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Happy 102nd Birthday, Miss Bess
Local “Miss Bess,” celebrated 102 years young on September 30. Miss Bess moved here nine years ago to be with her daughter Mary and son-in-law. Bess was born in Pennington, Texas, in 1921 and throughout her life has lived in Texas, Wisconsin and Missouri. Bess doesn’t get out much these days because her bones are fragile, but she watches favorite shows and Sunday church services on TV. When asked, “What are your personal thoughts about achieving the status of 102? She answered, “Sometimes it’s hard to believe I’m 102! I’m very blessed to be around to see my greatgrands grow into young adults.”
Do you know the definition of a centenarian? A person who is 100 years old or older. (Britannica)
How common is 100 years old? According to www.bumc.bu.edu only 0.027% of Americans reach this level of life!
Local artist, Mary Arneson, has a beautiful setup that allows her mother, “Miss Bess,” to continue to live independently! Yes…. I said independently! A small, quaint, and beautiful cottage is next door to Mary, and Miss Bess has quaint living conditions with the most beautiful views of trees and nature that surround her. I’m confident that the tranquil surroundings and love of her family contribute to her longevity.
I had the pleasure of meeting her. I was so impressed at her agility and cognitive capabilities. Mary had put a post on Facebook asking for people to send cards in hopes of getting 102 for her mother’s memorable birthday. I offered the use of my P.O. Box to receive them, and it was outstanding how many responses were received. Bess ended up with a total of 222 cards with the furthest coming in from Australia. Moira McCarville, Hollister High School, Family and Consumer Sciences teacher got wind of this and asked her students if they wanted to contribute. The students, freshman through seniors did just that! Over 65 handmade cards came in from those amazing students.
There were many questions from young and old that came in asking about Miss Bess’s life and memories.
Jeff, 59 - Q: What did your family do to get through the Great Depression?
A: My dad farmed and us seven kids had to help. We didn’t know we were poor. We always had food on the table, and we had each other.
Lara, 51 - Q: If you could do one thing over again, what would it be and why?
A: I would do high school over again and study harder and pay more attention.
Jody, 67 - Q: Did you ever work outside the home? If so, what was your occupation?
A: Yes. I worked in retail for many years.
Jody, 67 (cont.) Q: Favorite school subject?
A: Typing and Art
Q: Did you have a driver’s license? If so, how old were you and what kind of car?
A: I was 28 years old when I got my license. I didn’t have my own car for many years. My husband worked at a dealership, so I got to drive company car
Kim, 58 – Q: How young were you when you married and had children?
A: I was 21 when I got married. We had three children.
Laurie, 56 - Q: Out of all the years you lived, what one piece of history do you remember the most?
A: The moon landing because that always seemed impossible!
Allie, 17 - Q: Where did you find the fountain of youth?
A: My faith in God is my fountain of youth.
Angela, 61 - Q: Biggest change you have seen in your lifetime?
A: Technology
Q: Most influential change?
A: The internet
Q: Favorite age?
A: My teenage years
Andrea, 63 - Q: Do you still have family?
A: Yes, I have two sisters in their nineties, my children and their spouses and kids.
Caiden, 12 - Q: What are you most proud of?
A: Raising my three children to be good adults.
Akoni, 11 - Q: Do you remember WW2 when it began and how were you feeling, and how old were you?
A: I was 18 years old. I hated the war but wasn’t afraid because we had a strong president and military.
Zane, 6 - Q: How many more years do you want to live?
A: I want to live as long as God wants me here for my family and friends.
Brody, 9 - Q: How did you manage to live this long? I need to know your secrets!
A: There is no secret to living long. Just take care of your body, be strong in faith.
Bess celebrated her special day with family and friends at her home with numerous cards and bouquets of flower
If you would like to continue to celebrate Miss Bess, you can send notes or cards to: Kimberly Steele, P.O. Box 1345, Hollister, MO 65673