Networking vs cronyism

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Fina l M a jor Pro jec t N e t wo rk ing v C ron y ism


Branka Kovacevic

Student ID:


Module Code:


Module Leaders:

Brian Whitehead / Ben Dunning

Ne t woek ing v Cron ysim My final has been a challenge but slowly getting there. The aim of the campaign is to make people aware of cronyism and its good but also bad traits, almost like a warning to show people that networking can work in all cases just sometimes its neglected. Thought the project there have been many setbacks partly to do with the tough nature of my brief that I set myself. However the research is slowly coming into place and the ideas and works are being guided though the terms of reference approach. The first starting point was getting around what cronyism actually is and what networking is and to fins out exactly how they interlink together. The paths are very blurred between both and sometimes its not as straight forward to recognise when one turns into another and that’s what this campaign is about. Its about bringing awareness of the two interlinking points in all societies.

R es e a rc h:

Visual sketch notes to help understand the concept of what cronysim is and how it is acted upon/ what made it into a negative meaning.

Thought researching it has been hard not to focus on the negatives of cronyism therefore the campaign hopes to find a levelled distinction between both good and bad to show both sides to the coin like night and day.

Researching into what a campaign is and looking at other ways of approaching it.

R es e a rc h:

The first campaign/advertising research that made a impact was the ECONOMIST. Its simplicity and engaging ways of getting peoples attentions is exactly what the campaign should aught to do and therefore I hope that my campaign can do the same to its audience as this campaign does for its.

The second campaign that stood out was the World Wide Fund For Nature. They gave been around since 1961 and though many different campaigns they have finally gained the perfect chance to go simple. They have long tried to establish themselves as a leading nature foundation to raise money though lots of complicated visuals and advertising. However in the last five years the WWF has made itself completely simplistic and minimal without loosing a inch of their identity. If anything now their identity is stringer as just a single image makes them recognisable in second of looking.

After the research on campaigns and the topics of cronyism and networking it was time to start the visual translations of the campaigns journey to its rightful aims of communicating its ideas to the right audience.

Logo research on what makes a good logo.

Research into colour theory for campaigns and logo ideas for the campaign itself.

Rough sketches of the idea behind the logo and its evolution.

Further idea growth to try perfect the meaning behind the logo to the logo itself.

Attempts of finally designing my logo but a failed attempt as non of the trials worked on a small scale.

Testing out how thick the lines need to be for the logo to be visible at miniature levels

The logo for the campaign came about thinking about the blurred lines between both good and bad as both networking and cronyism have positive and negative traits to them. The idea of the logo is not to have the two halves meet in a complete circle to show there is way for either side to exploit/improve the other. This again would cause different outcomes in society and impact the people that live in it for long run. The reason the moon and sun is used is because the moon represents in all aspects balance therefore it balances the positive and negative traits but it also is a symbolism of mystery and hidden truths making it prone to change. The sun similarly has two meanings also of which illumination is its positive trait as it guides the light oath of good traits in the benefits of cronyism and networking. However it also represents fire and ultimate power representing what the sun too can turn negative given the path of individuals exploiting a fair networking system that potentially benefits both half’s. In the end the logo is a united figure showing both can and do have potential to work together and therefore it is only a choice to turn one-sided. Remake of the most appropriate logo that translates the right message across of half good half bad/ day and night/ cronyism/ networking.

Logo experiments on layout and colour visualisations as well as testing suitable typography

Final logo idea with two faces and two typefaces that work well together.

Research into meanings and synonyms behind the meanings of the words themselves to include into the campaign.

Selected words and colours for the final ideas coming towards the making of the campaign

Possible site ideas for the campaign regarding there is enough time to make it, if not there will be no harm however the research will remain for a possible revisit in the furure of this project.

The first attempt to visualise the campaign and its ideas has not worked to plan as seen here and in the next couple pages. The idea was to use loose abstract idea photography of which all the images are my own to express what each factor is trying to translate. The photography is not the best way to go about it after making this I have realised as I am unsure if anyone will get the ideas translated to them or even be captivated enough to go look up the words as I have purposefully not added definitions for the fact that I don’t want it to be too obvious, yet these failed attempts suggest that maybe the way that the idea was translated has been to vague and there needs to be more of a terms in reference approach taking place. The circles in the centre of each is to represent a unity as my logo is also circular for that exact reason, to show both sides can be united and its only the choices made that breaks that unity between both sides.

My first attempt to design posters that try to not throw too much into the face of the reader but just enough for them to think and hopefully look up what the words mean and understand

Since the posters didnt work out the way they were meant to look I have decided to maybe take a simplistic almost info-graphic approach to explaining the ideas without giving too much away but I still want to in-cooperate the synonyms within the posters without having to still define them, Hopefully this is a step to the right direction for my campaigns success. The posters didn’t work as well as I had hoped and maybe there was too much open and it was not narrowed down further, therefore I have sketched out ideas for illustrative poster pieces.

Poster ideas for Student loan factor, problems that networking impact on many lives.

Poster ideas for Job opportunity and Income factors that networking and cronyism impact

Poster ideas for Travel factor : from one of many problems that networking and cronyism impact

These are all the ideas for the new approach I am planning to take to make the posters more informative and not to vague but I also do want to try in cooperate a sense of thoughtful thinking not handing the ideas directly to the audience but making them want to find out more.

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