2 minute read
Travels in the U.K. with Karen Murton, Jane CONNOR’84 and Tanya Pimenoff SCOTLAND
Branxholme Castle, situated on the estate of the Duke of Buccleuch, was the birthplace of Branksome Hall’s founder and first Headmistress, Miss Margaret Scott. Karen Murton and Diana MacNEILL Hart’54 visit the historic site.
Students at the University of St. Andrews, Gillian CHRISTIE’08, Ashleigh SAUNDERS’07 and Lauren ING’07, tour Karen Murton around the campus.
Amid great conversation and the opportunity to form/ renew friendships, alumnae enjoy lunch at Howie’s Restaurant. From left: Hanna NOWERS’06 (University of Edinburgh), Caitlin STEWART’06 (University of Edinburgh), Diana MACNEILL Hart’54, Carolyn MACLEOD’73 (Edinburgh), Ophelia LAU’08 (University of Edinburgh), Gillian CHRISTIE’08 (St. Andrews), Taryn KALISH’08 (University of Edinburgh), Karen Murton and Margaret MACKAY Gerrard’63 (Glasgow).
Intriguing life stories and tales of adventure are told during lunch at the River Grille. Here, the group meets in the comfortable hotel lobby where conversation continued well into the late afternoon. From left: Heather Jenne and her mom Elizabeth CAPENER Jenne’44 (Dunchideock, Devon), Beverley BRITT’48 (Powys, Wales), Ann COOLING Stuart’50 (Bristol), Jane CONNOR’84, Stephanie MACDONALD Liversidge’63 (Bristol) and Doreen MARTIN Evans’43 (Colyton, Devon).
Trinidad and Tobago
Enjoying warm hospitality in the home of hosts Patricia CAVE Smith’49 and her husband Peter Smith, located in the Cathedral Close, are Sally PITFIELD Moore’45 (Lymington, Hamps), Hilary STOCKS Teal’66 (Teddington, Middlesex) and Ann MERRIMAN Mansel’47 (Salisbury).
After lunch, Patricia CAVE Smith’49, second from right, escorts Jane CONNOR’84, Ann MERRIMAN Mansel’47, Patricia STOCKS Nicholas’63 (North Devizes, Wilts) and Hilary STOCKS Teal’66 to the front entrance of Salisbury Cathedral, where Brigadier Colin Watts, also present at the luncheon, awaits to provide a private tour.
LONDON — MORNING OF MARCH 13 Roderick Suddaby, Keeper of the Department of Documents at the Imperial War Museum, shows Jane Connor and Tanya Pimenoff diaries and letters written by British children and their parents during the Second World War. These often heart-rending accounts of the devastating effect of war are kept alive through these documents and through vivid stories told by our alumnae.
For those of you who were not at our first “T&T Branksome Get-Together,” held at the Admiral Nelson on October 17, you missed out on some good fun! Fifteen alumnae came out for an evening on the town, so it was a night of networking, reconnecting and reminiscing. Great stories were told, but we also had some serious conversations regarding women in business and the status of being a Caribbean woman. We hope our next get-together happens soon and that those of you who could not attend make an effort to meet some really great girls! At the end of the day, there is a thread which ties us all together, a bond which we all share. No matter what our roles in life are now — mother, daughter, business woman — our reunion reminded us that we are all Branksomites! Thank you Christine GONSALVES’88 for organizing everything!
Neysha SOODEEN’89
Member, Board of Governors
Caribbean Liaison