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“I know that you will come to understand that Branson is the place where you belong, a place where you will discover and develop your passions by putting your creativity at the service of the world…” - Chris Mazzola, Head of School
Courage Kindness Honor Purpose
When you come to Branson, you’ll join a supportive culture, one where we make it easier to be brave. Being brave could be advancing a new idea in class, being clutch when your team needs you, or putting yourself out there on the stage. Being brave could be connecting with someone very different from yourself in the broader community. Being brave could be failing but not giving up. Being brave could be asking for help. Our mutual respect between students and teachers enables us to act courageously, with purpose, in an honorable and kind manner. On top of all that – we have a lot of fun together! We can’t wait to see you here.
I am delighted to welcome you to this very special community. If I have not yet met you, my name is Chris Mazzola. I am the Head of School at Branson and this is my 31st year working with high school students! I will be entering my 7th year at Branson in the fall.
Your acceptance to Branson means that you are a student of the highest quality and that your personal traits mirror our four core values: courage, kindness, honor, and purpose. Through your excellent work in school and outside of it, you have proven yourself to be ready for the challenges of Branson. You can look forward to a variety of wonderful experiences during your four years at Branson. At times it will be difficult,
March 24 at noon: Financial Aid Enrollment Agreements Due March 25 at noon: General Enrollment Agreements Due
but know that your hard work will not be without purpose.
The faculty and I will be working alongside you to prepare you to enter an increasingly complicated world, one that needs ethical leaders who are willing to work hard to make it better. Embrace each challenge that Branson provides and know that you will have our support each step of the way. Again, congratulations on your acceptance to Branson. It is truly an exceptional place, and I hope you will choose to enter this collaborative and inspirational educational community. I look forward to getting to know you and your family, and guiding you through high school and on to adulthood. All the best, Christina K. Mazzola Head of School
Log in to your Ravenna Hub account.
2 Select “Decisions” in the menu on the left hand side. 3 Click the “View Decision” link for the Branson School. 4 Formally accept your offer to Branson! 5 Electronically sign your enrollment contract sent to you by email. 6 Pay your enrollment deposit.* *If you requested financial assistance, you should have already received an email with your financial aid package. If you have any questions or concerns about your enrollment contract or financial assistance, please email Amber Johnson, Director of Finance, at Amber_Johnson@branson.org.
w e lc ome
c ommun i ty
What’s up, class of 2026? We want to give you a huge congratulations on your admission to Branson! This challenging first step was the avenue towards the best 4 years of your life. Branson is an extremely special place that supports, enriches, and cultivates a deep community for its students. Due to the small student to teacher ratio and class size, Branson’s teachers are able to focus on each student’s learning, creating an engaging class environment where adults want students to succeed. Students are taught to thrive through challenges, communicate with their teachers during class and flex periods, and problem-solve with classmates. Branson also has fantastic arts programs for all the artists, dancers, actors, and musicians out there. Each and every student can create and express their creativity through electives such as visual arts and extracurriculars like the school play. Here at Branson, we take pride in our athletics, as the students hold a winning tradition and show up at every sports game, despite our small student population. Our school competes at high levels, both in traditional team sports such as basketball, soccer, football, and volleyball, as well as more unique ones such as fencing, mountain biking, and beach volleyball. If you want to check out Branson Athletics or get a feel for the spirit, we highly recommend attending a Bulls sports game. We hope to see you competing or attending Branson athletics in the years to come! At the core of all this support and opportunity is what we believe to be Branson’s greatest asset: the lunch buffet! Just kidding, although it is pretty spectacular. Really, it’s our school’s incredible community that sets it apart. Branson’s variety of clubs and affinity spaces is all-encompassing, inclusive of every individual’s unique interests and identity. Whether it be the Medical Club, Guide Dog Club, Women of Color affinity group, or even Spikeball Club, students lead their peers and enjoy engaging conversations with kids from every grade. No matter where you choose to spend your club or affinity blocks, there is no doubt in our minds that your presence will be valued and celebrated. Regardless of the path you pursue at Branson, everyone will be extremely supportive and welcome you into the community. If you want to grow, explore, and take risks as a student and a person, Branson is the school for you. We couldn’t be more excited for you to join us here on campus.
We can’t wait to meet you next year, and Go Bulls! Imogen Brown and Elliot Perelmuter Co-Presidents, Class of 2025
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8: Annual traditions – such as Day on the Green, Welcome Week, and Gospel Night – that we celebrate together.
~ 9 ~ Everyone at Branson is authentic and tries to be the best version of themselves every day.
THE CLASSES! 15ng- able to choofisneding
Beautiful campus surrounded by nature
14 •
The balance that Branson has. Most schools are known for their great academics, or their great athletics, but Branson has both and more.
Bei path, t n e r e didn't u o y a dif f s terest . new in w you had o n even k
16: Interdisciplinary classes! Science and humanities electives.
22 t to lo
THE ATHLETICS! They are key to making friendships.
The variety of opportunities—from a multitude of clubs, to different classes, competitive sports, and many choices of art programs, Branson offers opportunities for you to find your passion and learn more about it.
The p o •3• The multicolored leaves in the fall
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6: Every year right before Winter Break,
parents bring cookies and hot chocolate into the academic quad for all the students and teachers.
Great friendships across grades
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things ngs
ve love
he class from of 2021 the Class of 2022
The sports teams and spirit (best student section in Marin) 19
They're passionate about what they do, they really care about students, and they want you to succeed.
How the Branson community encompasses individuals with different ideas and no. a diverse set of passions.
• 20 • Performing!
The Musical, Spring Play, FAB, Winter Arts Festival, and more.
Learning to ask meaningful questions and problem solve from multiple perspectives.
Visit Ravenna and claim your spot.
Financial Aid Enrollment Agreements are due March 24 at noon. General Enrollment Agreements are due March 25 at noon.
TAKE YOUR PLACEMENT EXAMS: MATH (Required) All incoming freshmen must take a 60-minute math placement test. Most students will take the Algebra Placement Test, which is appropriate for placement into Algebra I or Geometry. Students who have completed Geometry should take the Geometry Placement Test, which may lead to placement into Algebra II. Students hoping to place higher than Algebra II should contact the department chair. Please address math placement questions to dave_reiter@branson.org.
MAY 21 MEET YOUR CLASSMATES AT NEW STUDENT WELCOME DAY We are excited to host all incoming freshmen and their families from the Class of 2026 on campus at our New Student Welcome Celebration. Meet our Branson community and learn more about preparing for fall 2022. This is a mandatory event for all members of the Class of 2026, and parents are encouraged to attend too. Afterward, stay on campus to check out our annual Festival of the Arts at Branson (FAB).
LANGUAGE (Optional)
ARTS (Optional)
The Language Department offers Mandarin, Spanish, and Spanish for Native and Heritage Speakers. Students wishing to take the first year of any language can simply sign up for that course. Students wishing to place into Level II or Spanish for Native and Heritage Speakers must take a placement test. Please address language placement questions to jennifer_diaz@branson.org.
Many arts courses suitable for freshmen do not require an audition. Students wishing to take Survey of Visual Arts, Dance I: Coed Dance, Dance for Men, Beginning Acting, or Music 1: Roots of Americana can simply sign up for that course.
SCIENCE (Optional) Incoming freshmen take Physics 1 or Physics Honors. If a student wants to take Physics 1, they can simply sign up for that course. Students wishing to take Physics Honors must take a placement test. Please address science placement questions to carl_ma@branson.org.
Experienced instrumentalists, singers, actors, and dancers should schedule a placement audition. Please address specific placement questions to the following: Music placement: jaimeo_brown branson.org, Acting placement: maura_vaughn branson.org Dance placement: georgia_ortega branson.org.
ENGLISH & HISTORY & HUMAN DEVELOPMENT All freshmen are automatically enrolled in English I, Modern World History, and Human Development. No placement tests are required.
Freshman orientation on campus will introduce all incoming freshmen to what it means to join the Branson community. In your first few weeks at Branson, you will participate in workshops focused on academic skills, technology use, wellness and self-care, and much more. Students will also meet faculty, staff, and members of the Branson community.
Be Prepared Once you have claimed your spot, you will be hearing from us directly about everything from course sign-ups to summer reading and welcome events. As the 2022-23 school year approaches, please check branson.org for updates on our school calendar and other information. Visit branson.org/academics/ technology to learn more about our technology program and “Bring Your Own Device” policy. Over the summer, parents/guardians will receive access to our MyBranson student information system and our Magnus Health portal.
Go to branson-spiritwear.myshopify.com to order your BRANSON SPIRIT gear today!
Your family will start to receive school communications later this spring about upcoming events such as our Festival of Arts at Branson (FAB) in May 2022.
We hope you enjoy getting to know our community even before we welcome you to campus in person.
2022-23 SCHOOL CALENDAR 2022 Aug 22 & 29 Aug 23 Sept 5 Oct 12 Nov 21-25 Dec 19-Jan 2
Freshman Orientation First Day of Classes Labor Day Holiday Freshman Parent/Advisor Conferences Thanksgiving Break Winter Break
2023 Jan 3 Feb 20-24 Apr 7-14 May 29 June 7
Classes Resume Midwinter Break Spring Break Memorial Day Holiday Last Day of School
Highlights only. Subject to change. For the most complete, up-to-date calendar, visit branson.org
Questions about anything? You can always reach out to our Admissions Team at: admission@branson.org
Nathalio Gray, Assistant Head of School for Mission Advancement nathalio_gray@branson.org Ellie Skewes-Cox, Associate Director of Admissions & Freshman Class Dean ellie_skewes-cox@branson.org Marisha Rodriguez, Assistant Director of Admissions marisha_rodriguez@branson.org Will Kennedy, Admissions Associate will_kennedy@branson.org
Tips They’ve learned a lot this year. Here’s what they have to say!
Meet new people (teachers and students), try new things (clubs and classes), and engage in the community!
Use your free periods wisely for getting ahead on work or scheduling meetings or for scheduling quizzes/tests!
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Be open to new experiences.
Stay ! S U O I R CU
for Success
from your peers at Branson
Consider playing a sport in the fall season of your freshman year – it allows you to meet a group of your peers before school even starts, and provides a group of familiar faces on campus.
on Be proactive and ays top of work. Alw . meet with teachers ling If you are strugg with material, just know the teachers
Find a good balance of work an d socializin g
have your back.
ut Reach o ort p p u s r o f u when yo need it.
Check your Branson email Branch out from whatever group of friends you find yourself in at the start of freshman
often so you don’t miss out on what’s happening.
! ! P!
state champs
women’s retreat connections MCAL
debate club inclusion support courage
affinity groups
men’s leadership learning best buddies
honor model UN A CAPPELLA
civil discourse club
teachers friendship
film club
100 years
sustainable seas
student government MEDICAL CLUB
junior fellowships kindness
17 acres
environmental action committee