Visual and Performing
Whatever the art form, students drive the creative process. Dance Georgia Ortega Director of Dance
Dance is for everyone! Whether you are a beginner or an experienced student, you can express yourself physically, emotionally, mentally, and creatively in our contemporary dance program. Through dance, you will develop artistry and technical skill in a variety of
styles. You will work with guest choreographers and learn to understand, create, and communicate dance through process, composition, and performance. Our Dance Performance Ensemble represents Branson at off-campus festivals, concerts, and basketball games. All dance levels perform in our yearly winter concert, Body Talk, and our spring showcase, the Festival of Arts at Branson (FAB).
Visual Arts Eric Oldmixon, Allyson Seal, and Noelle Anderson Visual Arts Faculty
Realize your visions your way. Explore. Practice. Create. Each art class invites you to deepen your individual voice as a visual artist. Beginning with Survey of Visual Arts, you have ample opportunity to work with a hammer, paintbrush, and camera. At the intermediate level, you strengthen your craft in a specific medium: photography, sculpture,
or painting and drawing. The upper levels provide you with a collaborative studio environment to expand your definition of art-making and foster creative self-confidence. You will work with visiting artists, experience the art world at galleries and museums, and show your work in many venues.
Theater Music Jaimeo Brown, Richard Mathias, and Jeff Symonds Music Faculty
Branson’s vibrant music program offers many ways to explore and learn in a variety of styles and settings.
Maura Vaughn Director of Theater
Dive into a conservatory-style, four-year theater program designed to help you develop into a skilled performer with a standard of excellence, artistic integrity, and something unique to say. Gain confidence and develop communication skills while building deep friendships and
having a great deal of fun. We give you a battery of skills and techniques that allow you to discover your own approach to the craft of acting and to become a leader in your chosen profession.
Whether you want to play
Theater gives you the opportunity to navigate through diverse societies, to articulate your experiences,
jazz, rock, or classical chamber
and to become an expert collaborator. Join us to find your voice and create innovative productions,
music, or if you’re a singer who likes pop, a cappella,
from improvisation to Shakespeare, from modern classics to collaboratively written original pieces.
musicals, or madrigals, Branson has a place for you! We challenge our students to become confident performers, strong collaborators, and to learn the language and cultural importance of music. You’ll be able to showcase your talent at our Winter Arts Festival and Concert, the annual Rock Show and Jazz Concert, and in the pit orchestra for our annual musical. We inspire a rich, life-long appreciation for music and provide the necessary training and experience for those who will go on to conservatories and music schools.
Technical Theater Program DiAnn Montemayor Technical Theater Director
Want to have a vital role in all the school’s productions? Become part of the Technical Theater Program! This program is designed to give you a hands-on experience creating and running shows in a variety of genres: drama, music, dance, and presentations. All performances are student run and fun–meaning you manage the lights, microphones, and build and move the sets. You will work with a full-time faculty Technical Theater Director to help guide you through the
process. The Technical Theater Program is an intricate part of all the shows at Branson. Coolest of all, technical theater combines applied physics and math with magic!
VISUAL ARTS Survey of Visual Arts Painting and Drawing, Photography, and Sculpture (Intermediate and Advanced) Advanced Art Thematic Offerings (2021-22): - The Mutable Figure - Reimagining the American Dream Portfolio Review Honors
T H E AT E R Beginning Acting Intermediate Acting Advanced Acting Acting Performance Honors
MUSIC Music and Performance Intermediate Ensemble Digital Music and Composition Chamber Singers Honors Performance Seminars: Classical, Jazz, Rock
DANCE Dance I, II, III, IV (Co-ed) Dance for Men I, II, III, IV Dance Performance Ensemble
EXTENDED ARTS OFFERINGS Extra opportunities for students to practice their craft: - Boys A Cappella - Girls A Cappella - Stagecraft - Musical
For more information, contact the Arts Department Chair eric—
P.O. Box 887
Ross, California
94957-0887 • 415-454-3612 •