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A Note from Our Mayor This year, our Town celebrated a special milestone, 35 years of public service to our community. Much has changed over the years, but we continue to serve a vibrant community full of life, extraordinary experiences, and picturesque nature. Kiawah Island continues to be a very special place to call home.
John D. Labriola There have been challenges this year, from Tropical Storm Idalia’s impacts, to traffic and development concerns. There have also been triumphs, such as increased community engagement, the Town clarifying and redefining planning and zoning standards, and the collaborative work on the Marsh Management Plan implementation and updating the Comprehensive Plan. Through each changing year, the Town continues to be fiscally responsible, provide exemplary public safety and emergency preparedness alongside community partners, collaborate on environmental stewardship, and provide services to support residents’ quality of life. While it has been a busy and successful year, there is still work to be done to keep our community a pristine and beautiful place for many years to come. I wish you and your loved ones a happy new year.
Looking Back at 2023 The Town of Kiawah Island values serving and supporting the residents and visitors of our beautiful and unique community. From the beaches and marshes, to the pristine golf courses and amenities, the Town works to protect our natural environment, while supporting the economic vitality and residential quality of life. We hope you enjoy this snapshot of the Town’s work in the 2023 year.
Steward. Support. Serve.
New Year, New Council At the beginning of the year, the Town welcomed three new Town Council members: Bradley Belt, Russell Berner, and Michael Heidingsfelder. During the 2023 Town Council Retreat, the Mayor and four Council Members identified five goals. These included: Ensuring the protection of the residential character of the community Ensuring the protection of the island’s natural environment Supporting the economic viability of the Resort and other community-based enterprises Ensuring the transparency of all Town Council actions and decisions Ensuring the fiscal integrity of the Town’s finances
Highlights of Town Council actions for the year include: - Increased community engagement by providing Community Drop-ins and taking out the time limit for the public comment during Town Council meetings. - Provided a letter to Seabrook Island Town Council in opposition to the request for annexation and rezoning of the property adjacent to Bohicket Marina to the south, which would develop this commercial property outside of the Urban Growth Boundary. - Sought community feedback by providing a survey on the Proposed Health and Wellness Village and provided this information to Charleston County Council as a part of the public record. - Reviewed Kimley-Horn’s presentation on the proposed Kiawah Island Parkway Roundabout Concept in relation to the Andell West project, as well as the benefits/costs analysis alternatives on Kiawah Island Parkway and Beachwalker Drive intersection improvements. As a result of this discussion, hired an additional Town employee whose primary function is public safety, specifically working at the intersection during morning and evening peak hours. - Approved funding to complete Beachwalker Drive landscaping enhancement project.
Continued Highlights include: - Provided 18 podcasts on topics that matter to the community. - Approved Ordinance 2023-05 to prevent use of unauthorized fireworks and other explosives on the island. -Approved a new solid waste contract to begin next fiscal year. - Approved Fiscal 2023/2024 State Accommodations Tax funding amounts, which support tourism-related expenditures. - Approved Ordinance 2023-20 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map, Ordinance 2023-21 Kiawah Island Zoning Map, Ordinance 2023-22 Amends to Sec. 12-103 Conditions of Use, and Ordinance 2023-23 Removes 2013 ARDA from the Zoning Code, ahead of the expiration of the 2013 Amended and Restated Development Agreement. With these amendments, the rezoning and assignment of Future Land Designations were approved for specific parcels identified in Exhibit 13.2 of the ARDA.
Winter Season
Charitable Contributions Each year, the Town is proud to contribute to philanthropic work in the community. Given available resources, the Town supports a variety of charitable and educational organizations providing services to the residents of Johns Island and Wadmalaw Island communities. In addition, the Town supports cultural and philanthropic organizations in the greater Charleston area. In January 2023, the Town awarded more than 20 charitable contribution awards to local organizations benefiting the community.
Sea Islands Christmas Bird Count Also in January, our Town assistant biologist and his team held their annual Sea Islands Christmas Bird Count, counting a record number of birds. A total of 22,919 individual birds and 162 different species were recorded. Kiawah Island recorded 9,863 individuals of the 135 species. Keeping these records helps ensure that the Town of Kiawah Island continues providing a healthy and hospitable habitat for birds and other species.
Bobcat Trapping Our Town biologists also conducted the first bobcat trapping of the year with six bobcats fitted with GPS collars. Now in its 17th year, the study provides valuable data on bobcat survival, reproductive success, food habits, habitat use, and movement patterns. Biologists have collared a total of 105 bobcats and obtained more than 200,000 individual GPS locations.
KiawahNext In February, our Planning Department kicked off the Comprehensive Plan work with KiawahNext, which included gathering public feedback and data to further shape the longterm vision of the island in years to come. More information on this process can be found at
Kiawah Goes Green Work Group The Kiawah Goes Green Work Group formed in March. Some of the outcomes of this work group included a new ReCollect Waste Wizard tool for residents available at, a pilot program of recycling and trash stickers at various homes around the island, surveys on electronic vehicles and composting to gather community feedback, and collaboration with island entities to work towards more eco-friendly practices throughout the island.
Marsh Management Work Group The Marsh Management Work Group also formed in March. A month prior, the Comprehensive Marsh Management Plan was adopted, which explores ways to protect the island’s marsh. The work group was formed to further implement the plan and the collaborative group worked on proactive approaches to address concerns with the marsh. The group provided public awareness around the importance of rain gardens, pervious driveways, and native plants as ways to support marsh health. The group also discussed the Kiawah Island Bridge and proactive approaches to provide public access, while protecting this valuable ecosystem. More of this work will continue in the new year with public involvement.
Spring Season
New Planning Staff In April, the Town welcomed a new Planner I to further assist and support the Planning Department.
Emergency Training for Island Entities During the month, the Town hosted an active shooter training led by Charleston County Aviation Authority Police Department for all Town staff, KICA, Freshfields Village, and Barrier Island Ocean Rescue. This training served as a proactive approach to prepare those in attendance on how to handle these situations and minimize the impacts of an active shooter incident.
First Shorebird Stewardship Festival In coordination with the Shorebird Steward volunteers, Kiawah Conservancy, SC Department of Natural Resources, SC Audubon, and Seabrook Island Birders, the Town hosted its first Shorebird Stewardship Festival in May to bring awareness and education to the public about these magnificent bird species. The event was well-attended and celebrated the critically important sites of Seabrook and Kiawah Island for shorebirds.
Disaster Awareness Day The Town coordinated with the Town of Seabrook for the annual Disaster Awareness Day. This annual event focuses on the importance of hurricane preparedness and assists residents with the information they need prior to the start of hurricane season. The event this year included expert panelists from a variety of national, state, and local organizations; general overview of hurricane procedures; remarks from the Kiawah and Seabrook mayors; and safety and preparedness displays. There were more than 130 attendees at this year’s event. The Communications Team also worked with the Public Safety Department to update the Town’s Emergency Preparedness Guide.
Summer Season
First Public Safety Tabletop Exercise The Town held their first tabletop exercise in July, assessed by, monitored, and approved by Charleston County Emergency Management Department. The event included all emergency personnel from the Town, St. John Fire Department, Charleston County EMS, Kiawah Island Community Association, Kiawah Resort, Beach Patrol, Kiawah Utilities, and Berkeley Electric. Special guest was Seabrook Island PIO.
Deputy Contract with the County The Town’ permanent deputy contract ended with Charleston County Sheriff’s Office. The island now has two daytime county officers that patrol Kiawah Island, Seabrook Island, and Johns Island.
Public Safety Partnerships Earlier in the year, the Town was selected to participate in the first annual Building Stronger Partnerships Conference hosted by the Charleston County Public Safety Directorate. The guest speakers for this event were Councilwoman Jenny Honeycutt, Congresswoman Nancy Mace, and Chief of SLED Mark Keel. This event included all executive leaders among police, fire, EMS, and public safety directors.
Launching New Website In August, the Town went live with its new website at The website features an online calendar with the latest Town meetings and events, reporting concerns page, special wildlife feature page, short-term rental map, and more.
Tropical Storm Idalia Towards the end of August, Tropical Storm Idalia impacted Kiawah Island. The island experienced more than 50 mph wind gusts, flooding, fallen debris, beach erosion, and a small power outage. Kiawah Island emergency personnel worked closely to assist residents and were prepared due to the previous training from the Town and county. The Town worked with local entities to send residents essential emergency information and respond to the storm before, during, and after the event.
Fall Season
Volunteer Appreciation The Town recognized volunteers with its annual Volunteer Appreciation Day event with more than 70 participants, which was twice the number of participants in comparison to last year’s event. The Town also began monthly volunteer features on the different Town-related committees and wildlife groups, including Arts and Cultural Events Council, Bluebird Nesting Box Program, Lowcountry Mammal Network, Turtle Patrol, and Shorebird Stewardship Program. These volunteer features spread awareness about these groups and assisted these groups gain additional volunteers.
Performing Arts and Cultural Center Feasibility Study In September, the Town completed the final phase of the Performing Arts and Cultural Center feasibility study. After the study concluded, a new committee formed to pursue a potential center; decided to distinguish itself from the Town; and will continue discussions regarding governance and operations, space and site options, and cost and funding topics.
35th Anniversary Celebration The Town celebrated its 35th anniversary with a community event. Participants enjoyed live music, food trucks, desserts, and fellowship. It was a great opportunity to enjoy the beautiful weather, meet friends and new faces, and reflect on the decades of the Town’s work.
Deer Spotlight Survey The Town biologists also conducted their deer spotlight survey in October, which showed a density of 57 deer per square mile. The target density level is 60 to 80 deer per square mile. Because deer overabundance is a significant issue in many areas of the country, keeping track of the deer density assists the Town in managing the island’s deer herd.
Fall Migration Banding There were 8,001 birds banded and 2,021 recaptures of 100 different species. Read more about the season at
Bobcats and Bluegrass Event In October, the Town hosted the Bobcats and Bluegrass event. The purpose of this special event was to gain additional pledges and renew current pledges for the Bobcat Guardian Program. By taking the pledge, the individual, business, or pest control provider is agreeing to not use secondgeneration anticoagulant rodenticides on their property or as a part of their work on Kiawah. The event had more than 70 attendees. There were almost 140 re-pledge/pledges to the program. Participants enjoyed presentations about pledging, local spirit tastings and light refreshments, nature trail walk opportunity, and live music from a local bluegrass band. Many verbally expressed that they enjoyed the event.
2023 Turtle Nesting Season At the end of October, Turtle Patrol wrapped up the 2023 turtle nesting season. A few details from the season included: Total of 437 nests. 323 false crawls (when a sea turtle has eggs, but turns back before leaving them on the sand). DNR reported a total of nine strandings (turtles in distress/injured/deceased) on Kiawah Island during 2023; three others found by Kiawah Team. Tropical Storm Idalia and coyotes were challenges this season.
New Public Safety Staff In November, the Town welcomed a new Community Service Officer to assist with public safety on the island, as well as building inspections for short-term rentals. The CSO provides customer service to citizens, enforces certain town codes and other non-criminal police-related duties, provides patrol and community outreach, responds to non-criminal complaints, and building checks.
New Solid Waste Contract Town Council approved a new solid waste contract for the island’s residential trash and recycling and commercial collection at the public refuse facilities at Kestrel Court, Beachwalker Drive, and the municipal center. The new contract will begin in July 2024.
Work Prior to the ARDA Expiration On Dec. 4, the 2013 Amended and Restated Development Agreement expired. Prior to its expiration, the Town worked to clarify and redefine the planning and zoning standards. The Planning Commission held several workshops in September and October to discuss the amendments and provided their recommendations to Town Council in late October. Town Council reviewed the recommendations and listened to community feedback at several special meetings. In November, Town Council approved Ordinance 2023-20 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map, Ordinance 2023-21 Kiawah Island Zoning Map, Ordinance 2023-22 Amends to Sec. 12-103 Conditions of Use, and Ordinance 2023-23 Removes 2013 ARDA from the Zoning Code. With these amendments, the rezoning and assignment of Future Land Designations were approved for specific parcels identified in Exhibit 13.2 of the ARDA.
Tree Ordinance Recommendations On Dec. 6, the Planning Commission recommended approval to Town Council for the proposed tree ordinance. The purpose of this ordinance is to provide tree preservation and landscaping standards for all properties within the Town of Kiawah Island’s municipal boundaries, in order to consistently preserve and enhance Kiawah’s natural environment and to assure the continuance of significant and specimen trees and forests for present and future generations. Town Council will review the recommendations in January 2024.
End of the Year Recaps
Business Licenses Issued in 2023 Standard Business Licenses: 2,061 Rental Business Licenses: 1,488
Short-Term Rentals There were 1,127 short-term rental violations for the year. This number is down from last year, which totaled 1,534 violations.
Building Inspections Inspections Performed: 6,211 Building Permits and Subcontractor Permits: 2,908
2023 Arts and Cultural Events Programs During the 2023 season, the Town and the Arts and Cultural Events Council hosted 12 events, from social piano bar events and musical performances, to tango dance and ensemble performances. Several events sold out, including Lowcountry Voices, Charleston Symphony Orchestra, and Astralis Chamber Ensemble. The Council announced an additional show, “Queens of Rock and Soul: A Tribute to Tina Turner and Aretha Franklin” to be added to the 2024 lineup. Learn more about their upcoming events for the 2024 season by visiting
A special thanks to Kiawah Sands Photography for the photography above!
Stay Engaged and Connected with the Town If you are on Kiawah Island, you are encouraged to stop by a monthly Community Drop-in event with our Town Council and participate in Town meetings. These are great opportunities to express your thoughts and concerns directly to your Town Council Members.
If you cannot attend a Town meeting in person, our Town Council, Ways and Means, Planning Commission, and Board of Zoning Appeals Meetings are livestreamed on our YouTube channel and available for viewing after the meeting as well.
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