Workforce Plans (not job descriptions) Define required skills to meet your growth Different skills require different hiring strategies;
Create linked KPI structure
Never pass up hiring a star
Hire to feed capabilities Create a place employees desire to work
Where are they? Where can you tap? Interest groups?
Be smarter; be leaner Own your integral components ’Core’ staff create revenue and IP The job is about the risk mitigation of inevitable staff failures
Remember People will stick with you as long as they know where you are going Stop communicating and you will lose them What is causing poor performance? Do you have the resources to address this? Extend probation periods! Can you redeploy staff based on skills? GE had online performance reviews 10 years ago Cross skill everyone; use internal career planning Be as rigorous as you like, just be clear Reporting has a cost; this is about output! What is your employees skill overlap? Can you outsouce? Who audits your hiring against your workforce plan?