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Punctuation – Identify the functions of each mark and create one (1) example sentence of the usage for each mark.


1.. Period: Used to mark the end of a sentence 2., Comma: phrases on either side can be switched 3. – Em Dash: Used to draw attention 4. - En Dash: used to connect words (hyphenate) 5.: Colon: What comes next 6.; Semicolon: before 7.? Question Mark: Interrogative sentence 8.! Exclamation mark: Exclamatory sentence 9. ‘ Apostrophe: indicate ownership (contraction) (quote mark) 10. “ ” Quotation Marks: quote 11.… Ellipsis: Something unsaid 12.[ ] Brackets: To insert something 13.( ) Perencthis: parenthetical useful to know 14./ Back Slash: indicated a choice

Capitalization – Identify and create one (1) example sentence for each rule of capitalization.

Please list the rules of capitalization here: Period: Natsu has motion sickness. Comma: Wendy asked Erza, Natsu, and Lucy to help her Dragon. Em Dash: Is that a – Plue! En Dash: Lucy looks like she is a 20-year-old. Colon: Jellal can't say something: He loves Erza. Semicolon: Lucy had now found Fairy Tail; She searched hard. Question Mark: How are Zeref and Natsu brothers? Exclamation mark: FAIRY TAIL! Apostrophe:I’m having a tough time here Quotation Marks: "If I haven't Had fear, then I also wouldn't have been able to know what it's like to have bravery in my heart. Bravery that awakens when you're being consumed by fear. " Wendy Melville Ellipsis: I think … no way! Brackets: She happened to [really] like candy so I offered her some. Perencthis: “We should hang out sometime, ” Lucy said joyfully. (I really want out here) Back Slash: (She/He/Exceed)

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