band. Additional live and/or video-recorded performance opportunities will also be provided during the school year. Orchestra students will learn advanced instrumental and theoretical techniques and skills that will support their growth as musicians and as instrumentalists, and prepare them to successfully participate in middle school Orchestra programs. Band Band is an instrumental ensemble offered to all students in Grades 4 & 5, and includes specialized instruction of instruments in the percussion (e.g., snare drum, bass drum, accessories, bells), brass (e.g., trumpet, trombone, euphonium), and woodwind (e.g., clarinet, oboe, saxophone, flute) families. No experience or audition is required to join, and there is no cost for instruction. Students will need to rent an instrument in order to participate, but they may be able to borrow a district-owned instrument in some cases. Band students will learn to play their primary instrument while building upon musical concepts learned in General Music. They will be provided small-group weekly lessons as well as large-group rehearsals and will be expected to perform in Forwood’s Winter and Spring concerts along with the Chorus and Orchestra and will be provided other live and/or video-recorded performance opportunities. Band students will learn advanced instrumental and theoretical techniques and skills that will support their growth as musicians and as instrumentalists, and prepare them to successfully participate in middle school Band programs. Physical Education At Forwood Elementary, the goal of our Physical Education Program is to enhance the learning process by making the classes fun and engaging, as well as educational. The most important objective is for the student to understand how important physical activity (exercise) and nutrition are to maintaining an active lifestyle throughout their life. Teamwork, social skills, and sportsmanship are also heavily focused upon during each activity.
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Technology in Classrooms The Brandywine School District is a 1:1 district which means every student in the district is issued an electronic device (Chromebook). We have Chromebook carts where there are extra devices for students and teachers to use for learning. Electronic devices are used by all of the students in the building to supplement their learning, and for specialized instruction, research, organizing data, and communicating information to others. Other technology in all homerooms include: iPads, Elmo and Flat Panel television for HD display. Students and families are required to ensure proper care for their 1:1 device and to ensure that it is charged and ready for learning each day. Supporting all Unique Learners Brandywine School District knows that every student learns differently. Kids can reach great heights when their needs are met. BSD offers a wide variety of programs and services to empower students to be the best they can be. We are committed to offering alternative ways for students to learn and access instruction.
We know that diversity offers our students a rich educational experience. Our unique learners provide perspective on issues and ideas that are invaluable to our entire student body’s learning process. We are proud to offer these programs to best meet the needs of our students. English Language Learners Students come to Brandywine School District from a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds. We recognize that our diversity adds to a rich educational landscape. We understand that some of our students come to us with limited English language skills; they may be recent immigrants to the US or from families that speak another language at home. Further, they might be able to speak English fluently with their friends but don’t know how to communicate in English well enough to talk about academic subjects. Currently, BSD serves approximately 510 English Language Learners who speak 53 different languages. An English Language Learner (ELL) is a child that
Speaks a language other than English
Lives in a home where a language other than English is spoken
Was born outside the USA and speaks non-American English
In the state of Delaware, English Language Learners are identified using the WIDA online screener English language proficiency test. This entry test determines whether the child is eligible for services. It also determines the level of English Language Proficiency for each new ELL student that registers in our district. Each school in the Brandywine School District is assigned an ESOL teacher or tutor to work with ELL students. In elementary schools, ELL students are given language support using an
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inclusion/push-in model. English as a Second Language (ESOL) teachers/tutors teach students directly and also support them in the regular education classroom. Special Education Every student that attends Forwood Elementary brings a unique blend of strengths and challenges to the table. Our Special Education Team provides supports and services to level the playing field for those students who learn different. We have a continuum of services within our building providing an inclusive atmosphere for all. We work with our families to support our students with disabilities to reach their full potential, both socially and academically.
If you have questions as to if you child may be a unique learning or if your student current has an individualized education plan (IEP) and you have questions, please reach out to the building special education coordinator- Elizabeth Johnson. Independent Learning Program at Forwood (ILP) The Brandywine Independent Learning Program is for students with complex special needs. These kids receive an adapted curriculum based on state standards of learning. This program helps kids build skills for taking care of themselves and living on their own. They learn how to be part of a community once they are finished high school. This program is housed at Forwood Elementary, P.S. duPont Middle School, Springer Middle School, and all three high schools. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act A 504 Plan offers support for students who have a medical disability but do not need special education services. It allows for accommodations in the classroom that level the playing field so the student can do his or her best work. Teachers are bound by law to provide the accommodations through the Rehabilitation Act, an updated version of the ADA. A 504 Plan is a document that provides accommodations only. There are no Special Ed services attached to a 504. An IEP (Individualized Education Plan) outlines learning goals and how the special education staff will help the child meet those goals. An IEP might include accommodations too, but they are listed as part of the methods for helping a kid reach their learning goals. Mrs. Ward, Forwood’s school counselor, is in charge of our school’s 504 Plans. Our district coordinator is Ms Nicole Warner, who can be reached at 302-793-5043. After-school clubs and activities Forwood offers a wide variety of after school clubs and activities for students. Those activities/clubs include the following: flag football, basketball, kickball, Soccer Shots, dance, Odyssey of the Mind, cheerleading, Girls on the Run, Young Rembrants, Robotics and more! (Clubs/Activities change from year to year. Keep an eye out for flyers about upcoming activities for your student.
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Green Team *Forwood Named 2017 US Department of Education Green Ribbon School* The U.S. Department of Education acknowledged Forwood Elementary for our innovative efforts to reduce environmental impact and utility costs, improve health and wellness, and ensure effective sustainability education. Forwood Elementary is one of only 45 schools nationwide to win the Green Ribbon Award. Special thanks to Mrs. Leona Williams, Brandywine School District’s 2018 Teacher of the Year. Leona is the driving force behind all aspects of our green programing. Student Involvement: -
Preparing garden beds Growing plants from seeds Watering and caring for crops Harvesting vegetables Eating the vegetables in the cafeteria Planting new trees on campus Creating a certified wildlife habitat on campus Adding water filling stations to reduce the amount of water bottles Adding native plants to the campus to attract butterflies Adding a sensory garden to the campus for outdoor field trips and art projects Recycling milk bottles, water bottles and paper (school-wide) Adding Outdoor Learning Spaces for our students and teachers
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The BSD School Board has adopted a new dress code for elementary students. This new dress code will beeffective for the 2021-22 school year. The Brandywine School District creates a positive learning environment for all students free of distraction and disruption. In order to do so, the following conditions for student dress are in effect in all schools. • All shirts must cover shoulders, chest, and midriff. • Pants and shorts are to be worn at the waist. (Pajamas are prohibited) • The length of skirts, skorts, shorts, and dresses must be at least mid-thigh in • • • • •
• • •
length. Heavy, bulky jackets or overcoats should be placed in lockers. Footwear must be worn at all times. (Flip flops and slides are not permitted. Rubber-soled shoes are required for Physical Education class.) Clothing with inappropriate, suggestive, or derogatory pictures or phrases may not beworn. Clothing designed to be worn as undergarments may not be visible. No headwear is to be worn in the building during the school day. This includes, but is not limited to hats, bandanas, scarves, earmuffs, sunglasses, or any other head covering, including hoods. Does not include religious headwear. Kippahs, yarmulkes,hijabs, and the like are allowed. Clothing with frayed edges or visible holes is not permitted unless there is a layer ofclothing under the frayed item. Students wearing jewelry or accessories that may be considered unsafe or inappropriate to the learning environment may be subject to review by the administration Any other garments or accessories that would be a distraction to the orderly education process are prohibited.
Please note that items of clothing not specifically covered in the list above can be prohibited at the discretion of the buildingand/or District administration.
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Student Day All Students
8:35 a.m. - 3:35 p.m.
Arrival Procedures Students are permitted to enter the building at 8:35 a.m. After entering the building, students should walk quietly to their classrooms, gather morning materials, use the restroom, and get ready for the school day. Students who are buying breakfast should report directly to the cafeteria.
Attendance Any absence from school requires a written note from a parent or guardian within the first five days of the student returning to school!
The law requires that a child attend school all days and hours school is in session unless the student has an excused absence. Excused absences include:
Illness of the child Contagious disease within the home or of the pupil Death in the immediate family or of a close friend Legal business regarding the student Observance of a religious holiday Remedial health treatment
Absences for other reasons are classified as “unexcused”. After an absence, the student must present a note to the teacher, written and signed by the parent or legal guardian, within the first 5 days of the student returning to school.
Tardiness Arrival after 8:50 a.m. is considered late. In the event your child is late to school, a parent must accompany their child into the Office to sign the student in. Your child will receive a late pass from the Main Office before walking to his/her classroom. When a bus is late, an announcement will be made over the intercom and the bus riders’ tardy will be excused.
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Early Dismissal All early dismissals must be requested by parents/guardians through written notes or emails. Last minute requests may be made by calling Forwood’s main office at 302475-3956. No early dismissals after 2:45pm There will be no early dismissal after 2:45 PM. Should it be necessary for a student to be released from school before the regular time, the student must give his/her homeroom teacher a written request signed by the parent or legal guardian in advance of the Early Dismissal. Early dismissal requests must state the time and reason for the early dismissal. Parents picking up their child for early dismissal must go to the Main Office at the appropriate time. The student will then be called from his/her classroom to the Office. Parents must then sign the student “out” in the appropriate log in the Main Office. Students will not be released to parents directly from the classroom. Parents picking up children at recess must sign out their child in the Main Office first, and then give the Playground Pick-up Pass to one of the adults on duty outside before leaving school grounds with their child. We understand that plans change last minute. If your child’s transportation home changes during the school day, please call the main office at 302-475-3956. Our administrative assistants will relay the message to the needed staff members.
Bus and Car Rider Arrival and Dismissal Procedures Bus Procedure Morning - Buses will enter and drop off students at the Main Entrance in front of the school. Staff will be present to monitor students’ arrival and assist children.
Afternoon – Following afternoon announcements, students will be escorted by their classroom teacher to their assigned bus. Should your child’s bus riding arrangements change, please notify the transportation office, and provide a written note to the child’s homeroom teacher, and/or main office. Transportation Department: 302-762-7181
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Car Riders All car riders must be dropped off and picked up at the rear of school (Just outside the cafeteria) Students should not be picked up early from the Main Office between 2:45 and 3:35 p.m.
For safety reasons, car rider drop off and pick up in the bus circle at the front of the building is not permitted. Our car rider arrival and dismissal location is behind the building near the loading dock with access to the Cafeteria. Staff will be present to assist students.
Car Rider Arrival and Dismissal Directions Morning Arrival: Doors open at 8:35 AM and close at 8:50 AM. Afternoon Dismissal: Doors open at 3:20 PM For arrival and dismissal, drive around to the back of the building. Follow the circle and pull forward to the “Student Drop-off Sign”, located under the small tree. For safety and time, parents/guardians must stay in their car. Staff member(s) will be outside to assist your child. During arrival, please make sure your child is prepared to exit the vehicle once you pull up to the drop-off location. Each family will receive two car numbers that must be posted for staff members on duty. For faster pick-up, please make sure that your car number is clearly placed on the driver’s side window when you are across from the pick-up spot so the staff member inside the building can see your number before you reach the pick-up spot. Car riders are dismissed earlier than our bus riders and walkers…at approximately 3:20pm. During dismissal, parents should not wait outside the cafeteria for their child.
You must be in a car for the car line. Please do not walk up to the back door to pick up your child.
If your child needs to be picked up by an individual not on the approved pick-up/dropoff list, please send in a signed, handwritten request to the Main Office. Please drive slowly around the rear of the school and be aware of students crossing at the crosswalks. Also for safety, please make sure your child stays seated and buckled until they exit the vehicle.
*If your child does not know how to buckle his/her car seat or seat belt, please give him/her time to practice. Students may also be a walker where the family member meets them at the side of the front of the building and can walk with the family member to the car. *If you have forgotten your card or have not given it to the designated person responsible for picking up your child, you MUST park your car and report to the Main Office to sign out your child. In order to verify the identity of the person picking up the child, PLEASE remember to have a picture ID ready for office personnel. We thank you for your compliance with this policy!
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Visitors Visitors must present a photo ID in the Main Office and wear a Visitor Pass while in the building! All visitors must present a photo ID in order to gain access to the building. Visitors will sign in, show photo ID, and then will receive a Visitor Pass. It is the responsibility of all building staff to remind visitors to go to the Office to sign in and get a Visitor Pass. This policy is in effect at all times children are in the building. Parents who have a previously arranged conference (on a not designated conference day) with a teacher should sign in at the Main Office also.
School Closings/Late Openings When school will not be open or will open later than usual due to inclement weather or other circumstances, a posting will be added to the Brandywine School District Website (, which in most cases will be followed by an automated phone message from the District Superintendent.
Emergency Dismissal Remember to keep the information on your child’s emergency card up to date!
In the case of an emergency closing during the school day, an attempt will be made to notify all parents and guardians through the “Regroup” automated call System.” The information on your child’s Emergency Treatment Card should be kept current. If there are any changes to the information (cell, home, or work numbers; change of address; etc.), notify the school so we may update your records. Parents should establish with their children prearranged plans for arriving home in the event of an early closing. Fire and Emergency Drills Forwood conducts a monthly fire drill to ensure that staff and students are familiar with all evacuation routes and procedures. In addition, our crisis team conducts a minimum of two crisis drills during the school year. These include situations such as a lock-down drill or evacuation to another location. 21 | P a g e
Field Trips Throughout the course of the school year, teachers schedule Field Trips to support and enhance the curriculum. Field Trips are an extension of the learning that takes place in the classroom. There is usually a nominal fee for these Field Trips and the cost includes the price of admittance to the event and transportation. Important information about the Field Trip, including the need for volunteer chaperones, will be included on the parent permission slip. As “Ambassadors” of Forwood Elementary School, students will be expected to model our school-wide safe, responsible, and respectful behavioral expectations on the bus and while participating in Field Trips. Parents/guardians are required to sign and return the permission slip with the fee for the Field Trip as soon as possible and/or at the very latest one week prior to the trip. We cannot legally accept verbal permission for your child to attend the trip over the phone. Please do not keep your child home from school on a Field Trip day due to the cost of the trip. We will work with you to ensure your child has every opportunity to participate in his/her learning. “Regroup” Phone Messaging System Regroup is an automated messaging system in use by the District as a mechanisms to improve communications between our district, schools and parents/guardians. The system allows School and District Administrators to send automated messages to parents/guardians for a variety of reasons including important notifications, emergencies, and general information. Regroup takes its call information from a monthly upload of the district's student information system, eSchoolPlus. It is critically important that parents keep phone contact information up-to-date in the system by reviewing the eSchoolPlus Home Access Center and updating the information by contacting Forwood’s Main Office.
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YMCA Before and After-School Program The Brandywine YMCA offers a before and After School Daycare/Enrichment Program daily on site in the cafeteria at Forwood. The mission of the Program is to meet the developmental needs of each child by working in partnership with families to provide a warm, nurturing, and safe environment with a focus on enhancing self-esteem while encouraging children to make new friends within a structured environment. Before School hours: 7:00 – 8:35 a.m.
After School hours: 3:35 – 6:00 p.m.
Registration Information: Brandywine YMCA 3 Mount Lebanon Road Wilmington, DE 19803 (302) 478-9622 ext. 34 Program Director: Gary Karp
Tracking Your Child’s Progress Conferences Frequent parent/teacher conversations throughout the school year are recommended to promote and maintain effective communications between home and school. These conferences may involve both telephone conversations as well as in-person contacts. District scheduled Conferences are held three times each year. A parent/guardian may schedule additional conferences as the need arises. The Principal, Assistant Principal or Guidance Counselor will attend Parent-Teacher Conferences upon request. Parent-Teacher Conference dates for the 2021 –2022 school year are as follows: October 14 and 15, 2021 February 18, 2022 May 6, 2022
Home Access Center The Home Access Center is another mechanism schools use to communicate with parents. The Home Access Center allows parents to view their child’s student registration information, attendance, and discipline documentation. Parents of students in fourth and fifth grades can also view their child’s schedule, assignments, and grade information. The Home Access Center is accessible on-line through the Brandywine School District website: Click on the “News” drop down menu and click on “Phone Alerts” for the link to eSchoolPlus Home Access Center.
*Please make sure to select the Brandywine School District when logging in to the Home Access Center. 23 | P a g e
Standards-Based Report Cards Report Cards are a communication tool to share your child’s academic and behavioral progress and social emotional growth. There are four marking periods during the school year. Tentative distribution dates for Report Cards are as follows: November 30, 2021 February 11, 2022 April 13, 2022 June 17, 2022 Frequently Asked Questions for Standards Based Progress Report What are the purposes of standards-based grading? One purpose of standards-based grading is to align grading with the state standards as measured by consistent and accurate student achievement data and common criteria for grading. Another purpose is to accurately communicate achievement towards these standards to students, parents and educators. The effect of work habits on student learning is reported separately from the academics in a category called Qualities of a Learner. What is standards-based grading? In a standards-based system, teachers report what students know and are able to do relative to the state standards. The system includes: ·Improvement towards and student achievement of required state standards in all content areas based on various forms of assessments ·A record keeping system that provides teachers with information that allows them to adjust learning practices to meet the needs of students ·A system that encourages student reflection and responsibility How is standards-based grading different? On a standards based progress report, subject areas are subdivided into big ideas related to standards that students need to learn or master. Each of these standards is assessed. The influence of positive and consistent work habits on student learning is reported separately from the academics in Qualities of a Learner (effort, completes homework, follows directions). Our reporting categories correlate to the state standards. Why was there a change from grades to numbers? On the progress report, a student’s performance is more accurately represented using a 1, 2, 3, or 4, than in traditional grading using an A, B, C, D, F in reporting mastery towards the standards. Traditional grading only provides a score for accuracy and completion of an assignment. These scores are then averaged together. Taking an average does not provide information on whether or not a student has mastered the standards.
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What are the advantages of standards-based grading? State standards are clearly articulated to the students throughout instruction. In addition, parents can see which standards students have mastered and which ones need re-teaching and re-learning. What are the disadvantages of standards-based grading? It’s a change, and change takes time to build understanding for everyone involved. Traditional grading practices are ingrained in the community. All stakeholders will have to go through the change process. How does a standards-based progress report improve teaching and learning? Knowing where the students are in their progress toward meeting standards is crucial for planning and carrying out classroom instruction. Teachers teach to the needs of their students. The grading system is designed to give teachers more information about the student’s progress in meeting the level of proficiency required by each standard. In addition, teachers share the standards with students and parents, helping them to better understand the learning that needs to take place. These will be shared in a parent/teacher grading handbook. Do we report out on the student’s proficiency for the end of the year skills and knowledge, or is the grade based on proficiency for that marking period? The progress report is summative information about the level of proficiency of the learning skills that are taught each marking period. Therefore, the grades throughout the year communicate a student’s progress as compared to where we would expect him/her to be at that moment in time. By the end of the year, students are expected to be proficient or advanced for each standard. How can I check my child’s progress? Progress reports will be printed on a quarterly basis for all students K-5. Additionally, parents of students in grades 4-12 can view student class work through Home Access Center. Home Access Center allows parents to view their child’s performance using the Internet. How do letter grades compare to standards based grading? Research has shown that letter grades do not motivate students to learn. On the contrary, research has found three consistent effects of using - and especially, emphasizing the importance of - letter or number grades: 1. Grades tend to reduce students' interest in the learning itself. One of the most researched findings in the field of motivational psychology is that the more people are rewarded for doing something, the more they tend to lose interest in whatever they had to do to get the reward. So, it shouldn't be surprising that when students are told they'll need to know something for a test - or, more generally, that something they're about to do will count for a grade - they are likely to come to view that task (or book or idea) as a chore. 2. Grades tend to reduce students' preference for challenging tasks. Students of all ages who have been led to concentrate on getting a good grade are likely to pick the easiest possible assignment if given a choice. The more pressure to get an A, the less inclination to truly challenge oneself. 3. Grades tend to reduce the quality of students' thinking. Given that students may lose interest in what they're learning as a result of grades, it makes sense that they're also apt to think less deeply. One series of studies, for example, found that students given numerical grades were
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significantly less creative than those who received qualitative feedback but no grades. The more the task required creative thinking, in fact, the worse the performance of students who knew they were going to be graded. What if my child earned a 90%? How does that translate as a Standards Based score? It is not about getting a 90%, it is really a reflection of their growth over the course of the year. A score of a 3 or 4 communicates that the student is progressing towards meeting the standards or they are strongly in place. If the score is a 2 or 1 then the student will require additional help in that content area. Will there be more than one assessment per marking period? Yes, there will be multiple assessments given during the marking period to demonstrate evidence towards meeting the standards. How does a 4 compare to an A? It is hard to compare a letter grade to a number score. If your child received all A’s in the past you can most likely expect them to receive 3’s or 4’s in the standards based reporting system. Learning in many instances is cumulative and understanding grows and develops. It is difficult to compare letter grades with the number system because the marks stand for completely different things. In a standards-based system the score represents what has been learned – ie, the student’s progress towards the expectation or standard. In a letter grade system the grade mark indicates how many points a student has accumulated, through assignments, extra credit, participation, etc. In that system, the goal of the student was to earn as many points as possible to get to an A. Now teachers assess performance on student work is in relation to a standard (performance expectation), rather than an accumulation of points. To help compare the two, remember that a 4 communicates that the students’ understanding of standards are strongly in place for that marking period, while an A demonstrates that the students scored high on assessments and assignments. Is there research to indicate that standards-based grading significantly increases student achievement? Students learn the subjects and perform better when instruction and assessment are each implemented with great fidelity. Research on standards-based grading shows that this reporting system can more clearly communicate to teachers and parents their students’ progress within standards-based progress and assessments. The works of experts such as Popham, Reeves, Marzano, McTighe, Wiggins, Guskey, Brookhart, and O’Connor support this research. Specific resources are listed at the end of this section.
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Code of Student Conduct The Brandywine School District is dedicated to creating a learning environment conducive to developing each student’s potential for learning. To achieve this, students, parents, staff, and the community must share the responsibility for encouraging orderly, constructive student behavior. The Code of Student Conduct is an official policy of the Brandywine Board of Education. It is based on the premise that the primary goals in discipline are improving behavior and protecting the welfare of all students. The Code applies to all students in preschool through 12th grade unless noted otherwise. Differences in age and maturity are recognized in determining appropriate disciplinary action, but all students are responsible for their actions. Students and staff are required, and parents are encouraged to become familiar with the entire content of the Code of Student Conduct which describes:
The rights and responsibilities of students. The Attendance Policy. Conduct that disrupts a positive environment. Procedures for disciplinary action.
The Code of Student Conduct is in force: On school property and on the school bus at all times. At all activities where school administration or appropriate staff have jurisdiction over students. The Principal/Assistant Principal is authorized to take administrative action when a student’s misconduct to and from school is harmful to other students or to an orderly education. Out-of-school if the student’s conduct presents a threat to the health, safety or welfare of other students and staff. Parents will receive a copy of the Student Code of Conduct. Please sign and return the card indicating receipt of your copy to your child’s teacher. Please read, review and discuss the contents of the Student Code of Conduct with your child.
School-wide Expectations While on school property, riding a school bus and when attending Field Trips, Forwood students are expected to model behaviors designated by our Positive Behavior Support Program. Interactions between students, teachers, staff, and adults should always: Be Safe, Be Responsible, and Be Respectful. Parental support of Forwood’s behavioral expectations at home will enable your child to be successful in school!
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Elementary School Nutrition Services Information The Brandywine School District is committed to protecting and enhancing our students’ health and wellbeing. One important way in which school contributes is by providing a nutritious school nutrition service program. School nutrition programs are an integral part of the school environment. Nutrition influences the student’s development, lifelong health status, and potential for learning. Our school nutrition service programs achieve this goal by providing students with nutritious and appetizing meals. Nutrition education activities in the classrooms and the dining rooms support the comprehensive school health education program. Visit www.brandywineschools.orgfor additional information about menus, meal cost, prepayment for meals, free/reduced priced meal benefit applications and meal charges.
Information from the Nurse, Sheila Pickering At Forwood Elementary, good healthy habits are emphasized so our students may participate fully in the learning experience. Children do not perform at optimal levels if they are experiencing symptoms related to colds, flu, upset stomach, vomiting, fever, chicken pox, etc. Therefore, we ask that you do not send your child to school if s/he is not in good health on any given day.
Children should not return to school until their temperature has been normal (98.6 degrees) for at least 24 hours after any illness. Should your child develop an illness or an elevation of temperature during the school day, the School Nurse will phone you or the person you designate on the student emergency card to inform you of your child’s condition, and to request that you come to school to pick up your child. We do not provide facilities or staff for the care of children who become ill during the school day. As part of our health screening process, our School Nurse will periodically examine children. Eyesight, hearing, and Gait screening will be checked. Abnormalities will be reported to you along with recommendations for follow-up care. It is important that the School Nurse be made aware of any special health problems, allergies, dietary needs, etc. concerning your child. We are committed to providing a medically safe and healthy environment for our students. We ask for your total cooperation in helping us maintain this standard. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, we are asking all families to make sure to complete the daily screening questions every day before your child/ren come to school. You can find the daily health screening on our website.
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Additional considerations: *Students must stay home if they are exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19 or have been confirmed to have COVID-19 or if required by DPH to isolate or quarantine. *Keep children who are sick at home; do not send them to school. Do not send children to school with a fever of 100.4 degrees or greater. *Teach your children to wash their hands frequently with soap and running water for 20 seconds. *Teach your children to cover coughs and sneezes with tissues or by coughing into the inside of the elbow. *Teach your children to practice physical and social distancing.
Medication Please do not send medicines to school with children. All medication should be brought in to the Nurse by the parent/guardian in the original container with the pharmacy label. The School Nurse will dispense non-prescription medicines provided the medication is in the original contained with detailed dosage information and parent signature.
The parent or guardian must bring all medications to the School Nurse in the original prescription bottle with the pharmacy label!
Clothing Please be sure your child is dressed appropriately for the outside weather conditions – warm wraps, boots, gloves, hats etc. We send our students outdoors for recess as often as possible throughout the school year. It is suggested that your child, especially Kindergarteners and first graders, keep an extra set
of clothes in their locker to have on hand in the event they need to change their clothing during the school day. Sometimes our youngest learners accidentally spill their lunch or milk, get muddy on the playground, or otherwise soil themselves at school. When this occurs, they handle the incident better and are much more comfortable in their own clothing. Please be sure to include underwear and socks! Our School Nurse, Ms. Pickering, collects clean, gently used clothing of all children’s sizes to stock her “Kid Clothing Closet”. This clothing is available for students to change into during the school day in the event they spill their breakfast/lunch on themselves, have an accident, get muddy on the playground, or are not dressed according to the “Dress Code”. Please consider donating gently used clothing that your child has outgrown to our “Kid Clothing Closet”. 1311 Brandywine Boulevard Wilmington, Delaware 19809-2306 Printed by the Brandywine School District Printing Department
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