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VLB course offerings 2022/2023
Our courses meet the requirements of the German Accreditation and Admission Ordinance (AZAV) Reg. No. 004007 AZAV
In VLB's laboratories as well as in the pilot brewery students learn the practical aspects of being a brewer
Since its foundation in 1883, VLB has also been a brewing school. VLB supports the regular study programs for brewers at Technische Universität Berlin. Furthermore, it provides continuing training in the field of beer brewing and beverage technology – in German and English. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, VLB has temporarily modified some of its workshop concepts. The Certified Brewmaster Course 2023 will be another two block event. On top, Brewing in a Nutshell is now on offer as an on-demand onlie course.
l Certified Brewmaster Course
The VLB’s flagship training course for prospective brewers contains a six-month full-time program providing in-depth understanding of brewing technology with its related major fields of engineering, filling and packaging and quality control. The Certified Brewmaster Course 2023 once more starts with a different concept. The course will be offered in two blocks: first theory, second practice. The first part will take place as a hybrid event, i.e. all theory lectures from 9 January to approx. mid-May will be held via video conference – but students, who want to attend lectures personally at VLB Berlin, are welcome to do so. Extensive practical work in our laboratories will start midMay as a second block-event – for this block the students will have to come to Berlin. With lectures and desktop studies in the theory block, the participants will prepare themselves for the practical work in part two. Despite this hybrid concept, the Berlin brewmaster education is still focused on a comprehensive, practice-oriented knowledge transfer and on an open dialog with the lecturers. To receive the VLB Brewmaster Certificate, the graduates have to finish the course and all exams successfully. In addition, they have to prove a minimum of 3 months practical work in a brewery before coming to the VLB. A reasonable group size for practical work guarantees an intensive and individual teaching.
Hybrid course: Location part 1 (Theory): Online at home or on-site at VLB Berlin Location part 2 (Practice): On-site at VLB Berlin, Germany Next date: 9 January – 21 July 2023 More information: www.vlb-berlin.org/en/events/ cbc2023
l Craft Brewing Online
This is a ten-day full-time training course providing up-to-date knowledge in the field of pub and micro brewing. It covers the basics of beer brewing. The lectures will approach topics such as raw materials (water, malt, hops, and yeast), the brewing process, yeast management, fermentation, hygiene, sensory evaluation, basics of quality control as well as economic and legal aspects for starting a pub brewery. The course is planned as an on-site class at the VLB Berlin. If the pandemic does not allow a face-to-face event, it will be held as an online seminar. Location: Berlin, Germany Next date: 19 – 30 September 2022 More information: www.vlb-berlin.org/en/ craftbrewing2022
l Applied Microbiology
Applied Microbiology is a oneweek full-time training course providing up-to-date knowledge in the field of practical microbiology with relevance for the brewing and beverage industry. It covers the basics of microbiology, laboratory techniques as well as microbial sampling in theory and practice. The course is conducted in the VLB’s microbiological training laboratory and in our pilot brewery. Applied Microbiology will be held as residential course. Location: Berlin, Germany Next date: 14 – 18 November 2022 More information: www.vlb-berlin.org/en/ microbiology2022
l Brewing in a Nutshell
This on-demand online course covers the basics of beer brewing. It approaches the general principals of the brewing and malting processes, the raw materials as well as filling and packaging in theory. The participant will receive a Certificate of Attendance. Location: Online on-demand Next date: Anytime throughout the year More information: www.vlb-berlin.org/en/bianso
VLB institutes and departments
VLB Berlin, Seestrasse 13, 13353 Berlin, Germany + 49 (30) 450 80-0, brewmaster@vlb-berlin.org , www.vlb-berlin.org
Managing Directors
Dr.-Ing. Josef Fontaine (CEO) + 49 (30) 450 80-292 fontaine@vlb-berlin.org Gerhard Andreas Schreiber (CFO) + 49 (30) 450 80-292 g.schreiber@vlb-berlin.org www.vlb-berlin.org/en/gf
Research Institute for Beer and Beverage Production (FIBGP)
Dipl.-Ing. Jan Biering + 49 (30) 450 80-132 biering@vlb-berlin.org www.vlb-berlin.org/en/fibgp
Research Institute for Raw Materials (FIR)
Henrike Vorwerk + 49 (30) 450 80-154 vorwerk@vlb-berlin.org www.vlb-berlin.org/en/fir
Research Institute for Management and Beverage Logistics (FIM) / Event Management and Further Education
Dipl.-Ing. Norbert Heyer + 49 (30) 450 80-139 heyer@vlb-berlin.org www.vlb-berlin.org/en/fim
Research Institute for Management and Beverage Logistics (FIM) / Returnable Systems and Testing Laboratory for Packaging
Dipl.-Ing. Ingo Pankoke + 49 (30) 450 80-192 pankoke@vlb-berlin.org www.vlb-berlin.org/en/fim
International Sales / Coordination Iberoamerica & Africa
Roberto Biurrun + 49 (30) 450 80-185 biurrun@vlb-berlin.org
IfGB – Events Spirits & Distilling
Wiebke Künnemann + 49 (30) 450 80-270 kuennemann@vlb-berlin.org www.ifgb.de
PR and Publishing Department / Editorial Office “Brauerei Forum”
Dipl.-Ing. Olaf Hendel + 49 (30) 450 80-255 hendel@vlb-berlin.org www.vlb-berlin.org/en/pr
Research Institute for Biotechnology and Water (FIBW)
Dr.-Ing. Martin Senz + 49 (30) 450 80-153 m.senz@vlb-berlin.org www.vlb-berlin.org/en/fibw
Department for Bioprocess Technology and Applied Microbiology (BEAM)
Dr.-Ing. Martin Senz + 49 (30) 450 80-153 m.senz@vlb-berlin.org www.vlb-berlin.org/en/beam
Microbiology & Brewing Biology
Dr. Martin Hageböck + 49 (30) 450 80-157 m.hageboeck@vlb-berlin.org www.vlb-berlin.org/en/bl
Department for Water Quality, Management and Technology (WMT)
Dr. Alfons Ahrens + 49 (30) 450 80-294 ahrens@vlb-berlin.org www.vlb-berlin.org/en/wmt
Research Institute for Beer and Beverage Analysis (FIBGA)
Dr.-Ing. Nils Rettberg + 49 (30) 450 80-106 n.rettberg@vlb-berlin.org www.vlb-berlin.org/en/fibga
Central Laboratory
Dr.-Ing. Nils Rettberg + 49 (30) 450 80-262 n.rettberg@vlb-berlin.org www.vlb-berlin.org/en/cl
Special Analyses
Dr. Sarah Thörner + 49 (30) 450 80-250 sarah.thoerner@vlb-berlin.org www.vlb-berlin.org/en/fis
Spirits and Sensory Analysis
Johannes Fuchs + 49 (30) 450 80-233 fuchs@vlb-berlin.org www.vlb-berlin.org/en/spirits-sensory
VLB LaboTech GmbH
+ 49 (30) 450 80-220 labotech@vlb-berlin.org www.vlb-berlin.org/en/labotech Imprint
Brauerei Forum
Technical periodical for breweries, malthouses, the beverage industry and their partners Information service of VLB Berlin www.brauerei-forum.de ISSN 0179–2466
Publisher Versuchs- und Lehranstalt für Brauerei in Berlin (VLB) e.V. Seestrasse 13, 13353 Berlin, Germany
Editorial Office Brauerei Forum Seestrasse 13, 13353 Berlin, Germany Phone: + 49 (30) 4 50 80-251 Fax: + 49 (30) 4 50 80-210 Email: redaktion@brauerei-forum.de Internet: www.brauerei-forum.de
Editorial Department Olaf Hendel, Editor-in-Chief (oh) hendel@vlb-berlin.org Eva Wiesgrill (ew) e.wiesgrill@vlb-berlin.org Julia Bork (jb), j.bork@vlb-berlin.org
Brauerei Forum Advisory Board Dr.-Ing. Josef Fontaine, Dr. sc. techn. Hans-J. Manger
Advertising Sales VLB PR and Publishing Department Phone +49 (30) 450 80-255 media@brauerei-forum.de
Publication Dates Appears with 8 editions a year, in German plus 2 issues in English. Day of publication: 30 May 2022
Subscriptions Domestic 95 € incl. VAT Abroad 95 € (+ shipping) Cancellation of the subscription in each case at the end of the year Westkreuz Verlag, Berlin Phone +49 (30) 7 45 20 47 Fax +49 (30) 745 30 66 abo@brauerei-forum.de
Print and Distribution Westkreuz-Druckerei Ahrens KG Berlin/Bonn, Töpchiner Weg 198/200 12309 Berlin, Germany
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of VLB Berlin. We do not accept any liability of unsolicited sended scripts. The editor do not assume any responsibility for contributions marked with a name or signature.
Our next international edition will be released at the drinktec on 12 September 2022
VLB SCHEDULE 2022/2023
Bangkok Brewing Conference 2022 12 to 14 June 2022
Bangkok, Thailand
2nd VLB Packaging Conference (VPC) 30 August to 1 September 2022 Online event, VLB Virtual Campus
Craft Brewing in Practice
Workshop: 19 to 30 September 2022
VLB Berlin, Germany 3rd VLB Africa Brewing Conference 27 to 29 September 2022
Online event, VLB Virtual Campus
Brewing & Filling Technology
22 to 23 November 2022
Uberlandia, Brasil 3rd International Brewing Web Conference 6 to 7 December 2022
Online event, VLB Virtual Campus
Certified Brewmaster Course 2023 9 January to 22 July 2023
VLB Berlin or hybrid course: part 1 online / part 2 on-site in Berlin, Germany
Munich, Germany 12 – 16 September 2022 VLB Berlin in Hall A6, Booth #317