Donor and Giving Report 2021-22

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Their future is fierce

Celebrate the next generation of leaders, innovators and ceiling-breakers.


Donor and Giving Report


Thank you to all our committedfiercelyloyaland donors



This unprecedented outpouring of generosity speaks to our steadfast ability to stay strong and future-ready.

Thanks to you, tomorrow’s groundbreakers and creative thinkers are already ahead of the pack.

And, with the excellence your support helps provide, we plan to help them stay there.

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As we prepare for a strong and stable leadership transition, we applaud our community, which contributes to our current position of strength.”

Fuel their future


Jean Cloutier (Chair)

Donald Guloien (Vice Chair)

Mona Malone (Vice Chair)

Melanie ARGIROS Breder’08

Clara Angotti

Karen Blott

Rod Bolger

Harry Culham

Michael Gans

C.K. PURKS Hoffler’80

Eva Lau

Deborah Orida

Duncan Osborne

Kurankye Sekyi-Otu

Peter Senst

Claire STURGESS’91

Karen CORDES Woods’99

With gratitude to our departing Board members for their years of contributions:

Karen Blott

Deborah Orida

Peter Senst

A special thank-you to Jean Cloutier, who is stepping down as Chair, but remaining on the Board.

A warm welcome to our incoming members of the Board of Governors:

Michael Bratty

Sachin Shah

Christine WATSA McLean’99

Cassandra White

And we are pleased to announce Mona Malone as incoming Board Chair.

We thank each Board member for their commitment, conviction and participation in our shared vision of student excellence.

Donor and Giving Report 2021–22


Behind each exceptional student and alum—whose Branksome credentials will set them apart from the pack—is each of you. Our fierce community’s unwavering support will help launch our next generation of leaders and trailblazers.

Branksome has always been unique and exceptional. Among the voices you’ll read about, consider Wendy WILSON Lawson’52, former Branksome staff member and grandmother of fifth-generation Branksome graduate Gillian LAWSON’22. Even then, when Wendy arrived here, “Branksome was like a breath of fresh air.”

We remain continuously committed to serve and see our great school continue to thrive and make a difference in the lives of young women.

As we prepare for a smooth and stable leadership transition over the next two years, we applaud our community, which contributes to our current position of strength and readiness. Our eighth principal will, no doubt, be proud to follow in the footsteps of so many wise, fearless and dedicated women who comprise our community.

We’re so incredibly grateful to you all, from our energetic and engaged current parents and past parents, to our dedicated and loving grandparents and past grandparents, to our esteemed alum and our passionate volunteers—and, of course, our generous donors.

The 2021–22 school year was characterized by an outpouring of unprecedented generosity, with more than $6.8 million raised—an amount unsurpassed in memory. We don’t have words to express how meaningful we find this demonstration of support, especially as we moved through such challenging times.

The fierce impact of your donations, large or small, on our students’ lives is life-changing and tangible. As you’ll read, your donations touch every part of the student experience, from co-curricular opportunities, expert guest programming and elevated facilities, to financial assistance for the most promising students—a total of more than $1.6 million raised in 2021–22.

With eyes on what’s to come, our vision for iCAST continues to inspire and gain momentum, with more than $4.3 million raised last year alone. We hope to gather more community members to support this game-changing space, the first of its kind in Canada. It’s set to nurture tomorrow’s innovators and disruptors, who can deliver big solutions to real-world problems. It’s the next-level way to set the Branksome experience apart and ensure that your investment in a world-class education continues to appreciate.

We remain so grateful for how much our community takes on as we strive to sustain the hallmark of the Branksome experience for generations to come—unique, exceptional and fiercely committed to nurturing independent minds ready to tackle the future.

It’s a long journey… Fuelled by the engine of your incredibly committed support, our students are well-prepared to empower themselves and others to lead the way.
Jean Cloutier, Chair
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Karen Jurjevich, Principal
Donor and Giving Report 2021–22

The gift of historyand connection

The Lawson Family’s $1-million gift for financial assistance will unlock academic opportunity and so much more.

Wendy WILSON Lawson’52 has a legacy with Branksome Hall dating back five generations to 1903, its opening year. Alice Eastmure, a member of the school’s first graduating class, was a great-great-aunt to Gillian LAWSON’22, Wendy’s granddaughter.

Now, thanks to the Wendy WILSON Lawson’52 and Gillian LAWSON’22 Scholarship, Wendy’s own lifelong connection to a very meaningful place will last for many more lifetimes to come.

“When I first came to Branksome in Grade 11, it was like a breath of fresh air,” says Wendy, whose father moved around frequently for business. Highly involved in school life as a Prefect, she reminisces about a particularly energetic prank, where students opted to put the school up “For Sale” with a lawn sign. (Of course, Miss Read was not amused.)

Wendy redeemed herself: hired to start Branksome’s first Annual Fund program in 1982, she raised $80,000 for Branksome’s 80th anniversary in her role as the school’s first director of development, in which she stayed until 1988. Her

fun-loving spirit was an asset, bonding with then-Principal Alison Roach, whose “playful side” she enjoyed. Roles as a volunteer and mother of Dr. Margaret LAWSON’80 further embedded her many connections to the school.

Her son Brian and his wife Joannah note how important it was to Wendy that her friends from Branksome became her friends for life, a sentiment shared by so many alum, including her granddaughter, now studying at the Savannah College of Art and Design in the United States.

“Gillian has benefited so much from the closeness of her classmates’ friendships,” says Joannah. “In particular, it’s wonderful how mutually supportive they are, how they celebrate each others’ successes and lift each other up. It’s incredibly positive.”

Consistent with the family’s deep lineage at the school, the generous $1-million endowed gift to financially assist a talented student otherwise unable to attend also aligns with a desire to give back based on their own values and experiences.

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“Accessibility matters to our family,” says Brian. “I have benefited from others’ generosity in the past with regard to my own education. I also see, at other institutions, the examples of what students who receive assistance bring to the school—in terms of leadership, excellence and co-curriculars. It’s a tremendous enhancement for everyone.”

Keeping the family’s deep connection going, and making even more Branksome history in the process, Wendy, along with her son Brian, were in attendance at the first Senior and Middle School Assembly of the school year, on Sept. 12.

It was a fine moment, as Principal Jurjevich honoured the Lawson family for their recent donation.

The legacy of Branksome friendship has come full circle: “Branksome was such an important part of Wendy’s life in different phases,” says Brian. “Her association makes this gift even more meaningful.”

And now, with the Lawson family’s donation earmarked for financial assistance, it’s a wonderful way to keep the gift of unique Branksome relationships and friendships going, now and for multiple generations into the future as well.

Gillian LAWSON’22 and her grandmother Wendy WILSON Lawson’52 are taking their five-generation Branksome legacy into the future.

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Castingvisionourfor iCAST

Generations of generosity have set Branksome up to embrace its next act—a singular building to prepare our students for the workplace of the future.

It’s nothing less than a transformation in innovation. The Innovation Centre and Studio Theatre (iCAST) will be a gamechanger, and not just for Branksome Hall. It’s a first-of-its-kind space for any JK–Grade 12 institution in Canada. (Only three exist in the United States.) We’re set to catapult what we like to call the “Innovation Agenda,” a facility for original thought and active, out-ofbox ideas that will give our students the edge as the entrepreneurial minds, fiercely independent leaders and trailblazers of the future.

Our parents, students, staff and faculty, and alum agree: Branksome’s blend of connection and community is unique and irreplicable. Our sense of purpose has never been stronger as we come together to make this building a reality.

As the groundswell of momentum quickens, here’s why some passionate, early adopters of this communal vision have chosen to step up. We thank them for their tremendous generosity and inspiring leadership.

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Tyler and I are so proud to be part of this moment. It’s an incredible building to have anywhere, not just at a girls’ school. It’s unprecedented. iCAST will give students the ability to access learning in different ways to suit multiple learning styles, building on what Branksome is already so good at. It’s rare to have the opportunity to learn this way: in iCAST, if they have an idea, they can actualize it. They’ll be thriving like crazy. It really will be a place to shine.”

(Isabel, Grade 4)

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We’re thrilled to support Branksome’s bold leadership in building this stateof-the-art, world-class innovation centre. This building will benefit every type of learner, and be a space where ideas become reality, and that reality is transformed by collaborating with different kinds of experiences. This building and its programs will make Branksome and our girls more prepared for the careers of tomorrow, and will continue to ensure Branksome’s place as a top girls school globally.”

(Marilyn, Grade 3; Katie, Grade 5)



I know the young generation is set to change the world, and iCAST will help them get there. As a family involved with global business, we have seen the plans for iCAST and are really excited to see how this new, cool space will function. With the open concept and opportunities to develop entrepreneurial and problem-solving instincts and skills, students will be exceptionally prepared for universitylevel experience. This is our investment in our students, and their future.”

(Isabella, SK; Grace, Grade 7)

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Donor and Giving

iCAST is the kind of forward-looking project that keeps Branksome in the top ranks of girls schools in Canada, if not the world. The benefit of attending a top school never leaves you, and to maintain that status, we’ve got to maintain that investment for students today and alumnae tomorrow. This is one reason we’re thrilled to support the iCAST project. In addition, the arcs of our own careers have demonstrated that there are exciting careers today that did not exist when we graduated from university. iCAST will facilitate the development of a curriculum that will build an innovation mindset, to enhance traditional ways of thinking and allow students to adapt beyond their years at Branksome.”

(Mei-Lin, Grade 4)

| Donor and Giving Report 2021–22


Innovation is a major driver of our country’s growth, and it will continue to transform our economy and the job market. We need to prepare the next generation for jobs that don’t exist yet. That’s where Branksome Hall’s new iCAST facility comes in. The new, openconcept space will enable the two Cs: collision and collaboration. Students will be able to see what others are working on, sparking curiosity and inspiration. They’ll think, try, test and iterate in peer groups, with access to leading-edge technology. It’s crucial to offer spaces like iCAST that encourage young people —especially young women—to explore STEM and dream big.”

(Naomi’20; Peony, Grade 12)

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Donor and Giving Report

Opening doors and smashingceilings

Our Annual Fund donors make a difference so our students can make their mark.

Bravo! Every year, our donors’ investments in the two priorities of Branksome Hall Annual Fund— our Principal’s Fund and Financial Assistance—are directly responsible for empowering the next generation of fiercely independent leaders. Your donations to our Annual Fund touch every age and stage of our students’ daily experience.

The impact of our community’s generosity is direct, immediate and

experienced in the halls and beyond the walls of Branksome, as we develop tomorrow’s sharpest minds and leaders from a diverse range of backgrounds and perspectives.

Here are some of the creative and inspiring ways in which our community members, including parents and grandparents—both current and past— alum, faculty and staff, stepped up in 2021–22.

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[As an independent school alum, Kareem] has seen first-hand the power of alum and parent donor gifts, and their direct effect, whether it’s a new building or renovation or wing, a program or a bursary fund, or an initiative that allowed us to deepen our connection to the school and our peers, and retain lifelong friends. We leave it to the leadership to determine how best to allocate the support. We get satisfaction from providing the support and knowing that our gift is helping this generation.”

(Dahlia, SK; Safiya, Grade 2)

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Donor and Giving Report



Limitless possibilities abound! Shining a keen lens on creativity and innovation, the Junior School Makerspace was transformed over the summer into the Junior School iHub and unveiled in late September. Students can create media content, engage with robotics and coding, and construct and build both with physical materials and within a digital space.


Our rowing team has no competition when it comes to strength, a steely mindset and a commitment to early-morning practices on the water. After pandemic downtime gave our team a rest, funds will be directed to equipment repairs to ensure smooth sailing.


With our Performing Arts Centre under construction, our upcoming annual musical and other performing-arts activities and events will be showcased at the Meridian Arts Centre. Our Annual Fund contributions will ensure the shows must “go on” and our musical ensembles have top-notch performance space as we work to improve our own.


Branksome is renowned for its excellence in debate. Now, a new, dynamic partnership with the world-renowned Munk Debates will enable Branksome to lead an international call for debaters to record and submit a video, then be judged by a worldwide pool of judges. Prizes will include opportunities to travel to the next World Schools Debating Championships. By attracting new voices in an inclusive way, with no barrier to entry, Branksome will enhance its profile as a leader in debating on the world stage.

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This fund is a meaningful way for each Grade 6 class to celebrate its graduation from the Junior School and make an impact on students by providing resources to support social and emotional health. The hope is that, each year, new Grade 6 parents will make a contribution to the initiative and leave a wonderful legacy for their children. Each Grade 6 class will be recognized on a plaque in the Junior School, and will have the opportunity to choose a quotation that reflects the class's values. The first reads: “Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For indeed, that’s all who ever have.— Margaret Mead"

We feel so much gratitude to the Junior School for how they supported the social-emotional learning of our children, particularly through the pandemic. By focusing on the silver linings and the opportunities, they kept initiative and energy going—and did such a great job around that. This is a way to set up our Junior School students for success, and handle pressures, as they move forward. For future Grade 6 classes, who are already leaders in their school, future fundraising for this award will be another leadership opportunity.”

Jenn Brodlieb (Sydney, Grade 7); Martine Spinks (Michaela, Grade 4; Georgiana, Grade 7)


Our Woodlot is a special place, and our new, planned outdoor classroom will provide a magical place for students of all ages to learn, explore and grow. The benefits of outdoor learning are well-researched and include increased creativity, problemsolving, independence and confidence; sustained focus; and enhanced mood. This flexible learning space has included faculty and student consultation in its design process.


The Branksome community celebrated women in their lives who “inspire greatness” by making donations in their honour. Our “Day of Giving,” March 8, recognized International Women’s Day, one of the most important annual celebrations of women’s and girls’ achievements for well over a century.

I’m so proud of Julie’s participation in Model UN. This gift is for all the women whose contributions make life brighter.”

Xin Zhang (Julie, Grade 10)

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Each year, classes celebrating their Reunion year get together and choose a fundraising goal, to give back to their alma mater. In 2022, we honoured our class years ending in 2 and 7; the Class of ’62 paid tribute to Nancy ADAMS MacDonnell’62, their Head Girl, beloved classmate, Branksome employee, parent, grandmother and former Board of Governors member. Nancy established the fund with husband Phil, before her passing in 2006. The class attended the Decades Luncheon at their 60th Reunion, shared memories and presented Phil and Nancy's sister Sally ADAMS Medland’66 with framed photos of Nancy.

We’re committed to a continued investment in Branksome’s facilities; this is an essential ingredient in the experiences of our students and the value that the school provides. We have already planted trees in the woodlot and supported renovations to Junior School classrooms and the Athletics and Wellness Centre. It feels great to keep Nancy’s memory alive and to keep making our mark at the school that helped us make ours in so many wonderful ways.”



Comparing the work I did between Grades 9 and 12, it almost felt like another person produced the earlier work. I think this is a testament to the holistic growth I’ve experienced while at Branksome. I also believe that I walked into and out of two different Branksomes, having received support and developed the confidence to create the changes to further support Black students’ needs. This has been nothing short of a life-changing experience, and I am so excited for the next girl who will embark on her unique journey with the support of your family.”

Maria, Financial Assistance recipient


Each year, Branksome’s graduating class raises funds with the aim of establishing a legacy for their class, while also giving back to future generations of Branksome students. The focus of the fund is decided upon by the students with a class vote. The Class of 2022 voted to establish an endowed fund in benefit of Branksome Hall’s Student Financial Assistance program to help other talented and deserving students from racialized groups receive an education at the school. In addition to the fundraising efforts of the graduating class, parents and grandparents of the Class of 2022 also made generous contributions to the fund, and together they raised more than $59,000, leaving a meaningful and lasting legacy. A very special thank you to the Co-Chairs of the GY Campaign, Jamie McDonald and Pamela Meredith, and Peter and Heather Senst.

(left to right) Jane OMAND Barber’62, Pixie BIGELOW Currie’62, Sally MacDONNELL Paradine’90, Sally ADAMS Medland’66, Phil MacDonnell Pixie BIGELOW Currie’62 and Jane OMAND Barber’62, Class of ’62 Reunion Representatives
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Right out of the gate, a commitment to give back put them in first place. The SK Class of 2021–22 established the Class of 2034 Bursary, to remove financial barriers and provide the opportunities of a Branksome education for extraordinary students from racialized communities, further enriching the fabric of our school.

I [Angela] am a clinical researcher and cardiac anesthesiologist, who came from very humble means, and I really couldn’t have got through medical school without financial support. I’m incredibly lucky that I was hugely supported at home by people who valued education at its core. With my personal story of having benefited from strangers’ generosity, and Jason’s ongoing commitment to philanthropy, both internationally and in the Toronto art community, we thought we could inspire other parents in our class to give back. Everyone needs someone to help move them forward in life and say, ‘You can do it.’”

(Madeleine, Grade 1)

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School achievements


Grade 11 student Hao was the first Branksome student since 2016 to earn a place on the Canadian National Debate Team, after taking the stage at the prestigious Cambridge Union Schools Debating Competition, where she and her debate partner, Elizabeth, placed 22nd out of 64 teams. This is an exceptional accomplishment. At the national tryout, Hao had to compete for six rounds stretched over three days, with competitors from all over Canada, as well as go through an interview process.


Math Instructional Leader and teacher Edith Louie was recognized with a province-wide honour: the René Descartes Medal. She has taught mathematics at Branksome Hall for 24 years, and her cheerful nature and skill at math instruction are valued by the whole community.

The Society of Descartes Medallists was founded in 1968 and meets annually to honour Ontario mathematics and computer science teachers who deserve special recognition.

It is my pleasure to give back to Branksome annually, and to leave a legacy gift to a place that is a second home to me. Philanthropy is a personal value to me and, after 25 years at Branksome, my colleagues are like family.”

Edith Louie, instructional leader, Senior and Middle School Mathematics, donor to the Principal’s Fund; member of the 10 Elm Society

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It was an amazing showing when our rowers took part in the Canadian Secondary Schools Rowing Association Regatta in St. Catharines, June 3 to 5. This three-day event attracted athletes from 100 schools from across North America. In the finals, silver medals were awarded to the Junior 4+ and Junior 8+, and to the 63kg 4+ and Novice 8+ crews, while the Junior 63kg 8+ won gold. It was a great effort by our first-time rowers and a great reward for the hard work of our rowing students and coaches this season.


What if recess was more than just a time for play? What if it was an opportunity for students to use skills they are learning in class? “A Well-Played Recess,” an action research project by Dr. Carolyn Mak, director, Well-Being & School Counselling, did just that as part of the International Coalition of Girls’ Schools Global Action Research Collaborative. With the research support of the Chandaria Research Centre, Grade 4 students learned how to give feedback to peers, and when to seek help from adults when recess conflict occurs. The study, which took a year to research and complete, examined effective ways to teach students to positively interact to mitigate conflict, foster empathy and build friendships.



All that practice paid off, as the Senior Girls’ Basketball Championship won the Conference of Independent Schools of Ontario Athletic Association (CISAA) against De La Salle College team on November 4. Throughout the season, they played against the Bishop Strachan School, Lakefield College School, Albert College and De La Salle College and were undefeated.


Our Noodle accelerator program brings student business ideas to life. Our second annual Noodle program culminated in the fall with the final competition seeing Happiness Battery, a well-being app, win the $10,000 prize to further their business. Grade 12 students Ore, Parker and Miranda earned a $10,000 grand prize in seed money made possible by Mary LESSLIE Hallward’74. The program continued to provide mentorship and guidance through “mini Noodle,” an experimental and shorter format,” that includes a partnership with York University, made possible by an anonymous donor.


We gathered to celebrate Portia White’s impact and legacy in April. The first Black Canadian to become an international music star, White was also a music teacher at Branksome after she retired from the stage. Soprano Measha Brueggergosman-Lee performed one of White’s most famous songs, “Ride on King Jesus,” and author, poet and professor George Elliott Clarke, Portia’s great-nephew, shared his reflections. White’s niece, Sheila White, shared insight into her life and her parents’ experience as an interracial couple in the 1940s. Highlights included student-performed music, dance and poetry, and a showclosing musical contribution from Elizaveta KOZLOVA’15, a New York–based soprano.

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Donor and Giving


Thank you for your leadership. Thank you for believing in the power of community to energize and enrich our collective experience at Branksome Hall. With a range of roles and responsibilities, your work is the heartbeat that sustains it all.

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2021–22 Alumnae

Association Executive Honorary President Melanie ARGIROS Breder’08 President Melanie ARGIROS Breder’08 Engagement Alex MORTON’09 Communications Lisa Simone RICHARDS’02 Nominating Officer Sarita SAMAROO’99 Treasurer Hubie YU’08 Secretary Nicole THORNBURROW’10


Jacqui CARL’10

Kendra FITZRANDOLPH’03 Mackenzie KNOWLES’11 Tori LECHNERSUNG’12 Isabel RUBY-HILL’15 Lindsay STRANSMAN’08 Co-chairs, Young Alum Committee Hannah LO’05 Patricia SU’13 Awards Chair Catlin SEIBELKAMÉL’10

2021–22 Parents’ Association Executive President Karen Blott Past President Sasha DARLING’87 Treasurer Nina Piatek Junior School Executive Liaison Antonette Barreto Middle & Senior School Executive Liaison Cassandra White Secretary Tina Winchell

Technology & Communications Executive Liaison Dejana Dua New Family Integration Christie Love Thomas Parent Socials & Neighbourhood Experiences Robynn McKenna


Thank you to our BHAA and BHPA members.
Parents’ Association Members Carolyn Moore Allas Heather Anderson Nicole Antony Tori BARTON’89 Nancy Bolger Jennifer Brodlieb Andrea Burke Aimee Carmody Tessa Chan Clara Chen Camille Clyne Jessica de Ruiter Celine Devlin Liz ESSON’90 Karen Goss Taliaferro Jones Barnes Lam Keri Levinsky Valerie Lewis Kirk Lynn Yan Lyu Marco Ma Claire MacNamara
Jennifer Medland Deborah Moore Mitze Mourinho Grace Normandin Sarah Notton Sophia KELSICKPlumb’81 Sholeh Popatia Brigida Pound Jessica Qu Susan Reid Raewyn ROBBINS’04 Sandra Sorenson Kim IONSON Taylor’89 Kenya ThompsonLeonardelli Kate Timms Victoria Turner Korey Tuttle Vanessa Yeung Molly Watsa Yael Wilder Cindy Woodward Marta Zaragoza Donor and Giving Report 2021–22 | 23


Foundation for the future

Established in 2005, the Branksome Hall Foundation holds responsibility for overseeing the long-term fiscal stability of the school.

Governed by our esteemed board of trustees, the Foundation combines experienced and assured leadership, along with an expert investment team. Overseeing Branksome’s endowment assets—now valued at more than $20 million, the Foundation channels endowment income to support curriculum and program enhancement, school awards, program areas, priority projects, Student Financial Assistance, capital improvements and upkeep of facilities.

We thank each member of our independent board of trustees, whose judicious stewardship of Foundation resources forms the very bedrock of our ability to move ever-forward towards realizing our common goals and values.

Scot Martin, Chair Geoff Browne Ashley CALDWELL’01 Jim Christie Bridget HORNE Colman’87 Jackie NIXON Gowdy’03 Don Guloien Larry Lowenstein Tim Price Ali Salahuddin Eric Tripp
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and Giving Report 2021–22


The 1976 Memorial Fund

Edwina Baker Fund for Faculty Development

Barnett Family Endowed Bursary Fund

Barwise Family Endowed Fund

Ruth Bayne Leadership Through Action Fund

Bolté Family Endowed Bursary Fund

Bolté Family Endowed Fund (Learner Profile Award)

Sandra BOLTÉ’73 & John L. Burns Endowed Fund

Bowman Family Endowed Fund

Branksome Becomes Endowed Financial Aid Fund

Branksome Hall Alumnae Association

Endowed Bursary Fund

Branksome Hall Bursary Endowed Fund

Branksome Hall Endowed Fund for Music

Kathryn BUSH’63 Memorial Endowed Fund

Mary Purkis Carter Memorial Endowed Fund

Wendy M. Cecil Endowed Fund for Athletics

Chandaria Family Endowed Fund

Dominique CHEVALIER’90 Memorial Fund

Rebecca CHISHOLM Clarkes’66 Guest Writers Fund

Becca CLARK’17 Endowed Fund

Class of 1965 Endowed Fund

Class of 1986 Mental Health Initiative Fund

Class of 1993 Endowed Bursary Fund

Class of 1998 Endowed Bursary Fund

Class of 2017 Endowed Bursary Fund

Class of 2018 Endowed Bursary Fund

Class of 2019 Endowed Bursary Fund

Class of 2020 Emergency Needs Award

Class of 2021 Bursary Fund

Class of 2022 Endowed Fund

Class of 2034 Bursary Fund

Cohon Family Endowed Fund

Bill and Ann Deluce Endowed Fund

Harriet EASTWOOD’83 Endowed Fund

Margaret Craig EATON Dunn’29 Endowed Fund

Fairbairn Endowed Fund

Donald Falconer Fund

Luella SCOTT Farmer’23 and Suzanne SCOTT Mitchell’23 Endowed Fund

Nicholas Fodor Extended Essay Prize Fund

Genovese Family Endowed Fund

Jean MCDOUGALL Ghormley’13 Endowed Fund

Grade 6 Legacy Fund for Health & Well-Being

Graduating Class Bursary Fund

Anthony R. Graham Endowed Fund

Mary BECKER Grant’33 Memorial Prize Fund

Griffin MacDonald Family Endowed Bursary Fund

Hallward Scholarship Fund

Mary LESSLIE Hallward’74 Endowed Fund

Mary LESSLIE Hallward’74 Innovation Awards Fund

Pippa HARRIS’78 Art Prize Fund

Pippa HARRIS’78 Bursary

Jeanne McKIGGAN Hawkins’26 Bursary

Vivian’04 & Joyce’06 Ho Award for the Love of Music

Humphrey Family Endowed Fund

Elspeth Abbey Johnson’43 Endowed Fund for Academic Excellence

Joyce FRANKEL Kofman’45 Endowed Fund

Kopas Family Foundation Endowed Bursary Fund

Langill Family Endowed Fund

Wendy WILSON Lawson’52 and Gillian LAWSON’22 Scholarship

Joan Lumsdon Fund for Swimming

Nancy ADAMS MacDonnell’62 Endowed Fund for Campus Improvements

Barbara MacFadyen Cartwright Fund for Learning Strategies

R.J. MacMillan & Mary Laidlaw MacMILLAN Duncanson’42 Bursary Fund

Joyce WALKER McKeough’56 Bursary Fund

McLean Family Prize Fund

Linda Meyer Memorial Fund

Mulvihill Family Endowed Fund for Technology

Cherie NGAI’08 Bursary Endowed Fund

Nowers Family Learner Profile Award Endowed Fund

Penny Family Endowed Fund

Prodigy Scholarship

Rachel Phillips Belash Bursary Fund

Rachel Phillips Belash Professional Development Fund for Faculty

Plaid Tidings Bursary Endowed Fund

Price Family Bursary

The Quinn Family Endowed Fund

Ross Family Endowed Fund

Lynn WILLIAMS Ross’59 Prize Fund

Heather SANDERSON’89 Memorial Scholarship Fund

SavMar Endowed Fund

Lisa MATTHEWS Schatz’82 Endowed Fund

Scholarship for Racialized Persons

Sekyi-Otu & Noronha Walk Strong Scholarship

Dr. Frances SHEPHERD’64 Endowed Fund

Margaret R. Sime Memorial Prize Fund

Simmons Penny Family Endowed Bursary Fund

Dr. Peter A. Singer Family Endowed Bursary Fund

Starr Family Fund for the Arts

Linda STEARNS’56 Endowed Fund

Mary Morris CRAIG Tasker’47 Endowed Fund

Theodoropoulos Family Fund

Dr. Vaira Vike-Freiberga Endowed Fund

Alexandra Ward Bursary Fund

R. Howard Webster Foundation Endowed Fund for Music

Reta Lila Weston Bursary Fund

Williams Family Bursary Donor and Giving

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Circle giving

$1,000,000 +

Brian & Joannah Lawson

The Thomas Family & The Love Family Anonymous (1)


Claire & Tyler MacNamara

Chetan Mathur & Clara Angotti


Chad & Ruth z”l Bayne

Anna & Jean Cloutier

Amy Deng & Zhigang Jin

Allen & Eva Lau

William McLean & Deborah Orida


The Bhalwani Family

Mark Gaskin

The Kopas Family Foundation

Phil MacDonnell

The Malone Family

Nancy SAVAGE Martin’63 & William Martin

Duncan Osborne & Cassandra Camp

The Oulette Family Foundation

The Phelan Family

Tim & Frances Price

James Scarlett & Vanessa Yeung

Alex Wang & Gloria Ye

Anonymous (2)


Ashley CALDWELL’01

Michael Gans & Nancy Wittman

C.K. PURKS Hoffler’80

Claire STURGESS’91 & Michael Stevenson


Estate of Edwina Baker

Lynn HUGHES Clappison’65 & John Clappison

Bill Penny & Heather Simmons

Betty & George Theodoropoulos

Anonymous (1)

Celebrating all generous gifts of $1,000 and greater made between July 1, 2021, and June 30, 2022.


Mary Pat JONES Armstrong’63 & Robert Armstrong

Wayne & Kim Barwise

Geoff Beattie

Rod & Nancy Bolger

Michael & Julia Bratty

Martha ROBINSON Butterfield’59

Matthew & Nicole Cribbins

The Givertz-Steel Family

Tom Kierans & Mary Janigan

Jamie McDonald & Pamela Meredith

Joyce WALKER McKeough’56* & Darcy McKeough

Michael & Nancy Nobrega

Sandra Roberts & Doug McDonald

Margaret VERNER Shiff’71

Patti & Paul Shugart

The Tylman Family Anonymous (2)

26 | Donor and Giving Report 2021–22


Branksome Hall Alumnae Association

Connor, Clark & Lunn Financial Group

Rod Davidge & Katy Waugh

Carrie CAMERON DeGroote’85

Chris & Laura Gage

The Goddard & Overs Family

Anthony R. & Helen Graham

Hua Han & Yanhong Yin

Candice Holmes & Stuart Kedwell

Jin Huang & Qiao Wang

Nikiforos Iatrou & Elizabeth Kalbfleisch

The MacLellan Family

Alison & Ryan McGorman

Jeremy & Rebekah McIntosh

The McKenna Family

The Mei Family

Jacqueline SZETO Meiers’87 & Bradley Meiers

Janice FRANKLIN Moratz’86 & Dean Moratz

Rik Parkhill & Susan Reid

James & Robin Porter

Bob Reeves & Carolyn Blaine

Kareem & Eva Sethi

Erica & Craig Shepherd

Marion & Gerald Soloway & Family

Martine & Brendan Spinks

R. David & Jennifer Stewart

Craig & Rebecca Stovel

Daniel & MaryAnne Tecimer

Molly & Ben Watsa

Jill Whelan & Brian Graves

Xiaoyong Xu & Stella Chen

Yi Lan Yuan & Wendy Liu

Anonymous (2)


Allison & Matthew Abbott


Melanie-Anne ATKINS’00

Susan Bassett

Fengyu Bei

Carolynne Bell & JP Matthews

Azam A. Bhaloo

Sheila & Andrew Black

Linda Blair

Robyn Blatt & Jeffrey Freedman

Andrew Blott & Karen Meredith

Sandra BOLTÉ’73

Alison BOOTH’91 & Jeff Campbell

David Boriss & Shannon Finlay

Tony FALCONER Bowland’72

Kurt Brands & Rebecca Ramsden

Elliott Brodkin

Geoff & Nancy Browne

Troy & Lara Butner

Nathalie BUTTERFIELD’90 & Niall Robertson

Lino & Tanya Cambone

Sean Campbell & Andrea Burke

Andrew & Aimee Carmody

Carolyn & Andrew Carragher

Ann Carruthers

Kimberly BROOKER Carter’96 & Matthew Carter

Blake & Fiona Cassidy

Jonathan Cauldwell & Edith Cheung

Kathryn BULEYCHUK Champion’82 & Robert Champion

Julie Charbonneau

Clara Chen & David Gao

Hua Cheng & Ying Zhang

Peng Chen & Yi Zhang

Yolanda Chen & Simon Yang

Priya Chopra & Nitin Deckha

The Class of 2022

Joanne Colwell

Cristina Coraggio

Beth Corcoran & Jonathan Newton

Richard Dansereau & Nathalie Forest

Sasha DARLING’87

Wendy MORGAN Deeks’66

Celine & Matthew Devlin

Bernard Dew & Leanna Macey

Brian & Shirley Domelle

Nimesh Doshi & Jean Marie Rendon

The Elcan Ridge Foundation

Robert Emery & Lisa Pope

Anton & Allison Erdody

Sean & Andrea Etherington

Linda Ezergailis & Jeffrey Croxall

Yan Fang & Qiang Luo

The Fang-Teh Family

Melissa & Joel Feldberg

Donor and
Report 2021–22 | 27


Woody Feng & Winnie Wang

Fidelity Investments Canada

Niall & Leslie Finnegan

Robert & Julie Foster

Judy & Ron Gage

Joy & Barry Gales

Sidney GALIPEAU’27

Bailiang Gao & Dan Zhang

Ni Gao & Hongtao Zhang

Wenjing Ge & Yanqiao Zhang

Peter & Chanda Giacomelli & Family

Cynthia GOODCHILD’84 & Colin Kinnear

Margaret ROLLAND Gorrie’68

Jennifer GRANT’98 & David Dattels

Carol McLEAN Gray’72

David Grierson & Catharine Matthews

Martin & Joanna Guo

Xiaojun Guo & Lianhua Zou

Kathy Han & Yongkang Li

Tom Hannam & Laura Finch

Hong Hao

Chang-Jian He & Hui Lin

Roz & Andrew Heintzman


Barbara PATTISON Hepburn’69

Anne MEREDITH Hepburn’73

Cathy MILLS Hess’86 & Jeff Hess

Ian & Zaibeen Hird

Vivian HO’04 & Joyce HO’06

Kelly Holloway

Janet Hu & Zhufu Deng

Kevin Huang & Anna Li

Jessica & Jordan Huck

Michael Ianni-Palarchio

Kashif & Mehreen Irshad

Victoria JACKMAN’86

Dayanand & Ingrid Jagdeo

Fenton & Sherlene Jagdeo

Angela Jerath & Jason Wong

Tamara Jordan & Daniel Bernstein

Karen L. Jurjevich

Cindy & Jianlin Kang

Stephen & Kathryn Kaszas

Amanda & Andrew Kennedy

Paul Kennedy & Kathleen Ritchie

David & Merle Kerr

Shahriar Khaled

Adnan & Aamra Khan

David & Stephani Kingsmill

Kimberly & Richard Kniaz

Feite & Norma Kraay

Michael & Letitia Kuan

Peter Laflamme & Karen Khalil

Carolyn Langill

Wendy WILSON Lawson’52

Chunli Li

Hanning Li & Wei Xu

Hongye Li & Xiaohua Han

Kaixian Li & Hua Wu

Minjie Li & Qingyuan Guo

Jianna Liang

Xi Liao & Jiang Qiong He

Xiaomei Lin & Yi Li

Jed Lind & Jessica de Ruiter

Eric & Kina Lindros

Robin Liu & Helen He Amy Lo

Binghui Lu & Na Ni

Lilly & John Lu

Renxing Luo & Xi Chen

Xiaoyi & Maggie Ma

Mackenzie Investments

Gail McKINNON MacNaughton’66

Scot A. Martin

Nancy SAVAGE Martin’63

Steven Mason & Irina Monahu

Jennifer Mazin & Jonathan Weisstub

Duncan & Lynn McGregor

Kathryn & Gavin McOuat

John & Jennifer Medland

Sally ADAMS Medland’66 & Robert Medland

Guangzhen Meng & Xiaona Zhao

Brian & Leanne Mergelas

Susan & Peter Metcalfe

Claudia Metelsky

Sarah Millar & Koker Christensen

Jim & Bessie Mitrakos

Nicanor Cesar Bruno Montoya & Melinda Montoya

Thanos Moschopoulos & Rebecca Ross

Mitze Mourinho & Lee Errett

28 | Donor and Giving Report 2021–22

Jennifer Narjes

Andrius Nemickas & Lenna Koszarny

Chris & Caroline Newall

Tuan & Tuyen Nguyen

Jim Nikopoulos & Christine Fadare

John O’Flaherty & Elaine McWhirter

Matthew O’Keefe & Virginia Greer

Christine Pacey & David Jeffrey

Alfred Page & Anne Donaldson-Page

Xiaogang Pan & Minjie Ouyang

Rocco & Rene Pantalone

Michael Partridge & Shonda Pierce

Martha PAISLEY Pedersen’84 & Mike Pedersen

David & Nina Piatek

Chris Pinkney & Mimi Wood

Kimberly Price

Stein Qiu & Juan Yang

Jing Qu & Suming Ma

Helen & Scott Rattee

H. Graham Rawlinson & Catherine Salo

Daniel Rees & Kelly Kyle Rees

James Reid & Jennifer Bradley Reid

Yu Ren & Heqing Zhang

Lee & Cheri Rorabeck

John & Carryn Ruffolo

Jennifer RYDER’83

Mahsa & Nima Sanajian

Jacqueline SANZ’87 & Daryle Moffatt

Peter & Heather Senst

Sachin & Bina Shah

Lei Shao & Jiaji Wang

Frances SHEPHERD’64

William & Joan Simmons

Robert Sloan

Sandra Sorenson & Richard Ward

David Steele & Rebecca Burrows

Jamie Stiff & Pauline Dekker

Jason Theofilos & Brooke Gosselin

Lucinda COCHRAN Thompson’71

Geoffrey & Kenya Thompson-Leonardelli

Hua Tong & Zheng Jun Qian

Alysha Valenti & David Johnson

Jennifer & Thomas Van

Stephanie VERMEULEN’99

Eleanor TOW Walker’57 & David J. Walker

Alice Wang & Ziyi Chen

Dexin Wang & Jian Zhang

Wei Wang & Tingshan Jin

Wei Wang & Yan Ji

Zhen Wang & Xiewei Lu

Zhidong Wang & Qinghong Wei

William Watson & Barbara Zvan-Watson

Karrie Weinstock

Matthew & Teena Williams

Richard & Patricia Winter

Tony Wonnacott & Julia Kennedy

Mary BAWDEN Wood’51, Elizabeth WOOD’87 & Kathryn WOOD’87

Mark & Alev Wrobel

April Wu & Xian Zhang

Frank Wu & Shannon Zhang

Yaming Wu & Hui Ding

Michelle Xie & Yuchao Liu

Yuanyu Xie & Ruihong Zhong

Yongbo Xu & Miaoer Zhang

Jingyu Yang & Lian Xue

Qiaohui Yang

Yuling Yang & Songlin Zhong

Mike Yeo

Yuehua Yu & Pingjuan Zhou

Jule ZACHER’83

Sheng & Susan Zeng

Dongmei Zhang

Xin & Song Zhang

Zhu Zhong & Haoran Yuan

Lizhong Zhou & Yin Dong

Ping Zhou

Jenny Zhu & Harry Zhang

Demetrios & Belinda Zissopoulos

Brent & Adrienne Zylberberg

Anonymous (20)

Donor and Giving Report 2021–22 | 29



Ruth DUNLOP Adams’63

Sara AKBARI’09

Diana HARRIS Armitage’77

Linda BREITHAUPT Armstrong’77

Hayley AVRUSKIN’87

Paul Bailey

Lindsey DELUCE Ball’99

Xiaochen Bao & You Zheng

Jane OMAND Barber’62

Gerry Bayne

Lauren BEATTIE’12

Samantha BEATTIE’14

Ursula Bell

Diana WALSH Bell’62

Kathleen Bernatchez & Yan Dal Santo

Charlotte BERRY’00

Laurie HRUSHOWY Bickle’82

Laura & Gabriel Bincik

Paul & Alia Bissett

Barbara ROBINSON Black’48

Fionna BLAIR’86

Isobel CALVIN Bonar’84

Siamak Boroomand

Sue SINCLAIR Bowerman’67


Marnie McKENZIE Bracht’68

Branksome Hall Staff

Mary ROBINSON Brebner’65 & D.A. Brebner

Melanie ARGIROS Breder’08

Sean & Angeline Bredt

Jennifer & Jesse Brodlieb

Elizabeth FALCONER Brooke’43

Ian & Gail Brooker & Family

Ian Bryden

Hung Bun & Michelle Chen

Clare Burns & Mark Hemingway

Susie MacDONNELL Calder’92

Lauren Caldwell

Jean H. Campbell*

Jocelyn MILLER Campbell’58

Janet THOMSON Campbell’75

Denise HINCHCLIFFE Carre’62

Elizabeth Carruthers

Linton CARTER’86 & James Darling

Meghan CAVEN’02

Katherine HOUSTON Chana’72

Pamela THOMPSON Charron’57

Recognizing all financial contributions to Branksome made between July 1, 2021, and June 30, 2022, each of which has made a meaningful impact on all students.

Hang Chen & Ruquan Zhang

Jiangling Chen & Xiaoning Yang

Junfeng Chen & Helen Zhao

Baye CLARK’18

Sarah CLAPPISON Claydon’92

Mary Louise EDMONDS Clements’49

Fiona CLIFF’95

Diana MARTIN Clipsham’96

Marshall A. & Judith Cohen

Lynda COLLINS’93

Maya Contreras

James & Heather Cooper

Barbara DEACON Cooper’64

Sharon Crawford

Julie Cristinzo

Scott Currie

Pixie BIGELOW Currie’62 & Ian Currie

Pat STRATHY Davidson’60

Sara COOPER Deacon’88

Steve Deveaux & Christy Cousineau

Sonu Dhanju-Dhillon & Amandeep Dhillon

Helen Dick

Patricia DiNicolantonio

Sarah DINNICK’83

30 | Donor and Giving Report 2021–22

Catherine DOUGLAS’77

Joyce SANDERSON Dow’57

Louise PRICE Doyle’98

Shirley Duperley

Marilyn EARL Durant’54

Sheila WESTMAN Dutton’56

Kitty FARR Eaton’57

Deborah EYTON Edmonds’74

Debbie EDNEY’86

Donna & Gary Engel

Eleanor KRAFT Erikson’54

Dianne & Graham Evanoff

Karen Fabian

Sarah FADEL’12

Martha CORRIGAN Feilding’60

Isabella FENG’27

Nancy & Peter Ferrante

Mary Jane FINLAYSON’73

Teresa FISCHER’80

Katie Flynn

Marianne MONTGOMERY Ford’77


Elizabeth J. FORSTER’69

Wendy FRANKS’93

Claire Friedlich & Newton Markus

Lynette FRITZLEY’90

Judy Fullerton

Susan WHITEHEAD Fyfe’62

Fei Gao

Stephanie GARROW’88

Willa Gauthier

Sangeet & Jyoti Ghai

Barb LANGLEY Gilbert’61

Thomas J. Gill III

Katie Gillespie

Barbara Glassford & Colin Mercier

Betty Lou JOYNT Glisky’58

Lisa Gnat-Buck

Jennifer Goba

Caitlin GOSSAGE’01

Leigh-Anne GRAHAM’91

Adrienne GRANT’86

Simon & Tina Gray

John Groenewegen & Leica Duffy

Diane & Martin Grosskopf

Patricia GIBBONS Guy’38

Sarah HACKETT’15

Nicole Hallett

Lindsay Hamilton & Paul De Luca

Michael Hanna & Winya Wong-Hanna

Scott Harbin

Catherine LE FEUVRE Harrison’80

Gail TANNER Hassel’67

Nicole Hastings & Michael Mactaggart

Louise COFFEY Hastings’55

Kate & Ron Hebdon

Jim & Elizabeth Helbronner

Liza HERSH’14

Joy BENADOM Hessian’58

Elizabeth McKAY Hill’59

Hanna NOWERS Hillan’06

Mary Lue FARMER Hinds’51

Megan HODGES’06

Jennifer SYKES Holmes’93 & Jonathan Holmes

William Horne

Jan Howard


Robin HOWELL’82

Margaret Huycke

Victoria NETTEN Huyer’92

Catherine AMENT Hyland’65

Shameem & Hasina Iqbal

Miriam MIKULECKA Irwin’62


Melanie CHANDLER Jackson’74

Rosemary WELDON Jacobsen’62

Elizabeth Jennings

Dianne Jojic & Derek Rutherford

Amy Jones

Claiborne Jones

Jennifer TIMBRELL Judge’79

Lena LIU Jung’51

Sally Kang

Farrah Kassam & Sarfraz Visram

The Kassem Family

Sarah KENNEDY’00

Susan F.R. Kenny

Robert Kepes


Farzad Khan & Nahreen Rahman

Pamela FIRSTBROOK Kinzie’72

Kristen KIZOFF’96

Martin Kon & Sheri McLean

Brigitte KOPAS’88

Leeanne WELD Kostopoulos’86

Shayne Kukulowicz

John & Christina Kwan

Janet KWOK’02


Anthony Lafleur

Alvin Lai & Samantha Moe

Tena LAING’88

George Lang & Tina Liu

Lisa RAEBURN Laurin’90

Frances FRASER Laws’66

Donor and Giving Report 2021–22 | 31


Cheuk Ying LEE’14

Mackenzie LEE’32

Clara Leung & Trevor Currie

Peter Levitt & Mai Why

Janet Lewis

Yumojia Li & Baohua Ji

Betsy & Anthony Little

Colin Liu & Lulu Li

Roberta & Joseph Longpré

Rachel Loo

Edith Louie

Donnie SMELLIE Lovell’55

Larry Lowenstein & Nina Lester

Ken Lu & Fiona Feng

Yan Lyu & Youyi Han

Marilee TISDALL MacFarlane’74

Debbie PARKER MacKenzie’67

Sandy MILLS MacMillan’66

Patti THOMSON MacNicol’75

Terry TAYLOR Mactaggart’63

Peter Maddox

Mahedi & Gulzar Maherali

Carolyn Mak

Juleen Marchant

Mary KELTON Marlowe’82

Stephen Martin

Andrea McAnally

Laura ANGLIN McBeath’74

Jennifer McBride

Sandi SHAW McCabe’67

Nicole PICHLER McCutcheon’86 & Murray McCutcheon

Ellen McDonald

Nancy C. McFadyen

Sandra & Grant McGregor

Sheila McGuigan

Noreen LAING McKay’54

Gretchen WEDD McKay’66

Janet BENNETT McKelvie’80

Jane McKINNON’61

Margaret-Ann GRAHAM McKinnon’66

Kimberlee CAMPBELL McKinnon’77 & John McKinnon

Rod McQueen

Bridget & Andrew Mertens

Jane Merwin

Sharon METCALFE’59

Vytas Mickevicius

Judy SHYKOFF Millard’70

Leslie BELL Miller’72

Andrea Mills

Anne Mitchell & Noel Langhorne

Barbara DUNLOP Mohammad’70

Beverley BALMER Morlock’52

Suzanne & Sheila Morrison

Maryanne Morrow & Mark Goldstein

Catherine MORROW’77

Alexandra MORTON’09

Barbara HOLBROOK Moulson’58


John Nekic & Candice Silversides

The Nesbitt Family

William Nezami & Jane Knop

Anne ROSS Nichols’60 & Chris Nichols

Helen WORTS O’Brian’66

Michael & Jill O’Neil

Alena Oosthuizen

Alessandra PALAZZOLO’15

Jean MORICE Palmer’51

Margaret PALMER’67

Yidi Pan & Colin Guo


Andrew & Claire Papierz


Ameen Patel & Irene Vrckovnik

Alexandra PATEL’14

Kathleen PATTINSON’66

Ruth TOW Peckover’69

M. Samantha G. Peeris

Yunyi Pei & Kent Wang

Brian & Betty Peifer

Grace Peng & Jason Yuan

Alexandra PENNAL’00

Bill & Joan Perdue

Vishnu Persaud

Valerie Phelps

Sara DUNCANSON Pick’99

Tanya Pimenoff

Sophia KELSICK Plumb’81

Linda DWOR Pollack’62

Nancy GEDDES Poole’48

Mary PATTERSON Preston’64

Cynthia MACKAY Quinn’74

Deepa Raj & Suresh Ramadasan

Marilyn McLELLAN Ransby’66

Raymond James Canada Foundation

Kathryn & Frederick Rea

Flavia ELLIOTT Redelmeier’43

Erna Relle

Yan Ren

Stephanie Rendulic

Ray & Caroline Ritchie

Nancy DAVIS Ritchie’53

Azim Rizvee & Rabiya Azim

Allison ROACH’51

Shulamit Rodal & Michael Noble

Margery TOW Roden’71

32 | Donor and Giving Report 2021–22

David Rodger

Anne GREGOR Rose’66

Freida Ross

Nancy ROSS’86

Rhonwyn BREEN Rossi’69

Carlene & Duncan Rotherham

Deann Rousseau

Tracy DALTON Russell’89 & William Russell

The Russett Family

Carolina Sabayle

Heather Anne SAMPSON’72

Mary JULL Samson’59

Pamela CHURCH Saunders’43

Susan KERNOHAN Scace’59

Becca McCORMACK Scarratt’79

Sue & Peter Schaal

Tony Seljak & Andrea Richmond

Rohini Senathirasa

Jia Shao & Gang Situ

Audrey Shaw-Pinney

Carolyn Shaw-Rimmington & James Langton

Judy Simmonds

Julie Simopoulos

Jill & John Slaughter

Jordan Small

Megan Snape

Cindy BUNDY Snell’69

Jeff & Heather Spinks

Alice STARKEY’97

Tristan DOMELLE Steiner’00

Gillian MEDLAND Stephen’63

Liisa Stephenson

Tom Stevens

Frances Stewart

Janet Stewart

Mairi & Timothy Stewart

Lindsay STRANSMAN’08

Jill Strimas


Daniel & Sandra Sullivan & Family


Caley WAITE Taylor’66

Kathy DROPE Taylor’69

Martha HOBBS Taylor’88

Kimberley IONSON Taylor’89 & John M. Taylor

Alanna TEDESCO’03

Carol NICKALLS Theilman’55

Joelle Therriault

John & Patricia Thompson

Patricia Thompson

Cynthia MORTON Thorne’74

Shubao Tian & Hongyu Zhu

Stefan & Kate Timms

Phillip & Maureen Tingley

Marcela Tischler

Olivia TISCHLER’98

Tom Tomovski & Aa-Na Kwak-Tomovski

Anna Jean McLEOD Trossman’55

Catherine ANDERSON Valentine’61

Susan COLLYER Van Tijn’67

Barry & Sandra Vanbiesbrouck

Graca Ventura

Allison WADGE’69

Kim Richardson Wainwright & Neil Wainwright


Margaret KLEIN Walker’62

Ann Walters

Yuanyuan Wan & Zhenzhen Yu

Ann FARMER Warren’54

Martha Watson


Anne VOORHEIS Watts’06

Daphne ARMSTRONG Webster’86

Robert & Donna Wells

Barbara KERR Wesley’61


Kristen WILBY’80

Heather WILDI’78

Julie Wildman-Wallis

George & Janet Wilson

Chris & Catherine Winchell

Luther & Tina Winchell

Suzanne WALWYN Winchell’57

Mary Jean WONG’74

Karen CORDES Woods’99

Cynnie Woodward

Cynthia SCOTT Woodward’00 & Justin Woodward

Anne B. WRIGHT’59

Sarah WRIGHT’86

Yixin Wu & Lin Ding

Midge COX Wyse’58

Zuoqian Yang & Fang Xie

Patricia WILSON Younger’59

Hubie YU’08

Jennifer Yungblut

Valencia ZABOROWSKI’18

Sami Zaki & Silvia Ibrahim

The Zawadzki Family

Felicia Zhang & Hai Zhao

Jinyue Zhang & Jiangyan Mu

Yuanyuan Zhang & Jun Lu

Hong Zhou & Margaret Yang

Anonymous (47)

Donor and Giving Report 2021–22 | 33

Consecutive giving

15 Years +

Mary Pat JONES Armstrong’63 & Robert Armstrong

Hayley AVRUSKIN’87

Laura & Gabriel Bincik

Sandra BOLTÉ’73

Martha ROBINSON Butterfield’59

Kimberly BROOKER Carter’96 & Matthew Carter

Diana MARTIN Clipsham’96

Joanne Colwell

Pat STRATHY Davidson’60

Sarah DINNICK’83

Karen Fabian

Elizabeth J. FORSTER’69

Peter & Chanda Giacomelli & Family

Nicole Hallett

Kate & Ron Hebdon


Barbara PATTISON Hepburn’69

Anne MEREDITH Hepburn’73

Karen L. Jurjevich

Susan F.R. Kenny

The Kopas Family Foundation

Janet KWOK’02

Larry Lowenstein & Nina Lester

Phil MacDonnell

Patti THOMSON MacNicol’75

Scot A. Martin

Nancy SAVAGE Martin’63 & William Martin

Sandi SHAW McCabe’67

Duncan & Lynn McGregor

Noreen LAING McKay’54

Honouring our committed donors who have given gifts to Branksome, every year, for five years or more.

Barbara DUNLOP Mohammad’70

Jennifer Narjes

Alfred Page & Anne Donaldson-Page

Martha PAISLEY Pedersen’84 & Mike Pedersen

Bill Penny & Heather Simmons

Vishnu Persaud

Tanya Pimenoff

Erna Relle

Kathleen Ritchie & Paul Kennedy

Carolina Sabayle

Jacqueline SANZ’87 & Daryle Moffatt

Rohini Senathirasa

Daniel & Sandra Sullivan & Family

Kimberley IONSON Taylor’89 & John M. Taylor

Carol NICKALLS Theilman’55

Lucinda COCHRAN Thompson’71

Kim Richardson Wainwright & Neil Wainwright

Eleanor TOW Walker’57 & David J. Walker

Karrie Weinstock

Mary BAWDEN Wood’51, Elizabeth WOOD’87 & Kathryn WOOD’87

Anonymous (1)

10 Years +

Sue SINCLAIR Bowerman’67

Denise HINCHCLIFFE Carre’62

Barbara DEACON Cooper’64

Wendy MORGAN Deeks’66

Shirley Duperley

Cynthia GOODCHILD’84 & Colin Kinnear

Elizabeth McKAY Hill’59

Mary Lue FARMER Hinds’51

Dayanand & Ingrid Jagdeo

Amanda & Andrew Kennedy

David & Stephani Kingsmill

Shayne Kukulowicz & Liz Gill

Vivian HO’04 & Joyce HO’06

Peter Levitt & Mai Why

Chetan Mathur & Clara Angotti

Ellen McDonald

The McKenna Family Rod McQueen

Nigel & Janet Mountifield

Sara DUNCANSON Pick’99

Deepa Raj & Suresh Ramadasan

As long-time contributors to Branksome, we give to the Principal's Fund because we feel passionate about improving the student experience for our daughters. We have been so happy to see them enjoying the state-of-the-art Athletics & Wellness Centre as part of their daily student lives. We see, first-hand and over time, the benefit our contribution makes.”

Robynn and James McKenna (Elle, Grade 3; Cate, Grade 9; 10 years of consecutive giving)

34 | Donor and Giving Report 2021–22

For the last seven years, Branksome has been a second home to both Carina and Keira. When the girls walked through the Junior and Senior School [for the first time], it was the right fit for them and felt like home. We believe that Branksome has definitely prepared Carina for the next chapter in her academic career and we are confident it will do the same for Keira. It is rewarding to see how our annual contribution enhances all the extracurricular activities in the Branksome community and gives all the students the confidence to lead and succeed.”

Lino and Tanya Cambone (Keira, Grade 8; Carina’22; five years of consecutive giving)

Allison ROACH’51

Deann Rousseau

William & Joan Simmons

Karen CORDES Woods’99

Midge COX Wyse’58

5 Years +

Allison & Matthew Abbott

Ruth DUNLOP Adams’63

Sara AKBARI’09

Jane OMAND Barber’62

Wayne & Kim Barwise

Diana WALSH Bell’62

Azam A. Bhaloo

The Bhalwani Family

Laurie HRUSHOWY Bickle’82

Rod & Nancy Bolger

Alison BOOTH’91 & Jeff Campbell

Marnie McKENZIE Bracht’68

Kurt Brands & Rebecca Ramsden

Michael & Julia Bratty

Melanie ARGIROS Breder’08

Elizabeth FALCONER Brooke’43

Susie MacDONNELL Calder’92

Lauren Caldwell

Lino & Tanya Cambone

Jocelyn MILLER Campbell’58

Andrew & Aimee Carmody

Carolyn & Andrew Carragher

Cristina Coraggio

Julie Cristinzo

Pixie BIGELOW Currie’62 & Ian Currie

Sasha DARLING’87

Sara COOPER Deacon’88

Brian & Shirley Domelle

Joyce SANDERSON Dow’57

Marilyn EARL Durant’54

Sally ADAMS Medland’66 & Robert Medland

The Mei Family

Sharon METCALFE’59

Judy SHYKOFF Millard’70

Jim & Bessie Mitrakos

Nicanor Cesar Bruno Montoya & Melinda Montoya

Chris & Caroline Newall

Tuan & Tuyen Nguyen

Anne ROSS Nichols’60 & Chris Nichols

Helen WORTS O’Brian’66

Donna & Gary Engel


Judy Fullerton

Joy & Barry Gales

Michael Gans & Nancy Wittman

Barbara Glassford & Colin Mercier

Jennifer Goba

Margaret ROLLAND Gorrie’68

Carol McLEAN Gray’72

Xiaojun Guo & Lianhua Zou

Sarah HACKETT’15

Jennifer SYKES Holmes’93 & Jonathan Holmes

Jan Howard

Kevin Huang & Anna Li

Kashif & Mehreen Irshad

Elizabeth Jennings

Amy Jones

Sarah KENNEDY’00

David & Merle Kerr

Brian & Joannah Lawson

Edith Louie

Marilee TISDALL MacFarlane’74

The MacLellan Family

Claire & Tyler MacNamara

Gail McKINNON MacNaughton’66

Meghan MACNICOL’04

Terry TAYLOR Mactaggart’63

The Malone Family

Juleen Marchant

Mary KELTON Marlowe’82

Andrea McAnally

Jamie McDonald & Pamela Meredith

Gretchen WEDD McKay’66

Janet BENNETT McKelvie’80

Joyce WALKER McKeough’56* & Darcy McKeough

Jane McKINNON’61

Kathryn & Gavin McOuat

Michael & Jill O’Neil

Alena Oosthuizen

Duncan Osborne & Cassandra Camp

Andrew & Claire Papierz

Michael Partridge & Shonda Pierce

Ruth TOW Peckover’69

Chris Pinkney & Mimi Wood

Raymond James Canada Foundation

Flavia ELLIOTT Redelmeier’43

Andrea AMELL Rees’03

Bob Reeves & Carolyn Blaine

Sandra Roberts & Doug McDonald

Margery TOW Roden’71

Heather Anne SAMPSON’72

Susan KERNOHAN Scace’59

James Scarlett & Vanessa Yeung

Becca McCORMACK Scarratt’79

Peter & Heather Senst

Frances SHEPHERD’64

Patti & Paul Shugart

Jordan Small Tom Stevens

Claire STURGESS’91 & Michael Stevenson

Joelle Therriault

Tom Tomovski & Aa-Na Kwak-Tomovski

Alex Wang & Gloria Ye

Zhidong Wang & Qinghong Wei


Kristen WILBY’80

Heather WILDI’78

Richard & Patricia Winter

Yixin Wu & Lin Ding

Anonymous (16)

Donor and Giving Report 2021–22 | 35

Cumulative giving

$1,000,000 +

James R. Christie & The Hon. Sarah E.


The Guloien Family

Mary LESSLIE Hallward’74 & Graham Hallward

Brian & Joannah Lawson

The R. Samuel McLaughlin Foundation

The Thomas Family & The Love Family

Anonymous (1)


Branksome Hall Alumnae Association

Xiangli & Huihua Chen & Jiqian CHEN’12

Keith & Murielle Gillam & Family

Anthony R. & Helen Graham

Elspeth ABBEY Johnson’43

The Kopas Family Foundation

Claire & Tyler MacNamara

Chetan Mathur & Clara Angotti

Tim & Frances Price


Mary Pat JONES Armstrong’63 & Robert Armstrong

John & Mary Barnett

Chad & Ruth z”l Bayne

Geoff & Sandie Beattie

The Bett Family

The Bhalwani Family

Mary Wanda BROWN’54

Martha ROBINSON Butterfield’59 & Nathalie Carlyle BUTTERFIELD’90

The Cecil-Cockwell Family Minu & Raj Chandaria

Anna & Jean Cloutier

Sandra & Harry Culham

Amy Deng & Zhigang Jin

John C. & Sally Horsfall Eaton France Fortin

Kevan HARRIS’12

Vivian HO’04 & Joyce HO’06

Lisa DAWICK Hudson’92 & Mike Hudson

Allen & Eva Lau

Larry Lowenstein & Nina Lester

Nancy SAVAGE Martin’63 & William


William McLean & Deborah Orida

The Nesbitt Family

Prodigy Construction

The Senst Family

Yury & Irina Shmuylovich

Daniel & Sandra Sullivan & Family

The R. Howard Webster Foundation

The Weston Family Foundation

Anonymous (1)


The Armstrong Family

Susan HIGGINS Asper’85 & Leonard Asper

The Ballard Family Wayne & Kim Barwise

Geoffrey & Nancy Belsher

Kilian Berz & Katharine Lake Berz

Diana BECK Bolté’46 & Auguste Bolté & Family

Branksome Hall Parents’ Association

The Brenninkmeyer Family

The Brindamour-Letarte Family

Ian & Gail Brooker & Family

Wade & Peggy Burton

Claire ANGUS’83 & Mark Caplan

Guy & Margaret Carr-Harris

John & Susan Chippindale

Barbara & Bryan Colangelo

Bridget HORNE Colman’87

William Daniels

William & Ann P. Deluce

Celebrating our generous donors whose financial contributions to Branksome have reached $50,000 and beyond.

Peter R. Doering & Lucie V. Gauvin

The Eaton Foundation

The Elhaddad Family

Peter & Kim Enns

Doone & George Estey

The Charles & Rita Field-Marsham Foundation

Michael Gans & Nancy Wittman

The Percy R. Gardiner Foundation

Mark & Maryann Gaskin

Robert & Cynthia Gemmell

The Gooderham/Nadherny Family

Carol McLEAN Gray’72

The Muriel McBrien Kauffman Foundation & Julia Irene DENNIE Kauffman’63

Catherine TAYLOR Keevil’64

The Langill Family, Melanie LANGILL Joyce’03, Kate LANGILL’05, Stacey LANGILL’08 & Jennifer LANGILL’10

The LBJ Family Foundation

Po Ping TSO Lo’73

The MacDonald Griffin Charitable Foundation

Nancy ADAMS MacDonnell’62* & Phil MacDonnell

The MacLellan Family

The Malone Family Scot A. Martin

36 | Donor and Giving Report 2021–22

Joyce WALKER McKeough’56* & Darcy McKeough

The McLean Foundation

June* & Bill* McLean

Al Meghji & Diana Belevsky

Jacqueline SZETO Meiers’87 & Brad Meiers

Jane Harvey & Don O’Born

Duncan Osborne & Cassandra Camp

The Ouellette Family Foundation

Deena PANTALONE’95 & Rocco & Rene Pantalone

Martha PAISLEY Pedersen’84 & Mike Pedersen

Bill Penny & Heather Simmons

The Phelan Family

Sandra & Jim Pitblado

Francisca & Michael Quinn

Bob Reeves & Carolyn Blaine

James Scarlett & Vanessa Yeung

Mike Serbinis & Laura Adams

Harry & Lillian Seymour

The Sharpe Family

Frances SHEPHERD’64

Patti & Paul Shugart & Haley


John & Susan Shuter

The Carolyn Sifton Foundation Inc.

Margaret R. Sime

Sandra Simpson

Peter Singer & Heather Gilley & Family

The Smith Family

Don & Susan Starr

John & Shannon Sullivan

Ryerson & Michele Symons

Eric Tripp & Maria Smith

Roy & Nancy Vincent

Eleanor TOW Walker’57 & David J. Walker

Mark & Sarah Wellings

Alex Wang & Gloria Ye

Patricia WILSON Younger’59

Anonymous (6)


Daniel & Susan Argiros

Kashka Kril-Atkins & Michael Atkins

The J.J. Barnicke Family

Jim & Jennifer Beqaj

The Bethlenfalvy Family

The Bolté, Amell, Burns Family

The Bowman Family

Robert & Karen Bradeen

Michael & Julia Bratty

Michael & Barbara Bregman

Martin & Ellen Brodigan

The Broer-Marshall Family

Geoff & Nancy Browne

Kristina SZANDTNER Burke’65

Ashley CALDWELL’01

Susan & Alan Carson

Meredith CARTWRIGHT’83

Lynn HUGHES Clappison’65 & John Clappison

Paul & Susan Clark & Becca CLARK’17

Mark & Suzanne Cohon & Family

Elspeth FAIRBAIRN Colebrook’45

Bradley & Shane Crompton

The Dalglish Family Foundation

Greg & Beatrix Dart

Wendy MORGAN Deeks’66

George & Kathy Dembroski

Elaine & Greg Dimmer

Brian & Shirley Domelle, Devon

DOMELLE Parsons’95, Regan DOMELLE

Franklin’97 & Tristan DOMELLE


Gay & John Evans

Fraser & Margot Fell**

Rip & Willa Gauthier

Christine & Geoffrey Genovese

Eve & Crawford Gordon

Kelly & Paul Gray

Barry & Laurie Green

Don & Denyse Green

Barbara PATTISON Hepburn’69 & John Hepburn

C.K. PURKS Hoffler’80

Agnes FAIRBAIRN Hopkins’48

Michael & Deborah Hugh

The Hui Family

John & Tracey Ing

Richard & Donna Ivey

Jamie & Hilary Johnson

Karen L. Jurjevich

The Kaszas Family

Susan MITCHELL Kilpatrick’54

The LaFayette Family

Goulding & Elizabeth Lambert

Don & Carolyn Langill

Greg Latremoille

Jane & Oliver Lennox-King

The Lloyd Family Allen & Perry Lupyrypa

Brian & Marion MacDonald

The MacDonnell, Medland & Adams


MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller Architects

Doug & Susie Marshall

Eugene & Lori McBurney

The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation

Lynn & Duncan McGregor Paul & Martha McLean

Jamsheed Mehta & Christine Harman

David & Helen Miller

The Moore Family

Charles R. Moses

John P. & Nancy Mulvihill

The Peter Munk Charitable Foundation

Jose Ngai & Vivian Cheung

Janet & Gordon Nixon

Michael & Nancy Nobrega

Rossa & Linda O’Reilly

Alfred Page, Anne Donaldson-Page & Alexandra PAGE’13

The Paterson Foundation

Susan & Charles Peniston

The Penny Family

Jennifer PRATT Peters’81 & Kirby Peters

Paul Potvin & Kathryn O’Connor

Jean M. FRASER’66 & Thomas F. Rahilly

Allison ROACH’51

Sen. Nancy RUTH’60

Jacqueline SANZ’87 & Daryle Moffatt

The Schaal Family

Amy SHEK’73 & David Lau & Stephanie LAU’08

Marion & Gerald Soloway & Family

Claire STURGESS’91 & Michael Stevenson

Betty & George Theodoropoulos

The Tylman Family

Elizabeth J. “Bunty” Walker*

John & Diana Weatherall

Darryl & Cassandra White & Family

David & Shelagh Wilson

Mary BAWDEN Wood’51, James Wood, Elizabeth WOOD’87 & Kathryn WOOD’87 Adam H. Zimmerman

Anonymous (4)

Report 2021–22 | 37
*remembered fondly Donor and Giving


We are honoured to recognize the many alums, parents, faculty and staff who have included Branksome Hall in their estate planning. Their lasting and meaningful legacy will provide students for generations to come with the opportunity to forge their own paths and become the change-makers of the future.


As an alum and current parent, Shelley KANITZ Letofsky’06 knows the future Kanitz Family Endowed Fund will help another musically inclined student find her own unique rhythm.

| Donor and Giving Report 2021–22


I went to Branksome for Grades 11 and 12. I felt cherished and noticed and taken care of. I felt that the faculty saw me for who I was, and for my individual value. Music teacher Nancy Olfert was a real mentor and friend to me. I was deeply involved in music during my time there, and I went on to become a competitive classical and operetta solo singer; I made it to the Ontario provincial finals. Branksome was the first school where I saw my worth, and it put me on a great path. This is our family’s way of ensuring other girls can meet their potential and shine.”

Celebrating those who have included a gift to Branksome in their estate planning

Sara AKBARI’09


Beverley BAILEY’62

Stan Behal & Lyn Whitham

Jennifer NORRIE Booth’88

Marnie McKENZIE Bracht’68

Meredith CARTWRIGHT’83


Sheila MORRISON Collins’60

Pat STRATHY Davidson’60

Brian & Shirley Domelle

Deborah JONES Elliott’64

Charlotte EMPRINGHAM’63

Sarah EYTON’86

Stephanie FULFORD’89

Carol McLEAN Gray’72


Barbara PATTISON Hepburn’69

Ruth WALMSLEY Hill’57

Bruce & Christina Humphrey

Samuel Kanes

Louise CONEYBEARE Keith’72

Diane BEAN Lalor’65

Shelley KANITZ Letofsky’06 & Justin Letofsky

Phil MacDonnell

Dodie ROBINETTE MacNeill’45

Lucy RANES Maloney’63

Nancy SAVAGE Martin’63 & William Martin

Joan LEONARD Matthews’72

Sandi SHAW McCabe’67

Beryl McCallum

Lucinda FALCONER McDonald’74

Edith Louie & Doug McDougall

Janet BENNETT McKelvie’80

Judy SHYKOFF Millard’70

Barbara E. DUNLOP Mohammad’70


Martha PAISLEY Pedersen’84

Maureen PLUNKETT’57

Flavia ELLIOTT Redelmeier’43

P. Terry Rowe

Pamela CHURCH Saunders’43


Claire DIBBLE Shales’46

Caley Taylor

Mary WALKER’64

Ann FARMER Warren’54

Jane DIFFIN Watt’62

Diana St. B. Weatherall

Margaret Ann MARCHANT Whitten’69

Valerie RALLING Wilbur’70

Annabel YARNELL’79


Patricia WILSON Younger’59

Hubie YU’08

Anonymous (6)

Donor and
Report 2021–22 | 39
Shelley KANITZ Letofsky’06 and Justin Letofsky (Milena Letofsky, Grade 2)
Statement of operations Year ended June 30 2022 2021 $ $ REVENUE Tuition and other fees 34,821,082
Auxiliary services and other programs
Student activities
Investment income
Amortization of deferred capital contributions
EXPENSES Instruction 19,153,286 18,108,332 General and administration 9,735,611 7,913,373 Plant operation and maintenance 4,727,366 4,264,721 Auxiliary services and other programs 3,408,773 1,430,435 Technology 1,487,222
Financial assistance
Student activities 482,279
Amortization of capital assets 3,607,279
43,947,201 37,686,829 Excess of revenue over expenses for the year
Net assets, beginning of year 46,953,711 45,286,284 Net assets, end of year 47,834,432 46,953,711 Statement of operations and changes in net assets Donor and Giving Report 2021–22 | 41
3,812,647 959,382
462,932 312,696
619,730 383,631
409,390 372,503
989,867 1,002,260
3,712,274 2,312,393
1,345,385 1,040,995
880,721 1,667,427

This report recognizes donations made during the Branksome Hall fiscal year July 1, 2021–June 30, 2022. Any donations made after June 30, 2022, will be recognized in the future. We have made every effort to ensure accuracy in our reporting and listings. If there are errors or omissions, please accept our sincere apologies and contact the Advancement and Community Engagement Office at 416-920-6265, ext. 212, or

EDITOR Andrea Aster CONTRIBUTORS Sarah Baumann Jessica Benjamin Skye Constable Cristina Coraggio Tamar Kraus Peter Maddox Claudia Metelsky Stephanie Rendulic Robert Shaw Liisa Stephenson Neetu White DESIGN Detale Design Inc. PHOTOGRAPHY Jeffery Kirk Liam Sharp Caley Taylor COPY EDITOR Judy Phillips Branksome Hall is a registered charity 11881 6826 RR0001 The Branksome Hall Foundation is a registered charity 85174 1744 RR0001 Branksome
Donor and Giving Report ©2021 Branksome Hall 42 | Donor and Giving Report
Hall 2021–22

Thank you to all our amazing donors, past and present, and those to come, who support and sustain our evolution of excellence.

| 43
Donor and Giving Report

10 Elm Avenue Toronto, ON M4W 1N4 Tel. 416.920.9741

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