1 minute read


APRIL 17-28


MATH (Required)

All incoming freshmen must take a 60-minute math placement test. Most students will take the Algebra Placement Test, which is appropriate for placement into Algebra I or Geometry. Students who have completed Geometry should take the Geometry Placement Test, which may lead to placement into Algebra II. Students hoping to place higher than Algebra II should contact the department chair. Please address math placement questions to gayatri_ramesh branson.org.

AUGUST 22 & 23

Join Us At Freshman Orientation

Meet Your Classmates At New Student Welcome Day

We are excited to host all incoming freshmen and their families from the Class of 2027 on campus at our New Student Welcome Celebration. Meet our Branson community and learn more about preparing for fall 2023. This is a mandatory event for all members of the Class of 2027, and parents are encouraged to attend too. Afterward, stay on campus to check out our annual Festival of the Arts at Branson (FAB).

LANGUAGE (Optional)

The Language Department offers Mandarin, Spanish, and Spanish for Native and Heritage Speakers. Students wishing to take the first year of any language can simply sign up for that course. Students wishing to place into Level II or Spanish for Native and Heritage Speakers must take a placement test. Please address language placement questions to jennifer_diaz@branson.org.

SCIENCE (Optional)

Incoming freshmen take Physics 1 or Physics Honors. If a student wants to take Physics 1, they can simply sign up for that course. Students wishing to take Physics Honors must take a placement test. Please address science placement questions to carl_ma@branson.org.


All freshmen are automatically enrolled in English I, Modern World History, and Human Development. No placement tests are required.

ARTS (Optional)

Many arts courses suitable for freshmen do not require an audition. Students wishing to take Survey of Visual Arts, Dance I: Coed Dance, Dance for Men, Beginning Acting, or Music 1: Roots of Americana can simply sign up for that course.

Experienced instrumentalists, singers, actors, and dancers should schedule a placement audition. Please address specific placement questions to the following: Music placement: jaimeo_brown branson.org, Acting placement: maura_vaughn branson.org Dance placement: alex_escalante branson.org.

Placement Test And Audition Dates


Freshman orientation on campus will introduce all incoming freshmen to what it means to join the Branson community. In your first few weeks at Branson, you will participate in workshops focused on academic skills, technology use, wellness and self-care, and much more. Students will also meet faculty, staff, and members of the Branson community.

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