BSD Remote Learning Guide for our Unique Learners

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BSD Remote LeaRning guiDe FoR ouR unique LeaRneRS

Supporting our Unique Learners In BSD we believe in supporting all our students, no matter what they need to succeed. During these special times, we will continue to provide the variety of services that help our unique learners.

How will Special Education work in remote learning? Some families might worry about their children with special needs as they start remote learning this fall. Rest assured, all your child’s IEP and 504 Plan accommodations and services will be provided remotely. Special education teachers, general education teachers, and therapists will be teaching and delivering services through video conferencing.

What about IEP and 504 meetings? IEP meetings and 504 meetings will happen remotely using Zoom, or if necessary, phone conferencing. Your school’s Special Education Coordinator or School Counselor will contact you to set up your child’s IEP or 504 meeting. As always, you have the right to request a meeting with your child's school to discuss their IEP or 504 plan at any time.

Contact with your child’s teachers and therapists It is critical that you work closely with your child's teachers and/or therapists during remote learning. The best way to contact them is through their school email. If you are unable to reach the teacher or therapist by email, contact the school and they can get you connected. It is our goal to work with you to provide your child with what is needed to succeed during remote learning.

Will my child be offered inperson learning?

BSD is creating a plan for small groups of students to gradually return to in-person learning starting in October for OT, PT, and speech therapies. This plan will likely include students who need regular inperson services to succeed. Students will have to meet specific criteria to be offered the opportunity to come into school. Families will be contacted if in-person learning is recommended for their child.

How do I help my child learn?

pointing, nodding / showing a picture, showing a visual, writing a clue

any verbal prompt to support the completion of the task

It’s hard to know when to step in to help your child if they are struggling. The guide shown here can help. It is always best to allow your child to complete their work independently. If your child is still struggling after they try on their own, you can help them by using different levels of prompting to help them succeed.

performing the task or showing your child what to do

lightly guiding, tapping, or nudging the student to complete the task

hand over hand prompting or physical prompting beyond partial physical prompting

English Language Learners Elementary Students will learn content and language at the same time. New students will also receive instruction in listening, speaking, reading, and writing English.

Middle and HighSchool Students will be offered an English development class where they will receive instruction in listening, speaking, reading, and writing English. They will also receive support in their regular content area classes throughout the day.

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Students who receive Gifted Services

Student learning will become more sophisticated little by little during the marking period. Lessons will be designed to move students toward expertise in the subject matter. BSD uses the Parallel Curriculum Model as the framework for curriculum development. Students identified as twice exceptional will receive gifted services and special education services at the same time.

18-21 Vocational Programs Service Source and SITE interns will receive vocational-based instruction through remote learning. When in-person learning resumes: • Work-based learning will resume as our District partners will allow. • SITE in-house businesses will operate.

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We are here to help! Our teachers and support staff are here to help. They care about your children and want to see them succeed. Don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher, counselor, or therapist if you have questions or need extra support.

Brandywine School District September 2020

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