Branson Transportation Handbook 2022-2023
Branson Transportation Handbook 2022-2023
Last updated: July 14, 2022
INTRODUCTION In 2022, The Branson School was permitted to amend its Conditional Use Permit (CUP), which allows Branson to operate as a school in the Town of Ross. The amendment permits Branson to grow its enrollment from 320 to 420 students over a 4-year period. In consideration for that growth, Branson must now comply with traffic and parking regulations that apply to all community members, or the school could face severe penalties, including losing the next cohort of 25 additional students, enrollment rollbacks, and/or fines of $100,000 per infraction. Linked to this handbook and incorporated by reference is the Branson Transportation Demand Management Plan (TDMP) that must be followed by all constituents, including students, employees, parents, and visitors. Failure to follow the terms of this handbook and the rules in the TDMP may result in citations, fines, and/or the immediate loss of parking, drop-off, and/or pick-up privileges at the discretion of Branson’s transportation and parking team. Unless otherwise stated, the rules in this document and the TDMP apply 7 days per week throughout the entire school year, including weekends. Branson is grateful for its beautiful and bucolic location in the heart of Ross. For over 100 years the school has maintained a strong and positive relationship with the Town of Ross, working closely with the Town Council and local agencies to address issues as they arise. It is important to understand that our neighbors have concerns about the impact of vehicular traffic on the community. Their concerns focus on safety, noise, and disruption to this ordinarily quiet community. We encourage neighbors to report any inappropriate driving behavior directly to Branson. Branson also emphasizes the importance of modeling sustainable environmental practices. As part of this commitment, the school continues to explore commuting and travel alternatives that reduce the number of vehicles traveling to and from the school. The school encourages the use of private and public buses, carpooling, biking, and walking whenever possible. The school strongly discourages parent drop-offs and single-driver vehicles. Students residing within two miles of Branson are asked to walk or to ride their bikes to and from the campus, weather permitting, and will not be eligible to be counted as a carpool participant. Bike racks are provided on campus. SAFETY Our primary responsibility and concern is for the safety of our Branson community, including
Branson Transportation Handbook 2022-2023
Last updated: July 14, 2022
all those who may visit our campus and all Ross residents. As such, any unsafe behavior witnessed by any community member should be immediately reported to the transportation team ( Those driving to, from, or on campus in an unsafe manner by any method (e.g., car, bike, e-bike, scooter, skateboard) will be issued a citation, fine, and/or may lose parking, drop-off and/or pick-up privileges for a period of time or permanently. Failing to follow all Branson and Ross rules and not using reasonable common sense when driving may result in the loss of privileges at the discretion of the transportation team. Further, California law requires that anyone aged 18 and under operating a bicycle, scooter or skateboard, or using roller skates, must wear a bicycle helmet. Failure to wear a helmet in accordance with California law is a violation of this handbook and may result in a citation, fine, or the loss of other privileges. REQUIREMENTS TO ACCESS CAMPUS To be eligible to purchase a parking permit for the main campus or any Branson remote parking lot, or to be permitted to drop off or pick up students or visitors at or near campus, all employees, students, volunteers, and parents must (1) register their vehicle(s) in Branson’s parking and transportation system (i.e., Rydin) and (2) sign or e-sign that they have read and understand and will comply with all of the rules and regulations contained in this handbook and the Branson TDMP. TRAFFIC LAWS AND BRANSON RULES All employees, students, volunteers, and parents, whether parking on campus or at a remote lot, must follow all California, Town of Ross, Marin County and Branson School laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations. ON-CAMPUS PARKING AND CARPOOLS Only full-time employees and licensed eleventh and twelfth grade students are eligible to apply for campus or remote location parking permits. Ninth and tenth grade students should arrange bus transportation or join carpools organized by seniors and juniors who are licensed beyond their probationary year. An overarching objective is to reduce traffic in Ross and the number of cars coming to campus
Branson Transportation Handbook 2022-2023
Last updated: July 14, 2022
on a daily basis. We strongly encourage carpooling, cycling, walking, and taking a bus or shuttle to campus. A carpool is defined as a driver plus one to three riders (and more than three with parental and school permission). Branson does not manage assigning carpool riders to carpools: Families must coordinate their own carpool arrangements. To help coordinate access to contact information for carpools, parents can email the transportation team (, and Branson will provide contact information for targeted zip codes, but the school assumes no liability for carpool ridership. On-campus parking permits will be issued in priority order to full-time employees and then to student carpools (and solo drivers, but only when a compelling reason is provided and space permits). Priority on-campus parking spots will be given to the drivers of carpools based on a “total mileage factor” that includes seniority, the number of passengers (including the driver), and mileage, as follows: ● ●
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Senior class drivers will have priority in the carpool permit assignment process. Carpools with a senior class driver have top priority according to the total combined number of miles for each carpool rider (not including a driver’s sibling) from their home to Branson or from a common pick-up point. This will become the “Total Mileage Factor” for each carpool, totaled as the number of points for the entire carpool group (not including mileage for the driver’s sibling at the same home). An additional 5 points will be added for each senior rider in the carpool, with 4 points for each junior, and 3 points for each sophomore and freshman. After all senior carpools have been assigned, junior class drivers have priority according to the same set of rules above. Once all carpools have been assigned, single-vehicle drivers may be considered for campus parking permits (also in priority order, i.e., seniors, then juniors), but solo drivers are only eligible for a campus parking permit once all carpools have been assigned and only with a compelling reason (e.g., health reason as documented by a treating physician) that has been approved by the Head of School, Director of Transportation, Parking and Security, or the CFOO. Carpool drivers must notify the Director of Transportation, Parking and Security of any rider changes at any time during the year within 24 hours of the change. Changes in ridership in a carpool may result in a change in parking location and assignment. Failure to notify the transportation team of a ridership change within 24 hours may result in a loss of parking privileges.
Branson Transportation Handbook 2022-2023
Last updated: July 14, 2022
Total Mileage Factor Carpool Example: Pursuant to the above rules, if a senior carpool driver from 15 miles away (based on home address) plans to drive a younger freshman sibling and 2 other riders (junior who lives 10 miles away and a freshman who lives 5 miles away), the Total Mileage Factor for this carpool would be 45, as follows: ● ● ● ● ●
Senior: 5 + 15 miles = 20 Sibling: 3 + 0 miles = 3 Junior: 4 + 10 miles = 14 Freshman: 3 + 5 miles = 8 Total = 20 + 3 + 14 + 8 = 45
Also note: ●
Per the California probationary license law, students may not drive passengers under the age of 20 until they have held a drivers’ license for one year. Exceptions may be made when driving siblings (not other students) with written parental and school permission. Students whose probationary license will end on or before October 1, 2022 may still apply for a carpool permit.
Students who can walk or bike to campus within a 2.0-mile radius of campus are not eligible to be counted as carpool participants. Students who live in Ross, St. Anselmo, and Kentfield or who live within a 2.0 mile radius may join carpools, but they will not be counted for the Total Mileage Factor purposes in allocating carpool permits. Parking permits for all Branson-authorized lots are issued to those students and employees who submit a completed parking application. Incomplete applications or registrations in our application portals will not be considered. Certain satellite lots may be available to licensed eleventh and twelfth grade student drivers regardless of the number of riders in the car. By applying for and receiving a Branson-issued parking permit, you are agreeing to abide by the rules detailed in this handbook and the TDMP. Direct any questions or concerns regarding these guidelines to the transportation team at Branson reserves the right to revise, change and alter parking and transportation rules at any time during the year in the best interests of the school and the community. This includes the
Branson Transportation Handbook 2022-2023
Last updated: July 14, 2022
right to change parking assignments (including to offsite parking lots) when necessary at the sole discretion of the transportation team. The transportation team will notify the Branson community of any changes to this handbook. Permit Application Process ● ●
Only parking applications completed by the stated deadline will be processed and accepted. Once the parking (and carpool) applications are received and processed, employees and students will be notified of their parking assignments. They will receive parking permit tags before school starts in August. Swapping or trading parking permits or assigned spots is not permitted without the written approval of a member of the transportation team.
Alternative Parking Options ●
Those who do not wish to park in a Branson parking lot are encouraged to park on Sir Francis Drake Boulevard near the corner of Bolinas Ave. and take the St. Anselm shuttle to campus each day. It is forbidden to shuttle other students to and from the St. Anselm parking lot or near that lot, as Branson operates its own shuttles for this purpose. Giving rides causes traffic jams and delays, is unsafe and causes friction with the neighbors. Students are not permitted to park on local streets around Branson at any time. The restricted streets include but are not limited to: Fernhill, Glenwood, Waverly, Norwood, Hillgirt, Shady Lane, and Bolinas. ○ If a student has permission to park on the property of a nearby homeowner, that student's car must be parked in the property’s driveway or behind a gate on the property and not on the street in front of that property. There are no exceptions to this policy. ○ Students should expect that Branson’s neighbors will report vehicles parked on the restricted side streets.
Daily Trip Restrictions ● ●
Student drivers who are issued campus permits may only enter the campus once per day and exit once per day. If a student leaves campus for an appointment midday, that student will not be permitted
Branson Transportation Handbook 2022-2023
Last updated: July 14, 2022
to return to campus by car and must be dropped off by a parent or guardian, or other responsible driver at the front gate, or park in an authorized location off campus and walk back to campus. If this drop-off occurs during the no-drop periods (see below), the student may not be dropped off on Fernhill Avenue, Glenwood Avenue or Shady Lane. Compliance and Violations ● ●
Student carpools will be monitored regularly for compliance, and violations of the rules in this handbook may result in citations, fines, and/or loss of privileges. All employees and students must park only in their assigned space. If there is someone in that spot, please park temporarily in a visitor space, notify the Library staff, and immediately email, including a photo of the car and license plate. You will be asked to move from the visitor parking space once the blocking car is removed. Failure to comply fully with all Branson rules in this handbook, carpool guidelines, and Town of Ross traffic rules may result in the immediate loss of campus parking privileges.
Other Issues to Remember ●
Only employees and students with an assigned, on-campus parking spot and a clearly displayed parking sticker and current parking permit are allowed to drive to and park on campus during the school day. Branson observes the provisions of California's Graduated Licensing Bill. Therefore, students are not able to create a carpool of non-siblings until they have had their license for at least 12 months. If on any given day student carpool drivers are unable to drive their riders to school, they must notify their riders as soon as possible so that the riders can arrange alternative transportation.
Branson Transportation Handbook 2022-2023
Last updated: July 14, 2022
St. Anselm Lot
URS* & COM Lots
*Note: URS is the University of Redlands’ Seminary in San Anselmo, which is walking distance to campus.
NO CAMPUS DROP-OFFS AND/OR PICK-UPS DURING CERTAIN TIMES It is important that we make every effort to reduce the number of cars traveling to and from our campus. One way to do this is to lessen the impact of morning and afternoon drop-offs and pick-ups. All parents dropping off and/or picking up their students must register their vehicles in the Branson online parking system. This is mandatory for all vehicles coming to and from campus, even if not parking on campus. IMPORTANT: Pursuant to the new CUP amendment rules and TDMP requirements, no employee, student, visitor or parent may be dropped off on or near campus between 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after the beginning of the regular school day at 8:45 am (i.e., between 8:15 and 9:15 am). This rule applies year-round Monday through Friday. Further, no employee, student, visitor or parent may be picked up at or near campus between 30 minutes before and 60 minutes after the end of the regular school day, which is at 3:20 pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays (i.e., between 2:50 and 4:20 pm) and at 2:20 pm on Wednesdays (i.e., between 1:50 and 3:20 pm). These rules will be strictly enforced all year, Monday through Friday, with no exceptions. Outside of the above times, parents, guardians, and family support staff may drop off or pick up
Branson Transportation Handbook 2022-2023
Last updated: July 14, 2022
students or employees at the front gate only. Those dropping off or picking up students, visitors or employees are prohibited from entering the campus or the back parking lot, even during allowable drop-off and pick-up times. ●
During those periods when campus drop-offs and pick-ups are not permitted, parents, guardians, and family support staff may not drop off students or employees on Norwood, Hilgirt, Fernhill Avenue, Glenwood Avenue or Shady Lane, but may drop students at any other nearby location and ideally near St. Anselm’s to take the shuttle. For pick-ups during the allowable time frames (see above), students and employees may only be picked up from the front gate; those picking up may not enter the campus to do so.
TOWN OF ROSS RULES AND CITATIONS Branson is a school in a residential neighborhood with streets not designed for heavy traffic, and we must all strive to be good neighbors and safe drivers for the surrounding community. The Town of Ross police department regularly patrols the neighborhood and our campus. Everyone who drives to and from campus must become familiar with the local Town of Ross rules and regulations, which can be found via the town website ( and California Highway Patrol and Vehicle Code websites ( Below are a few examples of the types of citations and tickets that unsafe drivers may expect from the Town of Ross: ●
Speeding: California Vehicle Code or CVC 22350 is the basic speeding violation and will result in a point on your record. The fines are imposed by the courts. For a first offense, the driver may be eligible to attend traffic school to have the fine reduced and not have a point go on the driving record. The second offense would result in a fine that the courts would impose. Taking an illegal left turn in Ross between 7 and 9 am from Bolinas onto Shady Lane: Failure to obey a traffic sign (CVC 21461(a)) will result in a point on your record. The fines are imposed by the courts. For a first offense, the driver may be eligible to attend traffic school to have the fine reduced and not have a point go on the driving record. The second offense would be a fine that the courts would impose. Someone in a car who hits a cyclist or pedestrian: While there is no “typical punishment” for a vehicle versus a bicyclist/pedestrian collision, the collision would
Branson Transportation Handbook 2022-2023
Last updated: July 14, 2022
be fully investigated and a cause would be determined. A driver found in violation may be cited for a traffic violation (e.g., speeding, unsafe turning, unsafe backing up, or worse if bodily harm or death results, etc.). SPEED LIMITS The speed limit on Branson’s campus is 10 mph. You are urged, in the strongest possible terms, to drive responsibly at all times on campus and in the Town of Ross, including when you are traveling to and from the Branson campus. Also, keep in mind that the posted 25 mph speed limit in town is strictly enforced by the Ross and San Anselmo police departments. To be prudent, all Branson drivers should drive no faster than 20 mph through the Town of Ross. ROUTES TO SCHOOL There are a number of different ways to get to campus, as any GPS will indicate, but please note that the following rules apply at Branson: Students, parents, faculty, and staff may never use Norwood Avenue as a route to school. The traffic hazards on this road severely reduce its capacity to accommodate traffic safely, as compared to other local streets. Glenwood Avenue is a narrow, twisting road with no sidewalks, and extreme caution should be exercised when negotiating it. Also, keep in mind that, while Fernhill Road may appear to be an easier and safer street on which to drive, houses are close to the street, and pedestrians and cyclists often use Fernhill Road. There are a number of families with young children who live on each of these streets. Extreme caution is advised. Do not stop to pick up anyone who is walking on Glenwood or Fernhill. Doing so increases the danger and causes traffic to back up. It is illegal to make a left turn onto Shady Lane from Bolinas in the mornings from 7 - 9 am The Ross Police Department and California Highway Patrol frequently post officers near that intersection to ticket offenders. BRANSON TRAFFIC & PARKING CITATIONS Students and employees not adhering to the driving and parking policies contained in this handbook will receive parking warnings and citations from Branson. These infractions have
Branson Transportation Handbook 2022-2023
Last updated: July 14, 2022
the following financial penalties: ●
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The first violation of any rule in this handbook (Citation #1) will result in a $100 fine, which may be waived upon timely receipt of a signed acknowledgement of the violation and commitment not to violate any other handbook, TDMP, and/or Town of Ross rule(s). Subsequent violations will result in a $200 fine for each violation of any rule in this handbook over the course of the driver’s time at Branson. Parking privileges may be revoked at any time, depending on the severity of the violation and/or pattern of behavior, at the sole discretion of Branson’s transportation team.
The total number of citations a student receives during the course of a school year will be factored into determining that student’s future eligibility for a parking space in one of Branson’s lots. SHUTTLE SERVICE AND SMART TRAIN ●
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Shuttles run between approximately 8:00 am and 8:50 am. from the St. Anselm parking lot to the campus every day. The shuttles do not stop en route to pick up passengers. Shuttles also run from campus to the St. Anselm parking lot in the afternoon from approximately 2:30 pm to 3:45 pm. Shuttles to and from College of Marin (COM) will operate once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Please refer to the transportation tile on MyBranson or RidePal to confirm shuttle times to and from this location. Parents, guardians, and family support staff driving one student to school are strongly encouraged to drop off at the St. Anselm parking lot during shuttle service times. Shuttles are not provided to and from the University of Redlands Seminary (URS) parking location. Only riders of the SMART train may take the Branson shuttle from the SMART station. Parents may not drop off students at the SMART train to catch the shuttle to campus, as that shuttle is specifically for SMART train riders only.
BUS SERVICE We will continue to partner with Bauer’s Transportation and continue to provide bus service to southern Marin, San Francisco, and the East Bay. See the bus schedule, available through the
Branson Transportation Handbook 2022-2023
Last updated: July 14, 2022
RidePal app or at for the pick-up and drop-off times. See the RidePal/RidePass instructions here. Also, please refer to My Branson’s Transportation tile. Also, this year we will continue to partner with Marin Academy and possibly other Marin schools on our bus routes to allow for additional pick-up and drop-off options. The bus routes will be on the Transportation resource tile in MyBranson and will be updated routinely in RidePal. All families can use our bus service and will receive an email notification directly from the transportation team to complete an official registration form. The registration forms will be sent as soon as the bus company has completed the route schedule. There are costs associated with certain bus routes. CYCLING AND WALKING INCENTIVES Branson encourages the safe use of bikes, e-bikes, and walking to campus. We have three goals in mind for this program. First, the health and wellness of our employees and students is paramount. Second, we offer incentives for students and employees to reduce their reliance on vehicles and the burden it places on local and campus traffic. Finally, we want to do our part in promoting sustainability and hope to encourage sustainable practices. Branson partners with Mike’s Bikes and Sports Basement to offer discounts and incentives for bike and accessory purchases. For qualifying Branson employees and students, both vendors will offer a 10% discount off a bike purchased at any of their locations and will also offer financing for the purchase to allow families to fund the cost over time. If a family does not qualify for interest-free financing, Branson will allow the family to finance the purchase through the school. Branson will also offer monthly on-campus service days to keep the bikes working well. If a full-time employee is willing to give up an on-campus parking permit for two years, Branson will fund the cost of a bike or e-bike up to $2,500 when purchased at a preferred vendor. This bike must be used by the employee for commuting to and from campus for work. Employees who choose this option are not entitled to the $1,000 annual stipend in lieu of a parking permit for those two years. Branson will also offer monthly on-campus service days to keep the e-bike working well. If a Branson student is willing to commute to and from campus using a bike or an e-bike, Branson will fund up to $750 of the bike purchase and related equipment at either of the preferred vendors. This bike must be used by the student for the majority of commuting to and
Branson Transportation Handbook 2022-2023
Last updated: July 14, 2022
from campus. For those students attending Branson on 75% or more financial aid, Branson will purchase the bike or e-bike for the student (to be owned by the student). For reimbursements for bikes purchased for students, Branson will credit the student’s account for $750. Employees must complete an Employee Reimbursement Form in order for the Business Office to issue them a check. If for any reason a program participant is unable to pay for the e-bike upfront, they should contact the Business Office for other purchasing options. Those who participate in these incentive programs may need to park on campus occasionally during inclement weather. This occasional parking is limited to 5 times per year in the corporation yard (the gravel area off Fernhill adjacent to the tennis courts) with prior approval from the head of school, CFOO, director of facilities, or director of transportation, parking and security. Please email before parking in the corporation yard and at least by 8:30 am to let a team member know of the need to park onsite. PART-TIME EMPLOYEES AND COACHES In order to reduce traffic to and from campus and to comply with our CUP and TDMP rules, we will manage parking for part-time employees and coaches depending on the time of year and other campus demands. All part-time employees and coaches must obtain a Branson-issued parking permit and may be assigned to either a visitor spot or to a remote lot at St. Anselm’s or the College of Marin lot and take the shuttle to campus. If part-time employees and coaches need to be on campus, they may enter once and depart once per day. If they need to leave campus for any reason, they may not drive back onto campus later the same day. Also, if a coach does not need to come to campus because their team practices at COM or another location offsite, they should not drive to campus. VISITORS TO CAMPUS From time to time, Branson’s employees and students may have visitors to campus, which may include delivery services (e.g., FedEx, UPS, Door Dash, etc.), family members, guest speakers, etc. All visitors to campus must be pre-authorized by a member of the transportation team and must obtain permission to enter and park on campus. FedEx, UPS, Door Dash and similar visitors who are only on campus for a short period of time may not enter the front gates and must drop off all items outside of the front gate. There are no exceptions to this rule.
Branson Transportation Handbook 2022-2023
Last updated: July 14, 2022
SPECIAL EVENTS Branson has a separate policy for special events and parking and communications related to those events. Further, the new CUP Amendments place limitations on outdoor evening events. Before planning a special event on campus, please contact to determine the specific rules and regulations for that event. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Thank you for your partnership in complying with the terms of this handbook during the 2022-23 school year. For further information, please consult the Transportation resource tile on MyBranson, where you will find details on each of our programs. If you still have questions after reviewing, please email the transportation team at
Branson Transportation Handbook 2022-2023
Last updated: July 14, 2022
Branson develops students who make a positive impact in the world by leading lives of integrity, purpose, learning, and joy.