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VLB international activities in 2022

Photo: VLB Berlin

2 to 5 May – Craft Brewers Conference in Minneapolis/USA: The VLB team on-site Roberto Biurrun, Chris Bergtholdt and Jan Biering

Photo: VLB Berlin 26 to 28 May – Brewer World Conclave in Bangalore/India: Jan Biering and Gaya Mehta hold the workshop "Know your beer"

29 May to 2 June – EBC Congress in Madrid: Florian Schrickel is talking about “Beer Haze – the must knows and the hows” at the Brewers Forum

Photo: Thai Spirits Industry

Photo: VLB Berlin

30 May to 1 June – Brazil Brau in Sao Paulo: Marina Witt, Alexandre Esber (Ambev), Roberto Biurrun, Vanessa Nadruz, Marilia Kleber (both Ambev) in front of the VLB booth

Jan/Feb 2022: Online Craft Brewing Course of Thai Spirit Industry / Udomkati Brewhouse, Thailand, and VLB Berlin. Jan Biering joined the farewell party "only" online…

Photo: Brews & Spirits

SafBrew™ BR-8

30 Aug to 1 Sep – VLB Packaging Conference 2022 Online: Ingo Pankoke, VLB, in discussion with Elmar Barlet, Carlsberg Supply Company, about a new Draught Master System

Feb 22 to 24 – VLB International Craft Brewing Conference 2022 Online: Christopher Bergthold, VLB, in discussion with Jens Reineke-Lautenbacher, Störtebeker Braumanufaktur, about the production of nonalcoholic craft beer


SafBrewTM BR-8 off ers brewers all the fl avorful benefi ts of the “wild” yeast Brettanomyces, but with more control and reliability. Created for secondary fermentation in bottles or casks, SafBrewTM BR-8 provides a fi nishing touch which evolves over time as the beer is aged, with funkier notes (barnyard, horse, leather…) nicely balanced by refreshing, fruity notes.

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